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Originally posted by snidr
This has nothing to do with the NWO!
It's just a global economic thing. In the link you mentioned you can read about "Bretton Woods" conference. It's about fixed exchange rates, that will turn our gambling money into real value-based money again.
Oh, and that's not in the interests of the NWO, you should notice by now.
This is a high scale move against the NWO!
The NWO, as Bush sr. said it, is about enslavement of the whole world backed up with the help of the money flow and control (banks).
Now, where is the link here to the NWO
Wake up, people!
Thx OP, you could have edited your post (and headline) by now.
See how everyone reacts with no detailed information in background.
They swallow just anything.
This is frightening!
Originally posted by sdrawkcabII
A New World Order by itself is a beautiful thing, but not with these people.
Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
uh huh. Us older 'crazies' ain't looking so damn crazy are we now? I mean we were laughed at in the early 1990's, derided mid-ninties, and now, now its all coming home to roost because to few were ignored by too many.
Originally posted by Truther
Originally posted by Donoso
It's interesting that combination of the words:
automatically leads folks to believe they're talking about the fabled conspiracy theory. If you're out searching for "elites" talking, you're bound to find those words stringed together in any number of ways. That doesn't mean they're talking about some super secret group of men (because women aren't allowed into these quirky theories) that belong to the Illuminati, Freemasons, Knights Templar, or whatever.
So don't let hysteria catch a hold of you.
Hysteria? Im not being hysteric, What else is this then? Its not a conspiracy theory anymore, take your head out of the sand if you still believe this a theory, its in your face, everyones face, this is undeniable..
I cant believe there is still people that think this is a theory.. ITS FACT!
Originally posted by metaldemon2000
I for one would love to be able to go to a place like Iraq and see some of the most ancient ruines on the planet but i cant because of the wars we wage.
The original Bretton Woods system came into being at a conference of 44 nations beginning on July 1, 1944, in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, convened on the initiative of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. On July 22, the group agreed to create an International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a Bank for Reconstruction and Development, later known as the World Bank. The main purpose of these institutions was to deal with the economic problems of the European countries that had been devastated by war. They began to function in early 1945, as World War II was nearing its end.
1. The core of the new system was the arrangement for fixed currency parities, which would make it possible to revive world trade. The value of the dollar was pegged to a specific weight of gold, and, until the end of the 1960s, it functioned as the accepted substitute for gold. Exchange rates of other currencies were to be changed in relation to the dollar or gold, only as a measure of last resort, after national policy measures had been exhausted. Long-term investment and trade could thus be undertaken on a stable currency background, and risk of dramatic currency losses and speculation was nonexistent at that time.
From the beginning, however, there were clashes between the "free-trade" colonial policies of the British delegation, and the concepts of President Roosevelt, who had told Britain's Sir Winston Churchill as early as 1941 that the United States was not going to fight the war in order to restore Britain's colonies. After Roosevelt's death, unfortunately, his understanding of postwar economic policy was abandoned by successive Presidents (with the exception of John F. Kennedy), and the IMF and World Bank increasingly came to play the role of instruments of neo-colonial looting, on behalf of the British-based financier oligarchy. When President Nixon finally took the dollar off its gold backing in 1971, the Bretton Woods system became defunct.
4. The President of the United States must act in concert with other governments, to put the existing financial and monetary system into bankruptcy, and to put a new world monetary system into place.
Lyndon LaRouche has been the architect of just such a New Bretton Woods proposal for decades. LaRouche has called for the Four Powers -- the United States, Russia, China and India -- to take the lead in convening a conference to carry out a bankruptcy reorganization of the current, hopelessly bankrupt global financial system, and to establish, by treaty agreement, a new, fixed-exchange rate system, to end the tyranny of currency speculation.
At the last Council of the EU heads of state and government in Brussels, acting chairman Nicolas Sarkozy proudly announced that the 27 member states had reached a consensus on his proposal for calling a “new Bretton Woods,” preferably in November in New York, to reform capitalism, revive the world economy, and eliminate deformities, from speculative finance to tax havens. Shortly thereafter, Economics Minister Giulio Tremonti, who, for some time, has characterized financial speculation as “the plague of the century” and has announced anti-marketist policies aligned with Sarkozy's, and claimed that the idea of a global meeting like the one in 1944 requested by British economist John Maynard Keynes (that allowed 44 countries to stabilize currency exchange rates and established institutions such as the International Monetary Fund), was his.
Interviewed by Corriere in Brussels, Tremonti then specified that he meant that he was the first among government officials to propose a “new Bretton Woods,” and that he was well aware that the idea had been pushed for many years by the American guru-politician Lyndon LaRouche, a historical enemy of financial speculation and deregulated free-marketism. The Economics Minister pointed out that he participated in a discussion with LaRouche in 2007 at a conference entitled “Marketism or New Deal,” organized in Rome by Alfonso Gianni, from Rifondazione Comunista.
Originally posted by whoswatchinwho
if the PWTB are trying to implement a global economy/government what will happen to the countries that do not want to join. im not talking about large states, more like a lot af the smaller middle east states. will they just be exclude from import/export untill their economy collapses and the big fish then step in an take over ?