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My abduction experiences 1

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by JonInMichigan
What I do for a living has no bearing on this thread at all or the subject of my post which was torn apart as “embellished”. I have made the stupid mistake of mentioning my work before on here and that always ends with my entire post being discredited, which is really sad.

John - in the nicest possible way, surely it has no bearing on this thread because it's entirely separate from the OP's experience? No reason it shouldn't be discussed, but perhaps in a separate thread?

For what it's worth, I don't think your background has any particular bearing on anything. An appeal to authority means nothing. Interested to hear your story, but the OP seems to have vanished, and she seemed a bit more distressed than you. All the best.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

I have to start waiting for your replies before I do. We seem to keep making the same points, then I read your post right after I do. LOL

I think we are on the same page. Nice to meet you!

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:39 PM
Not really , in my opinion our religions are a way to control people.

Don't even bother trying to fit spiritual advancement in any of our human religions , that are based on humans and humans only.Those might have started right , but they have been manipulated too much by man to even be considered religion.

They might have the same "thing" that make then "work" , but not truly try to connect man with his own soul. All they do is make us acquiesce and wait for "salvation" , to just accept things the way they are , that we can't do anything ourselves , etc. Whatever we can't do or understand "well let God do it for me"...

Spiritual advancement for us would be then to be able to connect to our True Selves and to do what is actually right , rather than accepting the "wrongs" that surrounds us. Advance ethicaly.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by damagedoor

Just defending myself. I was sharing my alien abduction experience until I got derailed over my credibility because of one line in a long ON-TOPIC post.

So far I have made many on-topic posts in this thread and a brief tangent to defend myself. I think that's fair.

As far as the OP. I don't think she left because we are off topic, because we have done a good job (for the most part) of staying on-topic.

I even posed a question directly to the OP regarding the "buzzing" in my original thoughts on abduction. I'm still waiting for an answer from anyone who cares to share.

Here is my question again: I experience that buzzing, not as a sound but as my whole body vibrating at a high frequency which feels more like a buzzing than an actual sound. There is also an accompaning high electrostatic charge around me (or it would seem). (I'm familiar with this feeling from being around large Tesla coils. - just don't ask. we'll get off topic again.)

Can any abductees relate to that?

I have also posted on several ATS threads about the shear terror of the abduction experience even though I'm "used to it" I just can't get used to the fear. It doesn't make sense to me and I would like to hear more about that!

(Just wondering....why do so many people on ATS have to be such a smug #### ##ckers?)


P.S. I cleared out my posts that were regarding defending myself. I have to take the attitude that I just don't care if I'm attacked on here. I'm honest and I know that and that's all that really matters.

Edit to add PS.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by JonInMichigan]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:41 PM
Oh yeah , our religions are a GREAT way alien races could control us too.

Just get some people with influent power in the churches of the religions of the world , and the game is set.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:23 PM

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:36 PM
This is a REAL phenomenon... it has happened to me exactly as described by the op... I beleive this is happening to many many people.. perhaps a good portion of the populace...I would say the reason why most abductee reports stem out of north america is because we have more of an open society then most countries.. beleive it or not... plus we have organisations here that are keeping track of this.. Why is this happening? I beleive for 2 reasons.. #1 we are some type of resource.. whether its for fluids or human energy or both and #2 messing with our genetics and creating hybrids. many many cases of abductees meeting there "children" which don't look fully human. This is a real phenomenom.. and I beleive it is happening to more people the most of us realise.. I beleive that we are in a huge "dark city" Where most of us are unaware and "asleep"

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:52 PM

I have never read any books thus far about alien abduction. I asked my daughter to draw me that she saw - and she simply drew a head with a hood holding a device that she calls a brocolli stick. she says these creatures are blue with small eyes.

I asked her - are they coming back? she says they will be back soon and she knows when.

she often asks me randomly to take the "battery" out of her head. I obviously cant do that nor do I know what shes talking about. She is four years old and her own words to me are- "i hear a bzzzzzz in my ears."

i would like to reseasrch this more, as im a little concerned, but dont know where to start.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:59 PM

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by red 5

You have no basis to call op a liar.

I'm still waiting for OP to come back on and respond to some of our questions, though. It would lend to the credibility to her story and allow for the skeptics to get more of their questions out there.

But I wouldn't call her a liar. You don't know what she is or is not experiencing.

You wouldn't be able to prove if someone ACTUALLY saw a real UFO/Alien, either. This site is all text on a screen with various pictures and people's opinions about stuff.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by mf_luder]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

eloquently said

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:43 AM

Here is my question again: I experience that buzzing, not as a sound but as my whole body vibrating at a high frequency which feels more like a buzzing than an actual sound. There is also an accompaning high electrostatic charge around me (or it would seem). (I'm familiar with this feeling from being around large Tesla coils. - just don't ask. we'll get off topic again.)

Hi Jon,

I understand what I believe you were feeling maybe just in a different way, I think we all experience different reactions and feelings when reaching that higher state of consciousness. Usually when I was taken I would just know already in advance or could sense they are there for me or coming for me, it was always just a feeling that I got, I learned to recognize it, I believe they would send me that feeling.

I would usually feel sick to my stomach for some reason when they were near I’m not sure why but I believe it has to do with like you mentioned the higher level of vibration--existence that they operate under, I believe the human body has a hard time handling it. The buzzing sound you describe was more of a ringing sound for me then turned into a humming sound, these sounds would come right before they were altering my state of consciousness before taking me. I’m not sure how they do this, the paralyzed feeling usually accompanies almost like a brain freeze type feeling where you just can think or act and everything turns into slow motion, there were many times that I was allowed to be taken fully conscious and remember and those to me were the scariest encounters ever---for some reason they allowed me to see what was happening.

I believe everyone experiences contact/abductions in a different way with a different reaction to the situation, you mentioned that you were taken at a young age and could fully remember your encounters, if that is the case you are unique because there are not many out there who remember entire encounters usually only bits and pieces. Maybe they wanted you to come out and share what you know with family or friends or even an unknown future purpose/reason for the knowledge--who knows all I know is they don’t seem to make mistakes with allowing us to remember and there are no coincidences I’ve learned.

I have also posted on several ATS threads about the shear terror of the abduction experience even though I'm "used to it" I just can't get used to the fear. It doesn't make sense to me and I would like to hear more about that!

The shear terror is knowing were not in full control of the situation and it accompanies beings not of this world and on top of that scary looking.
I use to believe they were demons or evil spirits as a little girl and believe me it made it that much more harder for me when thinking that way. I can remember many times when I was younger struggling for control over my consciousness slowly going paralyzed, these little grey/whitish beings were around my room but would appear almost translucent or see through, my brain would seem to be freezing up and things would slow down like in slow mode and I start doing everything in my power to stay awake but I just can’t I’m completely frozen and everything is slowing down in slow motion then I would see them in front of me and black out.

Then there are the times when I was allowed to remember and was taken fully conscious, I remember closing my eyes half the time in fear and even though I had long left the catholic church at that time I was praying my heart out as hard as I could for mother Mary and Jesus. Lol This experience was completely different being fully awake like riding in an ambulance to the hospital in tears ---I was crying like a baby but those memories I will never forget and once I got through those experiences it turned me into a much stronger person and literally changed my life forever--- if ET’s were to walk up to me now benevolent or malevolent I wouldn’t be afraid because I have learned to face that fear through that experience, maybe they took that fear away from me somehow through those experiences I don’t know.

What I do know is I’m not afraid anymore, I have learned that there are always higher up beings watching down on us, they see everything in this 3D world to the very count of hairs on our head. I believe they exist in the higher up dimensions but can interact with us anytime they feel it necessary for whatever reason. There are no coincidences or accidents that are not allowed to happen if they weren’t mean to happen---only from our human perspective. I’ve learned that we are always being observed and never alone, even now as I type this someone is watching, most of our reality is nothing more than an illusion for some.

It may be hard to believe but it‘s a reality.

I will send you a U2U because I have something you might be interested in reading that reflects a few of my encounters.

Nice to meet you as well Jon!

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by JonInMichigan
(Just wondering....why do so many people on ATS have to be such a smug #### ##ckers?)

I think you're being slightly overdramatic here, Jon. I just didn't want the OP's original account to get lost, and your story seemed like it could be lengthy and involved. Perhaps I came over too harsh, and if so, I'm sorry. Certainly no offence meant.

A quick general question. Presumably you accept that sleep paralysis exists, and that its symptoms are very, very similar to the alien abduction experience. Since millions of people regularly suffer from this, and are often confused about the condition, is it not likely that a number of them find their way here, seeking answers? I think it's almost inevitable.

It's not a matter of being 'skeptical'. There is simply something to be explained, and alien abduction is one possible explanation, sleep paralysis another. I find it disheartening that so many people are immediately saying 'yes, you are absolutely being taken in the night by monsters' rather than recognising they might have a very common mental condition that can be dealt with. I also find it disheartening to see people use words like 'nuts', which is a very cavalier, unhelpful and unsympathetic attitude to mental health issues.

Originally posted by JonInMichigan
Here is my question again: I experience that buzzing, not as a sound but as my whole body vibrating at a high frequency which feels more like a buzzing than an actual sound. There is also an accompaning high electrostatic charge around me (or it would seem). (I'm familiar with this feeling from being around large Tesla coils. - just don't ask. we'll get off topic again.)

Can any abductees relate to that?

I'm not saying this explains your experience, Jon, but I have a similar sensation during sleep paralysis, and during periods of self-hypnosis. A whooshing, buzzing sensation - almost a noise, but not quite. I also have the feeling of swirling around, as though my body is moving when it isn't. When you say your hairs stand on end, is it possible that you're simply afraid of what you're expecting to happen?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:55 AM
its odd. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and when I try and go back to sleep I hear this "bbzzzing" sound everyone is talking about. Often ill just lay about trying to go back to sleep but when im on the brink of becoming unconscious the sound gets so intense it forces me awake again. If i roll over on to my belly on the other side of my bed it seems to go away. Its the strangest sound, almost as if I'm hearing it from inside my head.

I'm almost certain I've never been abducted though...

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by spacedout

I have a friend that says he was abducted...But that is akk he wil say about it. But as surely as that Evil force is out there , remember that a GOOD force is out there to! Meditate upon it and ask it for strength! I wish I had something more to offer U on this. Bless U!!!!

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by JonInMichigan
I believe I have the answer to what causes the Buzzing in your head...I hope you know that You are one of many that have experienced this,and some have experienced this without being abducted. A 1978 book entitled, "Microwave Auditory Effect and Application," by James C. Lynn. Also do some research on "Project Blue Beam". I think that U will find you are quite sane after all! Again...Much BLESSINGS!

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by damagedoor
Please do some research on A 1978 book entitled, "Microwave Auditory Effect and Application," by James C. Lynn. I am not saying that this explains everyones case .

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by damagedoor

A quick general question. Presumably you accept that sleep paralysis exists, and that its symptoms are very, very similar to the alien abduction experience. Since millions of people regularly suffer from this, and are often confused about the condition, is it not likely that a number of them find their way here, seeking answers? I think it's almost inevitable.

No doubt probably many people have sleep paralysis because it really is a side effect of being in a deep state of consciousness and most people are accessing this part of their mind while asleep and in dreams. So I'm sure many if not most people out there who question if they were abducted or not because of experiencing this have most likely only experienced a deep state of consciousness or sleep paralysis nothing more. Those who are allowed to consciously remember their encounters know without a doubt the reality of them.

You can take Travis Walton’s account from the movie fire in the sky as a tiny example, and this is a small case--though more publicized case out of the many thousands of similar encounters out there. In his case there were eye witness testimonies who saw the craft, then there was the mysterious missing time for so many days and the polygraph tests. Until now Travis still talks about his experience and he for some reason or another was allowed to remember, those who witnessed the craft were aloud to remember which leads me to believe the ET‘s were allowing this to go public maybe for a reason or reaction. (who knows) They passed the polygraphs, they all had their differences and were accused of a possible cover-up homicide, they were not all friends but co-construction workers, the police and experts could not explain or find a conspiracy. 1 of thousands of cases un-explainable/un-solved.

Then you have many high ranking officials and credible witness testimonies to be found out there, a lot of great evidence to be found it‘s only being suppressed, in most cases kept highly censored and kept from public eye. Sgt Clifford Stone put it best when he said “They don’t care what you know, they only care what you can prove” in regards to us having the knowledge of extraterrestrial life---this is the mentality of the beyond top secret- classified cosmic black opps groups or the “In the know groups“ because not everyone in governments know only very few and it‘s extremely compartmentalized, everyone is on a need to know basis from the bottom level to the top, nobody knows it all.

Some of the very world leaders are left clueless I’m sure. For the people in the know what can they really do about it even if they could talk about it. It’s a matter of security and cover up and is something bigger than anyone can realize or understand on a grand scale. The world must never find out is the only solution in their eyes, cover ups take place at all costs, if the world did find out it would literally shatter the reality and the grand illusion of everything---the world we know today could quickly crumble. From a scientific or religious even personal perspective what do you really think the consequences of such a disclosure would be? Think about it! It’s not a simple equation or answer. Consider all the disease, poverty, wars and death not to mention religions, inventions, educations, history and so on.

Another good question to ask yourself ---what would it take for you personally to be absolutely, positively convinced of extraterrestrial life not only visiting earth but running the show and working behind the scenes? I’m guessing the answer for most is nothing less than being taken physically just like I was onboard a ship into space and be fully conscious of it, having direct communication and physical contact with beings from other planets nothing less including seeing mind boggling things beyond human explanation and in most cases beyond our physical minds comprehension.

Even then you may question stop and pinch yourself but you could never deny the reality of the experience once your there. Cooper, Buzz, Armstrong and many other astronauts know for themselves and they are but a few of many many others--- look into their history of what happened after the first walk on the moon and the other Apollo missions, listen to what they have to say. Why would you think Armstrong immediately quit his job upon returning to earth? Many of them were greatly disturbed from their experiences and some of them cannot even speak about it. A lot of them have come clean about it in these later years and in some cases before passing on. (A lot of great cases out there, unfortunately that is about as close to a disclosure as you will ever get unless you have your own experiences)

People are practically begging for people to figure it from the scraps of evidence that have been left over. It really goes to show how far some people are caught up in their daily lives and the grand illusion behind it all on this little rock. It’s all been engineered and by great design even our very bodies and minds. Most are so set in their ways and belief systems that it would take a brick wall to fall on them and even then they might not realize or believe it. I think even if the governments of the world suddenly announced the existence of ET’s people would still call it a conspiracy and refuse to believe, it would be a trick of the devil to some, the anti-christ for others. But I’m positively sure that will never happen and disclosure at this point is on an individual basis only. We are all on a need to know basis at the time and MOST DON’T NEED TO KNOW.

In my case I have been through the religion and search for God questioning my reality struggle for years and years after having clear contact with ET’s, my experience was beyond a shadow of a doubt real and physical---- not only a few times but many-many times most of my life over 23yrs of experiences from the age of 14 to 37 and I’m not the only one in my family with the same experiences aware of it.

It will never be an easy thing for people to believe because it goes against all we have ever learned and been taught, it sounds like fairy land and looking into space we have been duked not only by our own eyes that have by design deceived us but by those with this great secret knowledge in the world that have kept it from us, NASA and SETI has been fronting for this cover up since they setup boot camp.

Some people might want to ask themselves what would it really take for them to believe?
Do you believe in God? If you do, is your religion based on faith or personal experience and/or feelings? Do you believe you are in close contact with God through prayer and that he answers your prayers? If so ,have you ever prayed to God asking if ET’s really exist? If so have you ever felt you were answered?

I have asked ET’s myself about God and creation many times those were my very first questions, I have asked them about prayer and learned that all prayers are answered in one way or another. It is a form of sending our intent. Just something to think about for those who have a problem believing in ET’s because of religious differences or other beliefs interfering.

Alright enough blabbing now, yada yada yada!

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:40 AM
I ran into this article!

Thought it might be relevant to this thread and something for the skeptics to think about.

History is created, manipulated, and written by those who are predominantly on the victorious side of the nation which has supreme political — and especially military — dominance. Any "truth" which has the slightest potential of weakening their total hold over the masses is not tolerated. Any truth which can impact their power is squelched or cunningly hidden by them — usually in a manufactured media release to the unsuspecting public, often in a jovial manner to render the information a laughing matter and display it as harmless.

Visits to earth by UFOs and their crews have been reported since ancient times and all throughout history. The frequency of sightings has increased over the last five decades. All have been portrayed officially by the cunning revisionists of history as a joke. After all, who will believe something as fact if placed in the category of humor?

The US government will, if necessary, implement whatever it takes to keep the public from learning the truth about these important cosmic events. Perhaps there is a legitimate military reason for total secrecy, particularly if the Pentagon has no means of combating these forces, perhaps a reason so ominous that they surmise the human race cannot handle the truth.

To counter public interest and demands for the release of UFO information, the military and federal government create and employ buzzwords like "National Security" to protect against forced public disclosure. Have you ever asked yourself why? When both claim UFOs do not exist? How long will it be before the human race awakens from its comatose state? Alien races have been here for a very long time. It is very possible our entire race was created by them."

Riggs are you still there?

[edit on 28-10-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:40 AM
I believe skepticism separates the wheat from the chaff. But there is no need for rude and insulting behavior. There are many reasons for people believing they have been abducted including the distinct possibility that they have been abducted and are relating their experiences.

However when the talk of alien fleets and active bases on the moon are described I have a hard time believing it. Anyone working in manufacturing, on any level, knows the size, scope and cost is major. Skilled workers do not grow on trees and while it is possible to keep some of the manufacturing process secret by breaking it into small parts and having the sites widely separated so no one can really pinpoint that what they are making is for an alien craft eventually the craft has to be assembled and that takes a lot of space and people power.

We have not seen the disappearance of skilled people so they have not been shanghied.
Same with any sort of base on the moon. It takes a lot of people to mine, run and build things on a scale that was mentioned and is just not feasible without everyone noticing something going on.

Even figuring a high degree of automation does not explain such things from a manufacturing standpoint. It just doesn't make sense.

I feel bad for actual abductees that are trying to tell their stories, for whatever reason...warn, get it off their shoulders, etc...and are grouped with those that are delusional, deceitful or just screwing with everyone for the fun of it. But that is how it goes.
All I can say is stick to your guns and hope it all works out for you in the end. I can't fathom what it must be like but I can be sympathetic and supportive.

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