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My abduction experiences 1

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:27 AM
Ghost and Riggs - you seem to know everything, all the answers, the mysteries of the universe - why bother posting? Why come here just to type sleep paralysis??
It is so inane it astounds me. I bet you pat yourselves on the back after explaining lifetimes of abductions with those 2 little words.
If you bother to actually listen to abductees, you may actually learn something but for that to happen you would have to open your mind to the existance of things beyond sleep paralysis ie aliens/ufos/abductions/dimensions/ etc etc and something tells me that would be too hard so I expect you will continue to hound abductees with your sleep paraysis theory even when it doesn't fit the facts and be very smug with yourselves as has been witnessed here. Do you think abductees are morons? Honestly?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by spacedout

It is not only sleep paralysis. It is a mixture of things including sleep paralysis. If you read the article that I was quoting from then maybe you would see a little clearer. Getting mad at someone doesn't take the fact away that these abductions can be explained by psychiatric means. The saying ...the most simpliest answer is usually the correct right here. All these so-called abductions..yet not one ounce of proof..well I am sorry these stories just do not add up.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:39 AM
I think its because my eyes work, my childrens eyes are fine as well. As well as many others. Our senses work very well, though I wish to thank you for your warm hearted concern. That is why I continue to give testimony. Are you a physician, or optometrist? Also, since you're quite prone to offering psychiatric advice to people you don't know from Adam, I thought perhaps you might like to scan in your liscence to diagnose others with conditions that carry quite a few marker symptoms. In another thread you used the word schizophrenia to blanket anyone with ufo phenomenon, regardless of the fact its not a group illness. One out of hundred is subject to this, and I've met both a paranoid and typical victim of this disorder. Both experienced quite severe symptoms. Neither was quietly ill, unnoticed by those around them. Both were forced into treatment. Nor did their illness which ranged from walking out of a work camp believing their coworkers was poisoning their water supply, to being hospitalized and medicated due to seeing giant spiders in their apartment. Their families had a lot to deal with. Though they couldn't pass this to others and infect them.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by spacedout
you may actually learn something but for that to happen you would have to open your mind to the existance of things beyond sleep paralysis ie aliens/ufos/abductions/dimensions/ etc etc

One of the main arguments from believers is that we as skeptics do not have an open mind. Well that can be said for some skeptics not all of us are like that. If there was anything that could make believe, trust me I would. Fact of the matter is there is nothing out there for these abductions no DNA, pics/vid or even witnesses. In the end all we have is thier word and the fact that many psychiatrists can explain these logically. These guys aren't just throwing something out there and hoping it sticks,,,they have conducted experiences and have been able to recreate the abduction experience in a controlled environment. Maybe it is you who should open your mind to the possibility that there is no aliens taking people and that is all in thier head. Remember having an open mind does not mean you should let everything in, including the most ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by mystiq

There is such a thing as mass hysteria. If only takes one person to create it..especially if the people around them are highly suggestable. Yes some could be due to being schizo..not all but some. I believe smokingman is one of them. Explain how 12 people who have never had an abduction experience or even claimed to have seen a ufo can recall being abducted and experiemented on by aliens in a controlled experiment run by two harvard professors. These people can go word for word with every known case out there, how do you explain that.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Unubuh

I know someone who had a very similar thing happen to them. I wonder if you could start a new thread called "swirling green lights"? I will then post the similar experience there. It is something I have not heard of before and would love to get other peoples feedback on it, if you don't mind?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by riggs2099
reply to post by spacedout

Getting mad at someone doesn't take the fact away that these abductions can be explained by psychiatric means. The saying ...the most simpliest answer is usually the correct right here. All these so-called abductions..yet not one ounce of proof..well I am sorry these stories just do not add up.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

You know, you just don't belong on a thread like this. That is the point I was trying to make. You should stick to non alien subjects and tell them how they are all wrong or psychos or making it up. Abductees have been through huge trauma and they just don't need you further traumatizing them by this nonsense you type where you marginalise them and tell them they are wrong or insane. It is insulting and quite frankly more than a tad moronic in it's surmise that you alone know the truth...and the truth is...everyone is wrong except you? Give me a break!

[edit on 27-10-2008 by spacedout]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by spacedout

When have I ever stated that I and I alone know the answers. I have put another theory out there, yet you do not even give it a chance and insist on getting angry when something or someone goes against your beliefs. Where does it state in the ATS handbook that only people who believe someone are the only people who can post in a thread. I am sorry you do not agree with me and I am also sorry you are to close minded toi alterntaive explainations, but as long as there is free speech on here I will continue to give my POV.
As long as I can help a few people from falling into the trap that is alien abductions and can help them live a normal life, one without delusions then yes I will be on abduction forums, helping those that are too gullible to see that there is nothing to this. Maybe if people weren't enabling these people and feeing thier delusions or pushing thier own agenda theses people could get the help that is so badly needed.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

She is now 4 years old and she says there is a girl and a man that come to her bed. They are blue and wear a hood on their head. She says they have put a battery in her head. She hears a noise that goes "bzzzzz" in her ears before they come.

I asked her what the battery is for and she said the following to me verbatum - " when i die they can make me alive forever. i can be a robot mommy."

That sends a shiver down my spine for several reasons, not least of which is my own experience with the blues complete with cape and hood.

I think they have been putting implants into her head. Perhaps that what she means by battery? The thing is when we all die, we all live forever anyway as our soul is eternal. But the fact she said she can be a robot makes me think they can control her like a prisoner in other realms. Have you read Whitley Streibers book 2012: The war for souls?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by riggs2099
reply to post by spacedout

... but as long as there is free speech on here I will continue to give my POV.
As long as I can help a few people from falling into the trap that is alien abductions and can help them live a normal life, one without delusions then yes I will be on abduction forums, helping those that are too gullible to see that there is nothing to this. Maybe if people weren't enabling these people and pushing thier own agenda they could get the help that is so badly needed.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

The help you offer poor deluded abductees would be what? Calling them insane and deluded? The only deluded one is you.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:20 AM
Is there a way I can block Riggs posts? Does anyone know? I find then intensely irritating and feel the best way to deal with him is for me to put him on ignore.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by spacedout

Not deluded but rational and logical.
You can look the other way all you like but in the end the truth shall set you free. I am telling them that there is a logical answer to what is happening to them....and yes it does include delusions and such things. Once they can see this, then and only then can they being to move in the right direction. Which is A NORMAL LIFE.
And of course you will ignore because that is what you people do when someone begins to make sense and you just do not want to face it.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:48 AM
Yeah riggs , it is clear that life outside Earth doesn't exist , and that technologically more advanced races doesn't exist.

Because we are all so special and in the center of the Universe and all

Your explanations are possible , if you look at it from our world's perspective.
Just because you or i don't have physical evidence , it doesn't mean there aren't any. Information can be easily manipulated.

And just because you can recreate a fictious abduction and lead people to believe they were abducted , it doesn't disprove their existence.

Now if you are open to the possibility that our race might not be "the most important one" , that we might not be "alone" , and to the actual fact that the universe is humongous , things like "the most probable one is the one" , will not always apply.

Being crazy IS the most "obvious" explanation , that is what most people will think the first time they are abducted. Everyone "knows" that.

Agreeing to the possibility that it could ALSO be something else is being "open minded".

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Roufas

Never once said that life on other planets doesn't exist. I do believe is out there but As you have said we are not the center of the why would aliens be here...we have not found anythng close to why would they visit us out of possible thousands if not millions of races. I do not think that aliens are here, there is no proof to say that as fact..there is only theory and only one of many possible theories.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:56 AM
This is wy I don't come here often. For some reason the site owners think it is perfectly acceptable for every abduction thread to be taken over by a simple minded skeptic. These simple minded skeptics are often very verbose and have nothing to do all day but to keep posting inanities and to tell abductees they are nut cases/ psychos/schitzos/dreaming/imagining it.

I think the thread author should be able to carry a hammer so these threads don't get sidetracked by the likes of Riggs pushing his barrow. It is the only sensible solution to it all.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:58 AM
And skeptics like Riggs just love all the attention!

[edit on 27-10-2008 by spacedout]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by riggs2099

this is one point I have to agree with. Why the hell would hyper advanced ets want to have anything to do with our primitive species? We live on a backwater world with relatively nothing to offer other than an entire population of creatures to experiment with.


posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 04:07 AM
Actually I disagree on that one , I think skeptics are needed , they just have to be open to the possibility that reality may be different.

Riggs , I don't think we are special at all , and if we are being visited you can be assured it is NOT because we are special. It would be more logical that they would be interested in our world , resources and things like that.

We could just be "another race" they are after.

And if you are much more advanced it wouldn't be so hard to take advantage of ones superstitions , beliefs and most important "close mindness".

These can be seen throughout our own histories , when more advanced civilizations conquer the less advanced ones. The less advanced search for explanations in their own superstitions , or what would be the most probable in their small scopes of visions , and are easily deceived , because they want to believe. They are all very well dominated when they actually open their eyes.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 04:13 AM
skeptics are needed very much so. Without them ideas and theories (however out of whack) would run rampart without any moderation. Skeptics cull the herd; it would also become very difficult to distinguish good cases from bad ones.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Roufas

Let us say some abductions ae taking do we know it is not the government doing this. I mean the ufo/alien connection is a great coverup and gives the government a way to do things under the guise of alien abductions and would be able to fly anything long as people do not know what they are seeing then they will say they saw a ufo. As you know say the word ufo and it automatically means alien to some people. They could be instilling false memories into people and noone would be the wiser. I would do this if I was military, what better way to do things in secret than to have a ufo hysteria going on. To keep it going I would send out ex military to go and say we are hiding something extraterestrial or to feed the believers disinfo. I would also make it seem like I would do anything to keep this secret, but not actually do anything just as long as the threat makes it seem more real. I would take videos/pics from some to make it more believable, which would create paranoia that we are trying to keep something from the people. So while people believe this, It will give me fre reign to do anything or experiment with anything over populated areas or to experiement on people. Just a theory.

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