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The Nicotine and Fluoride link

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by gotrox
So now I know why I smoke more that others, especially after using a cheap chealator that has been enormously effective at removing metals from my system.
Your brain works differently after removing metals insidiously added.
The Nazi's used fluoride to calm their victims prior to experimentation.
Look it up.

Where did you get yoru chealator from? I just got a distiller which reporetedly removes flouride I am going to take the extra step and also get a reverse osmosis system.. Do both and I am sure very little if any flouride will get to you.. distillers are found on ebay at around 100 bucks the cheapest good ro system can be found at costco for under 140. Plus get yourself a showerhead filter with activated carbon.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Moonsouljah

I can vouch for hydrogen peroxide, been using it as a pre-brushing rinse for years.

The best way to use it IMO is to get a mouthful before you get into the shower, swish it around while you are showering and spit it out.

For non-flouride toothpaste, try Tom's of Maine. You can get it shipped for about 5 dollars a tube HERE any day of the week.

Sometimes stores like Wal-Mart carry it, if you see some go ahead and buy them out of their stock. In my experience they don't stock it often. The more you buy, the more likely they are to stock it.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Symbiote]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by gotroxThe Nazi's used fluoride to calm their victims prior to experimentation.
Look it up.

It's not so much the fluoride that calms the victims down as the helplessness of the situation that makes any resistance absolutely futile.

At this point, there is no known research that quantifies the effect of fluoride. So far, Jim Marrs and others simply say that fluoride was added to help control the masses. What proof do we have of that? Moreover, if fluoride was added indeed, what proof is there that calming the crowds was the resulting effect, specifically attributed to fluoride? If fluoride causes ADD/ADHD, that's everything BUT calming the individual down.

There is too much conflicting information. If the Nazis did experiment with fluoride, it could be just an experiment to study the effects of fluoride. Remember, they were just discovering things.

There is a tendency to think that Nazis invented miraculous technology and that they were immediately mastering it. At best, they did a lot of experiments the old "trial & error" way. With so many humans available at their disposal, they just skipped the lab rats.

How many of their "discoveries" and "inventions" and "experiments" proved false to their hypotheses? What makes Nazis so much more adept than any group of scientists in the world today?

Oh, right, this would be too much common sense and too simplistic. I mean, believing that Nazis developed a time travel machine but hid it from the world is such so much more believable, right?

Come on, people! Recognize that there are people who prey on your irrational beliefs to make a quick buck - books, DVDs, and so on.

Not everything is a lie, of course, there is a lot of truth I garnered from Jim marrs' book, and from alex jones. But don't treat their every word as gospel truth, do some of your own thinking.

You want a quote from the Bible? Proverbs 14:15 "Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps."

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Excelent thread. Some personal considerations:

Most doctors smoke because nicotine is a brain stimulant and they have some pretty intense academic paths to go through to get where they are. Hence the tendency for them to be smokers, they are not imune to addiction just because they are doctors. Most doctors eat badly. A few of them are addicted to certain less than legal substances. Some of them drink. Some of them are certifiable and have mental problems. I have friends in that profession btw, all of the above is personal experience. I don't think there is any correlation to flouride. I doubt flouride even blips on their radar, tbh, the academic community and big pharma probably keeps them oblivious to the harmfull effects of flouride.

Other than that I find the OP's premisses perfectly viable and logical. I, and other posters on ATS, have noted that there is something about cigarettes that the NWO crowd does not like the sheep using, as there is an almost fanatical effort to reduce their use and demonise them, and I am pretty sure they are not worried about our health...

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:54 PM
I suspect this is more to do with money than a plan to poison ( I hope). Our politicians are corrupt and in the pay of industry, who don't care about people or the planet.

I'd just like to make people aware that nicotine is poisonous.
yes there has been some studies to show that it can prevent alzhiemers. But if you sit and smoke as much cigarettes as possible you can die from nicotine overdose. People have died before by smoking too much due to nicotine.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Dr X]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Dr X
People have died before by smoking too much due to nicotine.

I was under the assumption that nicotine was used as an addictive agent, and it was other chemicals present in cigarettes that were attributed to cancer?

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:13 PM
Nicotine is a natural chemical found in the tobacco plant. but it is poisonous.
from the wikipedia page

The LD50 of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 40–60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) can be a lethal dosage for adult humans.[19][20] This designates nicotine as an extremely deadly poison. It is more toxic than many other alkaloids such as coc aine, which has an LD50 of 95.1 mg/kg when administered to mice. Spilling a sufficient concentration of nicotine onto the skin can result in poisoning or even death since Nicotine readily passes into the bloodstream from dermal contact.[21]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Dr X

Right, but what you just posted only applies in high doses.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:08 PM
I've always found it interesting that we would fluoridate our water supplies for any purpose, but as you mention the effects of the chemical and how it is mentioned that the Nazi's used this on the jews you can kind of piece together a disturbing scenario...

During WW2, Americans began to realize what was being done within the concentration camps through the use of fluoridation. I checked the dates and whether this means anything or not it's still curious nonetheless...

World War 2 lasted from 1939 to 1945. Oddly enough in 1945 the united states began to practice fluoridation of the public water supplies.

I'd really like to think these two don't add up, but there's something not quite right about that.

[edit on 07/05/2008 by leakingignorance]

[edit on 07/05/2008 by leakingignorance]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by gotrox
The Nazi's used fluoride to calm their victims prior to experimentation.
Look it up.

I looked it up actually and there is no corroborated evidence that this is true, even from the Nazi's themselves who kept great records. The only reference is second hand information from one Perkins, who supposedly heard it from an anonymous German source. It is the same reference quoted on every website about fluoride. So, at best it's heresay; worst, a MYTH.

Common sense dictates that if the Nazis were purposely dosing prisoners with fluoridated water, why the heck didn't they make water readily available? Ask any survivor how easy it was to get drinkable water.

Nicotine poisoning most often occurs among the farm workers who pick the crop. Dew leaches nicotine out of the leaves and it is absorbed into the skin when they go out in early morning to harvest.

Some bottled water does contain fluorine ions. Nestle Pure Life has .3 mg/L

[edit on 27-10-2008 by TheComte]

[edit on 27-10-2008 by TheComte]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Ok i was not going to read this thread but decided too, im very gratefull i did, for the last 4 or 5 years our school distric has gave our children fluoride pill's , i don't ever remeber seeing a perrmission slip for this, not say say it hs not been sent home and signed bye the wife and sent back. but i know this . because of this thread they will no longer have our permission to give these pill's to my children . i wonder if this byeproduct of aluminum is a reason for the wide spetrum of autism, my oldest son fall's in the spectrum, but my youngest son has a growth problem. just think with fluoride in water and these pill's school's are giveing children . ok now i have a question how or what is best way to detox a 12 year old and 8 year old? what i mean bye detox is clesning them of all these heavy metal's thanks in advance for any answers

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Interesting topic, Ive done a lot of research into this kind of thing too, the water over here(IRELAND) is still flouridated, Im currently; working on a project for college about the dangers of not just flouride, but artificial additives, flavourings and preservatives, and I will hopefully be talking to a local MEP about the situation, I really wanna get this crap out of our waters, its more poison than lead and only slightly less poison than ARSENIC, godamn Im sick of it, fight back by eating healthy and informing others.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:45 PM
I am female, and puberty hit early for me- fast and furious. I also suffer from moderate dental fluorosis- I had to figure this out on my own through research, as multiple dentists could never answer when I questioned what the white spots and pits on my teeth were from. They never hesitated to offer veneers to conceal them, though; in retrospect, I am glad I declined- I now show these 'battle scars' on my otherwise healthy teeth when enlightening others to the dangers of fluoride.

To reduce/eliminate Fluoride in my water supply, I use a Berkey water filtration system with the addition of the fluoride filters. Bottled water? I never trust water that I have not filtered myself.

I've also tested several Fluoride-free toothpastes, and find that Jason Sea Fresh is about as close to any market-type toothpaste which contains fluoride.

I've been working on overall Fluoride reduction for almost a year now, and feel it has greatly improved my long-term memory... then again, cutting out large quantities of the flickerbox has probably assisted with that, as well.

I do smoke, but gave up American brands long ago. I stick to clove cigarettes- Djarum Special, an Indonesian Kretek. I do not suffer the same ill-effects that I did with typical cigarettes (hacking cough among those), and though one might be able to attribute it to the eugenol found in cloves, I feel it is due to a lack of the additives found in regular ("white") cigarettes manufactured here in the states; I get sick much less often now, to boot.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by antisocialbutterfly]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:14 PM
This brings to mind some information I came across several years ago concerning fluoride, fluorines and the pineal connection.

I can not vouch for the whistle-blower Jim Phelps' claimed credentials. He claims he was a scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). more about his credentials here.

"Jim Phelps discovered the causation for aging, cancer, CFS, and HIV at The Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the mid 1980s. He found that Oak Ridge fluoride releases were affecting the Pineal gland's regulation of the night and day signaling that controlled the Pituitary's Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Further, that the fluorides combined in the body with aluminum to produce a TSH like G-protein effect that also upset the day-night regulation of thyroid related hormones T-3 and T-4. This chemical damage process kept the cells of the body from powering down at night and caused depletion of the glutathione enzyme (Se-GSH) in the body and brain."

The Fluoride Factor
The fluoride synergism effects leading to rise in world wide health effects. Link

and his testimony to the Sen. Thompson gas diffusion hearing of March 22, 2000, part of which discusses the toxic effects of fluorides and fluorine, among some other disturbing things.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Symbiote
reply to post by Moonsouljah

I can vouch for hydrogen peroxide, been using it as a pre-brushing rinse for years.

The best way to use it IMO is to get a mouthful before you get into the shower, swish it around while you are showering and spit it out.

For non-flouride toothpaste, try Tom's of Maine. You can get it shipped for about 5 dollars a tube HERE any day of the week.

Sometimes stores like Wal-Mart carry it, if you see some go ahead and buy them out of their stock. In my experience they don't stock it often. The more you buy, the more likely they are to stock it.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Symbiote]

Be CAREFUL doing this with peroxide! You know how it bubbles? Well on a small scale, that is like a ton of little bombs going off inside of your teeth. It can do more harm than good, and should be well watered down if you intend to use it as a mouthwash.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:07 AM
I can also say that I've been using Hydrogen Peroxide for a while (Mixing 10ml of Peroxide with 10ml of water). Works great. I usually buy mine Here (For those in the UK, costs only 82p)

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Brilliant thread, flagged and starred.

I know that smoking is bad for me, but, I have long wondered about the absolute vehemence and tenacity with which the government put out the anti smoking movement. Especially since smokers provide so much tax in the UK through all the VAT on cigarettes. It's become a kind of 'leper movement' - if you like, where smoking is oh so bad. I agree with this in some senses, and absolutely acknowledge people's right to be 'smoke free', yet, at the same time, feel that banning smoking outdoors in the work place is totally unnecessary. I've often wondered why smokers have become the new hated people, and this thread has made me think.

On the flouride note.......we had a lecture at college not long ago on oral hygiene for patients. The flouride question came up, and the so called 'experts' who came to give the lecture stated, if memory serves me correctly, that it has no beneficial effects whatsoever on teeth. I remember wondering at the time why on earth, in that case, all our toothpastes have ruddy flouride within them.

Interesting thread, I am going to research this further.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by JipStix

My own personal experience tells me all I need to know. I always lived in the city, and never gave much thought to the water I was consuming through drinking or cooking and just happened to drive by a waste water treatment plant and observed 3 employees outside smoking crack. All at once, my mind was flooded with questions such as, with all the drug users out there, especially Meth, and the prescription drugs, flouride, and industrial waste, will this be filtered out through this treatment process? I was never given a concrete answer, so I moved where I could have a well and monitor my own. This was 7 years ago, I no longer have arthritis, migraines, and feel healthier than ever. My hair, although has always been thick, is thicker and I must cut it more often. I was never able to grow long beautiful nails, now it is possible. I believe it was last year where I read an article about the alarming rate of drugs being tested in our water supplies and now learn my moronic mayor wants to annex my area and be forced to tap into the main, because they will deem all wells bad., so I will move again.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 12:56 AM
funny how my grandfather whose first name begins with a W and last begins with a T was one of the first people, a pharmacologist at oxford to speak out about the affects of flouride around 1960 via the first telstar satelite, he was growing human cells in vitro and saw the affects there, he later went on to develope L dopa, he also smoked like a chimney. I use a nordic water device which has spirals inside it that create a vortex which apparently dis-assembles the flouride atom or anything else like chlorine a major carcinigen too.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by leakingignorance

Operation Paperclip, anybody?

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