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Breaking news: Stephenville Texas buzzed by UFO's again!!!

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posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Teeky

Two options. 1) The government comes clean under the promise of amnesty. Which would require people UNDERSTANDING WHY the initiated the coverup in the first place. 2) They spring it on us and act surprised. In that case, nothing happens, we continue being dumbass sheeple.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

You seriously think we would still continue to sleep after a disclosure such as aliens? I don't think so. Because why would we continue to follow our primitive government versus intergalatic beings?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Teeky]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Teeky

This for me is the crux, if another species were to announce itself to us as friends, I can see most people dumping the Government in a blink, lets face it nobody likes them, nobody trusts them and nobody wants them.

In this case for the governments to survive that scenario they better be the ones telling us everything long before we figure it out for ourselves. That way some governments could regain the respect and trust of the people and we would be less inclined to dump them.

Right now if the biggest ugliest alien in the universe showed up and said "we come in peace" you would have 4billion people saying, great, get rid of the government and you guys take over

Cant really blame anyone for that. Who would you rather have George Bush or a Xenomorph? Id take the Xenomorph any day

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Teeky

Nah, the point I'm trying to make is that if the Government comes clean, first and foremost, it would have to be under the circumstance that they explain BEFOREHAND, WHY they covered it up. People would have to understand that they did it, initially, in our best interest (to keep the social systems from falling into the crapper)... This, in my opinion, is highly unlikely. I would imagine that if they actually came clean, people would hunt them down once they realized the injustices acted upon them in the coverup.

I would argue that such a disclosure would, IN FACT, be by way of a "blue beam" type project in which the government would act surprised and hoax an invasion type scenario. In that case, the people would flock to their shephards (the governments) and remain ignorant subjects.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by silver6ix

Either way. humanity has to grow up sometime, sticking our head in the sand and pretending it isnt there is not a better solution.

If humanity is ready to accept a return to the days of the Greek Gods (in the form of aliens), where we may or may not be getting the truth from our superior "space brothers", then fine. Most of us know aliens exist, this really is just a game being played right now. The question is what do we do when the aliens make it official, but refuse to have full and open communication with us so that we can be "equal"? Now what?

I'm not sure how you can have 100% transparency and trust with a superior alien(s) culture? I don't think you can. The only hope is that they understand us and our frailties, that is if they care enough about what we think, which I'm not sure I'm convinced by some of their actions. Hopefully, there are multiple alien cultures/species in charge instead of just one.

My guess is they reveal themselves, give us a little help, and then back off quickly and say "We are staying out of your affairs, you control your own destiny. We are not going to solve all of your problems or natural disasters, we will only monitor the situation; you need to do this on your own. The universe is more amazing than you realize, become more conscious and enlightened." If they stick around, we will become dependent or fearful. It will never work, they will have to be very limited in our lives. With time, hopefully we will evolve more and trust more.

Disclosure I can see happening in the next 25 years, but full integration with them is probably 300-500 years off.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:52 AM


posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by rickyrrr

that is a possibility, but the perfect symmetrics of the lights on these craft suggests a desirable intent for them to be seen instead of an after-effect of some design which could be hidden. afterall, if they are trying to keep these a secret, and they are smart enough in the first place to build something such as an anti-gravity craft, then most surely they can build one which would not stand out for observers to see because of an unintended after-effect.

or maybe -- such as i suspect in the o'hare international airport sighting witnessed by over 12 people -- they WANT to be seen. Whoever THEY are (U.S. government or aliens)

as i said, i still believe that the existence of lights on these ufo's suggests something which is man-made.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:20 AM
Well as has been noted all I can say for certain about the video is that they are -not- F-16's. Additionally if those were "afterburners" the air vehicle(s) using them would be moving very fast and for the length of time they were lit would of most likely broken the sound barrier with all that comes with that event.

So no, not F-16's or Afterburners.

The goverment continues to use their policy of "This is not here". Something was clearly in the sky, people ask questions, Goverment replies with a non answer, average citizen goes "Okey Dokey!"

Be it Alien, Top secret or Hoax it is not what the we are told.

"This is not here."

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Atomic

Originally posted by silver6ix

Either way. humanity has to grow up sometime, sticking our head in the sand and pretending it isnt there is not a better solution.

If humanity is ready to accept a return to the days of the Greek Gods (in the form of aliens), where we may or may not be getting the truth from our superior "space brothers", then fine. Most of us know aliens exist, this really is just a game being played right now. The question is what do we do when the aliens make it official, but refuse to have full and open communication with us so that we can be "equal"? Now what?

I'm not sure how you can have 100% transparency and trust with a superior alien(s) culture? I don't think you can. The only hope is that they understand us and our frailties, that is if they care enough about what we think, which I'm not sure I'm convinced by some of their actions. Hopefully, there are multiple alien cultures/species in charge instead of just one.

My guess is they reveal themselves, give us a little help, and then back off quickly and say "We are staying out of your affairs, you control your own destiny. We are not going to solve all of your problems or natural disasters, we will only monitor the situation; you need to do this on your own. The universe is more amazing than you realize, become more conscious and enlightened." If they stick around, we will become dependent or fearful. It will never work, they will have to be very limited in our lives. With time, hopefully we will evolve more and trust more.

Disclosure I can see happening in the next 25 years, but full integration with them is probably 300-500 years off.

I just wanted to add that this is a great post, very well thought out. That other civilizations have not paraded themselves before us in ways that cannot be denied by anyone speaks volumes to our place in the scheme of things. We only have to look to our own history to see how dangerous exposure to a higher civilization would be.

Humans like to put themselves squarely in the middle of the universe. We are SO amazing, SO intelligent, MASTERS of our planet. Imagine this scenario: Being told "well you are not unique and actually a bit handicapped compared to your peers" and that our planet is only on loan to us. This would be a huge blow to our racial ego and one we may not recover from. Full disclosure may not happen for several generations or at all if we can't "Straighten out our act" as my parents would say.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Helmkat]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Atomic

Originally posted by silver6ix

Either way. humanity has to grow up sometime, sticking our head in the sand and pretending it isnt there is not a better solution.

If humanity is ready to accept a return to the days of the Greek Gods (in the form of aliens), where we may or may not be getting the truth from our superior "space brothers", then fine. Most of us know aliens exist, this really is just a game being played right now. The question is what do we do when the aliens make it official, but refuse to have full and open communication with us so that we can be "equal"? Now what?

I'm not sure how you can have 100% transparency and trust with a superior alien(s) culture? I don't think you can. The only hope is that they understand us and our frailties, that is if they care enough about what we think, which I'm not sure I'm convinced by some of their actions. Hopefully, there are multiple alien cultures/species in charge instead of just one.

My guess is they reveal themselves, give us a little help, and then back off quickly and say "We are staying out of your affairs, you control your own destiny. We are not going to solve all of your problems or natural disasters, we will only monitor the situation; you need to do this on your own. The universe is more amazing than you realize, become more conscious and enlightened." If they stick around, we will become dependent or fearful. It will never work, they will have to be very limited in our lives. With time, hopefully we will evolve more and trust more.

Disclosure I can see happening in the next 25 years, but full integration with them is probably 300-500 years off.

First of all this is not Greece and we arent Pagans. I pity anyone who believes humanity is still that far behind. I can assure you we are not nor will we ever be again. Religion has DECREASED remarkably because humans are less dependant on it.

You assume we are likely children looking for cookies, again I suggest your thinking is flawed. If the alien choose neither to speak nor to assist it wont make any difference. We will go on living in the knowledge they are there and being prepared for a day when they are ready to talk.

We dont need transparency and to be fair I think you will find 99% of humans would realidy undrestand why ANY species wouldnt want to talk to us. If you talk to anyone about this subject in theory they would say it out right, why would an intelligent species want to talk to human savages.

What would happen? HUMANS would push for peace across the world and for humanity to find a way of living at peace with itself. In all honesty I think as a species we would be both embrassed and actutely aware that there was someone watching us behave like pertulant kids all these years and I think the effect would be very positive. Humans would behave BETTER knowing someone was observing us because we all know how poorly humanity has behaved.

As for integration, theres no way and I mean no way of knowing. This depends on WHAT they obesrve of our culture and what they understand. Maybe they come from a past of government corruption or have seen the problems that come from it. In which case maybe they would help more.

They couldnt just give us technology, they would have to stay and operate it until such time as we could be trusted not to reverse engineer everything into weapons.

Its pointless theorising because we will never know, they could well want us all dead, you just dont know that.

In terms of ourselves I think you present a far weaker picture of the vast MAJORITY of humans than actually exists. Many of us will take it like water off a ducks back, those beyond that will gasp and wonder and then probably take the kids to school and keep an eye on the news. Humanity has become trapped in a rut where the material nature of society is something we slowly but surely outgrown. Opinions change, people grow weary or war and greed and to be honest im sure that most humans would be glad of a new challenge. We need it.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I love when people presume to understand how an ET would think - what it's goals/methods/abilities are.

Then you said this:

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Why would they keep appearing in Stephenville? Perhaps there is something in the area they want. Most of us here have seen video or heard stories of these aircraft drawing energy from our planet in some capacity, correct? Maybe the town sits on a hot spot.

So, uuhhh... you're not presuming then? Then what the heck did you just wrote? Those are presumptions. So you are no different than the people you dejected in your first sentence.

Strike one.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Maybe, as mentioned above, one of their own really is buried nearby.

There you go again. I love it when people are pretending they are not presuming anything while doing just that.

Strike two.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Or perhaps from above the composition of Stephenvilles city lights looks like something familiar to them and they like to hover there because it reminds them of home.

Strike three. *Shudder* Uh yeah. Your're 'not' presuming. Contradicting your first sentence of how you object people for presuming things. I think there's a word that describes this. It starts with a 'H' and ends with an 'E' and has three syllables.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

The fact is, we don't know the facts as to why they do anything. Period. If you DO know the facts than you are privy to knowledge that is being kept from your own people and shame on you for that.

Yep. There you go. Again. The fact is you yourself don't know if ANYTHING has been kept by the government concerning this issue. We are ALL at the same level of ignorance. So don't pretend you know the facts. Shame on you.

And the argument is moot too. Why would someone be privy of the military's secrets obout ETs (which is a light year leap) be wasting their time posting on a conspiracy website? Don't they have military exercises to do?
Again shame on you for not knowing this.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

As far as putting lights on a craft being a purely Terrestrial concept - well I just have to laugh at this one. Again, we just can't know.

So then you proceeded to say this:

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

It's possible that, like us, they need them to prevent collision in the dark skies. It's also been said that the lights are used as a form of communication both between these craft, and in some cases between them and us.

Wow way to go with the self-contradictory argument. I give you a star for that. Well I just have to laugh at this one too.

Strike four.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Just because they can get to our planet (or shift into our dimension depending on what you believe and what species we are dealing with) that doesn't mean they are more technologically advanced than us. It just means they managed to discover a few things we have not. While they can apparently do some pretty amazing things with these craft, who is to say the ability to toast a piece of bread isn't lost on them?

Presumptions, presumptions. Tsk tsk tsk. Hmmm I've lost count of how many strikes I should write. Was that five, six?

[edit on 27-10-2008 by spacebagel]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Those of you who presume to know the inner workings of these lifeforms watch too many movies. You are basing your assumptions on our own limitations or lack thereof and your stunted thinking is a big part of why
humanity has been closed off to such things.

Wow. Who wudda thunk? Didn't you just implied in in your post just now to presume to 'know' the inner workings of these lifeforms? Do you watch movies? C'moon.... admit it.

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Open your minds to all possibilities. Do not limit yourselves to what logic tells you is most plausible because logical thinking has gotten us into a lot of trouble over the span of our history. It has it's place, certainly. But when dealing with the unknown we need to be prepared for anything.

Uh whatever dude. So you disapproved of people presuming about these kind of stuff, then say you had to laugh at people's presumptions, then in a shemeless self proclamation you say: 'Open your minds to all possibilities."

Dude open your mind to the possibility of making up your mind and not being self contradictory.

I have to make an ending speech too. Here goes:

"Do not limit yourselves by making contradictory statements. It has it's places, like our current presidential campaign, certainly. But with dealing with the unknown we need to be prepared to make a draft our post as not to make contradictory statements so so as not to make oneself appear to lack sense of judgment"

[edit on 27-10-2008 by spacebagel]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:27 AM
As far as "letting aliens take over our government," I doubt this would happen, nor would it be very wise in the long term. While we tend to think (as probably most countries do), that their government is a bunch of bunglers, if we were to meet with and get involved in galactic politics, it would not be in our best interest to waive our rights as it were. I mean, this could be 200 or 300 years in the future, but we'll advance, and with the help of any more advanced civilizations technologies, we'd probably improve. But we'll want to have our own voice, and have our own place in the galaxy.

While it might seem silly to talk about now, when the time comes, I have a feeling galactic politics would be very similar to global politics, and we don't want to start off the wrong way.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by AlienChaser
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

It is quite possible that the US has technology that people would
mistake for alien, the military is roughly 40 years more advanced
technologicaly then the public.

also believe this if we know about it, they have some
other base or some even more advanced stuff that we dont.

I agree with you on both points. Though no-one has concrete proof, that the Governments tech is much more advanced than what we see today. I was told by an ex govt employee, that it's more like 10 years more advanced, though he worked for the govt in the 60's. I believe it is 40-50 years ahead of us.

I think I've stated here that, if what to us is a ufo, is ours, then you can bet the farm that they (the govt) have tech that is far more exotic than what we now see as ufo's. I also think that most of what we see is ours, but that a few aren't ours.

Great find UFOreality, have a star and flag from me. I'll be keeping my eye on this thread.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Allred5923
All thing's set a side, the ideal evidence would be a "None shaky image with some kind of foreground respect for size and shape." But , even til this day, not much by way of the "Perfect Pic's."
Seriously? If a perfect video was released and it was the "real thing" everyone here would scream cgi, I think you and I both know that. I believe aliens are here, and we have proof, but what would everyone need as concrete proof?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by spacebagel

Sir, you realize that anytime somebody replies and is not logged in it posts as Anonymous ATS, right? And that it is highly unlikely that the same guy is coming on, making repeat contradictory posts?



posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Helmkat

Humans like to put themselves squarely in the middle of the universe. We are SO amazing, SO intelligent, MASTERS of our planet. Imagine this scenario: Being told "well you are not unique and actually a bit handicapped compared to your peers" and that our planet is only on loan to us. This would be a huge blow to our racial ego and one we may not recover from. Full disclosure may not happen for several generations or at all if we can't "Straighten out our act" as my parents would say.

I think - if we're talking about "disclosure" - whatever that means ultimately

and we try to imagine what our reaction really would be - whether they reveal themselves - or, information about them is revealed to us by our own kind - regardless - I think what you just said is going to be the biggest issue

many might be willing to just transfer the status of superior being they reserve for their deities straight over to whoever it turns out to be

some will just accept it as a part of nature - the natural world - our natural existence

but I think many might have real identity issues - because you're right - who are we really then after all?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by fleabit

If we start off with what we have now it will be the wrong way. Governments lie, they steal, and they make wars and if they cant grow up, show some integrity and maturity then we really dont need them up there creating intergalactic wars which is exactly what they will do.

The bottom line is that in private they arent to be trusted to deal with anyone.

Yes we should have a voice, but not the ones we have now, an open voice, an honest voice, a voice which puts the interests of the planet before the numbers in their bank balance.

All our current rulers have ever brought us, the mushrooms, is wars, more wars, paranoia, and new enemies. Its time we realised that and demanded a better representation from them.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by '___'eviant
reply to post by spacebagel

Sir, you realize that anytime somebody replies and is not logged in it posts as Anonymous ATS, right? And that it is highly unlikely that the same guy is coming on, making repeat contradictory posts?




Of course I do. Which is why I quoted him. Look t the quotes. Compare them. They're from the same Anonymous poster. Use logic man.

Obviously you didn't read my post throroughly. The two posts are directed at the same anonymous guy with the same statements.

Sir, did you thoroughly read my post before using those insane amounts of exclamation points? I guess some one else in here isn't using the same amount of logic.

READ my posts. Of course some people don't have enough reading comprehension to read more than one paragraph...

Jeeez like I said in numerous posts most people at ATS don't read anymore.
Tsk tsk tsk... *Shudder*

This is the whole post by one anonymous poster:
Oooooh I'm so ashamed now. I think I should don the same costume in the anonymous avatar to hide my face. *runs into a corner*
OooOOOOoooohhh... The humiliation.... OooOOOooooh....

On topic: This Stephenville UFO case remains unknown (as always with all the UFO sightings).

What is known though, people are jumping on conclusions based on nothing more than eyewitness accounts and ONE blurry shakey crappy video.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by spacebagel]

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