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Fed Judge Throws Out Berg v. Obama Lawsuit? Or did he?

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Just in case you are willing to learn things you are ignorant of, under Sharia law, a person is born Muslim if their parentt is. I do not know for a fact if only one parent, or both. I doubt both, just father. He was, under their law, born Muslim, not of choice. He attendend school, in a Mosque, in Indonesia, no one is contesting this. To do so, he had to renounce his citizenship in America. And he had to be Muslim.
The rule of law for evidence is that copys do not count. Only originals. This is why the Supreme Court is involved. If evidence had already been presented, they would have never taken it up. Not only is he unable or unwilling to present hard evidence, but the press is also guilty by silence.
I have no problem with a black person becoming president, as long as they are actually an American born citizen. It appears he is neither. The problem I have with Baraq Hussein Mohammed is that he is, by the liberal standards, the most left wing, the closest to communist, that is in the Congress. He usually votes not for their agenda, but only 'present'. But when he does vote, it is not usually, but ALWAYS strictly along CDNC lines. And he works for their agenda. I have a probem with Mc Cain because he is liberal. To the conseratives in America, we had no options in this election. Vote for a Communist, or a Socialist. Colin Powell showed his racism and poor judgement. But there are black people of integrity and sound judgement, just not him, or them.
I would also ask that someone who knows about this present the source of Baraq being a cousin of Bush. I read it on here. Nepotism.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious

Just in case you are willing to learn things you are ignorant of,

You my friend are ignorant for thinking people dont have a choice in this world over religion. Why dont you learn things about democracy and the US constitution before calling somebody something they choose not to be.

under Sharia law, a person is born Muslim if their parentt is.

Im sorry Obama was born on these United states. In the constitution in pritty much gives him that freedom to follow which ever religion he wants and that is christianity. His father was born to a muslim family, true, but his father was not a praticing one, infact in Obamas book his father was described more as a non-believer. Why dont you get your facts straight.

I do not know for a fact if only one parent, or both.

The only thing you know is what you learn from those rightblogs that spit out this kind of propaganda.

You got it wrong, sparky. Try again.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian

Originally posted by Gregarious

Just in case you are willing to learn things you are ignorant of,

You my friend are ignorant for thinking people dont have a choice in this world over religion. Why dont you learn things about democracy and the US constitution before calling somebody something they choose not to be.

under Sharia law, a person is born Muslim if their parentt is.

Im sorry Obama was born on these United states. In the constitution in pritty much gives him that freedom to follow which ever religion he wants and that is christianity. His father was born to a muslim family, true, but his father was not a praticing one, infact in Obamas book his father was described more as a non-believer. Why dont you get your facts straight.

I do not know for a fact if only one parent, or both.

The only thing you know is what you learn from those rightblogs that spit out this kind of propaganda.

You got it wrong, sparky. Try again.

If you are going to be arrogant, condescending, and a total jerk, at least don't look like a total fool to all readers. YOU apparently do not know a thing about Sharia law. England at this time is having a problem with that, as the Muslims there, and there are many Muslim immigrants, want to observe Sharia law, over English. And what the Sharia law is, and what the Koran states, is considered by Muslims as having priority over English law. And here in America, Muslims consider those to be over our law. They disrespect our law, in the same way Christians consider 'Thou shalt not kill' to include not drilling into babies brains, while coming out in the birth process. They consider that predominant over any manmade law. Thus the fight over 'abortion'. Muslims are BORN Muslim, in their view. Not mine. But they also consider themselves justified in murdering an apostate such as Barack. They would not have anything to do with him, or his negotiations. He is about to become a liability to America, as if he is not already. The non-Muslim world is rather fond of him. It is a good thing for the fund raising for his successful campaign, with those foreign donations. And I do not know for a fact that Barack WAS born here, I am willing to wait for some men, trained liars who I have no confidence in by the way, to make a ruling. If he is ruled eligible, fine. If not, imprison then deport.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

By the way, don't call me your friend.I am not your friend, and never will be unless you change big time. 'A man is known by the friends he makes, and the enemies he keeps.' It is an HONOR to be your enemy!

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Gregarious]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

You might not have a problem with a black president but it sounds like you have a problem with a Muslim president.

Baraq Hussein Muhammed?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer Rising
reply to post by Gregarious

Can you please clear up the how Obama ever was a muslim.

Plesae expain this Muslim Moon god you have made up.

'Why I Am Not a Muslim' by Ibn Warraq, '95
'Islam Revealed' by Anise Shorrosh, '88
'Who Is This Allah?' by G. Moshey, '94
'Muhammeds' Mecca' by W. Montgomery Watts, '88
'Dictionary of Islam' by Thomas Hughs, '94
'Islam' by Alfred Guillaume, '56
'23 Years; A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammed' by Ali Dashti, '85
'The Sources of Islam' by W. St. Clair, '94
'Behind the Veil' by R.E.F., '94
'Is The Qu'ran Infallible?', '96

And Barack was BORN a Muslim, and also had to be Muslim and not be a citizen of America, in order to attend school in Indonesia. There is much garbage going down here, and lies on (being polite) both sides. I suggest that we will either 1)find out shortly, or 2) get bs'd by the Supreme BSers who would show total contempt for the law. I hope they act honestly.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer Rising
reply to post by Gregarious

Can you please clear up the how Obama ever was a muslim.

Plesae expain this Muslim Moon god you have made up.

Update; 'The Moon-god Allah In The Archeology of the MidEast' by Dr. Robt. Morey pg. 6

And what I mean by 'family' is his tribe. And I was incorrect in stating that he had two sisters. It is/was three. And no sons. Clearly NOT the same God as the Bible, and God is, according to that, very particular and jealous of his name. He has several that he states, and the use of God is not one of them. Usually Jehovah. Definitely not Allah. They have different requirements, different ways of acting, and different personalities. And guess what? There is actually only one of them. One of them is invented. Not necessarily by a man, but probably by an alien. Alien conspiracy, and the greatest conspiracy of all. The world-wide media push is now to say all gods are one, and even multiple gods are the same. But this denies the basic claim by Jehovah that he is unique, and there 'are no other Gods'. Basic to Christianity. Denied by our coming prince.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by Gregarious]

[edit on 25-11-2008 by Gregarious]

[edit on 25-11-2008 by Gregarious]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:59 PM
[edit on 25-11-2008 by Gregarious]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
If a judge signs that, right as Obama is about to win the Presidnecy, you could have a civil war, I am not kidding.

He better not sign that.

Wait a second... so if the judge does indeed find it to be true that Obama is infact NOT eligible to be president, he shouldn't sign it? So the people of the U.S. should be denied the truth just because 52% of the morons that voted for Obama didn't know or even care that they were electing a FOREIGNER to the presidency?? If it comes to civil unrest, I say bring it on!If Obama is found not to be eligible then he should step down and be ashamed of himself for misleading the country and his cult followers.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:31 PM
He wouldn't just step down, he would be charged with crimes, and being an illegal alien, so deported after he finished his prison term.
His being brought to the forefront of this nations politics is a smaller issue than the complete control of the American political process, whereby they control all the viable candidates, and the conservatives are not given an option. And they control the media, thus the info that most Americans see. Thus, their conclusions, and the entire political landscape. But it is only a small conspiracy next to the global one, working for a One World Government, under the 'Leader' and with a new One World Religion, encompassing all the religions of the world, saying that a god or god force is all of them. They really don't need to create a financial crisis, it would be enough when Nemesis gets here in a couple years.
This has been predicted for centuries. All happening NOW. Interesting.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Gregarious]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

By your comments, you seem to have no comprehension of Sharia, or Islamic, law. I suggest you would do well to go to Wikipedia and get a basic understanding of it. It is not just one law. It varies depending on Sunni or #e. What does not change is the Korans' teaching that the ultimate goal of Islam is domination of the entire world, by the sword. Turn or be beheaded. It is not a peaceful religion, and the 'terrorists' are only fundamental, 'good', Muslims. The elimination of Mecca will end all that.

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Gregarious]

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Gregarious]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Once again I repeat, No judge has seen ANY of the evidence from both sides and it probalby won't till after Dec. 1st. At that hearing we will learn what the next step is to find what facts they are going to allow.I believe that only more delaying tactics will be seen from the Obama camp and thats one thing no one needs in this debate. We NEED an answer no matter which way it goes. Our children in our schools are starting to feel the heat from this by the teachers and they should not end up being pawns in this debate. I'm talking grammer school kids being asked how their parents feeel about this. Its unconsionable to have teachers do this kind of crap and the damned SCOTUS needs to end this!

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:53 PM
I won't say who I think it is, but only one side appears to have any evidence, based on their reticence to show any. The judge has seen enough evidence that he is willing, or they are willing, to hear all sides. If the other side can create any. Both sides have a lot at stake, and both sides would seem to have the integrity to fabricate evidence. I don't know, maybe Berg is going to get a medal and a statue. Maybe he is going to crawl into a hole in embarrasment. We shall see. Maybe.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 03:49 PM
It's official now; the SCOTUS is a self-declared treasonous institution. They refuse to review the BC of Baraq. End of story.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious
It's official now; the SCOTUS is a self-declared treasonous institution. They refuse to review the BC of Baraq. End of story.

It's official now. You've just declared your ignorance.

The case you are referring to accepts that Barack Obama (you don't know how to spell his name yet?) was born in Hawaii and has a valid birth certificate.
Therefore hearing the case would not have involved looking at Obama's birth certificate anyway.

Perhaps you are confusing Donafrio's case with Berg's, which cites internet rumours and debunked videos as its evidence.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:01 PM
*** NO need for snide comments ****

Remain civil and discuss the topic not each other.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:03 PM
In case any arrogant, self-righteous imbeciles on here, and I am not saying there are any, don't understand this, but the SCOTUS didn't even look at the evidence, and refused to. The document that was presented is NOT a bc, and it fails to show the birthplace or the doctor/midwife. This is a major violation of their responsibility, and hopefully is not a foreshadowing of the other 16 lawsuits' outcomes. But it would not at all surprise me. I feel that it is time to make sure I can defend myself from the coming 'civil unrest' begun by patriots.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by elevatedone
Thank you, you are right on top of things. But is that enough?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:07 PM
What evidence? All these cases say is, "Obama should show his birth certificate because I said so!" there's no evidence other than conjecture.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious
In case any arrogant, self-righteous imbeciles on here, and I am not saying there are any, don't understand this, but the SCOTUS didn't even look at the evidence, and refused to. The document that was presented is NOT a bc, and it fails to show the birthplace or the doctor/midwife. This is a major violation of their responsibility, and hopefully is not a foreshadowing of the other 16 lawsuits' outcomes. But it would not at all surprise me. I feel that it is time to make sure I can defend myself from the coming 'civil unrest' begun by patriots.

Obama has shown his birth certificate.

There is only one type of birth certificate available in Hawaii, apart from the one given to the mother immediately after the birth, and that is titled: "Certificate of Live Birth."

Anyone can check with Hawaii themselves, and learn the same thing. The applicant for a birth certificate can only get the type Obama has put on the web for us all to see.

The details given on this birth certificate are taken straight from the vault copy, and his says he was born in Honolulu County, Hawaii.

Do any of us know who delivered the Bushes, Clinton or McCain?
Hardly, and who cares? That's private medical information and not even of interest.

"Arrogant, self-righteous imbeciles," are the ones who refuse to look at the evidence, preferring to continue their agenda of maligning a character with wild, unsubstantiated, and thoroughly debunked untruths.

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