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If we was going to rebel against our govornments how would we do it?

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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Overthrowing a government will make no difference whatsoever, unless it's a full blown peaceful revolution, but in all honesty I just can't see that happening. The populace are usually split 50/50, those who oppose the government and those people who believe in them, so unless you can convince everyone to follow your cause, then a revolution ain't gonna happen.

It's the people who are pulling the strings that you need to take care of. According to conspiracy theorists, that would be the NWO, elitist bankers etc. I think it's safe to say these people are corrupt and therefore have plenty of skeletons in their closet or possibly even a few bodies buried under their patios. So there's plenty of dirt to dig up on these people and then it just a case of using it against them to bring them all to justice in a court of law. Time to start playing private dick then.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by kindred]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by mirovampiro
let us rebel with weapons of love

IMHO I think peaceful demonstration has been promoted by the powers that be.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:27 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:17 PM
I posted a thread titled "Why an American Revolution Would Be Difficult Today" which discussed some of the reasons why it would be futile to attempt such an act...

And yes, not only am I marked here, but I am retired Navy, so "they" already know where I live (is that the sound of a black helicopter I hear? LOL)...

But, look at Ghandi...he was able to free India from British rule and engaged in "no" hostile act...

So, who knows....

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:39 PM
It is pretty funny and sad how many people on a forum like this are upset and scared by the mention of a revolution.

If not us, who else?

A revolution doesn't always have to be violent or illegal.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Jezus]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by swdecord

There are 2 sides to some story’s and I suspected Ghandi’s had one.

At one point Ghandi and other Indian leaders started civil disobedience. They were immediately locked up. The Indians resorted to VIOLENT acts towards the British.

After WWII England was unable to maintain its empire so it gave India its independence, India was not the only country around that time to be set free from British rule.

But unfortunately I agree with you it’s all futile these days. Good thread by the way.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by billyjoinedat2k8

You wouldn't be able to rebel against your government, because you would be in prison or worse yet, against a brick wall with a dozen soldiers aiming their guns at you.

When the Government switches gear, as it is nearing readyness to do. People like you, and many, many others on these boards, will be the first people roounded up & executed for making anti-Government posts like this one.

The key to rebellion, is to never publicly speak of it. Secretly make your plans & then go about rebelling.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:11 PM
The best thing anyone can do is not join the army or any governmental/corporate organization/entities that involves themselves with activities not ideal to the betterment of the human race.

It's an individual choice to be a good citizen.

Live life in moderation for a stable society and environment.

Governments would like to see 'progress', to see growth, growth and more growth. People have to say no to them, have less children, teach them the truth about the people who have indirect control on their lives, teach them the truth about the world and the people within, and to teach them that they are indeed free if they truly chose to be, and that they may have to fight for their freedom, even from the people who are supposed to guide their societies.

People who are in positions of power usually aren't honest citizens. They would never have climbed the corporate or political ladder if they put the public first.

As a result, we have entire governments full of crooks, and I just can't see how a one-world government would be any better, by the way. Crooks are crooks.

They just title themselves one term or the other, to allow people to work for their benefit, because they consider people disposables to be worked out then thrown away.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:28 PM
There is only one way. Hit and run. Iraq has given these nuts a model to fight the military. Long and drawn out war of quick attacks and then blend back into the population. You can only fight that with huge ammounts of troops, which cant happen in the US. Too big. I think MLKs way of PEACE is the only real chance we have at changing anything.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I would like to say that "dreamwithoutfear" had a very nice post and I hope everyone scrolls up to read it, Nobody mentioned his post after he typed it up, I guess it is because most people do not like to read long posts. I find that people who do not like to read long posts should stay connected to the matrix, they are ignorant..THE LONGER THE POST, THE MORE INFORMATION YOU CONSUME! The more information you consume, the more knowledge you have.


I would like to say that this guy "Billy" (Thats what he calls himself), could be sincere and honest and seriously worried for himself and the people he cares about. Although he seems caring, watch your back; he could be a FED (or worse). If I was a FED and seen this thread, I would email it to my superior, he would then find a way to gain the IP address of the poster. Even if you post anonymously your IP is still recorded (Im looking at mine right now above this comment box posted by So, if ATS has my IP address...then what the hell does the FBI have?

So if you seriously post a plan on this thread, watch your back, they will get your contact details via a computer corporation (I forget the name) that sniffs and records every single packet coming from your ISP via your home computer. Okay, if you hacked a wireless network and are using that your still not safe, they will record the IP address you use and form a calculated triangulation of the known IP addresses, then they put those areas under surveillance, or if you logged onto your email address...they wil use that info based on your location/access points accessed and put 2&2 together and bust down your door and throw you in a FEMA concentration camp LMAO

So seriously....LOCK this thread, CLOSE it down before some teenager gets arrested for caring about the world.

Seriously though, if you guys continue to post things here, then you are giving away any hope we have to get our rights back. And if anyone thinks that a strike is a good way to defeat the government, your wrong. The New World Order wants to kill of 11/12's of the worlds population, they dont care if you strike, they are planning to release a virus to kill 11/12s of us. Research the Georgian Guide Stones, FEMA Coffins, H5N1/H2N9/H1N1 viral strains, chemtrails etc etc....Your best escaping to Caves, Mines, Underground and stock up on medicine, facemasks, food, water, clothing, plant/veg seeds/tree seeds/survival material, and natural raw materials like wood, metal, iron, fabrics...anything that you can think of that will help maintain the survival of mankind.

MODs..please lock this thread, 404 it!

Someone who Cares tooooo much

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:00 PM
What exactly has been posted that could be considered capable of thwarting our future freedom. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anything terribly specific - besides great suggestions of changes to make in our personal lives.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:56 AM
For me , its very strange to see, how scared people are, to step outside and call for their rights .

There have been peaceful movements in history, for example the peaceful "monday demonstrations" at the former east germany, in the late 80th.. It started in one town with a couple of people, and spreaded all over the former DDR. at the end, there where hundred thousand people marching thru each city, chanting "we are the people" . they demonstrated for their human rights. I m still getting guespimpels, when I see the pictures and hear them chanting.....

I think most important is , that people in the states must wake up. One way to do so , is to tell your neighbour about the probs in your country. Myself has got a banner hanging out of the window, that remindes people on the big unjustice happening on earth.

As long as their can keep you small and timid of shouting out loud, they have won.

I hope you people will find the strenght to stand up for your rights.

The french Eugene Pottier wrote 1871 a poem, which was set to music later on.

This poem, you can read it here and speaks out , even written long time ago, timeless whats wrong in this world.

the poem

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Well first you play fair. Then you play dirty, make sure you have many followers. Ever heard of that movie "Swordfish."

Hire many hackers into the dulce base computers loooool, hire them in cash or if needed switch them around the country and make your name completely unknown, then the'll post all them secret files you wanted. They'll have to travel each state. I guarentee if hackers around the world UNITE for this, they can get it. Remember this is the military, dont use force - MATRIX THEM. Just like the Chinese.

If I had it my way........i would join the revolt. Wisdom is freedom. We shouldn't have to request FREEDOM of Information. You wont get much out of them files. lol.

If your crazy enough blow em to bits like the movie V !!!!! Go V!

When the world sees the real life V you join and we'll win!

Underground hackers on ATS should unite. That would make ATS a real life V movie for all of the conspiracy we should rightfully know. The Gov would'nt win if hundreds of us were involved. Them soldiers are all about killing. We're better than that.

My question is, why sit like a helpless sheep among ravaging fear mongering (propaganda), war making wolves that our Government is in truth.

Sure the Gov does good things but when it comes to wisdom your left in the dust. Just face it, everyone here is weak and wouldnt do it, you think we are powerless of the power of the Government. Just like "V for Vandetta" the movie.

Remember we have real life conspiracy in this world. You just read it and debate it over and over untill you find it useful to whatever it is you want to fufill within your collective mind. Does action exist for postive results?

Why should we have skeptical people when we know the truth of what we want , REVOLUTION=ACTION=ACHIEVEMENT=AWAKENING

With just one person in the revolt, they can WIN, with many they are CONFUSED.

Thank you for reading this, I agree with ATS rules nor do I endorse REVOLUTION. Im not a leader, so where is the LEADER? ;-)

[edit on 27-10-2008 by Gillespie]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I would like to say that this guy "Billy" (Thats what he calls himself), could be sincere and honest and seriously worried for himself and the people he cares about. Although he seems caring, watch your back; he could be a FED (or worse). If I was a FED and seen this thread, I would email it to my superior, he would then find a way to gain the IP address of the poster. Even if you post anonymously your IP is still recorded (Im looking at mine right now above this comment box posted by So, if ATS has my IP address...then what the hell does the FBI have?

So if you seriously post a plan on this thread, watch your back, they will get your contact details via a computer corporation (I forget the name) that sniffs and records every single packet coming from your ISP via your home computer. Okay, if you hacked a wireless network and are using that your still not safe, they will record the IP address you use and form a calculated triangulation of the known IP addresses, then they put those areas under surveillance, or if you logged onto your email address...they wil use that info based on your location/access points accessed and put 2&2 together and bust down your door and throw you in a FEMA concentration camp LMAO

So seriously....LOCK this thread, CLOSE it down before some teenager gets arrested for caring about the world.

Seriously though, if you guys continue to post things here, then you are giving away any hope we have to get our rights back. And if anyone thinks that a strike is a good way to defeat the government, your wrong. The New World Order wants to kill of 11/12's of the worlds population, they dont care if you strike, they are planning to release a virus to kill 11/12s of us. Research the Georgian Guide Stones, FEMA Coffins, H5N1/H2N9/H1N1 viral strains, chemtrails etc etc....Your best escaping to Caves, Mines, Underground and stock up on medicine, facemasks, food, water, clothing, plant/veg seeds/tree seeds/survival material, and natural raw materials like wood, metal, iron, fabrics...anything that you can think of that will help maintain the survival of mankind.

MODs..please lock this thread, 404 it!

Someone who Cares tooooo much

If i wasnt the one who created this thread id probably be a little skeptical aswell wether it is genuine or something cooked up by the govornment to see what ideas the masses have so id like to assure you im not a fed or anything of the kind i actually am a little bit worried about what the future holds and im not really afraid atall to say ye i wanna do something and stand up for myself and i dont think anyone else should be either besides i dont think they ercruit 16 yr olds either tbh

seriously think about it though its against the law to stand up against them thats gotta ring alarm bells their theyre clearly worried that people are gonna do it and we should

and also i have no Problem with closing this thread either so if people want it closed please do it

and thank you to anyone who has given any serious posts or ideas i havnt seen them all yet but ill read them all soon

thanks everyone

[edit on 4/20/2008 by billyjoinedat2k8]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 01:55 AM
The easiest thing i would suggest is not contribute to any big name corporations (do your research), spendin money at places like Wal-Mart and watching programmin like Fox only help fuel their causes... grow a garden learn to make your own breads if possible farm animals and unplug yourself from the idiot box you call Television, be more active and coordinate more comunication in your neighborhoods... these things should be praticed more and maybe we can bring down this Monatary system and push for a civilization that is resource based and works to perfect natural energy resources

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