If we was going to rebel against our governments how would we do it '
Ok. Well, if we take up arms and threaten or actually hurt them physically, they'll kill or maim or imprison us. Then the rest of us will get
scared and run away and bury our heads and be very obedient.
So .. we have to hurt them in other ways. Because if we don't hurt them, they won't listen or change, will they ?
How do we hurt them ? More importantly, how do we hurt them without getting hurt ourselves ?
What hurts them the most ? That's the first thing to be ascertained
Money ?
Yes ! Money !
Ok. So we stop buying gasoline. They don't expect we could ever live without it. Up to us to prove we can and will. Use public transport. Use
feet. Use bicycles. Whatever it takes
Stop buying alcohol and cigarettes. They make massive profit on those and like gas .. they believe we can't live without them. Up to us to prove we
can and will live without alcohol and cigarettes
Stop 'buying' the garbage they sell us as 'news'. Turn off the tv. Sell your tv. Burn your tv. Do not buy a new one. You don't need to keep
up with people you know just because they have a big stupid plasma. You managed to live without tv once. You can do it again.
If people stop watching tv .. the ratings will drop.
When the ratings drop .. advertisers cease paying money for advertisements to be beamed into your hypnotised brain.
So .. by turning off your tv you will REALLY hurt them.
Stop buying print media. Do you really need to see another four page spread of Britney or Posh or Brangelina ? THEY don't need you. THEY don't
care about you and your boring existence. So WHY do you need to fester about theirs ? You see ? So stop buying print media .. that means the putrid
rags they have the hide to call 'news'papers .. plus all those stupid, infantile magazines about OTHER people's lives. Instead .. make your OWN
life interesting .. to you.
Stop buying idiotic 'brand name' clothing and accessories.
Who do you think you are, just because you're wearing expensive plastic buckets on your feet that some Asian kid was paid a dollar a time for
churning out .. so that you could pay a couple of HUNDRED dollars for them ?
Why do you think you're gaining attention and respect because you're wearing 'designer' jeans .. and getting around at the same time being free
advertisement for the manufacturer ? Your bum is the SAME SIZE, no matter which brand you wear.
And ... if you're going to walk around the streets like a walking billboard --- then do it right and get PAID for wearing a sandwich board ! Never
know .. it might become 'trendy'.
Ok .. think you've got it now.
To hurt them, you simply have to stop FEEDING them
When YOU stop .. THEY lose their power
You can do it if you want. If enough want to. It's not difficult. You will be better for it and so will your life.
Up to you