posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Trsati
Thanks for your very honest post. May I recommend a solution to the Christmas presents problem? Don't give them. If there is something you or someone
you love actually NEEDS, then provide it for them now; you don't need a tree to do it. If you have enough money, take a small vacation to somewhere
inexpensive you've always wanted to go and make that your present; I did that with my parents (they'd never been on a plane before) before I moved
to a different state after college, and I will never forget it. Just the memory of it makes my heart swell.
If you don't have enough money for a trip, just get together with your loved ones and make a list of all the things that you wanted to do but never
had the time or drive and use a little money to actually do them. Agree together to give each other gifts whenever you feel moved to, instead of once
or twice a year. My partner and I do that and it's awesome. It makes it all more meaningful.
I am a teacher and I do give gifts to some of the other teachers and the custodians and the office staff, but they are not extravagant ones; they're
just a little something thoughtful, usually accompanied by a note about how much I value them and stuff like that.
If you have a partner and young kids, instead of buying expensive gifts hire a babysitter for a night or two and spend some time in a comfortable
hotel in a nearby town. See a movie, eat some dinner out or in, dance, whatever you want, then just spend the night and the next morning together
doing whatever you like to do. If you make the arrangement with another couple, you won't have to pay for a babysitter at all; you can just trade
weekends. If there's a couple with a very little one, everyone gets a chance to take care of them, which is fun (in my opinion) for about a day and a
If you have kids, don't forget to find out what they REALLY want. All kids want stuff, but you'd be surprised how much they want OTHER things too,
like to go here or there, or to have a big sleepover, or to redecorate their room (not as expensive as you'd think, plus then they have to clean it)
or to learn to play the guitar.
All the best to you and those in the same situations.