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The Amazing Palin-Dobson Interview

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:41 PM
In an eerie way, Palin's remarks about God's will, remind me of same, but pronounced in Arabic: "Inshaa'Allah!". This is usually said by some sort of religious fanatics, and oftentimes in their martyrdom videos. Bin Palin's, excuse me, Bin Laden's favorite phrase.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
In an eerie way, Palin's remarks about God's will, remind me of same, but pronounced in Arabic: "Inshaa'Allah!". This is usually said by some sort of religious fanatics, and oftentimes in their martyrdom videos. Bin Palin's, excuse me, Bin Laden's favorite phrase.

Way to be part of the problem and not the solution, Buddha. Kudos on your liberal fanatacism.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:54 PM
Ugggh God, I am so SICK of people using labels to attack one another!

Liberal? Conservative? Democrat? Republican? All four letter words in my book for the rest of my life.

If she was an intelligent human being, she wouldn't talk about her religion so much in public, bottom line. If you want to get elected, stay impartial.

These are the reasons I've moved out of my redneck end of the woods and into the real world. All you people talk like you're trying out to be the next anchorperson on CNN or Fox.

Dammit, people. I come to this site because I feel that now and then there are intelligent people here who discuss REAL issues. I'll say it for the 1000th time on this site: If you back any of the choices on the ballot 100%, you are diluted.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 05:06 PM
My person view is that if a politician or candidate injects talk of God and religion into nearly every conversation for office then I have a difficult time believing that person can understand and uphold the separation of church and state.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by roadgravel

Thank you. Simple and concise. If you are "pallin' around with Dobson, doesn't that make it obvious? Maybe not the right way to say it, but how about, 20years of an evangelical church moulding your mind?


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

You haven't figured it out yet? God is going to put in who He wants. You really have no say in the matter. So if McCain gets in it was meant to be, if Obama, same.

In times past yes, but in the last days...nope. Yes this is how millions of decent Americans and others around the world believe, scary isn't it?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

God will put who he wants in be it Obama or McCain. God made Martin(autommatica) Grammatica miss wide left from 43 yards out against the Broncos in week 3. God gave me the bad corned beef for lunch. God gave my kid an "A" on math, but mysteriously gave him a "D" the next week (he must have been a bad boy) It's all predetermined! NOW I get it! Thanks for the info, whew! For a minute there, I thought I had something called personal awarness. I can't wait to see what God has planned for me next! God also likes gummy candies and not nuts.


[edit on 23-10-2008 by ColoradoJens]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:45 PM
Heh, I gave you a star for that answer, it made me laugh...and I suspect God as well.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Here is where I have a problem .

If an Evangelical etc ..gets in office ..they are going to push their beliefs on people pass laws to their benefit and anything that would benefit other beliefs will be banned right >Oh and they will change the constitution to benefit them right ?

But if an Athiest or New Ager or whoever else gets in office they will not change the constitution (To Include homosexual marriages,humanistic experimenting on humans and animals,cloneing and GOD Knows whatever else ) ...and they will not push any liberal ideas down anyones throats in speeches or in passing bills etc right >?They are all just gonna sit around and sing cumbya ...and or course invite all of the Evangelicals or Christians to come on up to the white house and eat a steak with ya right ? ....yeah ok.

Is that right ?Because thats what I am seeing on these threads ..double standards ...and one accusing the other of doing something that the other wants to do ..Is this jealousy or what ?

As far as whats happening in CA ..thats all fine and great ..but you and I know when they start changing the constitution will just keep on changing and changing until it is no longer what it once was ..and it wont even be recognizable ..(just like what happened to the bible and all its versions that have come out ) ...
For all of you who claim to love and stand on that Constitution ..How can any of you be happy when anyone says they are gonna amend it to suit another agenda ...this will be a slippery slope ..I say let it alone ..stop changing any of it ......
Besides what does the consitution have to do with allowing a marriage ?
Why does there need a be an amendment for that ? Just start selling them marriage licenses and allow it like they do a common law marriage ..

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Simplynoone

For all of you who claim to love and stand on that Constitution ..How can any of you be happy when anyone says they are gonna amend it to suit another agenda ...this will be a slippery slope ..I say let it alone ..stop changing any of it ......

Your argument is intially based on a double standard - wont anyone based upon their beliefs try to change the constitution? In the most simplistic of ways, yes. The idea that the general public doesn't seem to understand is that this is not a debatable issue. Officials take an oath to uphold the constitution and if they do not, there are laws to remove them. The inference that an Evangelical who has publicly stated that she would do her best to implement her beliefs in office may be challenged by separation of curch and state seems to me to be very real.

Isn't it the Rep party who wants to change the constitution to add an amendment prohibiting gay marriage? Wasn't it the Reublican Donald rumsfeld who called the constitution a "goddamned piece of paper?" When the obvious is that an Evangellical would have the most diffculty with the idea of seperation of church and state (as opposed to an athiest), it amazes me that one can say, I see no potential conflict here.


What amendments to the constitution have the Dems been pushing recently?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by Simplynoone

For all of you who claim to love and stand on that Constitution ..How can any of you be happy when anyone says they are gonna amend it to suit another agenda ...this will be a slippery slope ..I say let it alone ..stop changing any of it ......

Your argument is intially based on a double standard - wont anyone based upon their beliefs try to change the constitution? In the most simplistic of ways, yes. The idea that the general public doesn't seem to understand is that this is not a debatable issue. Officials take an oath to uphold the constitution and if they do not, there are laws to remove them. The inference that an Evangelical who has publicly stated that she would do her best to implement her beliefs in office may be challenged by separation of curch and state seems to me to be very real.

Isn't it the Rep party who wants to change the constitution to add an amendment prohibiting gay marriage? Wasn't it the Reublican Donald rumsfeld who called the constitution a "goddamned piece of paper?" When the obvious is that an Evangellical would have the most diffculty with the idea of seperation of church and state (as opposed to an athiest), it amazes me that one can say, I see no potential conflict here.


What amendments to the constitution have the Dems been pushing recently?

Your missing my whole point ..
Both sides are gonna do the same things they accuse the other side of doing ..that is my point .

I really hate the two party system myself ..and Church and State needs to stay seperate doubt about it ..
But anyone who gets in office is going to have some sort of BELIEF so good luck with finding someone who has no beliefs they wont push ...Athiests say they dont believe in much of anything ...but Science and themselves ..yet you do not believe they will surely push their humanistic agenda in Schools,The pulpits (Athiest Churchs will be started lol) oh wait the Science labs is their church ..they will pass bills to benefit their ideas of where Science needs to go etc etc ...Etc etc etc ..Same goes for ANYONE who gets in ..With any beliefs ...........*I only used Athiests as an example ..So please dont you Scientists get in an uproar ..

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:12 AM
What major changes would a decent Christian try to make to the constitution?

Well as a Christian here is what I would do if I was elected:

1. I would re-write the freedom of speech law to include any speech which has shown to cause harm either by incite or through a perceived idea extolling harm to another person or animal shall be censored and not allowed to be published.

2. I would try to overthrow roe vs wade simply because it doesn't make sense to killl a baby. The mother often suffers from depression and feelings of guilt for the rest of her life. I would instead put the baby up for adoption and in the cases of incest or rape same thing.

3. I would strengthen our borders so much so that no one from the outside could sneak through.

4. I would re-examine all those who have a known affiliation with radical religious ideas and if found to be a threat deport them asap. If naturalized citizen, I would inter them at a work camp teaching them a skill to help them stop thinking of their poor life and killing others because of it. Them watch nthem closely on a probationary basis.

5. I would reform our prisons. I would make the punishment for crimes such as rape and pedophilia much stiffer. Inmates would work for their food on a daily basis. If they refused to work I would put them in a mental hospital, because that's where they would need to be since obviously they are insane.

6. I would pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I would instead of worrying about threats far away, examine the threats already here and call in every person of questionable background to register and then put them on probation status. If they are caught talking about hurting the US or it's people it would be mandatory deportation.

7.Illegal immigrants already here would also have to register and will have to take english classes within first two years here. If any immigrant commits a violent felony or participates in drug dealing, the whole family would be deported. The ones who stay clean during a 10 year probationary period would be allowed to become US citizens.

8. The terrorists we already have in custody would be treatyed with respect, but would not be allowed to get any more religious materials pertaining to the religion that caused them to turn violent. The real true gospel would be available and prisoners made to listen to it on a daily basis.

9. I would try to unite all the major parties by talking about what we have in common instead of trying to tear the other party down.

10. Take a well deserved 3 week vacation to a nice quiet spot away from all the hustle and bustle of the big city.

And that would be just the first year, and of course much more on the agenda but that basically covers the big changes needed.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by TH3ON3
What major changes would a decent Christian try to make to the constitution?

Well as a Christian here is what I would do if I was elected:

4. I would re-examine all those who have a known affiliation with radical religious ideas and if found to be a threat deport them asap. If naturalized citizen, I would inter them at a work camp teaching them a skill to help them stop thinking of their poor life and killing others because of it. Them watch nthem closely on a probationary basis.

So which religion determines the 'radical religious ideas' or is it non religious people. Each religion could claim the others are the radicals.

Seems obvious that each religion will assume it is the true and right religion.

Isn't that akin to the defendant and the accuser being on the jury.

[edit on 10/24/2008 by roadgravel]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
Reply to NYK537

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
How is asking God for Divine intervention on Nov 4th not dismissing the current poles because God will take care of it NOT the same as what I wrote

Perhaps you should go back and read your source better. Palin didn't say she was praying for "divine intervention", Dobson did.

they are praying the poles are wrong, are the not?

So what, so am I, and I'm not pushing my beliefs on you.

A) Did you read the interview? Oi! It is in GODS HANDS are her words and then the ENTIRE ARTICLE is about how she agree's 100% with DOBSON - is there no correlation when the greatest EVANGELLICAL Right winger says this in an interview with her and she agrees? Chispas!
B) relate to the context of the argument. Please continue to pray for the poles to change, as is your wont. You are not running for the Vice President of the United States.

Do you read the constitution?


Get off her neck, and quit whining, Obama says things that should scare the crap out you but here you are sweating the small stuff. We get it, you hate religion, you hate palin, you'll do everything you can to sensationalize everything she says pointing out how silly it is with a religious like zeal that can only be appreciated by other whining militant atheists, gay activists, most liberals etc Blah Blah Blah

Get over it you're doing the same thing pushing YOUR point as well the only difference is SHE has made it all the way to being a Mayor, who did so well they wanted her to be Governor Of Alaska while you're still talking like someone who has all the business acumen of the employee of the month at meat on a stick at your local malls food court.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens

What amendments to the constitution have the Dems been pushing recently?

That wall of separation means the Government should stay out of it BOTH WAYS, which means if she wants to express her religiosity SHE CAN and if she wants to introduce a bill based on her religious belief SHE CAN.

She has the same unalienable rights YOU DO! You know the ones ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR! Which is the biggest fear we should have for people like you wanting to remove GOD from public life and amend the constitution so that we are one nation under the constitution rather than one nation under God.

The day THAT happens is the day the Government owns those rights and they become merely privileges. You know why I like religion? Because the people that are in it provide a great counter balance to those that are not and I am afraid of what we would become without it.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:20 AM
The 2006 Alaska vote

MASSIE, DAVID M. GRN 593 0.25%
PALIN/PARNELL REP 114697 48.33%
Write-in Votes 384 0.16%

52% of the voters didn't want her. Maybe all those in her town did but not across the whole state.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:47 AM
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posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
52% of the voters didn't want her. Maybe all those in her town did but not across the whole state.

That's typical of any election with multiple candidates. Its pretty likely that 50%+ of the voting public won't want Obama, either, but he'll probably still win the election.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Simplynoone

Simplynoone; I understand your thoughts and I agree the constitution is fine the way it is - stop messing with it! I think my post came off badly - late at night -please forgive? - I was trying to say I agree BUT; An atheist may be a good federal employee because church and state don't enter the equation for them, in that example. I have no issues with someones faith - it is how they attempt to subvert the constitution for THEIR religion's beliefs that I have an issue with. Regardless of your political or religious beliefs, the constitution trumps it in our country. ALL religions are "equal" under said document.


posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel

So which religion determines the 'radical religious ideas' or is it non religious people. Each religion could claim the others are the radicals.

Seems obvious that each religion will assume it is the true and right religion.

Isn't that akin to the defendant and the accuser being on the jury.

[edit on 10/24/2008 by roadgravel]

Well since my "religion" teaches that we are not to kill or even persecute someone over their own religious beliefs and I hold that dear, why would my "religion" be anything to be afraid of. I believe any persons religion even if it's the same as i believe if it causes said person to act out in a violent manner that person should be interred in a facility to try and rehabilitate them. Because let's face it, people are open to making the wrong interpretatgions on any religious text.

We are only human, and as such, things like religious brainwashing by those who raised us, teachers, or even mental illnes can totally twist what is a perfectly good writing into a call to kill and persecute others who believe differently.

This is not a big problem until someone who claims to speak for God who has ulterior motives such as the pope, or Jim jones, or any other twisted or power seeking ruler starts writing things like edicts or extra holy books not originally in the Christian Bible.

Then because of all the death and misery caused by these same "false prophets", the world blames the pure original faith as the reason for it happening.

So you see, we need someone who understands that God has given us one Holy Bible, and all other writings by later popes, or kings, or false prophets only lead to more war, and oppression, and death, all in the name of a God who does not sanction it.

Some examples in point, the book of Mormon, the Koran, the edicts wriiten by the pope's to try and gain control over people and engorge their coffers.

This is not what the Christian God intended. But because of the positions of power given to corrupt "holy" men this has happend time after time.

So yes i do believe my "religion" is the best because it is. It's nothing more than teaching pure love with guidelines meant to help us live with each other in peace and harmony and with justice for all.

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