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The Amazing Palin-Dobson Interview

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:04 PM

The Amazing Palin-Dobson Interview

God's Will on Election Day: Dobson asks if she's discouraged about the polls showing that McCain-Palin is behind:

"I am not discouraged at all, even hearing those poll numbers because, for some reason, I have found myself over and over again in my life being put in these underdog positions and yet still when victory needed to be reached in order to meet this greater good, it's always worked out just perfectly fine despite the fact that over and over again I've been, and I know John McCain has been, in underdog positions. To me, it motivates us, makes us work that much harder and it also strengthens my faith because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done, the end of the day on November 4th. "
Dobson says that he anad other pastors have been praying to God for his intervention in the election: "We were just asking for, rather boldly asking, for a miracle with regard to the election this year.." Palin responded:

"We'll be praying too for your ministry and for those pastors whom you have just mentioned also. Collectively, we can do all that we have within us to strengthen our country and to let Americans know that government has to be on their side, it's their government and as we seek God's wisdom and His will in this election, we have to have faith that it's all going to be good at the end of the day there on November 4th as this country moves forward."

Is it fair to assume that if she were elected to office she would have a difficult time upholding her constitutional duty of seperation of church and state? Of course, when all else fails, pray to God that the polls are wrong.

God & The Mainstream Media Filter: Palin says she need's God's help to go around the mainstream media to get her message out:

"You cant pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful...this is where my faith becomes even more important to me. I have to have faith that our message will get out to the American people minus the filter of the mainstream media.... We can't get that message through the mainstream media. ... I have to have that faith that God's going to help us get that message out there."

So, God is with them and against Obama. Okee. This is the type of talk that those "zany" radicals in Pakistan engange in. Gotta love Dobson and his clergy praying for a "divine intervention" in the election. Again, wow.

Actual interview included.


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Yeah...those crazy christians with their crazy god...

Talking about asking for God's help with something is not the same as implying that somehow God is "against" the other guy. There is nothing wrong with having faith.

Palin isn't trying to push her beliefs on anyone, so why worry about it? This type of garbage comes from the same people, who when confronted with the lie that Obama was a Muslim, said that it didn't matter what a persons faith was as long as they governed fairly.

Apparently that only applies to him though.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Boy, Dobson and the religious right just LOVE Palin, don't they? They know she's most likely to bring religion into the government and legislate morality, which is what they've been trying to do for years now.

That interview is scary! On Pro-Life Commitment:

Dobson asks whether, based on her private conversations with McCain, she thinks he "also strongly supports those views" and "will implement it."

Palin: "I do, from the bottom of my heart."

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:32 PM
Abortion is not strictly a religous issue.

Limits should be imposed on it, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

I still don't see anything wrong with this interview.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by nyk537

Isn't trying to push her beliefs on anyone? Do you know the last twenty years she has been an Evangelical? Do you know that they are OBLIGATED to "push their beliefs" on EVERYONE?

Outrageous. The impliction of praying to defeat Obama very much indeed does include the notion that he is the "enemy", thus also in GOD's eyes. Does God help Rush Limbaugh get fat? Does God write for the worlddailynet? Does James Dobson speak for GOD? AHHAHAHAHA! Extreemism comes in many forms - and you have no clue as to my faith and beliefs. James Dobson should hook up with the loonies in Westboro Kansas to form a megylooney church. Inquisition revisited 2009? Spread the word, WERE COMING TO GET YOU!


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
Isn't trying to push her beliefs on anyone? Do you know the last twenty years she has been an Evangelical? Do you know that they are OBLIGATED to "push their beliefs" on EVERYONE?

That's right, because they are all the same aren't they? Those nasty Christians only want to convert you and force their beliefs down your throat don't they?

And the only thing Palin mentioned in the quotes you posted is that she knew that it was in God's hands and that whatever is best for the country would happen on November 4th. She also said that she hoped God would help them get their message out. That's it. That isn't quite ramming her religion down your throat now is it?

It kills me how so many people will jump all over Palin or anyone else because of christian beliefs, but yet when accusations were being thrown at Obama for being muslim, "religion didn't matter". His religion didn't matter when he was attending a church that preached hate and racism. It still doesn't matter now that he says he has strong christian beliefs.

Yet for matters.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens

The Amazing Palin-Dobson Interview

Is it fair to assume that if she were elected to office she would have a difficult time upholding her constitutional duty of seperation of church and state? Of course, when all else fails, pray to God that the polls are wrong.

Hold on there. This is a classic example of liberals altering the meaning of Palin's words. She's not praying that the polls are wrong, and she's not talking about starting a Crusade in America. Here's what she's saying in her own words:

"it also strengthens my faith because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done"

All she's saying is she's putting her faith in God. What, is it wrong to say such things now? Need I remind you Obama is a self-proclaimed Christian? There's nothing in her speech to indicate that she would breech the separation of church and state.

So, God is with them and against Obama. Okee. This is the type of talk that those "zany" radicals in Pakistan engange in. Gotta love Dobson and his clergy praying for a "divine intervention" in the election. Again, wow.

Yeah, uh, actually she said nothing like that in the paragraph you included. You pulled that "God is with them and against Obama" line out of your ass. Allow me to translate, since you aren't capable of doing it in a fair and reasonable fashion:

"You cant pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful...this is where my faith becomes even more important to me. I have to have faith that our message will get out to the American people minus the filter of the mainstream media.... We can't get that message through the mainstream media. ... I have to have that faith that God's going to help us get that message out there."

She's made it no secret that she believes the majority of the media to be liberally biased and unfairly negative toward the McCain campaign. She is saying here that, again, she has faith in God that Americans will see through the untruths that the media is presenting to them (hopefully on both sides, Republican and Democrat) so they can make a fair decision.

How you ever came up with this other crap is beyond me.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by nyk537

Isn't trying to push her beliefs on anyone? Do you know the last twenty years she has been an Evangelical? Do you know that they are OBLIGATED to "push their beliefs" on EVERYONE?

Wow. That's funny. Do you honestly believe that? Or is that just what someone told you? I'm a Christian, raised in an evangelical church, and I've never believed that. Nor has anyone I know believed that. Nor have I ever been taught that. And had I been taught that, I'd have left, thankyouverymuch. Obligated. Like God is standing over us with a big stick and if we aren't out there thumping Bibles He's going to pound us.

My M.O. has been along the lines of St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."

Flame away if you must.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:03 PM
One must remember her stance on gay rights which, no matter how much she wants to make a constitutional issue out of it, is one based on nothing but her religious views.

Ms. Palin said she supported Alaska's decision to amend its Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. But she used her first veto as governor to block a bill that would have prohibited the state from granting health benefits to same-sex partners of public employees.

Ms. Palin said she vetoed the bill because it was unconstitutional, but raised the possibility of amending the state Constitution so the ban could pass muster.

Source: New York Times, pp. A1 & A10, "An Outsider Who Charms" Aug 29, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin today announced that, per the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Alaska, the State of Alaska's regulations are in effect to begin providing state benefits to same sex partners beginning January 1, 2007. "The Supreme Court has ordered adoption of the regulations by the State of Alaska to begin providing benefits January 1," said Governor Palin. "We have no more judicial options. We may disagree with the rationale behind the ruling, but our responsibility is to proceed forward with the law and follow the Constitution."

In addition to adoption of the regulations, Governor Palin signed HB4002 today, which calls for a statewide advisory vote, proposed by the Legislature during its November special session. "I disagree with the recent court decision because I feel as though Alaskans spoke on this issue with its overwhelming support for a Constitutional Amendment in 1998 which defined marriage as between a man and woman. But the Supreme Court has spoken and the state will abide.

Source: Alaska Governor's Office: Press release 06-012, "Same Sex" Dec 20, 2006


She has repeatedly said that she wants to uphold the constitution and uses that as her argument against gay rights. The evangelical right constantly does this and it is nothing more then trying to tiptoe around 'it's wrong because our religion says it is wrong'.

I firmly believe that she, like the last administration, would support this disgusting and discriminatory stance on gay rights. Not because it is an actual issue, but because of her religious views. This alone is enough to leave me disgusted with her and others who also adopt this mindset.

The government has no right to tell someone that they can not be married, maintain visitation rights, etc... because they aren't the social norm. For too long I have had to watch in disgust as laws which would ensure gay rights are voted down and the gay community demonized.

It is a backwards religious view and the hate should be left on the pulpit, not in politics.

Would her religion shape her politics? She has already proven that she would try.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:09 PM
Actually, Palin has said numerous times that she supports full and equal rights for same sex couples.

Just not the title of marriage.

I don't see how that's a problem, and it is upholding the constitution, whether it aligns with her religion or not.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by GirlNextDoor

From Wiki:

Evangelism is the Christian practice of proselytisation. The intention of most evangelism is to effect eternal salvation to those who do not follow the Christian God; others believe it is to inform others about the Kingdom of God. Evangelism is done in obedience to the Great Commission, a command from Jesus to his disciples to proselytise, according to accounts in the New Testament. Christians who specialise in evangelism are known as evangelists, whether in they are in their home communities or acting as missionaries in the field. Some Christian traditions consider evangelists to be in a leadership position, and they may be found preaching to large meetings, and in governance roles. Christian groups who actively encourage evangelism are sometimes known as evangelistic or evangelist.

The communication of Christian faith to new geographical areas and cultures is often referred to as evangelisation, or specifically, world evangelisation.

Also, your "MO" as you put it is exactly what I am talking about.


Is it fair to assume that if she were elected to office she would have a difficult time upholding her constitutional duty of seperation of church and state? Of course, when all else fails, pray to God that the polls are wrong.

Hold on there. This is a classic example of liberals altering the meaning of Palin's words. She's not praying that the polls are wrong, and she's not talking about starting a Crusade in America. Here's what she's saying in her own words:

"it also strengthens my faith because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done"

All she's saying is she's putting her faith in God. What, is it wrong to say such things now? Need I remind you Obama is a self-proclaimed Christian? There's nothing in her speech to indicate that she would breech the separation of church and state.

A) I asked a legitamate question considering her religious beliefs effecting her role in office.
B) How is asking God for Divine intervention on Nov 4th not dismissing the current poles because God will take care of it NOT the same as what I wrote - they are praying the poles are wrong, are the not?
C) The only one to put words in anyone's mouth was you: "Starting a Crusade?" No where did I mention or even indicate this.

So, God is with them and against Obama. Okee. This is the type of talk that those "zany" radicals in Pakistan engange in. Gotta love Dobson and his clergy praying for a "divine intervention" in the election. Again, wow.

Yeah, uh, actually she said nothing like that in the paragraph you included. You pulled that "God is with them and against Obama" line out of your ass. Allow me to translate, since you aren't capable of doing it in a fair and reasonable fashion:

"You cant pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful...this is where my faith becomes even more important to me. I have to have faith that our message will get out to the American people minus the filter of the mainstream media.... We can't get that message through the mainstream media. ... I have to have that faith that God's going to help us get that message out there."

She's made it no secret that she believes the majority of the media to be liberally biased and unfairly negative toward the McCain campaign. She is saying here that, again, she has faith in God that Americans will see through the untruths that the media is presenting to them (hopefully on both sides, Republican and Democrat) so they can make a fair decision.

How you ever came up with this other crap is beyond me.

So your logic is that God does indeed effect daily proceedings here on earth and that it is NOT believed by evangelicals that those who don't agree with them are sinners and will go to hell? That her faith is in God that Americans will see to WHAT truth? YOURS? Finally, re-read my post without vemon and spite. You will see in context of the discussion of separation of church and state it is indeed important to look at those who want to change our constitution to favor their religion.


You have said three seprate things in differing threads to me:
1) That has to be the most IGNORANT COMMENT ON ATS EVER
2) That I am pulling lines "out of my ass"
3) I am neither fair nor reasonable.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
How is asking God for Divine intervention on Nov 4th not dismissing the current poles because God will take care of it NOT the same as what I wrote

Perhaps you should go back and read your source better. Palin didn't say she was praying for "divine intervention", Dobson did.

they are praying the poles are wrong, are the not?

So what, so am I, and I'm not pushing my beliefs on you.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to
Also, your "MO" as you put it is exactly what I am talking about.

No, it's not. Well, according to your wiki entry there, I'm not an evangelical. Because as I said, I don't preach. And I don't thump. And the only person I know at my church who does, is the pastor. (He preaches, but doesn't thump.) So I really don't know where you're coming from with this "obligation" thing. The only thing I'm obligated to do is love people. Help people who have needs I can meet. Give freely from what I've been given. Try to make the world a better place. That's my M.O.

But enough about me...

[edit on 10/23/08 by GirlNextDoor]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:52 PM
Reply to NYK537

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
How is asking God for Divine intervention on Nov 4th not dismissing the current poles because God will take care of it NOT the same as what I wrote

Perhaps you should go back and read your source better. Palin didn't say she was praying for "divine intervention", Dobson did.

they are praying the poles are wrong, are the not?

So what, so am I, and I'm not pushing my beliefs on you.

A) Did you read the interview? Oi! It is in GODS HANDS are her words and then the ENTIRE ARTICLE is about how she agree's 100% with DOBSON - is there no correlation when the greatest EVANGELLICAL Right winger says this in an interview with her and she agrees? Chispas!
B) relate to the context of the argument. Please continue to pray for the poles to change, as is your wont. You are not running for the Vice President of the United States.

Do you read the constitution?


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
It is in GODS HANDS are her words

Again I'll add...SO?

Having faith in God is not a crime. Nor is it a reason to condemn someone. I really think you just don't get it.

and then the ENTIRE ARTICLE is about how she agree's 100% with DOBSON

Actually it isn't, but I won't try anymore to explain that to you.

Enjoy the remainder of this thread, and be sure to check under your bed tonight to make sure there aren't any evil Christians hiding under there, waiting to convert you and thump you with their Bibles.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Reply to NYK:

You are a scholar? Not a constitutional one apparently. If this doesn't scare you it's because you agree with Dobson and Palin. The only boogiemen are the ones trying to destroy America via the destruction of Church and State, such as yourself. Also, I know you are stuck on semantics, so we'll leave it at Dobson, in the interview with Palin, (did you hear the actual interview?) made the quote regarding god intervening in the election in favor of the republicans. And the article, as it was an interview with BOTH of them, came out as Palin agreeing with ALL of what dobson said. Please enlighten me where it may show she disagreed with him on ANYTHING he said?


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Mod Note: Courtesy Is Mandatory – Please Review This Link.

Please stick to the topic at hand and refrain from personal attacks and sniping.

There is no reason that this topic cannot be discussed in a civilized fashion.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by spines
One must remember her stance on gay rights which, no matter how much she wants to make a constitutional issue out of it, is one based on nothing but her religious views.

Ms. Palin said she supported Alaska's decision to amend its Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. But she used her first veto as governor to block a bill that would have prohibited the state from granting health benefits to same-sex partners of public employees.

Ms. Palin said she vetoed the bill because it was unconstitutional, but raised the possibility of amending the state Constitution so the ban could pass muster.

Source: New York Times, pp. A1 & A10, "An Outsider Who Charms" Aug 29, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin today announced that, per the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Alaska, the State of Alaska's regulations are in effect to begin providing state benefits to same sex partners beginning January 1, 2007. "The Supreme Court has ordered adoption of the regulations by the State of Alaska to begin providing benefits January 1," said Governor Palin. "We have no more judicial options. We may disagree with the rationale behind the ruling, but our responsibility is to proceed forward with the law and follow the Constitution."

In addition to adoption of the regulations, Governor Palin signed HB4002 today, which calls for a statewide advisory vote, proposed by the Legislature during its November special session. "I disagree with the recent court decision because I feel as though Alaskans spoke on this issue with its overwhelming support for a Constitutional Amendment in 1998 which defined marriage as between a man and woman. But the Supreme Court has spoken and the state will abide.

Source: Alaska Governor's Office: Press release 06-012, "Same Sex" Dec 20, 2006


She has repeatedly said that she wants to uphold the constitution and uses that as her argument against gay rights. The evangelical right constantly does this and it is nothing more then trying to tiptoe around 'it's wrong because our religion says it is wrong'.

I firmly believe that she, like the last administration, would support this disgusting and discriminatory stance on gay rights. Not because it is an actual issue, but because of her religious views. This alone is enough to leave me disgusted with her and others who also adopt this mindset.

The government has no right to tell someone that they can not be married, maintain visitation rights, etc... because they aren't the social norm. For too long I have had to watch in disgust as laws which would ensure gay rights are voted down and the gay community demonized.

It is a backwards religious view and the hate should be left on the pulpit, not in politics.

Would her religion shape her politics? She has already proven that she would try.

And what's your point? The entire state of California is about to vote on Proposition 8 come election day on whether or not to amend the state constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman. This has been brought to a vote since some ambitious judges overrode a popular vote and made gay marriage illegal.

So if California approves this measure, what are you saying, that you're going to hold it against them too? She doesn't believe in the title of "marriage" for same sex couples. It's one of a hundred political issues. Why call out this one?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by GirlNextDoor

Understood. Perhaps your church is (aghast) a LEFT evangelical church which prescibes to newer less in your face ideas. Evangelical is used in common nomenclature to describe those who do have an OBLIGATION. This is common knowledge.


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by GirlNextDoor


Is it fair to assume that if she were elected to office she would have a difficult time upholding her constitutional duty of seperation of church and state? Of course, when all else fails, pray to God that the polls are wrong.

Hold on there. This is a classic example of liberals altering the meaning of Palin's words. She's not praying that the polls are wrong, and she's not talking about starting a Crusade in America. Here's what she's saying in her own words:

"it also strengthens my faith because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done"

All she's saying is she's putting her faith in God. What, is it wrong to say such things now? Need I remind you Obama is a self-proclaimed Christian? There's nothing in her speech to indicate that she would breech the separation of church and state.

A) I asked a legitamate question considering her religious beliefs effecting her role in office.

And I answered. Has there been any indication whatsoever given that leads you to believe that Palin will mix the two? Praying to God for guidance does not violate "crossing church and state" as long as doesn't force all the administration to take part in it. If she does it on her own or with willing staff members then it's a non-issue.

B) How is asking God for Divine intervention on Nov 4th not dismissing the current poles because God will take care of it NOT the same as what I wrote - they are praying the poles are wrong, are the not?

You know I looked, and looked and looked again through those paragraphs and I didn't see the words "divine intervention" anywhere. I saw, again:

"putting this in God's hands"

which is a whopping big difference from asking for divine intervention. One is saying, 'God I trust you, I have faith that your will will be done.' The other is saying 'God I need you to come in and resolve this situation for me' and that's not what she's saying at all. So I would again say, 'no', she's not asking to see God change the polls. Again, we all know that polls are meaningless and are highly untrustworthy. As an elected governor she should know that.

C) The only one to put words in anyone's mouth was you: "Starting a Crusade?" No where did I mention or even indicate this.

I'll give you that a bit of sensationalism on my part.

So, God is with them and against Obama. Okee. This is the type of talk that those "zany" radicals in Pakistan engange in. Gotta love Dobson and his clergy praying for a "divine intervention" in the election. Again, wow.

Yeah, uh, actually she said nothing like that in the paragraph you included. You pulled that "God is with them and against Obama" line out of your ass. Allow me to translate, since you aren't capable of doing it in a fair and reasonable fashion:

"You cant pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful...this is where my faith becomes even more important to me. I have to have faith that our message will get out to the American people minus the filter of the mainstream media.... We can't get that message through the mainstream media. ... I have to have that faith that God's going to help us get that message out there."

She's made it no secret that she believes the majority of the media to be liberally biased and unfairly negative toward the McCain campaign. She is saying here that, again, she has faith in God that Americans will see through the untruths that the media is presenting to them (hopefully on both sides, Republican and Democrat) so they can make a fair decision.

How you ever came up with this other crap is beyond me.

So your logic is that God does indeed effect daily proceedings here on earth and that it is NOT believed by evangelicals that those who don't agree with them are sinners and will go to hell? That her faith is in God that Americans will see to WHAT truth? YOURS? Finally, re-read my post without vemon and spite. You will see in context of the discussion of separation of church and state it is indeed important to look at those who want to change our constitution to favor their religion.


You have said three seprate things in differing threads to me:
1) That has to be the most IGNORANT COMMENT ON ATS EVER
2) That I am pulling lines "out of my ass"
3) I am neither fair nor reasonable.

1. Yes I did say that. It was in response to this thread - the OP posted video examples of racism from the Republican camp. You responded with "Keep em coming Absolutecreation. The amount of vile hate and racial attaks aka racism, are absolutly one sided."

I responded on page two of that thread with several links that showed quite a bit of hatred and racism coming from the Democratic camp. How you can state that hateful and racist attacks only come from one political side and then sit back and defend that comment is beyond me.

2. This was in this thread, because I'm having a hard time seeing where Palin is going to cross the line between church and state.

You know, I learned in college that when Kennedy ran for POTUS, he was hit with the same questions, because he was Catholic - would he let his religion interfere with running the country. He was one of the best presidents in history, IMO. That was also when the definition of being a Democrat was much different than it is today.

People asked the same question about Mitt Romney, only in my opinion it cost him the nomination because people are so "stand offish" about religion, especially religions they aren't familiar with. His being a Mormon was his undoing.

So now Palin faces the same scrutiny. Have there been any examples of her time as governor of Alaska where she blatantly violated the separation of church and state against the will of the people (remember it's not in the constitution that they be separated though freedom of religion is, which I believe includes a lack of religion).

3. That comment stands for itself. If you have evidence to justify these things, please post it, I would love to see it - such as the comment about violation of church and state. In response to the last paragraph, I'm not sure where you got your conclusion that I believed that God does affect life here on Earth. Here is what I believe:

I believe people believe in God and have faith in him. I believe people, through their faith, affect the happenings here on Earth on a daily basis. I do not believe that God directly intervenes on behalf of men anymore the way that he used to in the Old Testament Bible (raining mana, parting the sea, pillars of fire, turning people to salt, destroying cities in a rain of sulfur, turning water to blood, etc). However I do believe that God, with the assistance of angels, does help us to see and know what is right and what is wrong. Nowadays it's all about faith. Again, I believe Sarah Palin is saying she has faith that people will see through what she believes is the media's biased writing.

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