posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I don't get full access to my memories either. I have strong leaks in my memories. But that leak linked greys with nordics. I tried so hard,
short of hypnosis, to remember fully through meditation. The closest I got was when an image of a greys face floated into my inner eye and the big
bold words: ACCESS DENIED! I sat outside reminding them that if its because some of the conditions were less than ideal and would change the way I
felt about them then perhaps they could allow me the dignity of reintegrating and healing these aspects and could even help a little with some
support, or is that concept merely a human one. Or, on the other hand, was it that I perhaps knew too much at this point. For some reason it felt
like a combination of both. The reason being that a lot came out of my mostly suppressed experiences. Up until we moved to the coast, everything was
a little surreal. I really didn't connect our sitings, the memory of a grey, the physical realities of bruises, strange marks and missed cycles, and
certain things I remembered but couldn't place. I just avoided dealing with them. Period. Now I realize that this was the programming I was given,
to avoid connecting any dots.
They obviously have own time table in which things occur. Because they started giving me memories, just a few, but strong ones. Last spring when the
first of countless many sitings of crafts began in a certain area I had been just exploring some of the things. I was a little more curious what my
memories had meant. I watched Jim Sparks, and went to his site. I ordered his book.
When my eyes fell on the alien script, it was like being struck by lightening, only a river of sorrow rushed through me. Before my eyes fell on his
words that if you recognize this then perhaps you too have been taken, I already knew completely. It was tied in to strong memory. I cautiously
reached into the flow to see if the sorrow was fear and trauma based, ie. experiments, or... It was the most incredible loss. Something that would
only be explained a month later, or after the first sighting perhaps before or just the second. I saw myself sitting with groups of children in a
school setting. We were a little different than our children. We weren't separaed from each other. We knew each other intimately and each felt
very secure. I saw lovely nordic teacher, a sense of being a tight survival group, depth of learning in both science, literature, poetry, culture and
then suddenly I watched the planet recede from view quickly and I realized I'd lost it, a whole planet, a whole people, a beloved people.
I know that part of the work that was done when we were taken (my brother was there too though he doesn't remember his childhood. He does think he
has a implant up through his sinuses like I think I do. Though whether from his childhood or from the missing time while driving truck, he's not
sure) was psi work, and preparations for a future event, as well they had to have explained my past life and their involvement with me. The timing
was incredible. I saw the script, within in days, they had telepathically answered a thought I was having directly and when I went outside my entire
family had its first sighting at the coast. It hovered above us for 5 minutes. My kids ran amok, one climbed a shed and waved, one said "we come in
Then I watched some videos of the planet in question and it all came back. I was looking through a current in time that could have been over 11,000
years to 26,000 years if Hoaglands summary in an interview was correct, to over 200,000 thousand years if Boriska's memory was correct. I spent days
with it, exploring this. Whatever the time frame, to my soul, it was like a decade had passed. The past is sealed from us, and its hard on the
psyche to remember. This one memory took weeks to recover from. It was as though a huge crack in a wall had occurred and it was rough and hard on
me. Greys had taken me from that planet, from my family (my mother comes to mine) when I just wanted to stay and die with them. They were precious.
We had been a tight group that had migrated to this part of the galaxy and had survived many disasters. We were nordics. I was around 11 by human
standards. They took me to earth, which was undergoing a great deluge. In other words this intense tragedy and incredible sorrow was being
multiplied and on at least 2 planets in the solar system.
I've realized that they have given me some of my memories. They seem to be following lineage here, or souls even. When some people say many are
here to do something, or help in some way, or have incarnated on assignment, all I can say is that is correct. When others say that greys are keeping
our souls to put back into other bodies, that is incorrect, or at least you have to be the one to ensure that doesn't happen. I knew from the time I
was a preschooler, having seen vietnam on the tv, and thinking how incredibly long this journey was for mankind (my father was a science and math
teacher and had explained evolution to us young), that in so many thousand years, we still hadn't got it! I was thinking, "What...what the heck is
going on. So little kids have to do it! We have to change the world?" And then out loud I said, "But I didn't have to come back this time. Why
am I here? I didn't have to be here!" I remembered that one all my life. It wasn't me talking, it was a higher me. Now the Okanagan is my
home, and I'm moving back soon. The natives there have myths that take them to a large island/continent in the pacific where they were a group of
giant whites with advanced abilities akin to magic. The call this something other than lemuria, but I know it is. I feel like having lived there all
my life, everything is full circle in this life for some reason.
Again I will say, these greys are working with nordics. And theres a purpose to the work going on.
[edit on 27-10-2008 by mystiq]