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ABC Nightline news: The UFO Disclosure Process Has Begun

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:03 AM
While I support the fact there is no way that we exist alone in the universe, I'm not sure about the creators thing. What would of created them? Another race? I hold more faith in them evolving faster or having more time to do it as the Milky way is not the center of the universe but it is only from our point of view. Which could make any other galaxy older then ours, and possible for life to have advanced millions of years before we crawled around on this little rock. All this talk about they were worships as gods and they are more advanced then us makes me think of a movie.

It's called Fantasic Planet and those who seen it know what I'm hinting at. For those that don't know, you should watch it and then you'll get it.


Fantasic Planet

Warning: Contains some partial nudity

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Azathoth]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:05 AM
They are definitely taking the steps for disclosure. You have to ask yourself, "why now.” Over the last two years we have had more files and information regarding UFO's released than ever before. It would seem the other governments are rushing for full disclosure.


Because the governments know something that we do not know. My guess is that these E.T.'s who work in the shadows have always insisted that it remain that way, in the shadows. Perhaps they made it clear that if we ever came to a point where the reality of their being and the total secrecy could not be kept from the World anymore, that they would have no choice but to take action against humanity.

Questions I have been asking myself:

What if our Space Agency and the DoD were really warned never to return to the moon? What was the warning and what made it so serious and so real that our defense agencies took the advice and that was the main and ultimate reason all the lunar missions stopped and we never went back?

Now you have all these Countries starting their own space programs and lunar missions. Could that have a new and important effect on the original warning and our temporary peaceful relations with these beings?

Another theory:

What if by some small chance we are some weird dimensional planetary DNA experiment, that by asking for disclosure and revealing these beings existence and their purpose we are dooming ourselves and ending that experiment causing our own destruction? What if we are at the end of some massive breeding and evolutionary monitoring program and our Government knows the outcome and it is not good?

What if our human intelligence has been primed and intentionally evolved to our current technological state in order that we must serve some unknown task for these highly advanced beings millions of years more advanced than we are? What if the time for our service is now and they are preparing to claim "us.”

All this current disclosure forces you to think. This isn't just about releasing a few National defense files or retired high ranking service personnel coming forward and disclosing events or encounters. This is something deeper and more sinister. In any event, I feel that we will know the answers very soon.

From the stupid Blossom Goodchild thing to the Ed Mitchell interview, something very intentional is taking place. Maybe it is to late to prevent a particular negative event from happening and all this gradual disclosure is in some crude way all these Governments way of clearing their own guilty human conscience and they are really saying, "we told the World in our typical government style that these beings and their craft do exist.” It's like a Roswell version of a warning but without really getting specific as usual.

Something very big is going to happen in the next couple of years, now we just need to know what "it" is.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by silver6ix

if there are civs millions or billions of years old why havnt they colonized our solar system? theyve had enough time and there were no humans around for 4.47 billion years so no ethical obstacles for them. yet our planet has been left alone.

if tech intelligence is common and there are civs millions or billions of years old they must not want to contact us. It would be very very easy for them to do so. But None of them do.

no beacons in the sky or uber powerfull radio signals for us to detect. nothing. And this would need to apply to all those civs out there.

the simplest explanation as to why we see nothing is tech intelligence is extremely rare

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:09 AM
There are good alien and bad alien. Think of it like polarity. You got your service to self and your service to others. Just like you have here. Good/bad /positive/negative.

Regardless of that i think it is important to point out that both are a part of the original ... and therefore valid. Hard to swallow but true.

That having been said, Alien or ET if they are here , good or bad... they are advanced in technology and therefore we are not going to be able to hold our own should they be of hostile intent. This is where we can rest assured that despite not deserving it , the ET of a good and or service to others disposition will be coming to our rescue.

Unless the Alien people see nothing of value in us as a species, and I admit these days that might require some deeper looking, I feel very confidant that they would not allow the end of a race.

Furthermore and let me remind you of 2 other important things... WE ... thats YOU and ME... are powerful beings in our own right. We have the ability, unlike at tleast the grey ETS do , to love . This is all the power we truly ever need to tap into. When will we see that fear and hate only breed more negative energy.

2nd thing is it takes only 1 positive to cancel 2 negative. Remember that in chem class? We need to focus internally and outwardly on LOVE... today. Lets change what we do not like ourselves!! .. LOVE is what we need, on an earthly, intellectual, scientific, spiritual, medical, mental, physical and extraterrestrial level. If you have ever known love you know the power, sheer power it holds and has.

We are capable of great things because we are able to harness the power of Love and you know yourself it has untold powers by which to change even the grumpiest scrooge. Just call me Cindy Lu who!!

Think about it ok?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:11 AM
The theory is called Singularity Theory which studies the law of accelerating returns.

Anyone interested in whether or not we are reaching a crisis point should read this theory very carfeully. Its a very powerful and well structured study of the evolution of our technology and where it is headed.

Its all based on solid established fact. It ties in with everything we are discussing because we would have to imagine where an advanced species stands in this scale of technological development and indeed in turn accept that they can see where we are heading and how quickly we are likely to reach that singularity point.

Yeti101, this information will answer all the questions you asked me

Advanced life would likely have no desire to communicate intelligently with a species at our stage of evolution, but our threat to others would be a grave and motivating concern.
[edit on 23-10-2008 by silver6ix]

[edit on 23-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by silver6ix

One may come to the conclusion that the tech singularity is unsurvivable and thats why we see no sign of other civilizations.

They are all wiped out when they reach this point

personally i dont belive in a technological singularity although it may be the answer as to why we see no other signs of intelligent life

[edit on 23-10-2008 by yeti101]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by yeti101

Its not likely to lead to extinction at all. In fact its more likely to lead to balance and a phase where the material fades in importance. Why develop a weapon when the enemy can instantly develop a counter measure?

Why develop a computer security algorithm when a hacker can instantly resolve it. It would lead to a period of advanced violence, but beyond that, after a period of mayhem and war we would in theory come through to something else. What we would be at that point is a million years more advanced than we can comprehend now.

Having the answers to the questions and living in the enormity of the universe instead of the darkness of one rock would irrevocably change our minds.

As to another species, even a species two thirds on the path to singularity could be dangerous, and highly evolved, technologically sublime compared to us.

Its an indication when referenced against the scope and age of the universe of just how insignificant humans actually are.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by yeti101

Maybe the fact that they are millions of years more advanced gives them the knowledge that we are infants on the cosmic scale and that contact with us would serve nothing more than our own destruction and maybe theirs. Would you engage a society of hostile beings? Would you engage a society that had more weapons than people? Would you engage a World of beings that you have seen destroy each other with chemical, nuclear, or atomic weapons? Would you make contact with beings that fired at you every time you entered the planets atmosphere? I am sure there are many reasons they keep at a safe distance.

You also have to think about what would happen if their knowledge and technology were acquired by a careless slightly evolved child like the human race. What do you think would happen? These beings would know that any interference with our species could have many different effects, negative or even positive and possibly on a Universal level.

If there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of advanced civilizations out there, they certainly know we are here. Either they helped us come in to being and have really been here for the ride all along or they can hear us because our planet is very loud and unnaturally so.

I am sure there is a detour sign or warning beacon at the edge of our solar system that says, "Danger, avoid the 3rd blue planet at all costs. Planet inhabited by hostile beings".

[edit on 23-10-2008 by arizonascott]

[edit on 23-10-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

Agreed, but even simpler we already have the answer to why they wouldnt contact us.

In the early days of humans study of nature, we found a species and trampled in willy nilly ruined their natural isolated existence and changed everything.

In modern times on of the fundemental rules of studying any species is to avoid at all costs any avoidable action which might interfere with their natural existence. Even at this stage we have developed that "morality" when handling animals in the wild.

So we can easily see why an advanced life might treat us the same. It maybe against their scince and morality in the same way its against ours to tamper more than needed. So study of us would be carried out the same, capture, study, tagging, all done as subtely as possible trying to limit the interference with our evolution.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

our radio signals have only travelled 100ly, and your theory about not wanting to contact us or anyone else for that matter would have to apply to all the thousands of civs in the galaxy.

i dont think theres much chance they are all exactly the same. i think we will receive a signal if they exist but not for another couple of thousand years.

if type 2 or type 3 civs exists why do we see no evidence of stellar engineering. everything seems natural. Unless the galaxy/universe has already been re-engineerd

[edit on 23-10-2008 by yeti101]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by arizonascott
What if our Space Agency and the DoD were really warned never to return to the moon? What was the warning and what made it so serious and so real that our defense agencies took the advice and that was the main and ultimate reason all the lunar missions stopped and we never went back?

Now you have all these Countries starting their own space programs and lunar missions. Could that have a new and important effect on the original warning and our temporary peaceful relations with these beings?

USA is also returning to the moon. In fact, NASA already sent some technology with the recent India rocket launch.

The 3,042-pound (1,380-kg) Chandrayaan-1, carrying 11 experiments including three from the European Space Agency, two from NASA and one from Bulgaria, is expected to fire its onboard liquid motor in a series of maneuvers intended to place it into a 62-mile (100-km) altitude orbit above the Moon's surface by Nov. 8.

And from the same article:

The European Space Agency, whose lunar orbiter was retired in 2006, is weighing future lunar missions. The United States, whose Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is scheduled for launch in early 2009, has said it wants to establish a lunar colony before sending astronauts to other destinations, including Mars.

Originally posted by Niagra
Furthermore and let me remind you of 2 other important things... WE ... thats YOU and ME... are powerful beings in our own right. We have the ability, unlike at tleast the grey ETS do , to love . This is all the power we truly ever need to tap into. When will we see that fear and hate only breed more negative energy.

I agree that humans are not to be underestimated. However, I have a hard time believing that a hypothetical alien race--such as these "greys" you mention--would be able to advance to any significant level if they were unable to love.

You cannot cooperate with others and build alliances without being able to trust them. Trust seems to me like a variant of love... you are putting your faith in the kindness of another. And without alliances a species would remain in a barbaric, pre-tribal state.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by David9176

If they exist and are so much more advanced than us they would not harm us in any way shape or form. They would be able to put us to sleep so we do not feel the fear.

If they exist then we are being set up long term.

They need to find way of taking over our planet without us ruining it by fighting them with our nuclear weapons. This is what they are trying to avoid and need to study us to understand how to tke this rock without us fighting back.

Kill us without killing the biosphere. I am sure they will have enough DNA from enough people to finally come up with a way of killing just us humans and not harm the rest of life on earth.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by silver6ix
reply to post by tsloan

For me thats a failed manouver. Its too late. People may be carrying old stigma but as a rule populations are more suspicious than ever before. The answer in most cases to any moves towards centralised world government, under our current leaders who are all untrustworthy dogs, would be have a nice day.

Control still exists but its very finely balanced. People do NOT like change and anything which upsets that balance will bring out the rebellious nature and since probably 90% of us now believe our governments to be liars in SOME way or other, I couldnt see any democratic nation following the line.

Just look at Ireland voting down the EU Constitution, unfortunately for any NWO plans its not going to happen and if they try to force the issue we will wind up with revolution. Its a fine balance of power, yes the masses are generally ignorant and conditioned in many respects but they are also not entirely stupid, in some ways we all know we are being lied to, we know we are bottom of the food chain and as global communication goes, more and more young people are open to the possibilities from a young age.

If this was on the cards, then they seriously screwed the timeframe. At this point in time I cannot see it being a success, people simply wont change and if they try force that, the impending reaction will be as history has always recorded it, resistance and the downfall of leadership.

Moving masses is a complex thing, you might have control but you cant just make radical movements and changes because that causes the sleeping to wake.

Well.... Change is not accepted as second nature... But if you have ever read the book "Who stole my cheese" It's a pretty good example of how if you aren't willing to change your old methods as true as they may be and have always worked will become in-effective as new methods are created...But that wasn't what I was implying and I don't know how you pulled that out of what I type? I said that an alien threat would cause fear and panic because we dont have reporters up in space to report what the other side of the story might be...There is no other side cause we DON'T KNOW. And the fear of not having knowledge could be used to move mass amounts of people to a economic shift on a global scale? There is no-one who really knows what is going on off this planet. So the world governments could tell us any thing...any thing about an on coming invasion..and all we could do is believe them...Cause none of us have ever been off this planet to de-bunk there tactics. So I.M.O. it's the perfect plan to shift world political and economics to a unified state... All you would have to do is get the major players on board..create wars to keep countries that didn't buy in busy and not snooping around the global plan it's like slight of hand trickery on a mass scale.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by tsloan

The point here is that your are crediting evolutionary retarded beings with more intelligence than they posess.

Whatever our Governments might like to do to us and could do to us isnt the issue here. If they created such a "war" the inteligence which we so foolishly chose to enage against would be acutely aware of the tactic in play and might even fight a "hearts and minds" battle for themlselves.

On the one hand we have "powers" on this planet who might have kept us slaving away, starving, dependant on oil to provide them wealth, manipulating wars and sowing the seeds of discord, and then an intelligence species (or more than one) who can give us hope, freedom and offer us solutions and an escape from the misery.

At this point in time I dont really think humanity would be quick to follow its leadership into any war with off world intelligence. We dont even trust or support them in attacking our own people, I think attacking an alien life would be the last straw. Socially we are become more and more resistant to wars, we more and more just dont want them and are tiring fast of governments and their explosive toys.

Im not so sure that our esteemed "leaders" would have the support of their own species in any such war, in fact a high % of people would probably be glad to see the back of the great human war machine.

There has been a couple of interesting polls recently which suggest 70-80% of people believe their governments are liars and have been covering things up for a long time. Im just not sure its not too late. As a whole I think people get more and more weary of it with every passing year.

Im sure if those running this world are half as smart as they think, then by now they know that they rely on us for power, and thatat this point in time, we dont like them and we dont trust them as far as we can thrown them.

That must be a major concern for them id say. Humans would probably trust a twelve headed space monster more than they would trust George W Bush

[edit on 23-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by silver6ix

Unless of course that is the plan. Maybe they want everyone to get sick and tired of war so that they can then provide the solution, that being a worldwide government.

Sorry i don't usually buy into this stuff but i allow myself one crazy thought for the day

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:34 PM
I think we are living in a very 'special' time. This does seem like a small step towards disclosure. I'm thinking that the next step may be something from Phoenix on Mars - a fossil or some bacteria? A few steps further along and we might get a ruin or structure. It's all leading up to something, maybe by 2012?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by silver6ix

Unless of course that is the plan. Maybe they want everyone to get sick and tired of war so that they can then provide the solution, that being a worldwide government.

Sorry i don't usually buy into this stuff but i allow myself one crazy thought for the day

Theres no prerequisite on "belief" in the subject. Anyone can theorise on it without having to believe either way. Its an interesting discussion I find. Filled with many possibilities and ideas.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by silver6ix

...Well IF there were aliens......? I would think that it wouldn't take much to win a hearts and minds war against the same idiots people vote into office that knew we were going to cause a economic crisis in the credit sector....??? But I put nothing past our government and as much as I dis-trust the world these days...How could I possibly de-fute an E.B.E. threat...I just don't have proof other wise cause I don't know any aliens to ask........

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by tsloan

You could ask me

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:04 PM
Just to let everyone know if there really is something out of this world that exist... IT DOES! I posted a while back when i saw that whitish silver org flying across my windshield. And let me tell you this is REAL whatever is out there.

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