posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 05:49 PM
wow..... this will be my last post.
since people here keep lol. You show so much ignorance true stupid people lol at others. Instead of explaining why you think it's funny.
yes their is scientific proof. that a galaxy cycle does exist. The proof is math equations followed by a super computer simulation.
for something to be proven in theory it must have the same results after doing the same experiment 7 times.
so the proof is their is a gravitational force that is going to cause bad events in the future.
in the south pole Nasa took a photo of planet-x.
you know why it'ss possible because planet-x and it's solar system is below up and coming toward us from the bottom.
so today you can see planet-x with a telescope only in the sout pole and south part of south america and any land that is north of the south pole.
the reason is that this solar system is below up and will meet up with us.
this photo is proof of a planet-x.
it also shows a cold star if you should say. so the planets are close enough to this sun to support life but the sun is not as hot as our sun it's
not even close.
now you guys are lol thinking ou these nuts are retarded omg bible said so hehehehe lets lol at them because they think the bible and all religious
saying are true. this is what you guys sound like the ones that lol at us.
if you listen to me at any point you will know I am not saying that planet-x is real because the bible or other religious nuts say so.
well if planet-x does come by I hope the people who lol at us be the ones left on the surface of earth to be wiped out. This will get rid of the
ignorance in our society.
[edit on 22-10-2008 by computerwiz32]