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Planet X approaching

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:39 AM
So what do I do if it is coming? Can I hide? Oh no, I am not paying my bills anymore, and I think you should do the same. Maybe this is why the market is crashing?????????????????

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by lonesomepine333
Maybe the correlation bet Nibiru and these tunnels are related?

AH I get ya.. I see where your coming from...

The reptilians in Dulce base have a remote control for Nibiru which is really a big spaceship hidden out there somewhere and when the time is right they will bring it in...

That explains the erratic orbit shown in the Zeta talk drawing... AND explains why there is such a mix up in appearance dates

Maybe that is what the BG/GFL thing was all really about. Blossom channeled these reptilians in the tunnels and uncovered their plan...

The "Ship of Light" was really Nibiru...

She just got confuded on the date

Gotcha... great thinking

Oh crap... the black vans are pulling up out front...

See ya gotta run.....

[edit on 23-10-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by RuneSpider
The calendar ended in 2012... so? Our calendar ends in December. it's about the same thing.

The Mayan Long Count started in 3114 BCE and ends in 2012 AD

does any one think that the calendar ended because they disappeared before completion.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:08 PM
i recently by the way...that niburu is from a diff solar system that is indigenus to the milkyway galaxy and that our solor system was part of a smaller galaxy. that explains why we are perpendicular to the great snake in the sky...galactic plane. so it would stand to reason that if only a slow type of space travel was possible every rotation would make it possible for contact. remeber everything emerges in this reality as does our belief of and in the creator...not the created. i believe that anything lower then ones self image is in fact greater than you due to the fact of need of these lower aspects to attain higher existances.

if in fact niburu is real along with the lizard/bird aliens of our past forgive everything and everyone and escape fear....dont reptiles smell fear...

love hope faith and peace

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
I believe this is an accurate accounting of planet X’s orbit and current location based on information from ZataTalk:

Billions of blue blistering barnacles!! Niburu seems sozzled!!! I mean just look at that orbit, man!

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Here is a couple of alternate points I would like to make.

You also have to look at the fact that something big tugs on our solar system and outer planets and we still do not know 100% what causes it.

A brown dwarf would not give off enough light to detect, in fact it could absorb light.

A couple of asteroid's passed by the Earth and we didn't even see them until they were right next to us and it was due to the surface material of the objects and the fact they did not reflect enough light to be detected.

If something as large as a failed sun has an orbit of 3,000 to 4,000 years when would you see it coming back in? What direction would you look?

The heliosphere has just been reported to be shrinking. The most they have ever seen it shrink in 50 years. Whats to say that something isn't approaching with its own heliosphere and it is pushing in on ours and creating pressure on it.

What if this giant planet or Brown Dwarf never gets close enough for us to see, but it gets close enough to plow through or knock around the Ort cloud sending tons of comets and other rocky masses towards Earth. I think that would be enough to change life on Earth as we know it.

I am not saying Niburu or Planet X exists or not, I am just saying there is a lot more that we do not know than what we do know.

Niburu could be rounding the corner right now, and this brown dwarf might just have an inhabited planet companion full of human ruling giants and they are coming to mess with humanity again and to gather some more much needed gold for their atmosphere.

Hey thats what our Government did with all this money for Iraq and the banking loan bailout - they bought up all of the Worlds gold to give to these Niburians when they arrive and buy us a few thousand more years. Good thinking! lol

On DECEMBER 21st - 22nd 2012 I will be inside Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico with my family. There is no way they can keep me out and if it comes to force, someone is getting hurt and it ain't gonna be me!

[edit on 23-10-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I'm going to give you the heads my friend and save you from yourself, there is no Planet X and there never will be. Its all a complete load of garbage and its been well conversed about in here man many times all ending in the same conclusion.....Hoax.

LOL I love this website, ya... I've spent along time reading about the subject, seems to be a hoax, im sure if people could see it, it'd be in the news right now... as much as we can say the media and governments are trying to keep it hidden, it just seems like its all a hoax, everybody knows how much the media has to know everything, im sure if someone had concrete evidence to bring to the media about planet x, then we might have something to worry about, but so far its got nothing, nothing but a myth... bahhh

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Daewoo Logo

Anybody noticed that Korean car maker Daewoo has a model called NUBIRA. Interestingly enough, Daewoo's logo is aliens eyes.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:03 PM
The great thing about this site lately is the specific dates. Perhaps Niribu/PlanetX/Wormwood will show, perhaps not. I hope it does. I'm not holding my breath(that it will show, or that it exists). But, don't ever underestimate the foolish idea of mainstream science that they know everything about the natural world. So much of the hard, fast, logical, provable science of fifty years ago has been debunked, usually on discoveries of amateurs.

If you weren't born with an file cabinet up your ---, and can accept that there are still things left to discover, maybe even cool things, then stories like this one make life a little more interesting.

In Feb. I'll be watching, but not holding my breath.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Mean Red Spider
The great thing about this site lately is the specific dates. Perhaps Niribu/PlanetX/Wormwood will show, perhaps not. I hope it does. I'm not holding my breath(that it will show, or that it exists). But, don't ever underestimate the foolish idea of mainstream science that they know everything about the natural world. So much of the hard, fast, logical, provable science of fifty years ago has been debunked, usually on discoveries of amateurs.

If you weren't born with an file cabinet up your ---, and can accept that there are still things left to discover, maybe even cool things, then stories like this one make life a little more interesting.

In Feb. I'll be watching, but not holding my breath.

Yeah, specific dates are cool. Like October 14, 2008 and the GFL ship, Niburu in the spring of 2003, Niburu in winter of 2012, Niburu in 2085, Niburu in 2900.

Oh, can you show me a source for the claim that "mainstream" science thinks it "knows everything". If that were the case, a lot of "mainstream" scientists would be out of work, wouldn't they?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Mean Red Spider

Considering most of the scientists I've meet in life have turned almost childishly gleeful at the thought of new things to learn and discover, I kind of doubt the believe they know everything.
Heck, I know a fair few who hope for something that will dramatically change views on their respective subjects.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:52 PM
There is no planet X. How would an ancient civilization know about this? We can't find it with the hubble, yet people who used their eyes on a dark night could? They knew about all the planets in our solar system how? They recorded the five VISIBLE planets several time. They recorded ALL the planets (at least, allegedly recorded) once. They had no way of seeing the non-visible planets. Keep in mind, this is a people that assumed they lived in a single island in a vast ocean, and that the moon, sun and all planets were actually gods.

There is absolutely no proof of a planet X. So they had stories of a killer entity... so what? Egyptians, who were also quite advanced, were pretty darn sure that a giant bug pushed the sun across the sky. They were not right either.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:59 PM
C'mon guys... we ALL know that planet X resides in Hollow earth. Yes , That's right Planet X is under your feet right Will this EVER stop!?!.....

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Leave the poor guy alone. He can not even spell, do you seriously think that he can use a search feature?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Here is my solution to this issue. Stop believing everything you read and start worrying about real life. There are no rogue alien planets flying towards earth. Friggin stupid, too many shrooms. Go suck on a tailpipe.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:32 PM
dont believe in Planet x (Nibiru). then i guess you dont belive in 360 degrees in a circle, or 60 minutes in an hour, or 60 seconds in a minute, or medicine, agriculture or the reverence of the numbers 7 and 12...

all these concepts go back to Nibiru and the ancient sumerians who basically created all of our weights and measures we use today, not to mention the standard inches and feet system we use.

anyone that just writes off Nibiru is quite foolish...

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 08:56 PM

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
Yeah, we’ve been approached by it before, sometimes as often as six or seven times a year. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though, because every time it approaches us, it does a sudden right hand turn and drifts off into space again, ensuring it never arrives as predicted. Personally I think it is trying to sneak up on us, and as long as people keep predicting its arrival it will never actually get here.


as for the OP, this means you're a noob like me
, use the search function more often and the new thread button less often,

there's this guy with a picture showing a kitten biting the finger of a guy pressing the "new thread" button, that sums it up pretty well. peace.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:44 PM
I don't get it.. I have a friend who got all ridiculous about this Nibiru thing once. I have a 300 dollar telescope that I can see Neptune with, it's a itty bitty tiny little dot but I can still see it and track it.. Why exactly has nobody been able to find this Nibiru? We have NASA tracking comets and meteors so why would they even care if a giant invisible planet is approaching and going to destroy everything anyway? Why do the Mayans have such an amazing calender? How can they track the stars so well? Because,.... they weren't doing anything else.. Why did they stop making their calender? How flippin' long were they supposed to keep making it?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:02 PM
south pole telescope anyone? and why the pictures are classified?

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