posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:37 AM
THis is what I hate about "expert" explanations.
Ive been alive 35 years and ive seen the moon red, brown, orange, white, ive seen clouds of all shapes and colours and sizes, ive seen all sorts of
phenomenal things.
In truth though ive got to suy lurid pink clouds floating over a city due to the refraction of street lights (which are orange) is just hilarious.
Anyone who grew up in the UK like myself would know that coulds over cities is something you see a LOT of. Theres loads of clouds in the UK< and
street lights reflecting in them is very common, they reflect a dirty orange glow, always.
Now someone telling me that for some reason a single cloud floating over London decided it was going to reflect lurid pink is just amusing. In all the
years of clouds passing Londong no cloud has ever been PINK, and yet the "reasonable" explanation is to use a phenomenon which in the UK happens on
a daily basis and suggest it caused this?
Seriosly, bollocks. If clouds turned pink like that dure to that sort of light we would have seen it PLENTY of times in what is one of the cloudiest
countries in the world. The simple law of averages suggests that in my life having seen a billion cloudy skies over cities, as has everyone else, that
we would have seen this sort of natural phenomenon before.
Id be willing to bet if you asked all the people in the UK kif they have ever seen a cloud turned bright lurid pink because of city lights they would
just look at you as if you took some drugs before talking.
Please, is that the best the experts can do? I dont know what they bothered. Come up with a #ing sensible answer.