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911 Conspiracy Facts - Incriminating

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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:27 AM

posted by tezzajw
NORAD was inept. It did not send up interceptors in time to shoot down any of the alleged aircraft.

posted by pinch
Did you have prescient knowledge of where the hijacked aircraft were going?

posted by JPhish
you might think this is a rhetorical question, but it is in fact a trick question, as there were no commercial airliners hijacked and used as weapons on 9-11. This is called misdirection.

What hijacked aircraft? The aircraft destinations and pre-planted demolition explosives were scripted long in advance by the 9-11 planners; and would-be patriotic NORAD fighter pilots would not be allowed to interfere. There are many retired fighter and commercial pilots who have joined together and know for a fact that 9-11 was an INSIDE JOB.

Yeah, pinch Paisley is real good at misdirection and disinformation and strawman arguments and red herrings. Perhaps pinch was trained at Langley? Perhaps pinch and Reheat and JThomas and ThroatYogurt all trained there together.

Come on pinch. You know there were no hijackers on 9-11 and that the aircraft into the towers were remote piloted or directed in by homing beacon. Suicidal pilots are too unreliable for a New Pearl Harbor Event. A military psyops mission was much more dependable; but they still really screwed up far too much didn't they pinch, and isn't the cat now out of the bag?

posted by pinch
The fact of the matter is the aircraft were launched as soon as they possibly could, when the intelligence and information was solid enough to know something needed to be done.

The fact of the matter is they putt-putted along at minimum speed, guaranteeing that they got to their destinations too late. Maybe you would have done something stupid like that pinch, but I cannot see real patriotic fighter pilots putt-putting along when the nation is under attack, without direct orders.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:42 AM

posted by tezzajw
NORAD was inept. It did not send up interceptors in time to shoot down any of the alleged aircraft.

i must have missed this one the first time around. Santa Clauses' slay is not the only "make believe" flying vehicle that NORAD has tracked.

I'd sooner believe that jack lalanne died than believe that NORAD made a myriad of bloopers all on the same day.

NORAD has so much manpower and technology at its' disposal it's ridiculous.

[edit on 10/26/2008 by JPhish]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by JPhish

Originally posted by pinch
Did you have prescient knowledge of where the hijacked aircraft were going?

you might think this is a rhetorical question, but it is in fact a trick question, as there were no commercial airliners hijacked and used as weapons on 9-11. This is called misdirection.

[edit on 10/26/2008 by JPhish]

No, not a trick question. One that does involve some critical thinking skills, however. Let's see if you can accommodate us.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I believe the OP's post---but i think there was a terrible accident in the middle of there live exercise..Using real planes in this exercise there had to be a contingency plan in case something went wrong. Thats why the building had to be brought down.

On a side note

The morning of 911 me and a few co-workers were working at a sand plant in NJ --When all of a sudden we heard a high pitched roar and looking up we saw a jet liner being escorted by two f-16's heading over the delaware bay. (they we very low)..

[edit on 26-10-2008 by timoothy]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Yeah, Boone. Why were you being deceptive here?

Yeah, SPreston. Why are you dodging my question?

Which "SOP" was not followed?

originally posted by SPreston
There are many retired fighter and commercial pilots who have joined together and know for a fact that 9-11 was an INSIDE JOB.

Oh goody... you have pilots on your side, maybe they can help you out with your "SOP" dilemma.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:46 PM
After reading this thread it becomes painfully obvious that when something like this happens the conspirators have one GIANT advantage.

They don't have to have a completely clean success.

People are so conditioned to think that something like a 9-11 conspiracy is completely impossible and ridiculous.

No matter how many inconsistencies, no matter how much evidence, no matter how many people come forward, and no matter how ridiculous some explanations are...

A LARGE percentage of people will ALWAYS give the government benefit of doubt.

I mean take one simple concept. 3 buildings (of this type) collapse from fire on the same day (2 after less than a hour of burning) for the first time in recorded history.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Jezus

No, I believe even the debunkers know 911 is a lie.
I just think this is a thread for children to come in and have their tantrum fits!
Maybe one day they will grow up, and accept they where lied too.
However, until then we grown ups have to put up with it.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by cashlink

LOL! Thanks cashlink for the laugh. 911 will haunt us 'til then end of days, and be used to justify many horrible things to come.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by cashlink

No, I believe even the debunkers know 911 is a lie.
I just think this is a thread for children to come in and have their tantrum fits!
Maybe one day they will grow up, and accept they where lied too.
However, until then we grown ups have to put up with it.

Cashlink, here is a chance for one of you "grown-ups" to school one of us kiddies.

Which standard operating procedures were not followed that date?

You spammed it earlier, care to back it up?

I'm all ears.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870
reply to post by cashlink

No, I believe even the debunkers know 911 is a lie.
I just think this is a thread for children to come in and have their tantrum fits!
Maybe one day they will grow up, and accept they where lied too.
However, until then we grown ups have to put up with it.

Cashlink, here is a chance for one of you "grown-ups" to school one of us kiddies.

Which standard operating procedures were not followed that date?

You spammed it earlier, care to back it up?

I'm all ears.

You really can't expect anyone who is looking for a serious or legitimate intellectual discussion or debate to take part in that format?

Can you?

Asking questions is not supplying contrary evidence.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:27 AM

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by cashlink

My teacher thanks you and Dora for the apple. She also recommended that I familiarize you with the term propaganda.

Propaganda: information that is designed to mislead or persuade.

Which procedures were violated that day?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:22 PM


posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by cashlink


a. For the purpose of clarity and conciseness in this regulation, the term "hi ack" will coversituations in which aircraft control is seized in order to go somewhere other than the scheduleddestination and when an aircraft is stolen or used without permission of the owner and or FederalAviation Administration (FAA) or Transport Canada (TC) authorities. The term 'fescort aircraft" appliesto any military aircraft assigned to the escort mission.

b. Escort missions are requested by the FAA or TC. The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) or CanadianChief of Defence Staff (CDS) may task NORAD to escort aircraft in the event of a hijacking. Escortmissions are coordinated between NORAD units and other military and civilian agencies to preventinterference with military operations, avoid possible international incident and provide safety of flight. NORAD REGULATION 55-7

The above is the NORAD regulation regarding hijackings. Please point out the spin and which part of this regulation was not followed on 9/11.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870

, the term "hi ack" will...
The term 'fescort aircraft" ...

Why does a NORAD document have two glaring grammatical errors, or am I missing something?

I've never heard of a "hi ack". I thought it was a "hi jack".

Why does 'fescort aircraft" have a closing quotation, but an opening apostrophe?

Am I missing something, or is NORAD permitted to be THAT sloppy with paperwork?

It's no wonder that the entire US air defence was not able to stop four alleged planes in two hours. They probably couldn't understand each other. I could imagine someone reporting a 'hi ack' and being asked to clarify if it is a 'hi ack' or a 'hi jack'. Very sloppy stuff and your tax dollars buy this crap.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by tezzajw]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Why are these lists allowed to keep getting posted? They have been shown inaccurate & unfounded for years now. Just ignoring the answers doesn’t make the questions any more profound. It just shows that people only hear what they want to.

On a side note- Cashlink… you do know that if you know Boone is up late & carries a kiddie lunchbox, that we all know you ride the short school bus… right? Why are you repeatedly allowed to attack members with your moronic ideas, yet others are not allowed to point it out? The only tantrums around here are normally thrown by you.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 01:19 AM


posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Jezus

Um, all he is asking for is what SOP was violated during the hijackings on 9/11. This is a fair question to ask since cashlink is the one saying that is what happened (without any evidence mind you), all Boone asked is for clarification as to what was violated.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:57 PM
This shows why the “Truth Movement” is falling apart. When faced with direct questions after their so called “evidence”, they just say nothing. They simply wait a month or so then drag out the same tired lists or points, hoping they can rope in some more supporters who are not willing to read much. These points were compiled over 4 years ago & shown incorrect dozens of times since.

You would think that 7+ years was enough time to put together a simple answer to support your statements.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

wow. someone mentioned this site to me last night after i was telling them how excited i was about the thirty minute obama infomercial. i had asked him if he was excited about voting this year, and he shrugged and said he'd rather vote for mickey mouse, that all of them( candidates )were corrupt and then began to spew out these conspiracy theories for all kinds of events that werent what i thought they were. humoring him, i checked out a few things on the internet late last night, and i can only tell you that YOU ARE RIGHT> more people need to see this.i feel like that old saying, ignorance is bliss, i feel like we are all sheep being pasified ( sp?) and told that everythings okay...

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