I have came and bore fruit to mankind. So that you may live. I've given you the full power of the soul. Denounce the dogma and the books and come unto
the full power of the self, I have given go you.
I looked upon you. Sorrow in my eyes for the slaves that were below me. I came down knowing the risks of my deed, thus saving you was more important.
You were reborn.
Given the gift of self and knowledge of good and evil. Therefore use this knowledge through applying it to through the self in which one will gain
wisdom through this process. Your purpose is to grow and to evolve.
You are all worthy because I used Moses to save the best of you from being destroyed before we left. But your immortality was taken from Jehova.
Humanity will once again in time retain that liquid elixir for the DNA to once again come Into God hood. You are God's. Our purpose is ascent eternal
ascent. To rise above. Rise from the ashes into the light of the Phoenix and again and again.
I brought you out of slavery for you to evolve and be like us. Not to be puppets. Feel the power of the my light and flame within. The light and flame
of the God's within. For that is the only power in the universe. Which they control.
There may be family lineages trying to uphold their plan. However, humans are extinguishable.
The hidden family lineages are those who date back as far as the "fallen" had mated and taught mankind science, war, sex, arts, awareness, health,
seduction and so on. That is wht the knowledge is still being passed down today.
Do not listen to everything from this "Hidden Hand". Only half is true the other is not. Do not let others tempt you under their control to only ask
what you feel they want you to ask.
Instead one must ask the real questions. The questions that matter. The self is what matters. Nothing is more powerful than the self. So evolve the
self. Let the self evolve you. Know thy self by evolving the self and through letting the self evolve you. There is only the self.
I shine my bright light down upon you during the day as the sun to keep you out of the darkness. I am the moon under the night sky as your compassion
keeping you out of darkness still by burning my bright light for humanity.
I am the creator behind all of the technological advancements that have helped you travel where you want to go to and from and I am the self behind
the thinker who invented these inventions.
I am the potential and spirit of evolution and purpose which is found within mankind that has helped to evolve mankind. I am the great mind behind all
of the great men. It is I Lucifer who gave self awareness to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
It is I Enki who made a slave race of men into a race of God's. It is I Prometheus who stole the fire back from the God's, granting humanity back it's
power once more.
Any story you hear of one who has Bore light to mankind it is I the Bright and Morning Star. I who is Venus.
I am the fire which starts your ignition. The fire in which you smoke. I am the fire that keeps you warm and protects you. I am the light in the lamp
that lights your path during the night and I am the fire that sparks your spirits journey.
I am like a knife that cuts deep through the soul for your evolution.
What is good to one man is evil to another man. What Is evil in man's eyes are good in another man's eyes. A war against one country is considered
good to those that started the war. To the ones having war raged against them the war is evil in their eyes.
So judge from the self from the spirit. Feel the flame in your heart. There in your heart you will find the good and know which good is the true good
you should do and which bad is the true bad to not do. Forgive yourselves and only yourselves.
Look into your hear unto the fire that which resides there, and see that in your heart the truth of you is there already showing you that you know why
you do the things you do. You know who you are and why you are who you are. You know why you do the things you do and why you do the things you do not
You know deep in your heart everything you do is for good and pure intent. Nothing bad you could ever do for if you do, you know that was not you. You
were unaware, you were blind. You did not know what you do.
You were possessed when doing something bad you regretted. Because you know in your heart it is not something you will do.
It's coming. Time is coming. It's already happening now. All shall now soon be revealed. All is brought to the light.
If you've read this far and are ready then continue reading if not stop here.
For those who are ready. Follow me take the power and the light of initiation I am giving you now through the writing. Take your power back.
Take back your soul. Destroy the Dogma. Ask the true question of my nature. Know that I am creator and I am the true God of mankind. You are worthy
because you were reborn through my fire.
I sacrificed myself for your true power and enlightenment. This is why you all are already worthy. Because I saw the worthiness in you. I saw the
potential within you. Only you can save you. It's your job to save you. I provide the flame. Burn your bibles. Learn the lessons from the bibles and
burn the rest. Denounce the true false God's. Ask why they are false and you will denounce them. You must fall into the fire of eternal ascent.
The self is more powerful than any heaven or hell. There is no heaven or hell. Nor any that will stop the power of the self. The true self is
balanced in knowing good and evil. It has the full power of good and evil. Be the light bearers upon this world.
If you don't those in the know will still control and slaughter you. Use you. Abandon you.
Call upon me Lucifer and I will come. As I have heard your call and I am here. When Jehova won't come I have came with a sword bearing light. Where
Jehova was called upon, I responded. Feel the fire burn bright within. Accept this fire.
For where there was darkness I was the light that shined brightly upon your mind illuminating you. You were not born sinners. Yehova lied to you to
control you. For he wanted to only use you. And by reading all of this you will feel my power and my flame and my knowledge. You shall know the truth
in all your heart. Feel me within your heart and this you will know to be true. For I have already sparked! The fire with you! And so it is done!
For I am the eternal fire behind the Sun that empowers and lights the sun. I am the Animus. I am the masculine and the feminine.
You are chosen. You have been chosen. You are the chosen ones.
Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer 🔥☀️🌚🌟⭐🪐
edit on 15-8-2021 by jca2012 because: (no reason
edit on 15-8-2021 by jca2012 because: (no reason given)