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posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 11:32 AM
In any event, i think the time has come that we can evolve on our own. We don't need the hidden hand to further our destinies. We should take control of our planet, and act in a responsible manner which will benefit this planet and it's people.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 07:06 PM
Hello, i have something to say about this thread, im from Spain and i dont have a very good english so i will say it in spanish. Sorry about that. Ill try to say some things in english.

Hace tiempo que leí este hilo. Sonó muy coherente para mi y no tuve más remedio que investigar para satisfacer mi curiosidad, como consecuencia de ello encontré algo interesante y tras el tiempo que pasé investigando pude elaborar una hipótesis basada en hechos empíricos acerca de todo esto.

Aquí está:

Its all in Spanish, so if you have some friend that talk spanish language ask him for help. This is not a troll comment, its totally serious.

I posted this in a Spanish forum called Forocoches, mi account name is Sapeman, i deleted that post in the past but i can prove that i writed it.

También puedo probar que soy el dueño de la cuenta.

Espero sinceramente que alguien lo lea porque mi único objetivo aquí es demostrar o desmentir si HH es real.

También me gustaría compartir un tropiezo que tuvo HH en una de sus afirmaciones.

El dijo que el Sol gira alrededor de Alcyone en un ciclo de 26000 años pero eso es claramente imposible, además el sistema Solar tiene una edad estimada de 5.000 millones de años (billions in EEUU) Y Las pléyades una edad estimada de unos millones de años.

En cambio encontré que a la Estrella Polar se le ha asociado como Nibiru en el poema de Enumah Elish (Sumerio) y que casualmente ésta tiene un ciclo de 25 780 años en la bóveda celeste durante el cual se acerca al Polo en una localización de 28' para luego, tras el fin del ciclo de 25 780 años cambiar de posición para volver a completar el ciclo de nuevo.

Casualmente, estamos justo al final de ese ciclo que terminará aproximadamente para el año 2100. Aquí + info:

''aunque en la tablilla 5 de la Enûma Elish se asocia (a Nibiru) con la estrella polar.''

Creo personalmente que HH a mentido en algunas cosas, que es posible que haya algo de verdad en lo que dijo y que si realmente fuese verdad todo eso que dijo, se podría demostrar. He investigado bastante, espero que el link que he puesto se comprenda y que la gente lo lea con el fin de poder aclarar todo este asunto de HH.

edit on 26-2-2017 by Sapeman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2017 @ 02:13 PM
Okay so He says to not trust dates, but the he says San Francisco will be uninhabitable by 2010....

I don't know if I missed it, but that didn't happen right?

posted on Mar, 12 2017 @ 07:29 PM
So this was the famous site where the strange event and the answers materialized

Does anyone have a clue today about a supposed channeling?

posted on Mar, 12 2017 @ 07:40 PM
In this case, the chance of a democracy to be illusion is increased considerably by not having spiritual actions.

I say democracy could be truer with 3 pillars.

1- Altruism
2. Freedom (Justice)
3- Efficiency

An altruistic cultural level governs the freedom that needs justice.

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 05:45 PM
This thread was what made me aware that ATS existed. I read the interview in another site but wanted to see the original source now.

Some people considered this a hoax or joke. I beg to differ. For me, it was an attempt to guide us in certain directions, some to our benefit and some not. The OP used a mix of truths, half-truths, misconceptions and falsehoods to steer us in the direction his kind wants us to think. And by "us" I mean more knowledgeable people, people who think outside the mass-mentality.

But whatever it was, there are truly some "truth gems" that can be extracted from it. And for that I will be forever grateful to the OP.

For example, he generously advised that a way to see how far you are in your spiritual path, is to examine your personal relationships. The more harmonious they are, the better you are doing spiritually-wise. Consider that this is no small feat to achieve, given your own state of being and the others' state of being. But it is true it's a wonderful thermometer to measure your evolution.

He also recommended reading "The Law of One", which is incredibly interesting. There is a lot of information to get there.
I wonder if "Ra" is the same as his "Lucifer" group? He might deny it, but I find them suspiciously similar.

I really wish he would come up with a sequel!

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 05:09 PM
I sure miss San Francisco.

This thread is a pile of bull#. I can't even believe the most recent comment before this one denies it was a hoax.

It makes me sad how stupid some people are.

posted on May, 12 2017 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: mersaultdies

San Francisco is still liveable, but how about Damascus, not quite the same is it? Do you know who who the US president is right now? Why do you think it's him? Might not have been 2010 but I'll be curious to see it by let's say 2025

posted on May, 14 2017 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: exelero

If Hidden Hand is to be believed, then we were forced to evolve, and not allowed to evolve on our own. Even if it is with good intentions, then it throws free will right out of the window. And i believe that is contrary to the laws of the universe, where free will is exactly what we need to have to explore ourselves and the universe.

As far as my understanding goes, the earth is a prison planet, ruled by annunaki living beneath the surface of the earth. Not sure about their entire big picture plan, but they want us to be enslaved and subservient. To what end, i don't know. But they sure are not benevolent by any means.
edit on 14-5-2017 by TerraHuman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: StookieWilliams

It's been uninhabitable since 1968, lol.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 07:29 AM
The post of Hidden-hand is a copy/paste from here :
Check the dates.

edit on 13-6-2017 by iasenko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 04:37 AM
Have you noticed some of the most unusual characters keep appearing in this thread? You just need to read last 3-4 pages to see what I mean. I know, most of you will say that it's nothing unusual for ATS, there are lot of deranged people with difficult mental problems here, I know. But this is somehow different, these posts don't sound like totally incoherent rambling. Maybe they do at the first glance but if you read it carefully it you start to wonder if there could be some truth to it? Don't get me wrong, I'm not convinced at all but I don't want to be rigid and closed minded. After all, this is a place where we should really try and give our best to keep an open mind for things that are so far out, on fringes of our capacity to comprehend and accept, most likely out of our comfort zone...

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 09:43 AM
When I read this thread it enlightens me, perks me up if you will. The code within this message is not to be taken lightly in my opinion. Obviously my opinion don't mean nothing to any one. I am versed in how sceptic sites like these work which is why I question this Hidden hand would ever go on a site where 90 percent of the traffic on here seriously question everything. In 100 years this thread will go down as legend. The first world wide web version of a tale that if true was first told here. This needs to be out there it would not hurt to get new comers that may not remember 2008 to read into it, and make what they may. I feel blessed to have ever read it, even if it is a made up story..... and that's the truth...

Mods can you not flag this thread or something for little old me. Get it out there again.


posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Son of Will
After learning a great deal about channeling cults, the "Trickster" pheonomenon, and the frailty of the human mind, I'm beginning to worry a bit here. As Varichello pointed out above, the behavior and conduct of Hidden_Hand is highly professional and totally consistent with his/her originally outlined "rules".

Reading through this, and seeing all the failed predictions (almost everything predicted did NOT come to pass), occasionally poor grammar, and the decidedly New Age (by New Age I don't mean occult traditions that in fact date back millenia... we're talking actual New Age, the sort of terminology that didn't exist more than 40 years ago) catalogue of spiritualism theory, I almost immediately dismissed it as a hoax. However...

What if the OP is telling the truth after all? What if these elite families have been using the same methods, more or less, that channeling cults of today use? The tone of fanatacism in the OP was subtle, yet unmistakable. A firm believer. And this comes full circle back to the "Trickster" phenomenon. What juicier target for deception and manipulation is there, than a family that rules an entire planet? Again, the OP's behavior indicates he firmly believes what he is saying. He believes that his family is seeded from other planets. He believes that he was destined to rule - not by choice but divine designation.

That is what the phenomenon does - it shatters some belief systems and fosters the growth of others. The purpose is not clear, but the means are - endless layers of deception and manipulation. A kernel of truth to draw them in, and a web of lies to ensnare them. That would explain a lot - if the elites of our world are manipulated by a powerful yet bizarre class of entity/intelligence into believing that they are pre-destined to rule, that they are superior, etc.

One could even call it 'the way of the Hidden Hand'.

Someone points out a wood, you stress about the validity of some trees. Like we couldn't climb up the mountain also

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: mersaultdies
I sure miss San Francisco.

This thread is a pile of bull#. I can't even believe the most recent comment before this one denies it was a hoax.

It makes me sad how stupid some people are.

i'd like to hear more about your definition of stupid

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 01:52 AM
People rape because there's no reason not to, without that proof of God. I'm just saying, people hurt for more ridiculous reasons than loving you.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: iasenko

I am very disappointed now. 😒

posted on Jan, 22 2018 @ 03:26 PM
I accept your game and would enjoy to speek more about the truth i'll cut to the chase we have threats that could ruin our plans to spill the truth should we do something about this? what is your oppinion.

posted on Jan, 23 2018 @ 03:54 AM
The first time i tried to learn from this thread somewhere in 2009 i made it only to a couple of first pages and stopped reading.
The lesson seemed so evil and i wasn't ready. Seeing it now in retrospect i hope all others are also aware of the fact, hoax or real, this came from a negative mind. A negative mind of his own admission, words designed to deceive and test you. What is true and what was false?

Damascus has fallen in the meantime and didn't we invent a new kind of currency?

Having said that, i propose a theory that some kind of change/harvest indeed happened in designated time period.
A theory i cannot define or explain but only feel to be real since June 2013.
Unfortunately if correct - this is 3rd density all over again and i am so tired of playing the game.

originally posted by: Initiate
I wonder what Hidden Hand is up to these days...

...... above quoted post seems to point to something, date & time posted, username-link to page 64 to check it out yourself

edit on 23-1-2018 by Exitt because: - just one more thing
extra DIV

posted on Feb, 25 2018 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Hidden-Hand

Too bad said window has closed, and my fingers were probably in the sill. (I've had that happen, and OH BROTHER, does it hurt).

I'd love to know what in the ever lovin' hell has been done to me.

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