I hold a Masters Degree in Comparative Literature and a bachelor in Philosophy. I have also studiet the RA material and the Cassiopean material and
lots of other “conspiracy” stuff out there for many years now.
Not bragging, but it’s a fact that I have read a lot of literature and discourses of high and not so high quality. I am a skilled and trained reader
and interpretor of text in other words, and that was the point I wanted to make before I continue. By the way, english is not my first language.
I just recently reread the full Hidden Hand discourse and I felt like adding my two cents to the mix and hopefully get some feedback on it.
What is very interesting is the “copycat” thread that appeared not so long afterwords. It’s called “Opportunity knocks again” by a guy who
calls himself “Illuminator13” and you can find it here:
It took me about 5 seconds of reading and I knew that this was a hoax. In fact, the very first sentence gave it all away: “I am one with access to
the knowledge of The Bloodlines who you believe are "Evil" and whose actions you disapprove of.”
"I am one with…”. Who talks like that? It comes of as pretentious and fake from the very start. His answers are short, he has the sophistication
level of a stoned out high school kid and he even get defensive many places.
The interesting thing about this is that it allows for a comparison. Here we have an obvious hoax to compare Hidden Hand with. This is of great value
in my opinion, and I would like to hear what people have to say about this.
If Hidden Hand is a hoax it’s on a whole other level. it is very very hard to produce a discourse of such a high quality as Hidden Hand did. And he
did it in the span of just a few days answering “live” questions.
Sure, he could have comed “prepared” having read the RA material and other stuff. But that doesn’t really explain things for me at least.Because
I know that I personally would NOT have managed to pull of a stunt like that. Not by a long shot. And as I said earlier; I am well read, I know how to
express myself, and I’m pretty intelligent overall. I would bet my bottom dollar that I could have beaten “Illuminator13” on the copycat thread
The point I’m trying to make is that producing such a coherent, multilayered, and highly sophisticated discourse over the span of a few days is a
great acheivement in and of itself. Any writer knows that being “original” is very hard. And I’m not talking about just the info he presents
(some of it is similar to the RA material yes), but it’s much more the way he presents it.
He really has “his own voice”, and he really adds to what was already known in a very meaningful and even sublime way. Could any one of you pull
this off? Please answer this question if you choose to reply to this post…
His knowledge sounds “incredible” yes, but also very logical at the same time. He really stretches and challanges most peoples way of thinking and
understanding the world. He has this uncanny way of giving words to stuff that you feel you’ve “always known” once you hear it. This is not an
easy thing to “haox” (unless your name is Shakespeare, Dante, or Nietzsche).
Even if most of what he says is “made up” it would be very beneficial for many people cought in the “dualistic trap” of hating the
“rulers/elite” to actually see all the negativity (both in themselves and “out there”) as catalyst. That’s how my own personal journey
really started (before I knew anything about conspiracies etc). The turning point came for me when I started to see everything as catalyst for growth.
This truth can be verified by anyone willing to take a deeper look into things. And this seems to me to be the main point he wants to get across (no
matter who he is or is not). His main point is 100% valid in my experience.
By putting out and emphesising the perspecitve of the “rulers/elite” as having made a “sacrifice” to provide this catalyst for humanity he
actually makes it easier for people to “forgive” the elite/rulers and let go of the whole “us against them” mentality (dualistic trap which
leads nowhere (David Icke understands that these days. Alex Jones still has some way to go here though
So, overall he comes across as highly spiritually developed, intelligent, sophisticated, and his main points are highly beneficial if understood and
integrated correctly at a deeper level (not by just blindly accepting his word for it (which he discouraged several times pretty strongly). You have
to see these things yourself as your own experience).
Anyway, that was what I wanted to share on this subject. If there is any comments or questions I’ll be glad to have further discoussion about this.