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This is for all the `ufo skeptics` must read

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 06:51 PM
This is for skeptics of the et/ufo phenomena you better read and read good because ive had just about enough of you insulting our intelligence!

Yes, i will admit there are tons of awful pictures and videos which are quiet clearly abysmal `evidence` or waste of time hoaxes, and i just like you really am against all the people with nothing better to do than photoshop their way to get attention.

However, there is TONS of good quality evidence of ufo sightings/mass sightings/abductions/implants etc.. youve had sometimes hundreds or thousands of people at once view ufos .. phoenix lights or o`haire airport anyone? you have pilots and military personnel who are trained and have to be able to identify every single craft that goverments have out there whove put their hands up and said `we dont know what this is`. You have senators/ politicians/doctors/lawyers/ people who were in the know above high clearance.. mass groups of witnesses... there was footage released by the mexican military

the ex governor of arizona who at the time covered up the phoenix lights making the famous secretary in a alien costume joke come out and say `we didnt know what these were thats why we made a mockery out of it, im convinced it wasnt from this planet`! (his words)

You have Edgar Mitchell one of only 6 people to walk the moon and a respected scientist who has come out and said aliens and ufos are real

You had a fleet of crafts over the whitehouse in the 50s, which they even issued a press release about!

Add on top of that the millions of pictures videos witness testimonies etc etc and you are telling me EVERY SINGLE one of these people are lying, or EVERY single one of these people didnt see what they saw, and these pilots who are trained to identify every single craft out there just mis - saw, and that each time its really a `weather balloon` or a `bird` or `swamp gas` or `weather phenomenon`... EVERY SINGLE TIME? GIVE IT A BREAK!

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that youve more chance of winning a million bucks than the chance that every single one of these people is providing either mis-information or is mistaken.

All you have to do is see the most recent ufo debate on larry king from the summer where the `science guy` Bill Nyer is made an absolute fool of, he has no feet to stand on when it comes to debunking what respected and intelligent military officials saw with their own eyes.

I find it funny as well that all we hear about with regards to the Billy Meier case is the hard to believe pics such as the wedding cake one, or the one hovering over the tree or the `alien holding a gun`... granted those are a little too much even for my open mind , but what about the thousands of pictures which havent been debunked, people have gone to the area where he filmed or taken the pictures and said yes there is NO WAY this was faked.. but no we dont hear about that.

What do the skeptics always say.. `give me one clear picture of a alien craft`
YOUVE GOT ONE... GO TO THE BILLY MEIER CASE! all you need is one picture.. just one picture to be genuine but theres thousands which havent been debunked, but do we hear about them? will skeptics mention them? NO.

Bottom line is like i say... yes theres tons of garbage stuck in there by hoaxers and people who genuinely got it wrong... however there is TONS of good evidence that this is a real phenomena and should be taken more seriously.

In future, instead of screaming `hoax` every time anyone has any sort of ufo footage.. bear in mind that there is MORE EVIDENCE OF EXTRA TERRESTRIAL CRAFT THAN THERE IS OF JESUS EVER EXISTING.. AND THAT CAN NOT BE DENIED!

So yes go ahead.. imature skeptics, take one or two of the words i say.. quote it and try and attack me... but at the end of the day, you know in your heart of hearts that these extra terrestrial crafts DO exist and thats all what matters!

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:26 PM
i did it
ive silenced the skeptics
at last

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:33 PM
I think the Billy Meirs stuff was hoaxes wasnt it?

His images do bear a startling resemblance to real UFOs being built and worked on at that time though by the Germans.

You do wonder whether UFOs inspired mans designs or whether mans designs inspired the phenomenon sometimes. Maybe these early projects have evolved to far higher levels and explain some of the modern sightings now.


Rund Flugzeuge


More Vril

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by weneedtoknow

I know you're thinking "Hey, look at all this evidence... now the skeptics will come around and see it...", but it's not even about evidence. Skeptics think the way they do for one or both of these reasons:
1) They haven't seen anything out of the ordinary yet.
2) They've got a powerful amount of mind control on them, making them think that way regardless of what anyone says.

You can't beat that. These are folks that you can't win against. Even when they lose they win, it's technology on a completely different level.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Great post, and i feel much the same as you... i doubt all the skeptics are silenced... there are several who will probably take a stab at this.... IMHO they debunk this stuff because their little brains can't handle some of the material that may actually be a real et. When people are afraid of things they will do whatever they can to make their brains feel comfortable.

UFO's and et scare people. It pervades their sense of security... that we probably aren't alone on this rock in the middle of a black vacume.... Any way writers block is getting the best of me, i hope you get my drift.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:38 PM
These two strike me as very powerful images for very valid reasons.

This one was filmed live on TV at the time getting bombarded by US military barrages over LA. How real can you possibly get?

Can you imagine that happening now and people not believing it? I think they shot over 1800 rounds of AA fire into it and it didnt even twitch, the shells all exploded against it without damage, freaky video

The of course theres our buddies in the Russian Military who released this memorable image.
At the time they were accusing the USA of covering up UFO tech and keeping it to themselves, their position was very credible.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:39 PM
personally, i don't know if there's anything out there or not

i've seen enough evidence from both sides of the coin to leave me standing on the edge of it.

i'd like to believe that there is something out there beyond what we know as truth but in order for me to truly move to the side of believer or non-believer i'd have to see some solid evidence personally.

i've even admitted before, i've seen some things in the sky as a child that i could only describe as a UFO simply for the fact that i don't know what it was. over time, my memory of it could have been swayed one way or another by experience,etc so i wouldn't really want to show those as "proof" one way or another since memories aren't always what really happened.

i can't see a video and believe it or not believe it. i can't see someone on television and believe it or not believe it. i just have to take it all in and over time maybe i'll come to the conclusion that i feel is the correct one but so far, the middle ground seems to be the most open minded yet safest place for me to stand since i simply do not know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:47 PM
why would aliens visit this mudball. it is all US military tech. why let the world know the level of tech we have. you do not have the right to know.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:48 PM
Very nicely layed out, i dont think the question is whether UFO's exist or not, ofcourse they exist, i think the question is who is operating these objects, humans, or extraterrestrials. There lies the question.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by MegaCurious
reply to post by weneedtoknow

I know you're thinking "Hey, look at all this evidence... now the skeptics will come around and see it...", but it's not even about evidence. Skeptics think the way they do for one or both of these reasons:
1) They haven't seen anything out of the ordinary yet.
2) They've got a powerful amount of mind control on them, making them think that way regardless of what anyone says.

You can't beat that. These are folks that you can't win against. Even when they lose they win, it's technology on a completely different level.

I've seen a number of things that seemed out of the ordinary at the time but after getting more information, I learned that what I saw was actually quite ordinary. Rather than just thinking "That was a UFO!" I went out and did some research and guess what? No longer unidentified.

I know my eyes play tricks. Are you so sure that yours don't?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Phage]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:06 PM
to be honest
the los angeles case in itself is sufficient evidence
would the military try and shoot down `weather balloons` i dont think so!

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:09 PM
I personally believe that UFOs/EBEs exist. I'm not completely convinced that the don't originate from Earth as an unknown lifeform, and I'm equally unconvinced that they don't originate from another timescape or dimension. I agree with you the the information and evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of their existance. The quantification of that phenomenon is, however, still a huge unknown.

That said, the Meier photographs were, to me, once very impressive. When he wandered into the raygun and dinosaur photos, I think he shot himself and UFOlogy in the foot. It is possible that some or many of his photos were real, but when a person is caught creating fraudulent events or photos, that besmirches the whole of their work. There was a film done by Mr. Meier that depicted the "wedding cake" UFO in which it seemed to move in coordination with the wind (as evidenced by trees in the photo frame). That was very disappointing to me. Thus, I don't choose to hang my hat on Mr. Meier's work. I cannot.

The L.A. event, on the other hand, I find to be almost impossible to have been a fraud. I have spoken personally with several people when I lived there who witnessed it. It was reported nationally, photographed, and the effort the U.S. government put into "debunking" it is further evidence of its veracity.

I myself have seen things I cannot correlate with known terrestrial phenomenon. It remains an unknown.

I believe that the "others" are here, and have been for much or most of human history. I think it would be a simple matter for them to prove their existance, and therefore I feel that their agenda is not consistent with our own best interests. If, as reported in the Cooper papers, they made arrangements with U.S. and other governments, then I trust them even less. "Oh, Argentus, they don't want to disrupt societal/religious/cultural systems....." Yes, fine, but at the cost of truth? If they are here, I distrust and disrespect them; they are furtive, and the antithesis of being forthcoming. I cannot stand a sneak. I wish it weren't so, and I hope I am mistaken. I do not depend upon or wish upon some unknown entity to "save" us. That is our task, to save ourselves, FROM ourselves. If we're not up to the task, then, oh well, another Terran species flashes brightly for a moment in time and then expires.

Rant over. Thanks for the space and your thread, OP.


posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:17 PM
p.s. a true skeptic is not your enemy, even if they believe your beliefs are false or unfounded. A true skeptic requires imperical evidence to formulate an opinion, and much or most of what we, the UFOlogists reference as evidence is far from firmly verified and vetted.

Those that consistently deny existance or the possibility of same of any ETs or UFOs as a MATTER of COURSE, without examining evidence, are, to me no different that those that willfully accept every tidbit as fact if it resonates as consistent with their views. They are merely opposite aspects of the same smushy thinking.

That's why when there is information that comes to this and other forums, I appreciate those that seek to analyze the photos or evidence, looking for solutions that are naturally occurring. I do not appreciate those that are derisive and seem to automatically slap a "fraud", "fake", "CGI", or "photoshop" label on the offering, without any supportive information.
The latter are not skeptics, they are trolls.

Skeptics are your friend. They keep us all focused on the ball, and sharpen our thinking. They are analytical thinkers, and I believe that many true skeptics would like nothing more than a clear and conclusive bit of evidence. I think of Dr. Carl Sagan, who, more than anything, dared to hope, while framing his thoughts in verifiable evidence.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Phage

Sometimes your minds is playing tricks on you. Somethings just need to be accepted.

The Battle of LA UFO was witnessed by hundeds of people and filmed live on national TV. The military bombarded it with over 1800 shells which you can see detomating against it.

Thats not a trick of the eyes, its a UFO. Unidentified Flying Object and Unexplained Flying Object.

The official line? "weather balloon" So the US ARMY shot 1800 shells at a "weather balloon" which looks nothing like a weather baloon on National TV, hit it direct time and again and it just kept going? Please.....

Theres realism and then just unwillingness to believe in something simply in your face and there for all to see. Its not about believing in Aliens, or Spaceships, its about accepting that clearly theres a lot more to this than we know.

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:21 PM
I like many others, do not need evidence to prove the existence of UFO's or ET for that matter.

I've always wanted to know, are there any more pictures or video of the LA event? it's hard to believe nobody else took a picture, is there any evidence of a video or picture round up by the Military or anyone out of place? afterwards?

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by azzllin
I like many others, do not need evidence to prove the existence of UFO's or ET for that matter.

I've always wanted to know, are there any more pictures or video of the LA event? it's hard to believe nobody else took a picture, is there any evidence of a video or picture round up by the Military or anyone out of place? afterwards?

The youtube video i posed is TV footage of the even, remeber this was 1942 so there werent groups of people with camcorders and webcams and there were no photoshops and CGIs.

That event happened in you can see for yourself in the footage which is pretty incredible.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:29 PM
thanks for your support, i do notice the usual imature remarks or unprovoked personal bashing which skeptics or `debunkers` have usually used by now hasnt happened so maybe they just dont have an answer...
im so happy the person reminded me of the l.a event that in itself is MASSIVE proof that this is real

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:38 PM
I also like the Italian Military UFO film.
This film has been analysed and confirmed real not CGI. Looks like some kind of prototype flight but the technology its using is truly fascinating.

At first it looks like a toy and the manouvering is clumsy as if they are getting used to flying it, when it reaches the end and takes off though, well thats something else entirely. Going by the scale of the bridge it was easily big enough to be a one man or two man prototype.

Question is where did they come up with that sort of propulsion system and lighting system? Watch the "light" outcroppings if thats what they are (i suspect they form a part of the manouvering system though) they seem to appear and vanish from the craft, some serious hardcore tech there.

Google Video Link

Ohh and just for kicks to challenge those who are in complete denial of UFOs. Another cracker from Ilaty by Italian Atsronomers this time watching an object (estimated at 800 meteres in diameter) manouvering on the moon.

In among all the modern hoax and CG crap there are some truly credible and undeniable incidents.

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by silver6ix
This one was filmed live on TV at the time getting bombarded by US military barrages over LA. How real can you possibly get?

Who were they transmitting the live footage to?

There were fewer than 7,000 working TV sets in the country and only nine stations on the air; three in New York, two each in Chicago and Los Angeles, and one each in Philadelphia and Schenectady, N.Y.

RCA that same month holds its first public demonstration of a new TV camera offering a sharper image than those then in use.

The Battle of Los Angeles occured in February of 1942 when there were only short, daily scheduled broadcasts. Since the incident occurred at 3:00, it's doubtful that the single LA station was on the air at the time and there was no nationwide service. There is one visual record available of that morning, a poorly exposed newspaper photo. The "video" you are talking about is a manipulated video of that image. By engaging in such antics, the "disclosers" become their own worst enemies, no better than the other confirmed hoaxers.

The eyewitness reports of the incident vary so widely that it is impossible to come to any definitive conclusion about what actually occurred but the most likely scenario is that it was a false alarm. Here are the known facts, before the UFO hounds started spinning them 30 years after the event.
The Battle of Los Angeles

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Phage]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:05 PM
How many TV sets had nothing to do with it only TV cameras and as far as I know during WAR TIME the news would be broadcast 24-7 if need be, remeber this was 1942.

Ohhh and in the UK we still only have five stations so whats the problem with the number of stations on the air?

You dont need 800 Tv stations for one incident.

Either way it happened

Care to explain the two Italian ones since one over LA isnt enough?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

[edit on 18-10-2008 by silver6ix]

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