posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Wow, the OP makes a lot of points. I'm not taking any side here, but I do take issue with the whole "oil war" thing. While Iraq's oil was a
factor in our decision to invade, I think the notion that we are somehow stealing oil from Iraq is ridiculous.
The oil component of our decision was based on stabilizing the region, not stealing oil. Hmmm, 5 years after liberating this country, whose citizens
btw are now free to openly criticize the U.S., the price of oil here in the U.S. is at all-time highs.
Had we not invaded, the price of oil would be even higher, garnering enormously HUGE profits for the oil companies. So the whole "oil war" notion
invalidates its own self anyway. I have one question. Where is all this supposed oil we stole?
Answer: We didn't steal any oil from Iraq. If we had, we would be BATHING in oil now, and gasoline would be so cheap you couldn't give it away.
Instead, Iraq just signed a multi-billion dollar oil deal with the Chinese. If our aims were anything other than our stated intentions, then, several
things would have to line up to justify our letting China in on the deal. The evil oil barons, for example, would have to be pulling the strings of
the Chinese leadership, manipulating them into funneling all oil profits into secret slush funds for elite oil CEOs, who of course have no
accountability whatsoever to stockholders, so they can further tighten the leash on not only 1.3 billion Chinese, but also the entire rest of the
If this was an "oil war," the entire world would already have been enslavened because the evil oil tycoons would have had plenty of time to execute
their evil plan in the 5 years since our victory. Why, we should all have been arrested and sent in chains to the nearest asteroid by now, spending
the rest of our lives in slavery toiling away 20 hours a day pounding stone with sledgehammers.
I'm sick of these anti-Americans who spout anti-American nonsense and then whine and cry when someone calls them what they are, which is,
anti-American. Certainly they have a right to do so, but if what they say is true, then, by their own logic, it follows that they wouldn't have any
free-speech rights either and we wouldn't be reading this now.
We went into Iraq, took down a totalitarian regime that was harboring al-Qaeda, freed the citizens of that country, and then enable the populace to
hold free elections. Its that simple.
Small minded critics charge that al-Qeada was never in Iraq to begin with. Well, these are the same critics who scream when we lose brave men and
women to terrorist bombings, al-Qaeda or otherwise, within the borders of Iraq.
They say al-Qaeda is no longer a threat in Iraq, and that we should leave. Damn straight they are not a threat in Iraq, and certainly not here in the
U.S. anymore! al-Qeada is holed up now in the Pakistani hills, unable to move for the most part. We have them pinned there, and if we leave Iraq
prematurly, then al-Qeada will move right back in, and proliferate, unchecked throughout the region.
I'm a conspiracist, btw. Secret Societies, you bet! But these power brokers are not so shallow as to invade a country, conquer it, and build a
hidden pipeline to some secret underground storage facility that is meant to serve their evil plans. "Hey guys! Lets do an oil war!!!!" I can
just hear it now. This is not worthy of a conspiracy theory, but rather, it lends itself better to script for a bad cartoon.
America is the greatest force for good that the world has ever seen. Capitalism and Democracy beat every other system ever witnessed in the history
of this planet. Anarchy, Barbarism, Feudalism, Slavery, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and many other systems have all been proven to be faulty to
the core.
Until we find a better system, lets stick with what we know works best, and hold our nose while we tolerate and even encourage the less-appreciative
people to vent their criticisms