posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 08:41 AM
I'm mad as hell about...
I don't know how to put it into words, but I'm so sick and tired and pissed about how our world is so full of conflict and killing. I honestly
believe that, by nature, people do not want to harm each other. But because of greed, ignorance, selfishness, deception, and a myriad of other
attributes, humanity may never find a way to "just get along".
The current state of the world economy is the result of exactly what I am talking about. Because of the actions of a small group of individuals the
entire world has to suffer. And while that hardship takes place the fortunate few get to live it up without consequence. It sickens me that people can
be so self-serving, greedy, and intentionally destructive in order to further their personal gain. But, sadly, that is what our world has come to. In
order for many average people to get by they too will have to rely on that same selfish mentality. As things get worse, so do the lengths to which
that desperation will manifest itself. And yet there are people who will not let their own needs take priority over those around them, but those are
the people who will suffer the most. All thanks to the small group of "elites" living it up in their million dollar estates, sipping champagne,
wearing their expensive clothing, and having not a care in the world because they know that they can't be touched.
As much as all of that pisses me off, what gets me even more upset is that that small group of wealthy, powerful people could do something but they
don't want to. They would rather profit from the downfall, misery, sickness, poverty, and struggles of the billions of peons who inhabit this planet,
than to actually think about the future of the planet and mankind. Now, granted, there are some people who are very charitable with their wealth, but
that group is very very small.
Anyone who is familiar with science-fiction movies such as Star Trek is aware of how we're seeing many of the neat fictitious devices and gadgets are
becoming reality very quickly these days. But you know what? Even after humans can build transparent aluminum, a triquarter, tractor beams, photon
torpedos, and all of the other stuff, one thing will most likely remain pure fiction - a world where men and women, regardless of their differences,
work side by side to improve humanity instead of thinking only about themselves.