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What if you're wrong??

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posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by AlexG141989


if i was wrong about my faith and so were other christians, what have we lost? we tried to live a good and caring life.

On the other hand Atheists have made an almighty mistake eh?


posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 03:03 AM
What if you are a loving and caring atheist and you were wrong. You would be condemed to eternal suffering...

I always aksed myself "Why is this believing in so important?" Why does God not reveal himself and if he does, it is too late to conclude he was real.

If you were a God soo desperate to be believed in that you are willing to destroy human souls if they not believe in you, why would you not put a little bit more energy in proofing your exsistence? Maybe because as a God you cannot reveal yourself and are totally depending on souls believing in you?

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Safandjaro


do we need our friends and loved ones to spend money on us as proof they love us? wouldn't that be false.

do we constantly ask them to prove our love?

Biblical prophecy is proof God exists and Jesus on the cross is proof he loves us.

Are we to do nothing in return?


[edit on 19-10-2008 by drevill]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 04:49 AM
OK as a non believer in god if he was somehow someday proven to exist i dont think i would feel bad about being wrong.However i would be pretty pissed on how messed up this world is and how many people have had to die just to satisfy some sort of holy way that this so called god has called for.
I would be angry for all the acts of god that befall human kind and how much suffering it takes to please this so called compassionate god so even if he did exist i still would have nothing to do with this nasty piece of work.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by AlexG141989
What If You're Wrong???

(Let's say hypothetically, if humans were to somehow in the future be able to prove, without any doubt one of the "whats if's" below.)

Atheists - What if you're wrong, and The Christian God, Allah Etc. truly does exist??? Will you accept this outcome, or continue believing that God does not exist???

The Religious - What if you're wrong, and The Christian God, Allah Etc. truly does not exist??? Will you accept this outcome, or continue believing that God does exist???


I as an atheist would not care, in fact I wish I could believe in a God like I used to. But I guess if it was proven that he existed, I wouldn't have to believe because I would know. Just like I know that it is sunny right now.

I am truly amazed at how such great wealth, can come into such great poverty!

All should first Find out what the "Word" God actually means and where such a "Word" has come from first before any discussion can take place otherwise the whole question is meaningless, if it is based on the guessing and superstitious thoughts of fear etc.

It tells us in the book of John in the bible if that is what you are arguing over that God is 2 things or Parts.

First The Word

Second The Life of God is the Light of Man that lights every man who comes into the world.

Because this is of a Greek writing the Word "Phos" in Greek means Sun Light or any other Light.

The Greek Word "Phos" does Not mean Understanding.

As for the Word God is a "Word" G O D.

This is in English but you have to go back to the Zionic Language to understand the Nature of this Word.

The meaning of the Word G O D is totally different in Zionic than what is believed today by them that follow after the teachings of Human Primates.

The teachings can be traced back further than when the bible was put together by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago. In fact much of the Philosophy come as far back as Plotinus Plato.

The bible is only the Roman version of some of the Greek and Hebrew Writings that were put together under the Roman Government for political reasons to quieten the Christians at the time the bible was put together.

But to gain true understanding of the roots of this philosophy you have to go back 5,000 years or more to the Original Zionic Language which has been lost from the world but the Zionic Language can be back engineered from the Ionic Greek Language.

The knowledge back then is totally different and is nothing at all like human thinking is today.

The original was That the Word God referred to a Living Machine that was part of the system that produces the Holographic Experience that humankind calls either his Universe or Environment including the Primate that if falsely called Man today.

The Human primate was called Adam or A'Dam.

But the Soul was Called Man and Woman, being Male and Female.

The Man was the Inner component of the Lattice work which is a part of the Soul and Not the Primate.

The Female was the Outer component of the Lattice work which is a part of the Soul and Not the Primate.

So if the question is how would we react etc., etc., it is important to first understand what the Component God actually is.

But it is "The True Mind" which has produced The All through God the Creation Machine.

What you think is the Human Mind isn't but instead is an Inner Droplet of the Total Mind.

So only the Life Component can know this and Not the Human Primate.

Now if you are aware of the Mind then you must also be aware of The Greater Mind or Outer Mind.

The Inner Mind as I have said is in fact a part of The True Mind, so if you are alive, then you should know that you, (Mind or Life force) or the Inner Mind is Part of what has Created everything.

But the Dead can Not know this !

So it comes down to whether you are just a piece of program in the form of a holographic Primate or you a Droplet of The True mind are alive, and are experiencing the program of the primate in one of the Universes.

Wake up you, who are sleeping, and know yourselves as being part of The All.

To deny Life is to deny yourselves.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 09:58 AM

if i was wrong about my faith and so were other christians, what have we lost? we tried to live a good and caring life.

On the other hand Atheists have made an almighty mistake eh?

Atheists have made an almighty mistake???... I don't think so... If God would send me to hell for being an atheist then he is nothing but a power hungry son of a u know what... All you have to do is think about this logically, and you will quickly see how ridiculous that is, and how primitive a way of thinking for a God that is...

Biblical prophecy is proof God exists and Jesus on the cross is proof he loves us.

Are we to do nothing in return?


"biblical prophesy" is not proof of anything....

Jesus died on the cross??? Yeah, and so did other prophets from religions that pre-date christianity...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Safandjaro

[I always aksed myself "Why is this believing in so important?" Why does God not reveal himself and if he does, it is too late to conclude he was real.]

God has revealed himself throughout the ages ..and is still doing it today ..
He has intervened in the affairs of men to keep him off the brink of destruction for several generations and yet here is man once again back on the brink .And saying why doesnt God reveal himself ..

Read how the Israelites saw GOD do some amazing things ..Talked to them openly ....fed them manna from heaven when they hungered ....sent clouds to hover over them by day to keep them from dieing from the heat while going to the promised land ...had water come out of a rock for them when they thirsted ...sent angels to fight for them while attacked along the way ....and yet even they said ..Where is God and why doesnt he reveal himself ..
I mean sheeshh ....

Not to mention that God is revealing himself in peoples lives everyday and no one cares to even pay attention to it ..and for sure no one wants to believe that it is GOD who is doing some of things he is doing in our days .

Just wait is not over with yet .

If he revealed himself once again right now to you personally would still blow it off and say that was not God who did that ...yadda yadda ...

It is your NONBELIEF that keeps him from revealing himself to you personally ...that is my opinion of why he has not been revealed to you .you would not know it even if it slapped you in the face ...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:54 PM

It is your NONBELIEF that keeps him from revealing himself to you personally ...that is my opinion of why he has not been revealed to you .you would not know it even if it slapped you in the face ...

Well he had 18 years to reveal himself to me, he had plenty time to reveal himself to many people who ended up becoming atheists...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 01:02 PM
The chances are there is a very high probability.
That we are all wrong.
So therefore it must be ok.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by AlexG141989

Have you ever thought for one minute that he did and you missed it because you were wanting it revealed in YOUR WAY ..on your TERMS >.
And maybe he did reveal himself and you dismissed it as coincidence ..
Your skeptical mind kept you from seeing it for what it was ..(thats what I am trying to say) ...
We are all so demanding ...and selfish ...we want everything OUR WAY and on our TERMS ...
If God literally spoke from heaven in a loud voice with thunderings and lightening (Like the days of old) you would see it as just a thunder storm (a freak natural event) and the voice you would just say it was a trick or just your imagination etc ....

Man has become so carnal minded thinking ...if I cant feel it touch it or taste it isnt real mentality ..........that he has lost all seeing and hearing of the spiritual world which is where GOD DWELLS >>..he does dwell here but the bible says he dwells AMONG US IN SPIRIT in the believer ..If you dont believe he wont come and dwell with you ..He will not go over your free will to not want him in your life or help you in your quest to find out who we are why we are here and where we are going ...we continue to try and find those answers OUTSIDE OF GOD and the SPIRIT of GOD which is where the answers are .........

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 01:18 PM
PS ..I wanted to add that what I said in the above post is also one of the reasons why alot of Christians get so far away from the truth too .
They want things THEIR WAY >.in THEIR TIME >...with THEIR OWN ANSWERS that proves to me they really do not want the truth ..

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by drevill
if i was wrong about my faith and so were other christians, what have we lost? we tried to live a good and caring life.

On the other hand Atheists have made an almighty mistake eh?

But what if the Atheist god is the true god (I know it's a contradiction)?
In this scenario, you're the one who would be screwed.

What if the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true god?
You may just be boiled alive in a variation of sauces for your lack of belief.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by AlexG141989

Both have made a very big mistake.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Have you ever thought for one minute that he did and you missed it because you were wanting it revealed in YOUR WAY ..on your TERMS >.

No, because I didn't really have that much of a skeptical mind back then.

May I ask how God revealed himself to you???

Man has become so carnal minded thinking ...if I cant feel it touch it or taste it isnt real mentality

It isn't carnal minded thinking, its logical thinking. You wouldn't believe a defendant is guilty if there was no evidence against him would you??? In this case there is no evidence for God, so why would I believe in him???

I can't touch, or taste gravity, but there is evidence that it's there. In fact we KNOW that it is there. We can't however say that about God.

If you dont believe he wont come and dwell with you

Do you not know how childish this sounds???

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by TruthParadox


on the OP we are talking about the Christian God of the Bible.

how not to get sent to Hell is in there and it is quite clear.

if the Christians are right then on this premise the Atheist is going to hell.

If the Christian is wrong then we will take whatever happens, be it the baked bean king or nothing


posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by drevill
reply to post by TruthParadox


on the OP we are talking about the Christian God of the Bible.

how not to get sent to Hell is in there and it is quite clear.

if the Christians are right then on this premise the Atheist is going to hell.

If the Christian is wrong then we will take whatever happens, be it the baked bean king or nothing


Look no one is going to hell because you are already there... LOL..

Hell is a hole.

All things exist in their own hole the same shape as what is in the hole.

If there wasn't a hole there for the item to be in it couldn't be there because something else would be there instead.

Its a bit like the hull of a ship displacing the water it is in to some degree which allows it to float.

But it is impossible to have two different things occupying the same space.. Even the components of a molecule so called don't share the same space but each atom is in its own space....

Now if one single person goes into what you think is hell in your primate understanding your Christ has failed because He is Saviour, and you know it is impossible for Christ being saviour to fail.

So it is contradictory for you to say or expect some will go to hell.

You can't go to heaven either.

As Jesus said,

"No man hath ascended into heaven, save him who came down from heaven."

How can you ascend into Heaven, if The True Mind, which you falsley call the human Mind is already there and has never come down, but if you are alive you would know this.

Jesus said,

"Let the Dead bury the Dead"

Who buries people?

Primates !

So I guess Primates are already Dead ... LOL...

I think a little more understanding of the Roman group of writings called the bible is required by many professing to be Christian but are of the church of the Primates!

Notice in the bible the churches or any denominations are Not mentioned!

In the original Greek text the word Church does Not, I repeat Does Not exist but instead it is written as "The Assembly of Lights" which has nothing at all to do with Human Primates !

So many Lies are told today in the name of Christianity !

Both parties are completely wrong.

So maybe we should all look at the Third Party and Not Atheists or on the other hand a group of uninformed persons of Roman doctrine professing to be Christian.

All the churches or denominations from the "Roman church" of human Primates are linked to the Roman Empire and its Philosophy.

And Not propagating the knowledge that was taught even back to Plato and earlier.

Wake up Primates and Know yourselves !

[edit on 19-10-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by Pauligirl

But God is Not a Person or anything of human nature.

For an explanation of this U2U me, and I shall explain.

I may relate to some religious material, but I am Not professing to be religious as humankind thinks he understands religion.

If religion is not your thing, then I can explain in another way Not mentioning religion at all, but rather the result of experiencing death as in Brain Dead for more than 30 minutes reported by doctors.

This happened in August 1973...

I didn't mean to give the impression that I thought it was a person or anything of human nature. If there is a god, I would kinda expect it to be...well...godlike.

Religion is not my thing, nor is near death experiences. To me, they both appear very subjective, personal and self contained. While you could tell me what happened to you, you really couldn't share the experience.

But thanks.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 07:14 PM
[May I ask how God revealed himself to you???]

That would take forever and you wouldnt believe me anyway.
I am not stupid though and he didnt reveal himself to me overnight ..and it sure as heck wasnt as I expected him to reveal it to me ...

[It isn't carnal minded thinking, its logical thinking.]
Some things in this world are not logical (Like Miracles,Supernatural events etc) There are even some things that happen that are not supernatural and have no logical explanation (at least none that we could come up with is only because we dont quite understand it is the only reason why it seems illogical to us) ..wouldnt you agree ?

[You wouldn't believe a defendant is guilty if there was no evidence against him would you???]
Well actually yes I would just by his actions and his words etc can tell most of the time when someone is guilty and is lieing cant you ?
And just because no one has FOUND any evidence against him does not mean that there is not evidence out there that would prove that he did it .
Alot of criminals get away with crimes they did commit ..just because the evidence was not found or uncovered ....

[In this case there is no evidence for God, so why would I believe in him???]
So where did we come from ? How were we made ? Who made all of this that we see ? Why is everything made so technically and to work in unison with everything else ? I mean sheeshh ...we did not come from some BANG ..some one made all of this ...Again the proof your wanting is actually all around you and you are just not wanting to see it as evidence ...

[I can't touch, or taste gravity, but there is evidence that it's there. In fact we KNOW that it is there. We can't however say that about God.]
Exactly and the only reason why we know that gravity is there and how it works is because SOME ONE (People) decided to STUDY IT and FOUND EVIDENCE (Not nothing they could feel taste smell ..just tinkering with how it works) that led them to believe in their findings was illogical until they used their brains and found the LOGIC in it ...(which was there all along they just had to search it out until they found it ) ..............

Childish maybe ..thats why I believe in something beyond myself ...and you do not .
Maybe thats why the bible says you must become as a child (as in back to basics and not overthinking everything into oblivion ) (Childlike faith ) .

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 07:26 PM
If I were the Creator, I would make it to where I revealed myself according to the individual and what their needs happen to be. I would make it unique so that they would know I exist w/out needing validation from anyone else. Those that need to be validated are group thinkers and they would not find favor in my eyes. I would want individuals.. Individuals are the paint in creation and who in the hell finds a one color painting interesting or beautiful? If everyone believed the same way, this would be a boring world.

The one thing that I find extremely unfair and ridiculous about religion is the arrogance of someone who doesn't know but says they do and condemns others for not believing their way. Differences in beliefs, ideas, way of living, etc is not something to be looked down on, but rather protected.

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by drevill

I'm just saying that I've heard that argument many times before but it holds no weight.
What if ANY god is right? In most cases you're screwed.
And God has the same amount of proof as any other god - none.

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