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What if you're wrong??

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posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by wookiee
I don't believe that there is anything beyond this life.

If, however, the Ultimate DeadBeat Dad was to show his/her/it self to the world as a real god, you know, all knowing, all powerful, all that god-like stuff and wrote all his/her/it's rules by his/her/it self without relying on some poor schmuck to do it for him/her/it, then I may believe. But I would never bow before him/her/it.

Human belief is just that..... belief that is according to humankind and is Not necessarily the Truth.

S I think we are arguing about our beliefs and not looking for the third option...


We should all be Looking for Truth not making truth "according to Human Primates".

After all, can anyone create anything or are people in control?

If humankind is in control, then there are a lot of weird people in the world if they Love pain and suffering and striving each day and Death etc.

Ask the person starving in a "third world nation" if they are in control and ask the leaders of Large Countries if they are in control ?

If they are, then they are kind of weird, if they like growing old and then die.

I think we can be more intelligent than that, and realise that something else is in control and I don't mean a person out there somewhere.

What I am really saying, is that The Inner Mind is in control to a certain degree, but there are automatic systems in our bodies such as a DNA Chemical programs and in our environment in other forms.

We need to search much much more, before we can come to understand The Truth, rather than trying to prove our own beliefs to be the truth, I also include my self in this also.

So lets look at that Third Option...

Truth !

What ever it may be ????

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 10:58 PM
[I also suspect, given our somewhat rebellious nature in the face of authority, that we would take every opportunity to try to escape from that situation. If God were proven to exist we would immediately start seeking a way to overthrow him.]

Oh my gosh that is exactly what man has done since the beginning ..
Thats why we are in the mess we are in now .

What is wrong with you people ..where is your HOPE ...where is your FAITH>what happened to your JOY >>???
Have you gotten so cold and unfeeling and rebellious that you just do not care anymore about anything ....

Stir up that faith which is in you ..stir up that spirit that is within you and look for the TRUTH ...and when you get slapped with it RECOGNIZE IT.
It is your rebellion against GOD and the fact that your being told what to do (This is what man does ..rebel against all authority rebelled against God so he let you be you have rule of yourselves and your still a slave TO MAN ....God offered you a way out of SLAVERY TO MAN (who is selfish by nature ) .... and unbelief that has taken YOUR JOY AND YOUR FAITH AND YOUR HOPE >.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Stir up that faith which is in you ..stir up that spirit that is within you and look for the TRUTH ...and when you get slapped with it RECOGNIZE IT.
It is your rebellion against GOD and the fact that your being told what to do (This is what man does ..rebel against all authority rebelled against God so he let you be you have rule of yourselves and your still a slave TO MAN ....God offered you a way out of SLAVERY TO MAN (who is selfish by nature ) .... and unbelief that has taken YOUR JOY AND YOUR FAITH AND YOUR HOPE >.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by AlexG141989

I know it sounded corny and old news ..and too preachy ..but really I do not see any hope in some of you ... ...most of you are in despair and feel your trapped inside this >.should I call it Matrix ? yeah maybe it is ....
But hey I had to give it my best shot ..yall are hard core ..and you are proud of it even ..thats what bothers me ..

We arnt dead yet ..the end is not yet ...(soon) we are still able to talk freely (at least somewhat) and we do have a canned good left still in the cupboards we can eat ..we also still have a computer and a roof over our heads and some of us even have family to love and be loved by ..It isnt all that bad yet is it that we have to lose all hope and joy of being alive ?
Sometimes I feel like some people are already dead walking zombies ..
That concerns me someone who cares about everyone and someone who cares about the Lord ...I AM PRAYING FOR US ALL .....
Start with seeing the positives I mentioned above ...that is a great start ..appreciate what we have ..not mad about what we dont have .(Lots of money etc lol) .....

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:31 AM
Ok ..I will stay on topic Alex ...sorry

If I am wrong ..then hey at least I will have died happy ..
And I tried my best to do what I believed was right .I really dont have any regrets ...not anymore ...I have been there done that ..experienced this and that and there is not much more I need to say or do ..but just love the fact that I am still alive and make the very best of it while I can ....
And thats all really I can say about it .

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Simplynoone

If you read The Book of Ezekiel and are able to understand it, you will find all the measurements and layout for the Matrix, The new Temple of which The Man Child is described in The Revelation.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by AlexG141989

I know it sounded corny and old news ..and too preachy ..but really I do not see any hope in some of you ... ...most of you are in despair and feel your trapped inside this >.should I call it Matrix ? yeah maybe it is ....
But hey I had to give it my best shot ..yall are hard core ..and you are proud of it even ..thats what bothers me ..

We arnt dead yet ..the end is not yet ...(soon) we are still able to talk freely (at least somewhat) and we do have a canned good left still in the cupboards we can eat ..we also still have a computer and a roof over our heads and some of us even have family to love and be loved by ..It isnt all that bad yet is it that we have to lose all hope and joy of being alive ?
Sometimes I feel like some people are already dead walking zombies ..
That concerns me someone who cares about everyone and someone who cares about the Lord ...I AM PRAYING FOR US ALL .....
Start with seeing the positives I mentioned above ...that is a great start ..appreciate what we have ..not mad about what we dont have .(Lots of money etc lol) .....

Reprobates/demons were designed as enemies of the KOG. All know that there is a God/Creator... some awaken and live in service to God.... others do all that they can to place stumbling blocks before the COG. The mystery is not about "right or wrong"... it is about "grace" and who has it from before they were born versus those who from birth are destined to be "liars, tempters, and murderers". The KOG's antagonists are not seeking answers. This thread is another attempt to confuse and discourage the COG.

The answer to "what if you are wrong" is....

No matter how hard "Christians" try to help you, if you are a vessel of wrath fitted to destruction (Romans 9), you will never hear the truth and be granted repentance.

Instead, you will live your life exactly how God has ordained it, apart from Him and without peace.

If, however, you are a vessel of mercy, you have belonged to God from the foundation of the world, and He will quicken (make alive) your spirit in His time through the hearing of the word.

It's not your choice. But don't worry - if you are a vessel of wrath, the things of God are foolishness to you and your sin will not bother you... at least not in this lifetime. In the end you will experience the wrath of God and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There is still time.....

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by AlexG141989
What If You're Wrong???

(Let's say hypothetically, if humans were to somehow in the future be able to prove, without any doubt one of the "whats if's" below.)

Atheists - What if you're wrong, and The Christian God, Allah Etc. truly does exist??? Will you accept this outcome, or continue believing that God does not exist???

Well, if it's proven without a doubt (to me) I wouldn't have any choice but to accept it's existance. What would happen from there would depend on what god it was and what it wanted. And what it deserved.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by JustTheFacts
Besides looking up "Pascal's Wager"
I would just say that as a Christian, if I am wrong, I lose nothing, if an athiest is wrong, they lose everything.
Which side would you wager on ?

Point #1: Pascal had a cousin who believed in Zeus.
You should read his wager.

Point #2: If fear is your only reason to come to God, then what have you proven to God? That you have the amount of fear that he created you to have. Thus your choice is really HIS choice and the choice is irrelevant because it's not ours.

Point #3: I like pie. If you do not like pie, then you should at least pretend you like pie so you won't offend the pie-gods.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by AlexG141989
Why would a being who can create stars thousands of time bigger than our Sun, or an entire universe be concerned with whether a petty human believes in him or not, so much so that he would damn him to an eternity of suffering.

He would not.
But as for the mythology, he is that way because:

That's how Catholics made their money.

That's how Kings ruled over the ignorant.

It's the only way to keep people in line and not lift a finger to do it.

It's fun for some people to believe their enemies will be sent to Hell.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by AlexG141989

Originally posted by JustTheFacts
Besides looking up "Pascal's Wager"
I would just say that as a Christian, if I am wrong, I lose nothing, if an athiest is wrong, they lose everything.
Which side would you wager on ?

But since you brought it up, that is only one more reason for someone such as myself to not believe in God. Because if God is somebody who would condemn someone to an eternity of suffering only because that someone didn't believe he existed, I would not wanna be a associated with him. Why would a being who can create stars thousands of time bigger than our Sun, or an entire universe be concerned with whether a petty human believes in him or not, so much so that he would damn him to an eternity of suffering.

You basically told me that even though I'm a good person, even though I've never killed, or raped anybody, I will go to hell simply for not believing in something that I have no reason to believe in.

Let's assume I'm right, and that God exists. I've never raped or murdered either, so the only difference between me and you is our belief. We both die on the same day and appear before God. Now, I don't think you are going to burn in hell forever, as long as you didn't commit blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit - but why should you get the same reward as me, when you have had the exact same options I have had? Why would you not want to associate yourself with God becasuse of a fair judgement?

You ever see the movie "The Deer Hunter" with Chris Walken? He willingly plays a game of russian roulette...... and loses. It's no different here. Either the gun is loaded or it isn't. You don't have a choice, you are officially in the game but you do control your outcome.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 08:59 PM

I know it sounded corny and old news ..and too preachy ..but really I do not see any hope in some of you ... ...most of you are in despair and feel your trapped inside this >.should I call it Matrix ? yeah maybe it is ....
But hey I had to give it my best shot ..yall are hard core ..and you are proud of it even ..thats what bothers me ..

I'm not in despair, and I don't feel I'm trapped inside this. What am I proud of??? All I am doing is not accepting stories without confirmation.

as someone who cares about everyone and someone who cares about the Lord ...I AM PRAYING FOR US ALL .....

You do not need to pray for me, or for anyone else for that matter. Because that which God has planned for us cannot be changed.

The answer to "what if you are wrong" is....

That was not an answer.

Let's assume I'm right, and that God exists. I've never raped or murdered either, so the only difference between me and you is our belief. We both die on the same day and appear before God. Now, I don't think you are going to burn in hell forever, as long as you didn't commit blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit - but why should you get the same reward as me, when you have had the exact same options I have had? Why would you not want to associate yourself with God becasuse of a fair judgement?

You ever see the movie "The Deer Hunter" with Chris Walken? He willingly plays a game of russian roulette...... and loses. It's no different here. Either the gun is loaded or it isn't. You don't have a choice, you are officially in the game but you do control your outcome.

And how exactly can one commit blasphemy against God's holy spirit???

I made it perfectly clear why I wouldn't want to be associated with God...

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by AlexG141989

Surely you know the routine. You can say something against God and you can even say something against Jesus and be forgiven, but you can't diss his Spirit. There's a for sure bullet in that gun.

You said in an earlier post that you used to believe (or something like that), I'm curious why did you stop? How are you so sure you are right?

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:06 PM

Surely you know the routine. You can say something against God and you can even say something against Jesus and be forgiven, but you can't diss his Spirit. There's a for sure bullet in that gun.

You said in an earlier post that you used to believe (or something like that), I'm curious why did you stop? How are you so sure you are right?

No, this is actually the first time I've heard that I must not "diss" God's spirit.... lol... Quite honestly I don't understand it... What does it matter if I diss him or his spirit....

I stopped believing in God because it didn't make sense. When I believed in God it was because I didn't think, and the more I began to think about things I was taught as a child, the more ridiculous they seemed.

When I believed in God I was a bigot, I was an ignorant fool. I disliked gays because in my mind they were going "against God". I thought that all gays were going to hell for the simple fact that they're gay. Then I started to think, well what if there was someone who was a very good person, never killed, or raped anybody, but happened to be gay. Would he deserve to be condemned to an eternity of suffering because his only sin was being attracted to other males??? If so than not only is God a no different than lets say, someone like hitler (A tyrant who if you don't do things his way will give you a barbaric punishment)

It wasn't just that that turned me away from religion, I can give you many other examples.

The concept of free will in a universe governed by an omniscient being... If God truly is omniscient, then you and I truly do not have free will...

The "Stoning" of homosexuals... Funny, if God was such a loving, and caring being, why would he have to resort to such human ways???.... It's not enough that God will send these homosexuals to hell after they die for something that they can't control, he has to make sure that they suffer in life as well by being stoned. Why would such a loving God condone this???

Like I stated before in this thread, why would a being who can create stars massive enough to make our star seem like a grain of sand, be so concerned with whether a petty human believes in him or not??? I highly doubt such an advanced being would care if primitive animals such as humans believed in him or not. Would you care if an ant didn't believe in you???

Prayer - There are many who say their prayers are answered. There are stories of soldiers at war who pray, and are saved during battle. Well, there are other soldiers who pray as well, and die... Why didn't God save those soldiers??? The classic responses such as it was there time to go, or God had a plan, and it was not hsi time to go, or God works in mysterious ways are nothing but copouts, and silly excuses.

Shoot, I can go on forever but Ill stop for now

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by AlexG141989

Well, you made some good points, and you'll probably never be able to see things from any other point of view, because you really seem set in your ways, but why do you have to completely shut the door to even a remote possibility that it's all true?

Haven't you ever experienced "anything" that could possibly relate to the supernatural? Seen a ghost? Heard a voice? Had an out of body experience?

I firmly believe that the things we experience in life are all preludes to something much bigger. I think there's a lot more to it, than all of us just randomly floating on some huge ball in space.Lol

I've never understood why he proves to some people he's the real deal and let's others like you wonder to the point of no return. Maybe it comes down to trusting in one another, that what we say is true or something. I don't know. Like Kid Rock sings,"I think I'll keep a walkin with my head held high.... I'll keep moving on and only God knows why."

I have to add something. The reason we don't diss his Spirit is because that's the way he has chosen to communicate with us - it's the proof people like you crave. It all comes down to his spirit moving in our blood.

I'm here to teach not preach.

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Myrtales Instinct]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:17 AM

but why do you have to completely shut the door to even a remote possibility that it's all true?

I haven't completely shut the door, I am open to all possibilities. I am open to big foot's existence, I am open to the lochness monsters existence, but in order for me to actually believe they exist I'm going to need a little proof.

The problem is probability, from what we know, there is very VERY VERY low probability that the christian God exists, or Allah, or any God that humans worship.

Theres been thousands of Godsthat humans have worshiped, the majority of which today are considered fantasy but at one point were believed to be entirely real. Just like the christian God, so if all those other Gods that people believed were real, are fake, what are the chances that your God is real???

Haven't you ever experienced "anything" that could possibly relate to the supernatural? Seen a ghost? Heard a voice? Had an out of body experience?

I've never seen a ghost.... Hearing voices, or having out of body experiences can all go back to the brain... It is very powerful...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:27 AM
[after they die for something that they can't control]

Each and every one of us is capable of some form of self control in our flesh and our sexual addictions ..and that is what I consider a sexual addiction ...I dont believe it is genetic just like I do not believe addictive behaviour is genetic ...That is just an excuse to justify it and cover it over so you dont have to change it because hey you believe you have a really good reason why you shouldnt have to change anything ....IT IS all the GENES FAULT ...which is just like saying it is ALL THE DEVILS fault I am the way I am ..(We all ARE ALSO TO BLAME for our own actions ...for not resisting the urges and not being determined to BEAT whatever addictions we have .......all it takes is some hard determination to beat ANY ADDICTION ......even without the Lord Jesus Christ I walked away from a few addictions before even knowing him ...It took a made up mind that I was sick of IT and was tired of my addictions running my life ...........
Everyone who has addictions justify them ..I still have some addictions I refuse to resist ...>and so I justify them to myself ...
I still smoke and justify it in my mind ... because I tell myself it is my medicine of choice and If I didnt smoke I am pretty sure I would be all drugged up on Meds like most of the World is right now ....which is why I have no desire to even try and quit .....
I chose what I considered the lesser of the two evils LOL >..yeah I know that was corny ..sorry ..

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:47 AM

Each and every one of us is capable of some form of self control in our flesh and our sexual addictions ..and that is what I consider a sexual addiction ...I dont believe it is genetic just like I do not believe addictive behaviour is genetic ...That is just an excuse to justify it and cover it over so you dont have to change it because hey you believe you have a really good reason why you shouldnt have to change anything ....IT IS all the GENES FAULT ...which is just like saying it is ALL THE DEVILS fault I am the way I am ..(We all ARE ALSO TO BLAME for our own actions ...for not resisting the urges and not being determined to BEAT whatever addictions we have .......all it takes is some hard determination to beat ANY ADDICTION ......even without the Lord Jesus Christ I walked away from a few addictions before even knowing him ...It took a made up mind that I was sick of IT and was tired of my addictions running my life ...........
Everyone who has addictions justify them ..I still have some addictions I refuse to resist ...>and so I justify them to myself ...

Lol.... Common sense says that homosexuality is not a choice...

Why would one choose to be part of a group of people that is seen as an abomination. Why reply to the part of my post about homosexuality with a post that is entirely against sexual addictions, when it is not only homosexuals who can have addictions to sex???

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Pauligirl

But God is Not a Person or anything of human nature.

For an explanation of this U2U me, and I shall explain.

I may relate to some religious material, but I am Not professing to be religious as humankind thinks he understands religion.

If religion is not your thing, then I can explain in another way Not mentioning religion at all, but rather the result of experiencing death as in Brain Dead for more than 30 minutes reported by doctors.

This happened in August 1973...

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 02:34 AM
You talkin' to me?

Ok, what if I am wrong?
That question entered my mind a few times many years ago.
Then, this was quickly followed by yet another question that asked:

What would be so wrong with living by the Golden Rule and helping out my fellow Man anyway?

It was like divine intervention because that question just popped into my mind.
Nuff said.

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