posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 09:50 PM
@Soylent Green Is People
Thanks for the clear and thorough explanation. Very helpful information there. I can now understand the effects of a "blocking artefact" especially
on a small, blurred object. I took the time to recreate this effect, again to satisfy my curiosity, and applied a low quality jpeg render on a cropped
version of my second UFO attempt. Lo and behold, I was able to achieve the same kind of effect.
Here's what I'm talking about:
Combining that with just the right angle from the cameraman's point of view, yeah I am pretty convinced the the UFO effect was most likely to be due
to a poor jpeg compression on a blurred image of a bird. However, I think there is also a smaller possibility of it being modified or fabricated via
image editor like PS by a really good "image doctor". If someone really actually took the time to deliberately make it look like what it is right
now, I'm reckoning they can.
Not that my second example earlier was anything close to a masterpiece, but by trying to make an actual sample, perhaps the possibility of image
tampering could still be there. My point being, if an average PS user can reproduce something like that, what more if done by an expert?
I can see your point that I could have just copy/pasted the image, the very reason why I pointed out the steps on how I was able to arrive at such
results. If my steps in PS are followed, combined with a bit of artistic touch, I reckon just about any average PS user with significant experience
could achieve the same kind of result. IF I was merely able to achieve such results using a simple method of copying/pasting, then the more reason to
believe that someone could have easily tampered with the image to begin with.
Again, I would like to make it clear that second UFO attempt I posted earlier, though not perfect, was achieved by fabricating a disc-shaped object
and then applying tools and filters to it with dual layers via PS to make it look the way it is now. Which is a fake UFO. Perhaps just about any image
can be photoshopped to make it look real, but in context to this image by the OP, this one to me is a contender.
[edit on 18-10-2008 by smirnoffsky]