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9/11 Key Witness Murdered?

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:07 PM
People in this forum are quite well aware that in a criminal conspiracy it is not uncommon for high level conspirators to murder co-conspirators at lower levels in order to insulate themselves from whatever evidence the police might uncover. Witness intimidation is also the norm rather than the exception in organised crime cases.

Just as a point of instruction to people in these sorts of positions. Because you've been paid off doesn't mean that the higher ups won't also eliminate you permanently when it is convenient for them. Your best protection is to go as public as possible with what you know and who you are.

There is a very long list of unusual deaths associated with the Kennedy assassination.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:30 PM

posted by ipsedixit
People in this forum are quite well aware that in a criminal conspiracy it is not uncommon for high level conspirators to murder co-conspirators at lower levels in order to insulate themselves from whatever evidence the police might uncover. Witness intimidation is also the norm rather than the exception in organised crime cases.

Just as a point of instruction to people in these sorts of positions. Because you've been paid off doesn't mean that the higher ups won't also eliminate you permanently when it is convenient for them. Your best protection is to go as public as possible with what you know and who you are.

There is a very long list of unusual deaths associated with the Kennedy assassination.

Exactly. There would be no loyalty to underlings who are a potential danger. Much much better to snuff them and guarantee silence.

So you insiders who have a good deal of inside information. Go public. Surround yourself with enough interviews and videos and live talk show broadcasts that it will become far more dangerous to eliminate you than to just ignore you. Your cooperation will be generously taken into consideration by grateful Americans. We only want justice for the victims of the 9-11 perpetrators, and a guarantee that such a treasonous attack upon America like 9-11 will never happen again.

Are you sick and tired of the traitors and murderers you are forced to defend by your silence? By no means are you safe from elimination. Nor will your family ever be safe just because you have remained silent. It would be presumed that a person would tell their spouse, and it is so much simpler just to obliterate the entire family.

Just think how good it will feel to see those traitors you defended with your silence, hanging in rows from the nooses their treacherous necks deserved.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:10 PM
9/11 whistle blowers should be trying to get in contact with someone who has a long track record of sticking his neck out publicly in this arena.

You can't go more public than Alex Jones, the We are Change people, David Ray Griffin or Jim Fetzer. It would be far better to have Alex Jones bullhorning about you to all and sundry while you are still alive than ranting later about how you were knocked off.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Do neither of you think that it is inconvenient that in the 7 years since 911 occurred, no whistleblower has come out?

In the case that they actually exist, and are reading this forum, the best place to go would be http://__._/

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by exponent

I guess you didn't actually go to the site yourself and search "9/11". When I did I got six pages of results. I didn't see anything spectacular there but I only skimmed a couple of the articles.

Here's a link to one. The interesting thing about it is that it also concerns the Bush administration's alleged retaliation on a whistleblower.


[edit on 15-10-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Barry's death is also a message to everyone that contradicts the original conspiracy theory/fairy tale to shut up.

When the towers were burning and people were jumping to their deaths, we find illegal Israelis, experts in explosives, Mossad, as identified by the Jewish newspaper Forward, dancing and celebrating. A camera was set up recording the first strike. They celebrated, high fives, smiley faces lighting cigarette lighters like at a rock concert, having their photos taken with the towers burning in the background. They were arrested and their van tested positive to explosives. While in custody, they proceed to fail every polygraph test given.

Thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Chertoff and Musakey, they are released and sent back to Israel. They are celebrated on Israeli TV where they confess they were in NY only to "document the event." Their boss at Urban Moving flees the country before the FBI could question him.

Now, as Americans and Patriots try to put the pieces of the 911 jigsaw puzzle together, every time one questions the official fairy tail it is a zionist or neocon that sets up the blockade with a barrage of name-calling.

It reminds me of when Rachel Corry, a 98 lb American girl, armed with a bullhorn was run over by an Israeli bulldozer. The reactions on the part of the zionists were pretty much along the same vane as they deal with 911 Truthers. Poor Rachel was dead. Her murderer will never face justice. The zionist/neocons threw not sympathy buy a flurry of name-calling and ad hominid attacks. This behavior is a symptom of a psychopath. A symptom common with dangerous killers.

911, was the crime of the century.

One only needs to ask "que bono" to find the guilty.

The neocon/zionists cabal has too much at stake to let the public know the truth. They will kill you and laugh at you if you get in their way. Barry Jennings death was a neocon warning to shut up and do what you are told, or else.

Everyone knows who did 911, especially the neocon/zionist gatekeepers.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:56 PM
My personal opinion is this:

I believe the collapse of tower 7 shows some strange characteristics, with the whole thing collapsing in one straight near perfect collapse but then how often do we see something like this happen in history, I mean when was the last time anyone saw two huge towers collapse with a third collapsing several hours later. I can't really think of any.
Therefore if a tower just happens to collapse in a demolition like way, then I can accept that as a natural collapse with no government intervention. Now as everyone will surely agree no matter how many simulations or tests or examples you do your not going to get a perfect comparison to the real thing so you can basically throw all those out the window as actual evidence in any useful way.
As for people like Barry ( ie. witnesses) you can't rely heavily on them for evidence as for the fact that I'm sure they weren't trying to remember every detail of there ordeal when the reality is he was in a unstable and unsafe building with threats of terrorists and explosions passing through his ears, plus he is not some sort of memory machine and cannot make definite judgement on certain thing around him eg. him hearing explosions, we can't be at all certain if he actually heard explosions or the number of explosions he heard. Think about it...planes flying into buildings, buildings collapsing, fires all around people screaming, running, dying... no evidence is truly credible apart from maybe video footage which can be analysed. There wasn't really enough footage to tell if there was a conspiracy or not... that being said this incident does have some holes and strange things going on that maybe one day will be filled but there's definetely not enough evidence to even think of it being credible as a government plot or any conspiracy type theory. As for Barry dying well come's not as if he died on any key day or anywhere near the 9/11 incident or to be honest anything...apart from and which to me sounds a bit stupid (no offence to the one who typed it) he died a few days before that key report which explains all about WTC 7 collapsing which is like saying somebody died a few days after another guy died from a heart attack this must mean there connected! Couple of key factors here to think about when it comes to his death.

1. he's seriously overweight, most critically overweight people don't reach there 60s (how many obese old people do you see walking around?).

2. It's been 7 whole years, alot can happen in that time eg. catch diseases, heart problems, some thugs on the street could decide to knife him.

3. We don't know anything about his death... we don't know for certain it's the right guy only a few websites mention it. We're not even sure of the date he died. No pictures no family response not even a decent obituary nothing....

As far as im concerned this was an incident blown way out of proportion and it's these "truthers" as for some reason people call them (I would call them Theorists) that made it that way taking every little detail of it and making it into some sort of credible conspiracy. A few examples to prove my point. eg. video on youtube which is easy to find showing the bottom of the plane that crashed into one of the towers. Not only is it very grainy and unclear it's from an akward angle and not completely straight up compared with a perfect clear picture with a precise straight upwards shot and the guy was claming they looked different and that it looks like extra sophisticated equipment was attached to the one that crashed into the tower.... another example is that smoke coming out of tower 7 was coming from one side of the building and that suggested fires which is reasonable to assume but another guy an anaylist or something not completely sure says that the smoke could be coming from somewhere else but that it appeared to be coming from tower 7 because of some overcomplicated reaction with the smoke from other sources which made it looks like smoke from tower 7 now...if you had a choice between simple fire making smoke come from the building or special fancy smoke reaction which just happens to be happening at this building which would you believe?

Now don't assume me as a one of the people who doesn't believe at all that this was a conspiracy but at the moment I see no strong or credible evidence to suggest otherwise, for all I know though this could be a conspiracy but until i see the evidence which points towards that I'm going to believe and know that this was just a tragic incident where 3000 or more died.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by beijingyank

Except if you to actually research the story, you will find out that those gentlemen were NOT there for the first strike. Check out 20/20s archives on, you will find the transcript of the interview with the lady who reported those gentlemen to the police. In it, she clearly states they were not there when the first tower was hit.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 06:26 AM
Wow, the attempts at debunking were lamer than ever.

Doesn't the media invariably report cause of death when they cover any death? Months on and still unknown. That in itself is suspicious.

there are so many suspicious deaths, some of which fall into large classes or groups: those asscoiated with the Kennedy assassination (witnesses like the woman who put LHO and Jack Ruby together in a police car a couple of days before the assassination, or perpos like David Ferrie), or the ongoing string of suspicious deaths of scientists. I noticed that one when I was working in IT in the eighties. The first cluster centred around Marconi Avionics IIRC. One guy tied a rope round his neck, then to a tree, then drove off. Another filled his car boot with petrol cans then drove into a wall at high speed.

Then of course, there's JFK, (&jr), RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Olof Palme, Benazir Bhutto, Paul Wellstone and many more.

It's almost like it deserves its own forum.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
Just think how good it will feel to see those traitors you defended with your silence, hanging in rows from the nooses their treacherous necks deserved.

Let me ask you a question.

I sometimes post here in a manner which is critical of the Truth Movement; indeed I consider its conclusions to be variously incorrect, illogical, nefarious, funny, and sometimes a bit frightening.

Given the gist of what you say above and in other posts, I would guess you believe me to be an insider, wilfully and profitably spreading disinformation, and able to turn into a whistleblower at any opportunity. Perhaps I am scared of what might happen to me, or maybe I am just venal and greedy.

Given this, are you going to hang me when the truth comes out? Will it make you feel "good" to see me swinging?

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by DaTruthI just hope our children don't look back on this moment in time and say "I can't believed you idiots let this happen and believed such an obviously un-true story". It's like how we look back and say how could people believe the world was flat.

I'm quite sure thats exactly what they'll say

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Orion7911

Originally posted by DaTruthI just hope our children don't look back on this moment in time and say "I can't believed you idiots let this happen and believed such an obviously un-true story". It's like how we look back and say how could people believe the world was flat.

I'm quite sure thats exactly what they'll say

Why so pessimistic? They might say "well done for bringing the evil ones to heel, for putting them all to death and cleansing the world of the NWO. Now we live in a pradise and it's all down to you guys!"

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Could you please indicate then, his cause of death? Thank you.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Orion7911

Originally posted by DaTruthI just hope our children don't look back on this moment in time and say "I can't believed you idiots let this happen and believed such an obviously un-true story". It's like how we look back and say how could people believe the world was flat.

I'm quite sure thats exactly what they'll say

I think so too. The twin towers exploded, and the plane in Shanksville buried itself under the ground at impact, and the Pantagon plane squeezed in a hole the size of a mansion's double door without wing damage or a mark on the grass.

They see it, and they'll really wonder about our sanity.

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