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9/11 Key Witness Murdered?

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

No. This was inside the WTC 7 lobby. No aircraft hit that building. The closest tower (WTC 1) with the alleged 'jumpers' was about 375 feet away. Rather than 'jumping', the people were more likely blown out of their precarious perches by explosions. Many were waving and patiently waiting for rescue and showed no signs of panic.

This is one of the most vile disgusting posts I have seen to date. You are 100% CLUELESS.

Did you see the people holding hands while they jumped?

Did you see the man hanging out the window he slipped?


posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Wow, well I guess if you do not care whether or not I believe you, you should not spend 20 minutes typing up these long posts to me all about it. Face it, you did not know the guy. You found his contact info, and contacted him. The message you bring us all is to respect his privacy. Had you been respecting his privacy, you would have done NOTHING with that contact info. However you came accross it, if someone forced you to memorize it at gunpoint, whatever, YOU CHOSE TO CONTACT THE MAN who wanted to be left alone. Then you have the nerve to tell us to leave him alone. How do you know? You contacted him WITHOUT INVITATION to clarify that he wanted privacy respected. Go on, rant and rave, spend all day posting to me about it. Take the time to edit in all the individual quotes. Then make sure you mention how you do not even really care. Get back on topic and off me then.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by SPreston

No. This was inside the WTC 7 lobby. No aircraft hit that building. The closest tower (WTC 1) with the alleged 'jumpers' was about 375 feet away. Rather than 'jumping', the people were more likely blown out of their precarious perches by explosions. Many were waving and patiently waiting for rescue and showed no signs of panic.

This is one of the most vile disgusting posts I have seen to date. You are 100% CLUELESS.

Did you see the people holding hands while they jumped?

Did you see the man hanging out the window he slipped?


Absolutely correct. This kinda trash is inexcusable. I like how in his hate filled tirade he fails to explain how the people that were "waving and patiently waiting for rescue" managed to NOT get blown out of their "precarious perches" by explosions, while the jumpers did.


posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:49 PM
Another 9/11 "mystery" and a sad one.
RIP Barry Jennings condolences to your family.
I thought he did what he could and may have paid the ultimate price???

It is sooooooooooooo strange there is no obit and very little confirmation evidence available about his death. No cause of death???

I mean a month goes by before anyone knows he died?? Now nearly 3 months later still no word on the cause of death.

Maybe he dissappeared himself! I hope so!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:26 PM

posted by SPreston
No. This was inside the WTC 7 lobby. No aircraft hit that building. The closest tower (WTC 1) with the alleged 'jumpers' was about 375 feet away. Rather than 'jumping', the people were more likely blown out of their precarious perches by explosions. Many were waving and patiently waiting for rescue and showed no signs of panic.

posted by ThroatYogurt
This is one of the most vile disgusting posts I have seen to date. You are 100% CLUELESS.

Did you see the people holding hands while they jumped?

Did you see the man hanging out the window he slipped?


posted by Soloist
Absolutely correct. This kinda trash is inexcusable. I like how in his hate filled tirade he fails to explain how the people that were "waving and patiently waiting for rescue" managed to NOT get blown out of their "precarious perches" by explosions, while the jumpers did.


Vile? Disgusting? Inexcusable? Hate filled tirade? A bit of overstatement there? I am seeking justice for those particular victims of the Bush Regime whether they jumped or were blown off the towers by explosions. You actors and defenders of the 9-11 perps are hilarious. I imagine you are both only fooling yourselves.

Ahhh. Hate filled. Bush Regime. You are both angry because I would dare to hate the 9-11 perpetrators you are defending. You both need some more training on realistic appearing indignation.

Are you both stating their positions on the towers were not precarious? Are you both stating the man who slipped actually jumped? You both seem so certain of your knowledge which is likely mistaken as usual.

I understand that the both of you are unwilling to admit that there were a multitude of explosions going off in both towers, including before the aircraft impacts and after the beginning of the top-down explosive demolitions. The firefighters reported a lot of explosions, any one of which could have blown two people holding hands off their precarious perch on their damaged tower.

Are you both stating that your jumpers actually landed somehow inside the lobby of WTC 7 which was the subject of my post? This thread is about Barry Jennings inside the WTC 7 lobby stepping across bodies. Apparently his testimony was a no-no and even though he tried to take it back; now he is dead. Perhaps you two had better be careful, or the perps may deal with you as they perhaps dealt with Barry Jennings.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Ask some questions Preston.

Surely Dylan has the answers

Suffice to say you will ignore them if they don't fit your fantasy

Have you actually done any research outside of the Loose Change Forum?

Or are Truther sites the only source of your impressive knowledge.

Like many others, you fail at supplying evidence.

Evidently, this is typical for you.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Vile? Disgusting? Inexcusable? Hate filled tirade? A bit of overstatement there?

I would think it was an understatement. Your observation is a disgrace without ANY evidence.

I am seeking justice for those particular victims of the Bush Regime whether they jumped or were blown off the towers by explosions. You actors and defenders of the 9-11 perps are hilarious. I imagine you are both only fooling yourselves.

You're seeking attention. Not hilarious...rather sad.

Ahhh. Hate filled. Bush Regime. You are both angry because I would dare to hate the 9-11 perpetrators you are defending. You both need some more training on realistic appearing indignation.

You need training in reality. The Matrix world you live in is pretty pathetic. Oh, and I am a bleeding heart liberal.

Are you both stating their positions on the towers were not precarious?

The rooms were filled with smoke and fire. Try listening to the 911 tapes. Try looking at the areas they were jumping from.

Are you both stating the man who slipped actually jumped?

Can you read? The man was trying to escape. Watch the video again. HE was not blown out of the window.

You both seem so certain of your knowledge which is likely mistaken as usual.

No, we are both right. We have evidence. You don't

I understand that the both of you are unwilling to admit that there were a multitude of explosions going off in both towers,

I realize your difficulties seeing your a graduate of Dylan Avery's Film School for the mentally challanged... you are not understanding correctly. I never said that.

including before the aircraft impacts

your buddy Willie is mistaken. As are you.

and after the beginning of the top-down explosive demolitions.

Possible..lots of things can explode in a burning 110 story skyscraper as it collapses.

The firefighters reported a lot of explosions, any one of which could have blown two people holding hands off their precarious perch on their damaged tower.

Hmmm... a bomb that was powerful enough to blow them off the roof....but not powerful enough to cause their hands to come apart?

Are you both stating that your jumpers actually landed somehow inside the lobby of WTC 7 which was the subject of my post?


This thread is about Barry Jennings inside the WTC 7 lobby stepping across bodies. Apparently his testimony was a no-no and even though he tried to take it back; now he is dead. Perhaps you two had better be careful, or the perps may deal with you as they perhaps dealt with Barry Jennings.

HE didn't see bodies and you know it. It's the filth that is spread by people like you that. The "perps" will not deal with me. I work for them. remember?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 06:35 PM
Lest we forget, this thread is about the apparent death of Barry Jennings, who clearly stated that he was inside the WTC 7 lobby stepping across bodies and there were explosions inside WTC 7. Firemen with him warned him not to look down at what he was stepping over. Apparently his testimony of the dead bodies in the WTC 7 lobby where there should have been no dead bodies, was a no-no . . . . . . . . .

and even though he tried to take it back; now he is dead.

Exclusive: Emergency Coordinator Barry Jennings gives his explosive account from inside WTC7 hours before its collapse on 9/11. Barry Jennings mentions the dead bodies in the lobby at 5:25 of the video.

Barry Jennings said that the building was evacuated when he got there and that the explosions were going off in the building BEFORE the towers fell.

In the WTC7 lobby
Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

In the WTC 7 lobby
Jennings: "A police officer came to me and said "You will have to run" I said "I can't run. My knees are swollen." He said "You will have to get on your knees and crawl then, because we have reports of more explosions.""

Jennings: "I'm just confused about one thing....why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place - I'm very confused about that - I know what I heard. I heard explosions."

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Lest we forget, this thread is about the apparent death of Barry Jennings, who clearly stated that he was inside the WTC 7 lobby stepping across bodies and there were explosions inside WTC 7.
In the WTC7 lobby

Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

Where does he "clearly state" that he was stepping over bodies? He states that he can "feel." Does he state that he looked down and saw them? Or did he just "feel?"

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 07:31 PM

posted by SPreston
This thread is about Barry Jennings inside the WTC 7 lobby stepping across bodies. Apparently his testimony was a no-no and even though he tried to take it back; now he is dead. Perhaps you two had better be careful, or the perps may deal with you as they perhaps dealt with Barry Jennings.

posted by ThroatYogurt
HE didn't see bodies and you know it. It's the filth that is spread by people like you that. The "perps" will not deal with me. I work for them. remember?

How do you reconcile your DELIBERATE LIE with the very clear statement of Barry Jennings in the video above? He felt bodies as he stepped over them. Barry Jennings apparently obeyed the fireman and did not look down. Why do you think the fireman ordered him not to look down? If the lobby was total ruins as described by Jennings, then why would the fireman not want him to look down at debris which would trip him? The only reason not to look down that I can imagine would be bodies in the lobby where there were not supposed to be bodies, because the building was evacuated before Jennings arrived at WTC 7. Correct? Can you think of another logical reason to "Don't look down"?

In the WTC7 lobby
Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

posted by Throat Yogurt
In the WTC7 lobby
Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

Where does he "clearly state" that he was stepping over bodies? He states that he can "feel." Does he state that he looked down and saw them? Or did he just "feel?"

I just presented his testimony in the video. I am not inclined to alter his words as you defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory so often do. You have to see something before you can figure out what is going on around you? Most people are not so helpless as you and have the ability to use their brains and all their senses.

Regardless, later Barry Jennings apparently decided that there would be reprisals for his testimony about 'feeling the bodies on the floor of the lobby', and he tried to take back those words, and now he is dead.

Barry Jennings: Dead Bodies?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:54 PM

posted by Throat Yogurt
Where does he "clearly state" that he was stepping over bodies? He states that he can "feel." Does he state that he looked down and saw them? Or did he just "feel?"

posted by SPreston
I just presented his testimony in the video. I am not inclined to alter his words as you defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory so often do. You have to see something before you can figure out what is going on around you? Most people are not so helpless as you and have the ability to use their brains and all their senses.

Regardless, later Barry Jennings apparently decided that there would be reprisals for his testimony about 'feeling the bodies on the floor of the lobby', and he tried to take back those words, and now he is dead.

Why do you think Barry Jennings would be frightened enough to change his testimony very slightly? He kept 'the fireman told him to not look down'. He kept the 'he was stepping over people'. So, what did he change? Actually, he changed nothing. He just accused his interrogators of stating that he had said that he saw bodies, and there is no record of them ever stating such a thing. So Barry Jennings tried to neutralize the effects of his previous testimony, and he failed, and now he is dead. Was Barry Jennings threatened by the 9-11 perps? Was Barry Jennings murdered by the 9-11 perps to warn other people with big mouths? Do you think the 9-11 perps would rather not have the American public know about the dead bodies in the WTC 7 main lobby?

Barry Jennings told the truth about his experiences inside WTC 7 on 9-11, and then he became frightened, and now he is dead. Why do you think it would be necessary to eliminate Barry Jennings for simply telling the truth? Why were there explosions in WTC 7 before either Tower was destroyed? Why were there dead bodies in the WTC 7 lobby when the building had allegedly been evacuated long before? Why would the fireman tell Barry Jennings not to look down at the dead bodies?

In the WTC 7 lobby
Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Soloist
Absolutely correct. This kinda trash is inexcusable. I like how in his hate filled tirade he fails to explain how the people that were "waving and patiently waiting for rescue" managed to NOT get blown out of their "precarious perches" by explosions, while the jumpers did.


I simply have to echo my approval of the quoted post. SPreston's rampant speculation is completely inappropriate. It also shows a clear lack of any substantial investigation into the incident. I have seen too many horrifying videos of people jumping to ever consider the possibility that they were somehow blown out by explosives.

SPreston, you should get hold of the BBCs WTC7 documentary, in it Mr Jennings specifically states that he did not see "bodies". There was definitely a trauma centre inside WTC7 at some point, but this was moved to the back of the building, so there are potential explanations for if he was stepping over bodies. However we simply do not know, the only evidence for them is what he felt as he was being escorted out of WTC7.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:52 PM

posted by exponent
SPreston, you should get hold of the BBCs WTC7 documentary, in it Mr Jennings specifically states that he did not see "bodies". There was definitely a trauma centre inside WTC7 at some point, but this was moved to the back of the building, so there are potential explanations for if he was stepping over bodies. However we simply do not know, the only evidence for them is what he felt as he was being escorted out of WTC7.

Nowhere have I stated or even hinted that Barry Jennings 'saw' bodies. You defenders of the 9-11 perpetrators love to set up strawman arguments which are untrue. Are you arguing that there were still people in the main lobby 'trauma center' which in Jennings words was "total ruins"? Would the fireman who told Jennings "Don't look down." Why? "Don't look down." be walking Jennings across a bunch of trauma victims on the ground with their intravenous injections still hooked up? Wouldn't the firemen move your 'trauma center' out of the WTC 7 lobby which was "total ruins", and completely out of WTC 7 because of the explosions?

If you were lying there on the lobby floor amidst all the debris and ruins with an intravenous solution running into your arm, and tourniquets on both legs, would you want to remain there with fat guys walking over you and hearing explosions all around?

And what are all these explosions inside WTC 7 which Jennings was witness to and which a policeman told him about? And why did the fireman tell Jennings "Do not look down"?

In the WTC7 lobby
Jennings: "The firefighter that took us down kept saying "Do not look down" and I kept saying "Why?" "Do not look down." And, we were stepping over people and you know you can feel when you're stepping over people."

In the WTC 7 lobby
Jennings: "A police officer came to me and said "You will have to run" I said "I can't run. My knees are swollen." He said "You will have to get on your knees and crawl then, because we have reports of more explosions.""

Jennings: "I'm just confused about one thing....why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place - I'm very confused about that - I know what I heard. I heard explosions."

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 01:01 AM
Based on the sound of his voice in the tape I think there was no doubt in Mr. Jennings mind that he was stepping over bodies. He says he did not look down, but I find that hard to believe. I think he did look down. His statement that one knows when one is stepping over bodies was a cover for his failure to follow the fireman's instructions, in my opinion. Personally, I'm convinced that he did see bodies.

Of course there is no way of proving it that I am aware of. Didn't the other man he was with refuse to be interviewed?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by SPreston

I'm sorry SPreston, I fail to see your point. Are you suggesting that somehow this conspiracy involved killing a bunch of people inside the WTC7 lobby at some point during the day, but without anyone knowing or being aware enough to report it other than a single person who felt them with his feet?

Seriously what exactly is your point here?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:08 AM
"Although I think it would be safe to assume that."

Barry was being threatened. His job, his pension and other threats as well.

The only thing that "would be safe to assume" is the threats Barry was getting were known to the family and have continued to the surviving family.

Barry was one scared camper. The threats were coming from a credible source. The public needs to know who was threatening Barry.

Why the blackout on the cause of his death?

His death was a warning. Don't talk to the media.

New York will have a referendum this year to open up new hearings and Barry would have testified. Barry probably would have been the lead witness.

Que bono?

Take a look at Barry's buddy Hess's bank account and then ask yourself where he got all the money?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:20 AM

posted by exponent
I'm sorry SPreston, I fail to see your point. Are you suggesting that somehow this conspiracy involved killing a bunch of people inside the WTC7 lobby at some point during the day, but without anyone knowing or being aware enough to report it other than a single person who felt them with his feet?

Seriously what exactly is your point here?

My oh my. . . . . . . . .

My point is that WTC 7 was apparently evacuated before Barry Jennings ever reached his floor in the WTC 7 building which was also long before either WTC 1 or WTC 2 tower was destroyed, and what killed all those people in the lobby?

Apparently the lobby was just fine when Jennings entered the building with no bodies laying on the floor, but when he left, the lobby was total ruins and there were bodies on the floor he had to step over and the fireman ordered "Don't look down".

Perhaps those people were killed by the explosions Jennings kept hearing and experienced on the stairs. How those people were back inside an evacuated building is a serious question which should demand a complete criminal investigation, don't you think exponent? Do you think they were deliberately murdered? How do you explain those bodies in the lobby exponent? You don't care about what was going on?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
Perhaps those people were killed by the explosions Jennings kept hearing and experienced on the stairs. How those people were back inside an evacuated building is a serious question which should demand a complete criminal investigation, don't you think exponent? Do you think they were deliberately murdered? How do you explain those bodies in the lobby exponent? You don't care about what was going on?

Wow, I didn't realise your theory was this convoluted. Let me get this straight

Despite video evidence existing after the collapse of WTC2 showing the lobby to be clear of bodies, you believe that somehow a number of people got back into the building and were subsequently killed by an explosion you claim occured earlier than the collapse of WTC2?

This doesn't make much sense, and I don't really know where to go from here. As I said before, the entire evidence for there being "bodies" is that Mr Jennings might have felt some with his feet.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:42 AM
This is becoming common. I hate to say that, but its the truth. Here is a thread I posted a while back about another Key witness "suicide"

Some people say its post traumatic stress disorder, some think its a conspiracy.. Whatever it is, its kinda coincidental.. No?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 12:23 PM
Thank you. The original link did not work, but I found your thread.

If you've followed the 9/ll investigation at all,
you've probably seen his eye witness testimony..

Live at the scene, he clearly stated that there
was a massive explosion in the basement of tower
where he worked as a janitor..

He survived the attack, but did not survive the

Bombs in the basement

The Daily News reported yesterday that Kenny Johannemann - a key witness in the WTC 9/11 bombings - recently committed suicide.

I call him a key witness because in spite of aggressive prodding from reporters about "the planes," he clearly called what happened on the upper floors of the World Trade Center "explosions."

More important, Johannemann reported a massive explosion in the basement of one of the Twin Towers and rescuing someone who received full body burns from an explosion that took place at the base - not the top - of the building.

(The Daily News obscured this part of the story in their report today.)

The suicide note purportedly left by Johannemann stated that he had "lost friends and family" over "his drinking" which the letter attributes to his depression since 9/11.

Here is the entire text of the note as reported in the Daily News:

"The reason I killed myself was 'cause I was getting evicted and can't handle homelessness. I was also very depressed since 9/11. I've been drinking way too much and it's ruined my life. I've lost friends and family over drinking and I'm very lonely. There is nothing left for me to be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it's true. I just wanted to say I'm sorry 2 any people I ever hurt in my life. I really was a good person when I wasn't drinking. I hope people remember that.
Kenny Johannemann"

I wonder if the person who wrote this suicide note bothered to spend any time listening to Johannemann speak.

Johannemann had a large extended family and large social network which, according to his cousin Gerald Maya, universally held him in high regard. Maya had offered him a place to live.

You have to ask yourself two thing:

Would a man shoot himself in the head because he faced eviction when he had a family and social safety net like that?

Would someone as well spoken as Johannemann demonstrated himself to be on live TV, write a suicide note that sounds more like a teen aged boy's text message than a grown man's final testament?

Keep in mind that there are other people, more visible than Johannemann, who are actively telling the same story he did in public venues. You can bet that Johannemann's "suicide" has sent them a message loud and clear about their safety or lack of it.

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