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9/11 Key Witness Murdered?

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:33 AM

This video is from info wars. Apparently a key witness that heard explosions and worked for the office of emergency management.

[edit on 12-10-2008 by DaTruth]

[edit on 12-10-2008 by DaTruth]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Now it's fixed. Watching it now.

[edit on 10/12/2008 by Blueracer]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:51 AM
there are people high enough in this movement who are in a position to find out the true cause of barry's death and they are all keeping their mouths shut and not digging into this.

barry has been dead for months.

something stinks. something stinks about his death and something stinks about those in a position to know keeping their mouths shut.


posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Interesting. But weren't the bodies eithers jumpers or people forced out when the jets crashed into the towers?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:34 AM
You must admit, building 7 is quite a mystery. One could say that even though no steel structure has ever fallen due to fire, the towers were among the tallest buildings in the world and maybe gravity did do most of the work. I don't know I'm not a building engineer. But WTC 7 seems to me like an obvious controlled demolition and I find it a lot harder to believe otherwise.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:50 AM
Hopefully in our lifetimes the truth about 9/11 with come out. Some blame the government for it some blame terrorist. But what people don't realize is that you have to look at who benefited the most from it. There is a global conspiracy a foot. I just hope our children don't look back on this moment in time and say "I can't believed you idiots let this happen and believed such an obviously un-true story". It's like how we look back and say how could people believe the world was flat.

We still haven't healed from 9/11 as is obvious with the state of the world right now. I think the market crash was bound to happen they have just been delaying the enviable. You can't tie it directly to 9/11 when you wait 8 years and make sure you can blame it on something else but it is so obvious. Guess the illuminated ones are winning.

William Cooper R.I.P another solder for truth taken out by the powers that be

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:12 PM

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Terrorcell
there are people high enough in this movement who are in a position to find out the true cause of barry's death and they are all keeping their mouths shut and not digging into this.

barry has been dead for months.

something stinks. something stinks about his death and something stinks about those in a position to know keeping their mouths shut.

Typical garbage Dom. You have NOTHING to prove that there is ANYTHING sinister involved with Mr. Jennings death. You truthers think there is a conspiracy surrounding everything.

I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son. He is sick of the media and conspiracy theorists, as he is consistently hounded by them.
When we first started talking, he asked if I was a journalist. I told him no, that I was someone who delivers the REAL truth, exposing lies in the conspiracy theorists.......

His response to me.... "THANK YOU"

Do I have proof of this? I do have the transcript of the conversation. I will not be contacting him again, I respect his right to privacy. Something you, Dom should practice.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:08 PM
Throaty, I don't want to impose on the privacy of Mr. Jennings son, but since you are probably the only ATS member who will ever have had the opportunity to speak to him, I wanted to ask a couple of questions that do not impinge on Mr. Jennings son directly.

But first of all, let me commend you on your being someone who delivers "the REAL truth, exposing lies . . ." etc., etc.

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son. He is sick of the media and conspiracy theorists, as he is consistently hounded by them.
When we first started talking, he asked if I was a journalist. I told him no, that I was someone who delivers the REAL truth, exposing lies in the conspiracy theorists.......

Did Mr. Jennings' son mention who the media were, who are hounding him? Is this general hounding, or 9/11 specific hounding (surely the latter!)? If it is 9/11 specific hounding, that would signify a big change in the media's approach to the story.

When I asked a person up here in Toronto, why the Globe and Mail weren't covering 9/11 conspiracy issues, she wasted no time in setting me straight. She said the Globe would cover 9/11 conspiracy issues when someone told them there was a story there.

Of course the press is much freer up here. Up here, in a real (fake) free country the press will frankly tell you they are being told what to do.

Anyway, Throaty, please spill the beans and tell us who these media people are that are actually hounding someone about 9/11. I'm sure the We Are Change people or Alex Jones could give them a list of names of people who would love to be hounded by the media about 9/11.

[edit on 12-10-2008 by ipsedixit]

[edit on 12-10-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by Terrorcell
there are people high enough in this movement who are in a position to find out the true cause of barry's death and they are all keeping their mouths shut and not digging into this.

barry has been dead for months.

something stinks. something stinks about his death and something stinks about those in a position to know keeping their mouths shut.

Typical garbage Dom. You have NOTHING to prove that there is ANYTHING sinister involved with Mr. Jennings death. You truthers think there is a conspiracy surrounding everything.

I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son. He is sick of the media and conspiracy theorists, as he is consistently hounded by them.
When we first started talking, he asked if I was a journalist. I told him no, that I was someone who delivers the REAL truth, exposing lies in the conspiracy theorists.......

His response to me.... "THANK YOU"

Do I have proof of this? I do have the transcript of the conversation. I will not be contacting him again, I respect his right to privacy. Something you, Dom should practice.

Is Jennings Son also sick of people like CaptainObvious who is a debunker (not that you need to know that), that called his father a LIAR?
Or is he a "LIAR" only when he is hurting the Gov story?

Did you tell him about people like CaptainObvious who called his father a Liar and apparently was a debunker?

It seems to me he should also be sick of the debunkers as well.

I don't know why his father died, but its time to leave the man be and not use him for advantage.

CaptainObvious--No need to change my words around sir..I was calling Mr. Jennings a LIAR. And I have proven it!

[edit on 12-10-2008 by talisman]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:26 PM
I didn't get into specifics with him regarding the media he was talking about. I tried to let him carry the conversation as I did not want to "interview" him.

In regards to Mr. Jennings being a liar..... I would have to admit that it was a poor choice of words.
The man was clearly mistaken as he stated well after the Loose Change garbage.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:40 PM

posted by Terrorcell
there are people high enough in this movement who are in a position to find out the true cause of barry's death and they are all keeping their mouths shut and not digging into this.

barry has been dead for months.

something stinks. something stinks about his death and something stinks about those in a position to know keeping their mouths shut.

posted by ThroatYogurt
Typical garbage Dom. You have NOTHING to prove that there is ANYTHING sinister involved with Mr. Jennings death. You truthers think there is a conspiracy surrounding everything.

I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son. He is sick of the media and conspiracy theorists, as he is consistently hounded by them.
When we first started talking, he asked if I was a 'journalist'. I told him no, that I was someone who delivers the REAL truth, exposing lies in the conspiracy theorists.......

His response to me.... "THANK YOU"

Do I have proof of this? I do have the transcript of the conversation. I will not be contacting him again, I respect his right to privacy. Something you, Dom should practice.

Do you have proof of this? Of course not because it is a lie. We know it is a lie because 'journalists' would not touch the Barry Jennings story with a ten foot pole. In fact 'journalists' will hardly touch any 9-11 issue. Therefore 'journalists' have not been bugging either Barry Jennings nor his son. Your word is worthless. You are an anonymous poster and have nothing to fear from posting lies and disinformation.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son. He is sick of the media and conspiracy theorists, as he is consistently hounded by them.
When we first started talking, he asked if I was a journalist. I told him no, that I was someone who delivers the REAL truth, exposing lies in the conspiracy theorists.......

His response to me.... "THANK YOU"

Do I have proof of this? I do have the transcript of the conversation. I will not be contacting him again, I respect his right to privacy. Something you, Dom should practice.

LOLOLOLOL. Ok, so let me get this straight. You are telling us to respect other people's privacy and you went and hunted down this man's son and bothered him in person and then have the nerve to speak for him without being able to prove that you ever talked to him. Anyone can post saying they spoke to so and so and they said stop. Very few however would tell the tale of going to bother people personally and then telling others to respect his privacy. That is rich.

I have found a list of some other people that would like to be left alone. Would you like to track them down and make sure that what they really want is to be left alone too?

[edit on 10/12/08 by MorningStar8741]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
We know it is a lie because 'journalists' would not touch the Barry Jennings story with a ten foot pole. In fact 'journalists' will hardly touch any 9-11 issue.

You are wrong here in 3 ways

1. The actual quote
What ThroatYoghurt actually said was that Mr Jennings' Son was sick of Conspiracy Theorists harrassing him. The journalist question appeared to be separate but could also be a euphemism for truther. Either situation would say nothing about this being a lie or not.

2. Journalists "touching" Barry Jennings
Barry Jennings featured relatively heavily in the BBCs Conspiracy Files WTC7 episode. I believe this is the only 911 related documentary to have been published by the "media" since Mr Jennings' story became well known.

3. Journalists "touching" 9-11 issues
There are many conspiracy documentaries from the "media". I don't know what scale you are judging this by and if you require prisonplanet like reporting obviously it will not be met. Regardless it does not indicate any sort of lie.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741

LOLOLOLOL. Ok, so let me get this straight. You are telling us to respect other people's privacy and you went and hunted down this man's son and bothered him in person and then have the nerve to speak for him without being able to prove that you ever talked to him.

Pay attention son, you got nothing straight.

Where did I say I "hunted" him down. I obtained his information from a truther website. What information was that? Ain't gonna happen.

Where did I say I bothered him in person?

Anyone can post saying they spoke to so and so and they said stop. Very few however would tell the tale of going to bother people personally and then telling others to respect his privacy. That is rich.

Again, read my posts. As I showed to you many times in the past, your reading comprehension equals that of Ultima1's.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:40 PM
UK Intel at it again.
Their a big help, NOT.
What is protecting them from their lies.
You can lie so much until the something will happen for their own little 911.
Don't listen to me, listen to Jesus:
"You are now well. But don't sin anymore or something worse might happen to you." - Jesus

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:43 PM

posted by MorningStar8741
LOLOLOLOL. Ok, so let me get this straight. You are telling us to respect other people's privacy and you went and hunted down this man's son and bothered him in person and then have the nerve to speak for him without being able to prove that you ever talked to him.

posted by ThroatYogurt
Pay attention son, you got nothing straight.

Where did I say I "hunted" him down. I obtained his information from a truther website. What information was that? Ain't gonna happen.

Where did I say I bothered him in person?

posted by ThroatYogurt
I had a very brief "chat" with Barry's 26 year old son.

When we first started talking, he asked if I was a journalist.

Do I have proof of this? I do have the transcript of the conversation.

His response to me.... "THANK YOU"

I will not be contacting him again, I respect his right to privacy.

Something you, Dom should practice.

Is this another of those "Do as I say and not as I do" examples of a hypocrite? This is an entirely fictional account. He never said "THANK YOU" for violating his privacy did he?

Where did Domenick say he had talked to Barry Jennings's son?

You violated his privacy you hypocrite and you are advising others not to do as you did. But you defenders of the official fantasy tale are above the rules aren't you. You don't have to abide by that which you see as decent and polite.

In fact you don't even see the necessity of telling the truth do you? So you just made up this tale about contacting the son of Barry Jennings to magnify your importance. Correct?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Forgot how I need to spell everything out to some people here. When I say 'hunted down' what I mean is that you went to find this person's contact info and used it to contact them. They did not contact you, nor ask you to come contact them right? No, you went, found how to and just did it. You hunted him down.

I obtained his information from a truther website. What information was that? Ain't gonna happen.

And you cannot even back that up. If it is on a truther website, it is either public knowledge and you have no problem proving it, or you used info this man did not want made public to find and contact him- hunted him down.

OK so it was not in person. You got me there. You sure made your point. However you contacted the man. You said, you foud his contact info. You contacted him. You are telling us what he wants is to be left alone.

What part about what you said am I really missing here? If you just want to fight off topic-start a thread. These are your words I am using here buddy. Youy said you found him and wont say how. You said you contacted him and want to pass along that he does not want to be contacted. Perhaps you should read your own post over before getting in my face for calling you on exactly what you said.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:39 PM

posted by Blueracer
Interesting. But weren't the bodies eithers jumpers or people forced out when the jets crashed into the towers?

No. This was inside the WTC 7 lobby. No aircraft hit that building. The closest tower (WTC 1) with the alleged 'jumpers' was about 375 feet away. Rather than 'jumping', the people were more likely blown out of their precarious perches by explosions. Many were waving and patiently waiting for rescue and showed no signs of panic.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Forgot how I need to spell everything out to some people here.

Just be honest and abstain from embellishment.

When I say 'hunted down' what I mean is that you went to find this person's contact info and used it to contact them.

No I didn't once AGAIN you are making assumptions. I was looking for Barry Jennings obituary by doing a simple google search. It was an accident that his identity was found.

And you cannot even back that up. If it is on a truther website, it is either public knowledge and you have no problem proving it, or you used info this man did not want made public to find and contact him- hunted him down.

Can I back it up? I sure can. Will I? Absolutely not. You see, I don't give a flying frogs fat a** if you believe me or not.

OK so it was not in person. You got me there. You sure made your point. However you contacted the man. You said, you foud his contact info. You contacted him. You are telling us what he wants is to be left alone.

I am telling you what he said. That he was sick of the media and the conspiracy theorists. That's all he said. Never said he wanted to be left alone. Although I think it would be safe to assume that.

The rest of your rant is just that...a rant. You need to read more attentively.

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