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New message from Blossom Goodchild OCT 11TH

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:13 PM
so this mother ship is it flying over melbourne by any chance ?

might shoot some fireworks at it and maybe the odd rocket flare.

to show it my greetings lol?

but seriously where is it ment to be flying over

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:17 PM
i want this to happen as much as i wanted to win the $24 million powerball last weekend. alas i probably had more chance of winning that lottery than we do of aliens visiting tomorrow. (it's monday the 13th here in nz ... and in australia)

it's kind of sad how many of us here want this. it says a lot.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Ok!! I got a TIP for all believers AND non-believers ...

Make sure IF ya gonna watch the sky on the 14th to wear some infrared binoculars so nothing will escape your sight

How do Infrared Binoculars work?

Most infrared binoculars incorporate a special illuminator that emits a powerful bean of infrared light. This light is not visible to the human eye and yet provides a light source that allows for objects to be seen at night. The captured reflected image, caused by the infrared light, is focused back through the lens into a specially constructed electronic tube. The resulting process transforms a weak reflected image into a stronger one.

Eventually, through a conversion process that involves photons and electrons, a greenish image is seen through the infrared binoculars. This greenish image is a reflection of the image that is being seen.

Good luck and go in Peace!

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:33 PM
As much as I would like it all to be true, i have to seriously consider what if..

I mean if it DID happen then would I trust them? probably not as they could be seen to be false prophets or the very enemy pretending to save us all , i aint religious to a degree but my instinct would have to be the judge,

If it DIDNT happen then i guess we all go about our business waiting for the next prediction..but every prediction that doesn't happen just deflates all the people that had hope and some people will fall harder than others, will she take responsibility for that i wonder? probably not..

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:36 PM
i totaly agree that she should be send to jail or sancioned!shes selling books on this for god sake!liek a huge scam!i really hope and want them to come..but if they dont come...i want her in jail!

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Unisol
i totaly agree that she should be send to jail or sancioned!shes selling books on this for god sake!liek a huge scam!i really hope and want them to come..but if they dont come...i want her in jail!

If you go to her site, and click the links to buy her books or cd's they are practically the dead links the site it brings u to is garbage... just one of those lame fake sites that shows u info u wanna see, but its all just a big advertisement...

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:45 PM
I find it a bit sad and discouraging how the messages always seem to want to say so much but always end wiht saying so extremely little.
No hard info or definates. It all remains very very intrepritable (spelled?) and very very new age. Makes me wanna put on Age of Aquarius....

We'll have to wait and see, but I won't give her the benefit of the doubt.

My main question is. If this turns out to be an elaborate hoax: not "where will she be?" but... "what will happen to her?"

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Unisol

In jail for what?

She's making a prediction, that a savior will come from the sky.

I guess you should have all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, the list goes on, jailed for prophesying that too.

And how many more books are published on RELIGION for profit hmm?

She isn't breaking the law any more than any of us on here who (quite typically are wrong) make predictions about idiotic things as well.

Get a grip...


posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Mindsmog
As much as I would like it all to be true, i have to seriously consider what if..

I mean if it DID happen then would I trust them? probably not as they could be seen to be false prophets or the very enemy pretending to save us all , i aint religious to a degree but my instinct would have to be the judge,

If it DIDNT happen then i guess we all go about our business waiting for the next prediction..but every prediction that doesn't happen just deflates all the people that had hope and some people will fall harder than others, will she take responsibility for that i wonder? probably not..

you're probably right.

it's a wonder though ... for all the love and peace and light she preaches ... you'd actually have to be quite evil to instigate such a hoax. i don't believe she is crazy or totally deluded, if she was she'd at least have an excuse. i could only conclude she's a charlatan of the highest order.

i suspect she will claim some kind of insanity or deception. in other words ... she won't own up and take any responsibility herself. i would suggest to her (suspecting she reads these forums) to own up to her lie if she wants any kind of redemption at all.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by flice

what do you mean what will happen to her?

we humans are forced into beleiving thing every day....what makes her any different?

you've watched a macdonalds t.v add for eg. then gone out and brought a big mac yeah? same thing. we get sucked into things daily in our lives so why is she the evil one?

if this happens great, if not we will all go on with our lives period. if threads about her wernt posted on ats most of us would be none the wiser....

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

First of all... you can't drag buddhists into that comparison, as they don't idolised the same way the others do.
But to answer your question... yes, in some way.

Or we should at least attempt to educate the kids of tomorrow that when talking about religion we are dealing with extreme speculation and fairytales no less amazing than those of the Grimm Brothers or HC Andersen.
The latter however did have the courtesey to admit they were just stories... the former hasn't yet.

Actions force consequences... especially when those actions are potentially misleading to the extent where it could be harmful for people or societies.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by enlighten2012

Yes, but McDonalds are not directly selling a false hope. They are not saying that the Big Mac will bring you health and good tidings. They just leave that part out which we all know is "this is sooo bad for you".
I would buy a Big Mac not because it gives me hope or ideals, but simply because I learned from experience that it tasted decent on some occassions, especially the day after I went out drinking.

However in the case of Witherbadchild, she is selling exactly hope, good tidings, promises of a better life and future.
It's not that I don't want that, but I don't just want the idea. Heck I could preach that idea myself and I would... but she's selling the DEFINATE event. A clear promise from her side.
It's like promising a lepper that if you drink the tap water in my house on the 14th of november you'll be cured and never age again.
(IF... nothing happens. Because if nothing happens, then you have to be rather naive or sickly humane to not believe that she was a big fat liar)

[edit on 12/10/08 by flice]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by flice

I'm sorry, which part is harmful here? I missed that?

Hey I have no vested interest in that I don't believe it at all, but again which part is harmful?

It IS a different than Edgar Cayce with his channeling ...

I can drag any religion into it I want, they all basically ascribe to the same premise... "There is a Greater entity that will save...." End of story.

Some of you are so unrealistically fanatical at times I can hardly believe it.

Disbelieve her if you want, chastise her if you want, but call for her jailing? Gimme a break


[edit on 12-10-2008 by alphabetaone]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by flice

Ohhhhh I see, so YOU will get your little feelings hurt if the manisfestations of what she is saying don't come to pass? Shame on YOU for allowing yourself to be hurt then....


posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
reply to post by flice

I can drag any religion into it I want, they all basically ascribe to the same premise... "There is a Greater entity that will save...." End of story.

I'll only adress this part since the other I don't care to discuss, you've made your mind up and so have I.

However on this part you're in fact factually wrong. Buddhism doesn't promise... it makes suggestions. And not how to achieve happiness through an idol like Crist, Allah etc., but through yourself. Buddha isn't a god or anything like that. He's just a guy who spent a lot of time thinking about things. He wasn't the son of anything heavenly or anything like that. He was the son of a king and refused to be royalty to instead contemplate about man and his place on earth/universe.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
reply to post by flice

Ohhhhh I see, so YOU will get your little feelings hurt if the manisfestations of what she is saying don't come to pass? Shame on YOU for allowing yourself to be hurt then....


Where did I say I would be hurt? It's not that I myself would be hurt... I don't want to see anyone else hurt by false profecies. I think we've had enough of that for the last 2008 years.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Well ... just under 13 hours to go till we get a huge spaceship parking in our southern hemisphere ...

What do you think the parking charges will be for a massive space ship?

... Especially for 72 hours? ... ALOT!!

Maybe that's how they are going to fix our problems and our financial melt down at the same time!!

With massive parking fines!!

Unless they ask for the Early Bird rate ...

[edit on 12/10/08 by Horza]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by flice

Ok then, that being said, just answer how ANYONE could get hurt by it?

Name a single thing in what she had to say that could possibly be construed as harmful, and I will acquiesce ..


posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:19 PM
couldn't the aliens just call everyone on their cell phones? i would buy that

no chanelling! boo!

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 07:20 PM
You know what would be really twisted?

What if Blossom Goodchild is actually working for the New World Order (like 12.21.12 said; the OP's post even has "New World" in the message), and UFOs actually DO show up on our planet all over the place (either real or holographic)? Then the government originally, wearing a mask, called the UFOs evil, but makes many obvious mistakes which leads the public to thinking the UFOs are good. Then, the UFOs tell the world that we need to unite together with peace, unity, and love, but in reality, the ultimate goal is far from that?

That would be interesting, to say the least.

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