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The American Government Must Be Overthrown!!!

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Enigma Publius

All the things such as life on mars and the matrix are interesting no doubt, but the fact is: If we don't secure our freedom and liberty we will have no opportunity to explore and discover such things.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Scarcer

I respect your honesty and informative views. Boycotting is definatley a major part of successfull revolution. Somehow I must disagree with the fact that uprising is not needed. Why would it work 20-30 years ago but not today. Yes, back then there were less people and corporations, but today there is an equal ratio of people realizing the government is destroying the country.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by jitombe

And this is why there is failure. Because of the separation of "Us an Them". I had a girlfriend once that looked at me and realised my intelligence was above hers and she knew that she was significantly intelligent herself. She asked me why I even cared about all the other people around me. That they "had IQ's closer to a saladbar than what she and I had".

I just smiled and explained that "everyone you meet is a genius in their own right in their own way. The shiftless bum laying on the street with maggots under his fingernails knows roughly ten thousand times more about survival on nothing than you or I ever will."

I have to say it was an odd relationship from there on out to its eventual end. I would like to say she learned many things. Still I wonder how much she learned about herself.

Earlier in the thread someone noted that a single person can not change the government from within. Untrue. A true dictator could. But when the dictator does things that are opposed to what you want then in your eyes he would not be a benevolent dictator.

I guess what I am trying to say is that opinions are subjective. In my opinion I could walk in as president and make sweeping reforms and get away with it by adopting a style similar to that like combining the personalities of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. This by exposing political opposition by exposing the individual to both his peers and the American People in a way that would mimic "If you want to see me kick this man's worthless ass, give me a Hell Yeah."

Would that make me a great leader? In some minds, yes. But the reality is that I would be impeached out of fear or assassinated within six months. The old fooling some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

There is no seperation between us and them when it comes to being an American. I would bet anything that there are far more of us who want better lives for ourselves. I would bet even more that there are not many who honestly want to become government controlled slaves within the country we built and grew to love.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:31 PM
I take exception to one thing in the OP's post, which is that freedom is a God given right. It is not. It has been fought for, over and over, by citizens the world over for decades- centuries, even. It is our job to seek to preserve those freedoms.

But I am going to assume that you meant that freedom should be an inherent right in all people. And that I agree with.

However, I do not think that a true overthrow of government is desirable- at least not an armed one. For a few reasons- one, if you were to do that you would be killed- heck, they were arresting peaceful people sitting on the lawn at the RNC- I would hate to see what would have happened if the people fought back. Two, if there is a mass violent uprising and martial law is declared they will take your guns. They did it in New Orleans with Katrina, there is no reason to think they won't do it again. And three, I am a fan of non-violence.

What to do? Well I agree with the other person who said try to live as far outside of the system as possible- use cash, don't overextend your credit, etc. I would even encourage starting a garden, either indoor or outdoor to save money on food.

And we have one month until the election- find the voting records of the representatives for your state and vote them out if you don't like what they have voted for. If you didn't like the bailout bill don't re-elect the ones who voted for it.

And don't forget to look into your local propositions and what they are- in many ways local politics affect our lives more than national policies.

And further, since you are young and care about politics forward e-mails and messages on networking sites about such topics. You could even compile an e-mail with different propositions and send it to your freinds and family. Not telling them who to vote for, but at least what is on the ballot. And encourage people to register to vote.

(I should say I don't think voting for the President makes much difference. But it does on a local level.)

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by suspense101
reply to post by Enigma Publius

All the things such as life on mars and the matrix are interesting no doubt, but the fact is: If we don't secure our freedom and liberty we will have no opportunity to explore and discover such things.

yes if i gave the impression to anything otherwise, it was not intended. what i was meaning is, on answer to what we meant by coming and going, this topic is one of them that will arise, look like it's going somewhere, but ultimately lead top nothing and be ressurected a month from now and have the same results. a step taken forward, and sleep walking back again.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

God gave man free will therefore freedom is god given. Over the centuries man has tried to take away that right over and over. When god created man did he create a dictator?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Scarcer

Boycotting takes time, Time in which no longer exists.

This current economic collapse will only bottom out at one place,
the basement!

You cannot fund a country let alone the people when your bankrupt and in $10, trillion in debt.

Especially once they take your last $700billion and hand it out to bankers and CEO's... why? because they were in on the collapse?.. no , because they are on in the upcoming 'control'

Its gotten critical now see, everyone, including myself believed it was IRAQ, that IRAQ Was the corner stone of where this administration was planning to implement the NWO, we were all wrong.

Their goal the entire time was the economy, if they could bankrupt the people, while making billions in Iraq, get the bankers on board by dishing them this bail out, the people will end up depending on the government, no matter how bad they are.

Souplines, welfare, food, power warmth... your stuck needing them for this if you allow them to continue this collapse.

it has to be stopped.. NOW!.. before you come to depend on them, because once that happens, the same sheep that sat back cheering on the invasion of Iraq will sit back needing the government cheering on the troops who arrest 'resistors'.. or militia's internal on the US

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

We are on the same page. Boycotting would only force the government to dig deeper into our reserves and push us further into a financial hell. Now is the time to band together and realize we have 2 options: Suffer and Perish or Revolt and Unite

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:47 PM
I think we're thinking too small here. We don't just need to boycott banks and the military. We need to stop paying taxes. Go to our employers and change the info on our forms so 0 taxes are deducted from our checks. All of us. They want to just hand all our money over to these greedy criminals who are robbing the hard-working Americans of the very sweat from our brows? Well, perhaps we should stop just handing it over.

I'm with the OP, though. I'm pretty sure that with the government we have in place there is no hope for the future.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Malynn

Taxes should not be paid. The government is leeching off of the people by taxing. Why don't we get an itimized breakdown of what our tax money is spent on? Great idea Malynn, lets just claim 9 dependents all year long, have minimal taxes deducted and then when we get our tax statements saying we owe throw em in tha can. Whats the worst they can do? Garnish 10% of our checks thatll take em about 3 years anyways. And with the mass amounts of people abusing the system they may never catch up. Why pay property taxes on land and homes we work hard to pay off? Do we really ever own anything or only rent it from the government!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by suspense101

I follow your logic. But I am an atheist, so I don't think God created anything; which is irrelevant to the topic at hand. I think we both agree that we all have a right to be free.

Are humans meant to be dictators? I don't think so, at least not most of us, but if you look at all of recorded human history there has always been greed, there has always been corruption, there has always been the rich vs. the poor, there have always been the money masters. Nothing is new here- we just change the labels. There was once feudalism. Now around the globe there are dictatorships, socialistic regimes, communist regimes, and democracies. But we are not really a democracy- not in any fair sense of the word. We get two media and corporate approved candidates to "choose" from, and we are based on a representative form of democracy which includes an electoral college. (And the Supreme Court overruled the popular vote in the Gore/Bush election.)

I also don't think most of us would want to be dictators. I have never had any inclination toward power. Money I like, power not so much- maybe to affect change in my community and for philanthropic reasons, but not major power. I lack the intestinal fortitude and have too much compassion to make decisions that could kill soldiers and civilians and such. It is just not in my nature.

But it is obviously in some other people's nature.

Free will, it is a b**ch.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Malynn

While were at it if they wont give us healthcare oh well. I say we only go to the emergency room from now on. They aren't allowed by law to require ID so why not just make up a name get treated get a few sample meds and bounce. Even if you do go to the ER legit they cant require pay up front. Yeah it'll stay on your credit rating for a few years but with the economy now i dont care if you got a 800 your not getting a good interest rate on nothin.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

I'm not here to argue religion or the exsistance of God. I respect your views as long as your not a communist. JK.. Money is power and power is often misused to obtain money. But in the long run without freedom you will have neither. Power to the people!

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by suspense101
reply to post by Agit8dChop

We are on the same page. Boycotting would only force the government to dig deeper into our reserves and push us further into a financial hell. Now is the time to band together and realize we have 2 options: Suffer and Perish or Revolt and Unite

"Revolt and unite." I am not picking on you, just so you know, but I have to say that I admire your optimism. Because I do not think that this will happen. I should say that while I love individual people I am very cynical about society in general. I am in my 30's- I think about a decade ago I would have agreed with you that this is possible.

Major social changes like the civils right's movement and the sufferage movement did make positive changes and people did ban together for a common purpose, so obviously it is possible. Really it is the only thing that has worked.

Nowadays though people are more apathetic, they are dumbed down, and they are scared- they are busy worrying about their own families to convince them to rise up together, often rightfully so. (I am generalizing, obviously.)

My thought is that by time most people realize how bad it is gonna get it will be too late. And I think it was Bob Marley who said a hungry mob is an angry mob. Look at crime statistics from The Great Depression- when the going gets tough it's every man for himself. And hard times do not bring out the best in everyone. In some, yes, but not everyone.

One of my favorite movies is V for Vendetta- the army of people peacefully standing together at the end is one of the most inspirational scenes in all of movie history. Sadly, I don't see it happening in real life. I really wish I did. But I don't.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by suspense101
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

I'm not here to argue religion or the exsistance of God. I respect your views as long as your not a communist. JK.. Money is power and power is often misused to obtain money. But in the long run without freedom you will have neither. Power to the people!

Agreed. And no, I am not a communist.

Have you read any Noam Chomsky. He is brilliant; Manufacturing Consent is great. And you can find videos of him on youtube and Google video talking about democracy and a variety of topics.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

What has changed your views in the last 10 years? Maybe hope for the future or faith in or political system or dumbin down. I firmly believe it will be more effective and easier to revolt now than in 5, 10, 15 years when it is a last resort. Do you agree?

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

No Haven't heard of him but I'll look it up for sure.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by suspense101

Just so you know, Chomsky is described by detractors far left. He is American, but advocates socialism (I think). He is also described as the most important intellectual alive today, and I agree. He is a professor of linguistics at MIT. He has more honorary doctoral degrees from countries the world over than I think anyone. I rarely hear him speak about economics, though. Usually it is about what public relations really is, freedom, democracy, etc.

He takes a hard look at our country's foreign policy, and is honest about it. But he is hopeful, which is good. He is self-admittedly a boring speaker, but he is chock full of information and sites sources for his research which can easily be verified.

I guess the thing that made me change is the general apathy of most people I meet. Whether it is politics, history, or world events most people don't have a clue what is going on. Further, with all of our technology and internet access they are willfully ignorant. They lack the desire to educate themselves.

And that bothers me.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by suspense101

I do agree. It is just everyone else who has to agree. And do away with the Democrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right paradigms. The divide and conquer approach has always worked. Keep groups arguing amongst themselves and they won;t notice that those in power on both sides serve the same interests.

Oh, and don't lose your idealism. I admire it. I should say that in real life in public I am generally an optimist. It is privately that I am cynical.

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