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The American Government Must Be Overthrown!!!

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Before I begin I need to express my deep respect and love for my fellow Americans. Without unity we will never be able to flourish and prosper, providing a better life for our children and their children. Many people tell me that at 22 years old I shouldn't worry about politics and the government. Ironicly these same people stress the importance of young voters. With that said I will continue on.
It is time for a change! We have heard this so often during the current election and for good reason. Even the presidential candidates know the government is mistreating its people. But to think a single man/woman can enter office and completetly change things is absurd. It has taken years and hundreds of officials to create this corrupt organization, and those profiting from it are not going to let someone come in and say ok "its time to change". We must make a stand and call for a total restructuring and reelection. From congressmen to senetors to supreme court justices every elected offical should be canned. The government was instituted in order to serve the people not the other way around. No longer shall we stand for the abuse and raping of our beloved constitution. If we do not preserve our rights now we may soon fall into indirect communisim. I for one will not allow my god given rights to be taken away. We are on a downward spiral and the future of humanity is at stake. If I am the only one that feels this way then let it be known and I'll accept it. It's up to you to prove my overconfidence in the American people as only a dream......................


[edit on 8-10-2008 by suspense101]


MOD NOTE: Please check your U2Us.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by TheBorg]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I am afraid thats what they want us to do at least in an unorganized unarmed rabble, they've made preparations for such a case. And believe me it wouldn't be pretty especially with the things needed to accomplish the revolution or fight a guerrilla war. I mean im not prepared to cut kids arms off and S*&^ are you?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by leomurray
I am afraid thats what they want us to do at least in an unorganized unarmed rabble, they've made preparations for such a case. And believe me it wouldn't be pretty especially with the things needed to accomplish the revolution or fight a guerrilla war. I mean im not prepared to cut kids arms off and S*&^ are you?

How many people is there?Compared to soldiers?
Can you imagine the thoughts of a soldier, when confronted with an army, of 40 million people?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:29 PM
Great Point leomurray though I must explain that a revolution is not always about who can inflict the most violence. Mental warfare is equally as powerfull. If we the people could efficiently unite and uprise I dont see many polititions pulling out rifles and resisting. As far as the military I feel they are almost to breaking point, fed up with overwork and underpay. They have struggling families as well u know.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by suspense101

Again?? (sorry, but just realized that people who have been here longer than myself weren't joking when they said that this topic would come and go only to be reincarnated many times over). But sure, I am curious to see how this will work out for you. I think you should try it

[edit on 8-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:34 PM
A free western world right now depends on men of good morals to stand up and remove this leadership.

How many of you think the Germans should of ousted hitler before he had a chance to wreak carnage?

Americans, you are at that moment today.
This week.

Because if this current nightmare continues through this weekend, it will never be removed.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Interestinggg

Originally posted by leomurray
I am afraid thats what they want us to do at least in an unorganized unarmed rabble, they've made preparations for such a case. And believe me it wouldn't be pretty especially with the things needed to accomplish the revolution or fight a guerrilla war. I mean im not prepared to cut kids arms off and S*&^ are you?

How many people is there?Compared to soldiers?
Can you imagine the thoughts of a soldier, when confronted with an army, of 40 million people?

yeah but as we started our "country within a country" we would have usurpers our leaders would continue to die until there man was in charge(currently at work in the 911 truth movement in my opinion) this would lead to infighting there man would die and all our energy was spent purging the usurpers while they were mobilizing against us. Just one scenario but we have neither the time or the will or the terrain features to fight them effectively. Im not saying its impossible but would require more tact than i have and without the save button

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Please explain what you mean by come and go. I am only expanding my ideas which I have been communicating verbally for years.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Save arms and legs,make your vote count!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

I wont go as far as saying the end is upon us but things will only continue to worsen untill we decide to correct them. Always remember, George Washington was offered a crown and kingship but declined and stated "Democracy is what I envisioned" and declined this honor gracefully.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by suspense101
Great Point leomurray though I must explain that a revolution is not always about who can inflict the most violence. Mental warfare is equally as powerfull. If we the people could efficiently unite and uprise I dont see many polititions pulling out rifles and resisting. As far as the military I feel they are almost to breaking point, fed up with overwork and underpay. They have struggling families as well u know.

yes your right about that but in the propaganda war there will only be a small amount of party members(using Orwellian terms) that would even realize that there was a problem, and the Proles forget about them there too busy paying for there car insurance. remember the proles will never revolt. with winning hearts and minds also the internet is useful for disseminating information but with such a vast subject it could take years to understand fully something that happens in a day. Also the internet from my experience is a terrible format for building physical relationships. I mean i could call on my friends and family to help me right now if a i was attacked yet have no one really to depend on financially over the internet.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by suspense101

Deep respect and love for your fellow Americans? Really now, 85% or so of your fellow Americans are retards. They are the people responsible for why this country is in such a craphole right now and have only themselves to blame. The minority of Americans who have a clue have no voice and they will never be taken seriously. For the record, I would love to see a rebellion but know that it cannot happen for numerous reasons. Perhaps someone in Hollywood can make a movie out of it - that will also never happen. Obey the laws, be a good citizen and stay out of trouble. You have no choice other than to comply. Feel free to sit on your ass and complain about it online, works for me!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by leomurray

It is a fact that Americans value pride. And faced with the choice of revot or be enslaved even the weakest of proles would stand up. The future of our children is at stake here and I have faith in our ability to turn things around.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by suspense101Please explain what you mean by come and go. I am only expanding my ideas which I have been communicating verbally for years.

I just remember not long after coming here, there was a thread posted with almost the same title and certainly the same idea. I read it and thought "FINALLY!! SOMEONE else sees what has to be done." Then came the members who have been here for quite some time who pointed out that this was a topic brought up about once a month to every two months. Sure enough, this is probably the 4th thread saying the same thing since the first one I participated in.

HOWEVER... for me personally, my first experience in an "overthrow the government" thread was VERY beneficial because I was challenged and I realized that overthrowing the government was more beneficial when done from a subjective perspective and that is evident all through out the history of this world. Would have never come to learn this deep truth had a thread of this type never been posted.... so basically, I am all in favor of it getting posted again and again!!

Just hit me that they weren't kidding that this topic gets explored a lot and it kind of draws up the point that there are many people who are feeling uneasy and suffocated by our current situation that has already taken a MAJOR turn for the worse (on a GLOBAL scale) in the VERY short time that I have been participating on ATS!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by jitombe

I take offense to your statements jitombe. Are you in a position to judge the mental capicity of 305,366,862+ American people. If you dont mind asking where are you from? And to the statement that it is the peoples fault for our current economic state, remember in a communist socity it is never the peoples fault.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:51 PM
I didnt say this is the end of times, but its the dawn of a new age.
The US government has just succesfully robbed the people of their collective wealth, handed it to a select few, while implementing laws allowing the govnermnet unfettered control over all aspects of public life.

If you allow them to complete this economic collapse, there will be no way out once the public rely on them doing what they pushed onto you.

The DOW has fallen this past week like never before, in a fashion that is highly unusual.
Government around the world have slashed interest rates, given bailouts, and seemingly ignored the obvious dictatorship rising in American '' through appeasment or ignorance, I do not know ''

but do not underestimate the importance of this week.

this is the last week of pre2001 America, its taken them 8 years to get here, and its now all wrapping up!

Cant you see it?

They are afraid that in the final week the public will revolt, why else did they sign up for the US Military to be 'able' to implement law if it was needed?

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by jitombe Really now, 85% or so of your fellow Americans are retards.

While I DON'T disagree with this in the least, I must ask, would it be noble for someone to say "screw you" to a (literal) mentally challenged person if they didn't run on first command to the basement during a tornado? NO! The noble thing would be to understand their mental defect and grab them to usher their poor dumb arse to safety! Thus, we must help are fellow citizens who are indeed the true retards

[edit on 8-10-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Great job on clarifying things. I see where you are coming from for sure. Economic collapse is only the beginning.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by leomurray

yes that is correct but i cannot understand why. i agree that the country needs to change drasticly, i agree that no one man can go in and say "look guys this has to change" (just think about JFK after he made the speech against secret orginizations and disinfo) and i agree that for some reason the internet is a terrible platform for getting ANYTHING done. i have often wondered how much more could have been accomplished in the 60's if my parents had had the internet to plan their protests of the war, and the internet to discuss in real time how they were gonna change the worls, but now i realize that the 60's would not have accomplished as much as it did if they did have the net. see, they were forced to interact on a more personal level, forming stronger bonds, and thus leading to much more success than we could achieve with forums like this. i don not have the answers to solve this problem of balancing the internet so that the pros outweigh the cons, but i will not concede that it is a mute point to try and fix this country. does anyone have some ideas on making our relationships stronger so things can be accomplished.
and as a side note: the come and go comment is because this is one of the topics that comes up once a nmonth, fades away, and is brought up again later but no real proogress ever made on the matter, other topics on this list include:
glitches in the matrix
time slips or anomalys
civilization evidence on mars (almost always photos the user thinks is new or others here haven't seen, but have been presented several times not just here but on other sites as well)
and many others. constant readers like myself do get frusterated sometimes at the way these topics manifest, i myself get frusterated because i truly believe there IS civ evidence on mars, but my arguement looks weaker eevry time some guy looks at marsanomalyresearch for the first time and starts posting the finds here, when if he had done a search he would see that it is not new evidence, and also that it will always boil down to 1 of three things being said:'s a rock's not a rock's image tampering
see these topics are important, but they never get further than they did the first 7 or 15 times it was suggested. all is not lost, progress will be made, but i think the government will have to make the first move before we begin to change how it works; i.e. implementing martial law will finially awaken everyone, and civil war will happen.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 11:06 PM
I respect and I know exactly where you are coming from in wanting to literaly overthrow the government.

Put some thought into the consequences of such actions. There are 2 paths that the government wants us to take, 1 or the other.

#1 Be mind washed slaves and go along with the mainstream system and propaganda.

#2 Civil war, you heard me, they may actually want civil war. AND if we do create a large civil unrest, what excuse does this give the government to do? .... MARTIAL LAW. Civil war will result in giving the government the excuse they need to declare martial law.

SO, how is arguably the best way to overthrow the government? By boycotting,

Boycott the government, boycott the army, boycott the banks (especially the major banks, BOA etc.) And boycott the system all together.

By saying we we need to create civil unrest or a huge uprising, you are thinking as logical as a hormone puppet teenager in his rebellious phase. Sorry but its sounding like you and me traded seats here. 20-30 years ago, rebellion would work, but now it wouldn't.

Think about this. Mass corporations thrive off of who? THE BANKS. The Government thrives off of who, THE BANKS, Where do the banks thrive from? US, by us going with the system, using these banks and supporting these corporations.

My thoughts?
Spread the word.
Swap bank accounts to a smaller bank.
Deny loans and credit cards.
Put your money to use in making your home self sufficient.
Modify your cars to use partial water operated systems (yes its possible, search it up)
Or if possible, purchase an electric or water operated vehicle. OR something similar.
Boycott the the military, and tell everyone you know not to join. Its a rip-off any how, no matter how good the recruiters make it sound.
Also, if you vote, demand paper ballets since electronic voting is known to be rigged.
When the time comes that the country tries to take away your guns, tricking the public into thinking its for their own safety, say no.

Input welcome.

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