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Tonights Town Hall Debate Discussion

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
When the topic turned to the economy, I heard the same troubling words from Obama: tax the rich and feed the poor.

He said there would be no tax breaks for people like himself and McCain because "they don't need it".

Taxes would be increased on those making over $250K and lowered for 95% of Americans.

He might as well have said: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

Where have we heard that before?

Robin Hood

And who doesn't love Robin Hood.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:25 AM

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:31 AM

Quite possibly the most idiotic post I've read all

People like this are what we need less of.

Anyways, McCain just made a fool of himself (what's new?). Everyone knows that since that accusation of Obama being a terrorist or being affiliated, McCain is done. Obama came out on top.

BTW, Obama is NOT a socialist. Why won't you all get that? Since when did he announce his plans for the workers to own the means of production? For privatization of business and companies to be no more? Never. If you aren't a Libertarian/Conservative, I guess you are a Marxist/Leninist and want the US to be destroyed.

Give me a break

[edit on 8-10-2008 by QuetzalcoatlAlien]

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:36 AM

barack obama will steal my money?

why would he come all the way to new zealand to steal my money?

Mod Edit: Removed political trolling post.

[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:57 AM

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:03 AM

he's going to eliminate global poverty?
he's asked for help to do this?

damn he's good but i missed all this. can you provide links please?

Mod Edit: Remove political trolling post.

[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:07 AM
Media favoritism of Obama has hit a ridiculous high.

CNN's analyst are giving McCain a C for the debate. Quite ridiculous if you ask me as both his and Obama's performances were on par.

I hear over and over again how "cool and relaxed" Obama is. Nowhere do I see anything about accuracy or being qualified. Fact checker has pointed out many errors on Obamas and McCains part. In my opinion the errors Obama made are far greater (check out FactCheck).

I am very short of having a aneurysm because of the medias portrayal of McCain. Wasn't long ago when they were saying how he'd be the "perfect fit" for Kerrys' VP slot.

My verdict on things (not that it matters in this day and age): McCain did slightly better than Obama and the closing speech was very personal to americans (not lame or harmful). McCain spoke directly to the people from the heart.

I got the impression Obama cares about nothing but his career. His wife wears the pants in the family, not very good in terms of leadership imho. She will boss him around and it shows.

In the end, all media outlets will say McCain lost with the exception of fox. I still think McCain has a good chance to win in November. I think Americans are smart enough to elect someone on qualifications and plans instead of looks, cool vibes and hope.

[edit on 10/8/2008 by AndrewTB]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

Hmm, didn't know the American people can be more gullible.

If McCain is elected (which he is not going to be) this nation is going down a lot faster.

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by QuetzalcoatlAlien

I'd be very careful about declaring an early victory. People have made this mistake far to many times when it comes to McCain. Wouldn't want to open yourself up to looking like a fool would you?

I did this very thing. I said McCain would rip apart Obama, but then this financial crisis came along. Some political scientist say that "a week in politics is like a year, a month is a lifetime" in terms of campaigns. Theres still plenty of time left on the ticker.

I've seen a lot of Obama supporters celebrate the lead as they believe he has already won. Don't forget just 3-4 weeks ago McCain was 10 points ahead over one very small event. All it takes is 1 very neat "surprise or comment" to change things drastically in either direction.

[edit on 10/8/2008 by AndrewTB]
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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

I do not look at this as victory but merely the United States having a leader that isn't as bad.

That little "Terrorist" shot that Palin hit Obama with decreased the credibility and professionalism of the McCain campaign, Obama still stands tall in that department. Also, McCain would just be a terrible choice for president.

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by QuetzalcoatlAlien

Why do you say say McCain would be a terrible choice? Any specific reasons? I can give you many as to why Obama would.

The terrorist shot was blown out of the water, like anything that comes from the McCain campaign. Even then, if you did your research you'd indeed see that McCain in fact did "pal around with terrorist". You can bring up the Keating Five all you want. McCain has admitted in the past this was the biggest embarrassment in his career. Obama on the other hand still refuses to admit his connections and will probably continue to do so.

He went from not having anything to do with Ayers, to being some guy that lives in his neighborhood, to "having worked with him". Ridiculous if you ask me or anyone else thats informed on the matter.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:30 AM
obama is going to win.

this is not one of your "conspiracy" things ... it's just a fact.

what are you all going to do to support him and to bring your country back from the brink?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

I'm not saying Obama is perfect, by no means. He's just the lesser of the evils. I'm a pure leftist, I do not support either.

Being a social activist or radical doesn't make you a terrorist and this argument is just as irrelevant as Obama having a Communist mentor.

McCain is against worker's rights, he wants to tax the working class, raise the retirement age, wants to help corporations and not working class families, doesn't support veteran bills such as better education for vets, also tax cuts for big oil and the rich.

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:36 AM
he says himself, "when I am President".

so again ... what are you lot going to do about yourselves to bring about this better government?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

I think Mccain has shot himself in the foot by not mentioning the "middle class".
The reason I think Obama won in some of the public eye is because he knew his mark,
he stayed there and he stuck to his strategy. I find it very interesting that AFTER he met with CLINTON for the "LUNCH" Obama now vocalizes the JSMIII - GWB connection
with impunity.

Obama needs to keep doing the same moves and watch John squirm
looking for an in. I also found Obamas attacks to be more consistent...
The main tactical theme was to start off attacking and then launch into a contrast theme. This way the body of his responses did not appear aggressive. Mccain in contrast, did not have a flow, method or rhythm. He would often end his statement with
a "negative/attack" energy which is a debate no no. I think Mccain would have benefited by the first 1/4 negative that last 3/4 in contrast like Obama.

BUT I really think Mccain "NEEDED" to make a connection with the "middle class/working stiff folks". Mccain should have been there with Obama and not let him rope
and isolate a huge percentage of the electorate. As is OBAMA was able to speak unfettered to these people. Mccain really needed to ratchet up his middle class jargon like 200 notches... Even BUSH needed to do it - Mccain lost the race tonight IMO.

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by ImaNutter

You can't take a step back or forward when your feet are glued to the floor. Neither of these men represent change, it's just more of the same which is Obama's argument of McCain...but he's no different.

When I said this is a good test for Americans, I mean it like this: On one side you have a rich, white war monger and on the other you have a peaceful, black man. McCain has spent just about 30 years in Washington, and I absolutely cringed at the line (might not have been this debate) where McCain said something like "I've been involved in every major national security issue for the last 30 years" (if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me). That bothers the hell out of me! Very few of those events didn't stink to high heaven of foul play, yet rich white men have been bailing out rich white men and covering up the messes since the beginning!

When you look at where America stands today, there's a complete shopping list of things wrong and things that have been wrong. We preach all lots of things standing up on our high horse as Americans, when in fact our leaders are hypocrites. It speaks volumes when we've elected little Bush as our leader TWICE, when he is clearly LESS INTELLIGENT than an average college student!!!

I must be foolish thinking that there is good left in the world, let alone this country. If I was a betting man, John McCain will win in a very close and controversial race because he is slated to be the next President to advance the PTB's agenda.

Obama speaks of a lot of basic changes that are necessary for Americans to advance culturally, economically, and emotionally. We can put nuclear power plants in submarines but we can't find alternative fuels for a friggin' car? Give me a break!! We're a "melting pot" with opportunities for everyone, yet were one of the few first world countries who haven't had a female or minority leader? GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Sooner or later, we're going to take a step forward as people...and this election will be a test to see if the American people are ready...

and yes, I'm a proud white American but that doesn't mean I am hypnotized by white guys in suits telling me how it is on a news channel.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

Quite frankly OBAMA would be a fool if he puts any energy to the AYER'S angle.
If Obama talks about it, he gives it life. I wonder what any of you expect Obama to
say if he were to address this? Seriously??? If you were in his shoes what would you do? Its a no good place for him and it serves his effort nil. Mccain is eating beef, and he needs an angle.

You see my biggest problem is that I am not sure what correlation to make with the AYER'S story. Where does it go? Outside of the "connection" the rest is speculative 100%. So what is the outcome of this connection and what is the conclusion?

The outcome is what it will be.

However the conclusion is what ever you want to imagine. This is why it is a good
political weapon, because they way to paint this is in the eye of the beholder.

I just don't understand why Mccain's camp is walking down the same path as Hillary?

And finally I think the TONE Palin has taken on this is dreadfull. I know how many of you feel about OBAMA, but if you consider how this looks to indies who have some level of regard for OBAMA. Palin's tone is way past the line she should have set for herself.
Honestly from a center position she must sound VERY radical. GOOD for inciting a civil war, but way to sharp for non partisan consideree.

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[edit on 10/8/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:02 AM
My opinion, both government candidates speak with the mantra "spend, spend, spend".

And we have same old horse and pony show of two candidates with nearly the same agenda. Support their cronies in Washington, while screwing the American tax payer.

And where is a viable third party candidate?

McCain promises to not raise taxes, yet increases funding for his pet projects. By slashing only ear marks that he doesn't like. (Look up McCain's own personal earmarks.)

Obama will use "class envy", and make the Rich pay for his schemes. Typical socialist liberation philosophy.

The solution is economic discipline and stability. Don't spend more then you take in, And discipline yourself by making a budget. Figure out how to pay off the National debt in 10 years, and then slash "every" government project until that goal is met. (We can not take it for granted that are government is going to take care of us from cradle to grave. When they can't even balance a budget nor take care of themselves.)

As to who won the Debate? Obama won the war of rhetoric, he at least pretends to care for the little guy. McCain loves the small business owner, and any body richer. We need another Andrew Jackson.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:05 AM
This was predictable... The GOP (Greed Over People) is becoming shrill and hysterical because they see the end of this: In January, Senator McCane will still be Senator McCane, Ms. Palin will have to go back to Alaska and face the investigation music, and people making over $250,000 per year will have to pony up. I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh since the mid-ninties, but I can't wait to tune in Nov. 5!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
Obama agrees with McCain every single time he doesnt know how to answer the question. He does this as a means to buy time and modify it on the fly. HILARIOUS!

I'm sorry but anyone whom thinks Obama won this one is absolutely out of their mind.

The last debate is open for debate as to who won, but this one is a clear cut victory for McCain imho.

I agree the Obama lovers out there cannot see the mistakes Obama is making.

Watching Obama waffle you could tell he was ad-libbing and making up most of it just to fill gaps.

With McCain you can see the fire and energy in his eyes, he believes in what he's saying and conveys convincingly. He connects a lot more with ordinary working americans. So what if he's made money and is rich? Is it a crime to be?

Obama doesn't connect, he sounds good but on a 1-1 level he's just got lines of speech stored that he reels off verbatum.
On health care he did dominate in exception to this, but on foreign policy he just goes on auto-pilot mode.
John McCain is a veteran on foreign policy. Hostile countries to the USA will not mess with the USA if J. McCain is in power.
Obama in power, they will mess with America.
In the coming years, you will need a strong president, Obama is not a strong president.

About the Bomb Iran line people misinterpret.
You have to understand that is Military Humour, very dark but just that, humour. Call it black comedy. All soldiers, sailors and airmen use it to play down a situation or for light comedy. Don't take it literally.

So John McCain wom the dabate by a nose. He clinched it in the final half. But only just.

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