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Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: "Terrorist!" "Kill Him!"

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Grafilthy
In case the video will not work....we have a situation

I couldn't get the video to work. I'll take your word for it that it's another rally and that it has people shouting to kill Obama. If this is the case - that it is truly more than one rally - then McCain has now has a 'situation'.

I don't know what he can do about it. Perhaps put secret service guys in the audience and when the idiots shout 'kill him' then they can pounce on them and arrest them - charge them with threatening a POTUS candidate? Perhaps have cameras stationed to see the audience and focus in on whoever is doing the shouting?

I would think the secret service would be aware of this. They are at all the rallies. I would hope they are on the ball and being pro-active.

The last thing this country needs is another Bobby Kennedy incident.

Originally posted by Fuzzy Wabbit
next time you decide to quote another member, at least have the courtesy to do it correctly, and not out of context.

Hey new guy .. (and the person who starred your post
) I quoted you just fine. Read the rules - we aren't supposed to do large quotes.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I don't know what he can do about it. Perhaps put secret service guys in the audience and when the idiots shout 'kill him' then they can pounce on them and arrest them - charge them with threatening a POTUS candidate? Perhaps have cameras stationed to see the audience and focus in on whoever is doing the shouting?

I don't want everything to come to that. Nobody does.

What I want is for these people to stop trying to demonize Obama as a "terrorist" for being associated for being associated with a guy who was a "radical" during another turbulent time in the course of US history.....the 60's...back when Obama himself was only a child.

We can all play 7 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. None of it would be relevant....or true for that matter. But they don't seem to care about (or dare I say actually like) the fact they are creating a dangerous situation. I have said before...this is a Pavlovian reflex from less than intelligent people. The bush doctrine mastered the art of fear. They tell people terrorists are evil and we must kill them all......then the barracuda comes along and attempts to sell a thin connection to a guy they have labeled a "terrorist". Brilliant Rovian tactic....or was it strategy?

I don't like McCain of 2008. That doesn't mean I didn't like the McCain of 2000.....and surely, I wouldn't ever allow people to incite violence against or then. Ever.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Grafilthy
What I want is for these people to stop trying to demonize Obama as a "terrorist" for being associated for being associated with a guy who was a "radical" during another turbulent time in the course of US history.....the 60's...back when Obama himself was only a child.

No need to put radical in quotes. ie "radical".
Ayers absolutely was (and still is) radical.
There is no excuse for his behavior. None.

They don't have to 'try to demonize Obama'. He did it all himself. They are exposing it. Just because people get upset when they see the truth is no reason to withhold the truth. It isn't being built up. It's being exposed. Big difference.

Ayers. Auchi. Rashid Khalidi. James Cones. Wright. etc etc
Obama's Friends

Obama didn't have these relationships as an 8 year old.
He's an adult now and he has the relationships NOW.

side note- I think having Secret Service people in the audiences at these events is very prudent. I'm sure the secret service must have them there. No one wants another Bobby Kennedy incident. I'm sure they must be on top of it. At least I hope so.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Ayers absolutely was (and still is) radical.
There is no excuse for his behavior. None.

Let's see what Fact-Check thinks about that.....

Bill Ayres never killed anyone.

In fact, nobody died as a result of bombings in which Ayers said he participated as part of the Weather Underground, at the New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, in a men's lavatory in the Capitol building in 1971 and in a women's restroom in the Pentagon in 1972. The deaths to which Clinton referred were of three Weather Underground members who died when their own "bomb factory" exploded in a Greenwich Village townhouse on March 6, 1970. Ayers was not present. Also, two police officers were murdered in connection with the robbery of a Brinks armored car by Weather Underground members in 1981. That was about a year after Ayers had turned himself in and after all charges against him had been dropped.

Radical....OK you can have that. I guess they were away from the crew cut mainstream. But so was a large portion of America's youth. Radically against another UNJUST AND UNPOPULAR WAR.

Who caused MORE TERROR in the world in context at the time??????
The Nixon administration??? Or college students who were AGAINST WAR??
Who might I add, never killed anyone.....except a few of their own who died in a accident.

If you guys really just want the "TRUTH" to come out.......

...then tell the WHOLE truth. Not the selective one.

FACTS.....where the rest of the truth lies....

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by AtlantisAgain

With respect to "Not that i'm defending Obama, and they're all basically the same candidate once they take office anyway...", I have to disagree. If Al Gore had gotten into office back in 2000, we would NOT be in Iraq today and our environmental agenda would have been enormously different. Now perhaps you will argue that Al Gore would have brought us other problems but the point is: there are some clear differences between the big party candidates that will have a significant impact on our lives. My beef with the Republicans is that their policies are designed to benefit the rich, who constitute their real base. Obama and the Democrats are much more inclined to cut the rest of us a few breaks. Anyway, whatever you believe, choose wisely this election. I don't buy that it makes no difference. Cheers.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:32 PM
I think we should all find it embarassing that McCain and Company have denegrated themselves to nothing but attack ads and lies. If they had any integrity at all they would stick with the real issues, not drop them in favor of a massive negative attack campaign - it shows they are cleary desperate and willing to do anything to win - even lie.

Some how it seems a lot of people buy into all of that junk - the real victims are YOU and the American people.

The only people getting duped into thinking McCain is the answer are people who think its Ok to tell lies about other people.

Are you really saying its better to vote for a guy who claims he has honor and integrity as an American but goes on the attack and says lies and allows lies to be spread about fellow Americans?

Who is the real liar here? Integrity anyone...?

If he's capable of showing no integrity now and is willing to endorse lies and let them sit where they fall without correcting half-truths, then you should wonder who is going to be next - maybe YOU.

It is nothing but shameful behavior that any candidate regardless of political party would allow an attendee at a rally to shout "terrorist" and not correct it.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 09:28 PM
I still don't understand why there is such a big debate about Obama vs Mcain anyway... It isn't like either is going to change anything.

One of them will be predetermined as the easiest to control by the puppet masters, the vote will be rigged to allow them to win, and then you will have the next 'stumble over my words because I'm reciting the lines they gave me, and if i make a mistake I'm toast' president.

Once again, the shadow government have got the American people so wound up about who slurred who that when the strings do get pulled the average American won't even notice.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by fooffstarr]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:35 PM
None of this matters. In a few weeks, Sarah Palin will be back in Alaska where she belongs and these losers at her rallies and the McCain rallies can go back to listening to Rush Limbaugh while they complain about their pathetic lives and blame everything on the liberal media.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by grover

By voting for either the republican or democratic party your throwing your vote away as well. Once you take that in to consideration, you might as well vote for a candidate you support, 3rd party or not.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Ultimately I agree.

I do think Obama is one smart dude with a good heart. BUT, the Shadow Government will only let him get elected if they know they can control him. That's the sad truth. If they don't want him to win they will pull the Electoral College card, which is also a sad truth

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

My opinions on this election:

McCain was "given" the nomination as repayment for the dirty tricks pulled on him in 2000. This is his last hurrah, the last chance to atone for dirty tricks.

Obama, on the other hand, is a different case. He has come up too far, too fast. Nothing in his background warrants this. His associations are suspect. He is beholden to someone, whether you call it the "Shadow Gov't" or whatever. But he is in someone's pocket, imo. And they aren't Boy Scouts.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

My opinions on this election:

McCain was "given" the nomination as repayment for the dirty tricks pulled on him in 2000. This is his last hurrah, the last chance to atone for dirty tricks.

Obama, on the other hand, is a different case. He has come up too far, too fast. Nothing in his background warrants this. His associations are suspect. He is beholden to someone, whether you call it the "Shadow Gov't" or whatever. But he is in someone's pocket, imo. And they aren't Boy Scouts.

But do you forget that each man is convinced they are just and in good faith?
This is, at its core, a battle of ideas and a battle of perception. I can recognize that
people fear and mistrusts OBAMA. But this judgment hinges entirely on a personal world view. Just like people are attracted to types or enjoy a certain flavor of ice cream. Punching is okay but pulling hair is out of the question.

I'm not a fool... I read and I enjoy to learn. My parents are highly educated and I am a
black sheep. I believe with all my might that the USA has been going in the wrong direction. I have seen many choices and decisions that I have viewed as borderline lunacy. I am not mentally, deficient or criminally insane. Better yet, I can really understand the idea behind peoples ideals. My attempt is to establish myself as an independent free thinker.

These current political realities are often converse of my will, morality and logic.
This particular action seems akin to the mindset that has contributed to the current
conundrum. In short, my instinctual reaction is to to be reminded of the last eight years.

I am not making a judgment call, this was my reaction to the hearing CROWDS react negatively, to something that is positive to me.

The key component to this entire discussion is the perception of what is good and bad.

black and white

light and dark

If I take into account my own views it adds a strong current of emotion to the whole discussion.

YOU see, as bad these FOLKS think OBAMA is - I feel just as strong in the converse.

In fact I could transfer the same concept to how I feel about MCCAIN and PALIN...

As POed as that crowd is at the thought of Obama and co ruling the world...
WELL that is about on par with my views in regard to John Mccain.

Quite literally two worlds would suit the human race fine.

What I view as good to some is the antithesis of hell for another.
Why this is so I don't know???

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by grover
HOWEVER... this is what happens when you demonize your opponent... people. especially the unstable and/or extremists can take it for a call in action.

Yeah well that is why the secret service is assigned to protect them. It would be a complete waste of money if there was no risk!

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

Originally posted by mental modulator
But do you forget that each man is convinced they are just and in good faith?

Not sure. I think Obama knows the price he is paying to win this election. But does he think he can outwit those who give him the office? Does he want to outwit them? Not so sure.

This is, at its core, a battle of ideas and a battle of perception. I can recognize that
people fear and mistrusts OBAMA. But this judgment hinges entirely on a personal world view. Just like people are attracted to types or enjoy a certain flavor of ice cream. Punching is okay but pulling hair is out of the question.

This applies to many people. But there is a certain group that think beyond that. We have heard it all before, and have been disappointed over and over again. Sort of like Lucy pulling the football up on Charlie Brown. That is why we look at this, and every, election, with a jaundiced eye. Politicians will say anything to get elected. None has ever kept all his promises.

I'm not a fool... I read and I enjoy to learn. My parents are highly educated and I am a
black sheep. I believe with all my might that the USA has been going in the wrong direction. I have seen many choices and decisions that I have viewed as borderline lunacy. I am not mentally, deficient or criminally insane. Better yet, I can really understand the idea behind peoples ideals. My attempt is to establish myself as an independent free thinker.

Look at the current economic situation. It is easy to want to pin this on BushCo. But to do so would mean turning a blind eye to the Dem's deep involvement.

The worst thing I see happening right now is the trend towards socialism in the US. The nationalization of the banks and mortgage industry are the first major step. This is a grave mistake. It sets a dangerous precedent which Obama will continue to pursue, because he is in favor of gov't solutions for all problems.

These current political realities are often converse of my will, morality and logic.
This particular action seems akin to the mindset that has contributed to the current
conundrum. In short, my instinctual reaction is to to be reminded of the last eight years.

What I view as good to some is the antithesis of hell for another.
Why this is so I don't know???

I always enjoy reading your posts, MM. You are a truly unique thinker, analytical and critical. You're not easily swayed, one way or the other. You can't be bought?

But when you remember the last eight years, realize how little Bush actually had to do with the current economic situation. Research the back story and see who the real culprits are.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

Yeah? The June 2nd Newsweek and News had an article about the all but instituitionalised racism in the secret service.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by northof8

I am middle america.. and I can tell you, as a christian, I am saddened by the hatred I see here... Our founding fathers set up a bicameral system to give balance. It takes both sides.. Thats what makes us a democracy. Conservatives want to destroy the liberals, and take all the power themselves. McCain is losing because he is the victim of unintended circumstances from his own base. Its hard to get people to come to your side when Talk Radio has made it impossible for someone to go from Dem to Rep w/o feeling stupid. How can you jump to the other side if the other side continues to insult you, call you unpatriotic and threaten you. Top campaign strategists will tell you that you accuse your rival of whatever you want to do. Try to make your negative his negative.. McCain played this card when Unbelieveably, Cindy McCain then says the Obama is"running the dirtiest campaign in history..." HUh?.... Sounds like a GWB move... Calling the Dems unpatriotic and outing a CIA operative..

I don't see Dems doing as much of the same thing. Thats why the Dems are winning. People are tired of being told by Limbaugh and Hannity that they are stupid because they don't think the war in Iraq was neccessary , or that they they are dumb because they think some welfare benefits are good for people..

I am African American, and....gasp... a conservative Christian. I am against abortion, but for entitlements and breaks to help the poor and middle class folks. I am for low taxes, but against assault rifles and armor piercing rounds being legal and gun show loopholes helping to kill people at Virginia Tech. McCain can give 700 B to Wall Street w/o , but doesn't believe in a middle class tax cut. Obama voted for the same bailout, but he wants to bailout the poor too and the midleclass. At least his bailing out folks is consistent. McCain just wants to help the rich (or so thats what it seems to most of us plain joes)

So, while my principles on some things line up with the R's, I am voting for Obama because the Dems seem more likely to work to help the poor and middle class than the Republicans do. They also seem more likely to work with our alies and enemies to bring about change in decorum.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:54 PM
Throwing dirt at your political opponent is as old as politics itself.

What is bothering me is that the rallies put on by first Palin, then by McCain, and lately by both of them together, are starting to sound more like lynch mobs than a group there to clap, cheer, and support their candidate.

And it seems that with each passing rally those present sound angrier and more threatening. I'm sure that there are those that have been watching the news and are tripping over themselves to make it to the next event in their area to add to the mayhem. And McCain/Palin seem to be egging the crowd on, and seem to be enjoying the response.

Hmmm, I just had a thought. Maybe the Obama campaign is planting people in the crowd to whip things up and make McCain look bad. Hmmm.

As far as the now often heard battle cry, "Who is Barack Obama?", he's the one who is ahead and they know it.


posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:24 PM
McCain and Palin give speeches out on the stump that are full of hate and suspicion and members of their audience respond by saying
"Kill him" or "Behead him" and they do nothing to stop or denounce that. The only possible reason they could have for not telling their followers to stop such things is because it's what they want to have happen.
As Chris Matthews has been saying they're playing with fire
and someone is going to get burned.
Not only do they not stop or denounce it...
Have you watched Mr McCain when one of his supporters yells "terrorist"? He stops, looks down at his podium and SMILES.
They are, without question deliberately inciting !

I hope they have Sen. Obama well protected from these zealots!

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 08:29 PM
I used to be a Republican, but for the last eight years now I have noticed that the GOP base is about nothing but hate, fear, smear, racism, and lies. This is no different, and I told everyone a couple of months ago, "expect the shi**t to fly from the McCain campaign close to the end." It has not failed to deliver!

Though I don't agree with the dems on many things, I have noticed that they are basically much more decent, humane, and mature. The GOP base are like a bunch of ignorant dogs on a street corner which all get incited to bark just because someone says "go gettim."

As to McCain now telling folks that he doesn't believe Obama is terrorist, dangerous, yada, yada, then why does he keep releasing ads (and his head minion Palin) promoting just the thing which he is now rebuking? Because he is sneaky and sleazy.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by whatsup]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by whatsup

I applaud you.
Glad to see you are drifting away from the dark side. It feels good to hear a former right wing supporter have a voice of their own, away from the pack. Like you don't have to agree with the Democratic agenda, just support the causes you feel strongly about. The Democratic party is accepting and it is a much more civil (OK, we protest....but they usually got it coming) and sophisticated approach to politics.

Do you now consider yourself an Independent? Or just a conservative who wants to be free of the slimy neo-con type of politics?? Tell me.....

I only ask because I really DO want the US to become a great country again......we just HAVE to get rid of the type of politics that have plagued our system from the Nixon era, all the way up to Rove. It's causing a divide that get's a little wider each cycle......if we don't mend it, it could break.

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