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you make me sick,zeitgiest 2 disinfo

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

[edit on 6/10/2008 by Kryties]

Another great post tonight Kryties,

Additionally, Luke, why do you even come to this site if thats your outlook on life? Facts are presented in a logical way, and your answer is manure? Such ignorance, on a forum like this should practically be extinct at this point. At least get informed before making childish remarks.

Bad Media, you were doing great talking about the movie before you even watched it. But then you started rambling on about how jesus was right about everything.. thats when you became pointless to read. Between that, and the inane thread about how scientists that fear the bible, im about ready to puke. Can you guys please leave him out of logical, meaningful, debates or discussions? NONE of you care what my imaginary friend sally (who has nice blonde hair) has to say, so why should I have to listen you run on about an imaginary person! Get off it! And come to the table with a discussion, not an ad campaign.

Seriously Bad Media, you were doing so well presenting your discussion the entire thread (even crafting replies before even watching the movie) then you just started babbling off.

One thing you did ask for an answer to, was again oddly enough answered in the movie. Your question was "Also, the free energy thing. There is 1 thing that always erks me about that conspiracy. And that is why would the rich hide it?"

Great question, you started to answer it in the next sentence. Yes its about profits, but not only that its also another limiting factor for common folks. It has been proven countless times in recent history that more effecient and effective technology becomes available and quickly is swiped by corporate interests so as to assure that the product can never come to market. Who killed the electric car? Anyone? Now imagine if everyone could have their own "free" energy, we could use that to power everything we currently power using conventional fuels. But if that were the case, corporations around the world would lose their strangle hold on humanity. You present such a well versed conversation, but yet you still DONT seem to grasp the overall picture that this and the original film were trying to portray, and thats the fact that these people want to control us, they have it engrained into their brain, a way of thinking that has gotten us where we are today. They no longer think as you and I, or most people we know, would, instead they are motivated my malicious greed, selfishness and ignorance to mankind.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by king9072]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by king9072

You are sickened by my talk of Jesus in there because you view Jesus as presented by the church. That is not the same Jesus I am talking about. I am not talking about the Jesus who died on the cross to wash away the sins and anyone can do whatever they want as long as we just accept him as our savior. That version of Jesus makes no sense, because it's not true. I can explain why and tongue tie a christian on that entire base of their belief.

And when I mention Jesus, I am definitely not defending all of the bible, saying that the bible is the literal word of god(Jesus wasn't even there when it was written), and I'm not defending the church either. I don't think anyone but christians are going to hell - I don't even think hell is eternal and that stuff, it also makes no logical sense. I am not a fan of organized religion at all.

I am merely defending the spirituality, the understanding of connection and the philosophy, as mentioned in the movie.

For example, instead of believing all gay people are going to hell and should be treated badly, and not given rights etc, I am of the opinion judge not yest you be judged. That it's none of my business. If someone wants to practice islam, I am of the opinion it's none of my business, not that they should die. Not gonna be bombing abortion clinics either. While I am by choice against abortion, I'm more against people who think they should be allowed to chose for someone else. As if control over their own lives isn't enough.

So I understand where you are coming from. But the mainstream religion/church does not represent my views. All I see from that is exactly the opposite of what Christ said and did.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by king9072
Great question, you started to answer it in the next sentence. Yes its about profits, but not only that its also another limiting factor for common folks. It has been proven countless times in recent history that more effecient and effective technology becomes available and quickly is swiped by corporate interests so as to assure that the product can never come to market. Who killed the electric car? Anyone? Now imagine if everyone could have their own "free" energy, we could use that to power everything we currently power using conventional fuels. But if that were the case, corporations around the world would lose their strangle hold on humanity. You present such a well versed conversation, but yet you still DONT seem to grasp the overall picture that this and the original film were trying to portray, and thats the fact that these people want to control us, they have it engrained into their brain, a way of thinking that has gotten us where we are today. They no longer think as you and I, or most people we know, would, instead they are motivated my malicious greed, selfishness and ignorance to mankind.

Well I do grasp what they are currently doing. I'm just looking at why if such a system is available and possible now, why it would still be in their benefit to continue the status quo.

I think I am more hinting at a deeper reason than simple profits and power. At a certain level, when all energy would be free and unlimited, the profits and power are then also unlimited from them. So the need to steal and consume the wealth and labor of others should also disappear - it was mentioned as one of the strong points for the system, no crime etc.

Maybe it's as simple as the thrill of having power over other people etc.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:23 AM
you punk teenagaers need to be dream job is to work in the govt so to help others.
incase you renegades need some history lesson

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.

sir josiah stamp(governer of bank of england)

"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the
currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of
the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege
of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme
prerogative of government, but it is the government’s
greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all
public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will
become matters of practical administration. Money will
cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity."

abharam lincoln-president of usa-assassinated

whoever controls the colume of money in our country is absolute master
of all industry and commerce and when you realise that the entire systetm
is very easily controlled,one way or another,by a few poerful men at the top,
you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate
james a garfield-president of usa assassinated

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the
banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children
wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing
power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to
whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson-president of usa

btw it dosent matter as the universe is being destroyed.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by greenjuice
you punk teenagaers need to be dream job is to work in the govt so to help others.
incase you renegades need some history lesson

You have lost any remaining respect I may have had for you. I take complete and utter offence to being called a 'punk teenager' who needs to be 'spanked'. How dare you.

If this is the type of attitude you would take with you if you landed your supposed 'dream job' then God help the lot of us.

I will not even bother to respond to the rest of your post, not for lack of being able to, but because I wish to retain the self-respect that I have and not be baited by such childish behaviour.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by greenjuice
you punk teenagaers need to be spanked.

Flattery will get you everywhere! It's been a long time since I've been mistaken for a teenager!

I'm not keen on the idea of being spanked though, by anyone to be honest.

With that kind of comment, I'm wondering whether you're actually as old or mature as you're trying to make out.

my dream job is to work in the govt so to help others.

A very curious thing to say. There's many ways you can help others. I've done both paid and unpaid work where the motivation is to help others, I've never once thought that I'd need to be employed by the government to do it.

As for the rest of your post. I'm not sure what you're trying to say, that 'bankers' are 'bad'? How is that any different from what 99% of the people on this site think? I'm genuinely stuck as to how you appear to be trying to reprimand we "punk teenagaers" with this knowledge.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:01 AM
From my own understandings.

98% of all Humanity on this planet Earth never actually do anything that
they instinctively feel is bad/evil etc.
The motivating factor for all Human beings on an individual and a community level is to do what is right and good. Because in reality love is at the heart of our core.
Hence thats why you have most people adhering to the current societal rules and laws; both in infrastructure and in moral and ethical issues.
Of course the other 2% are the ones you here about in the news etc.
And they are only simply calling for love

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Epsillion70]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:39 AM
Zeitgeist is the biggest "troll" on the internet. Don't worry, when you grow up you'll realize that you've been pulled through a steaming pile of manure.

The movie is full of skewed reasoning based on selective evidence that paints the picture it presents. It's as if you people don't hunt down the supreme court cases, quotes, government documents, how things really operate, etc... to get the appropriate context of what is presented in these yellow journalist pieces.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. is exactly what happens in the conspiracy community. The lies, the skewed perception, the disinfo, the misinfo... is all false, but you see it so much you believe it.

When you watch crap like this movie, you're effectively viewing a situation from some one else's perspective. When you watch crap like this movie, you are merely presented with an allegory for reality centered around the creator's perception of things.

You can believe what you want to believe. If that belief is based on a solid backing of facts, then the interpretation of reality is much closer to actuality. If your belief is based on disinfo, fear mongering, and emotion, then well, you're not seeing the world with your smart-hat on.

Obviously the people here who believe Zeitgeist presents an accurate portrayal of what is happening don't have the appropriate hat on and were/are too lazy or unable to really look into this garbage, so they take it at face value.

Welcome to America. Enjoy your stay. Enjoy our overweight population, low average IQ, low average education, disease ridden culture, which happens to blame it all on the government, cops, chemtrails, broken education, fast food, and anything else you can imagine... because apparently, they want to live in a perfect world.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by logician magician
When you watch crap like this movie, you're effectively viewing a situation from some one else's perspective.

Are you seriously suggesting that looking at things from as many perspectives as possible is a bad thing? When you post, are you not expecting us to take a look at things from your perspective?

I've seen your posts. You're just a big fed fan. Answer me 1 simple question.

If we have given permission for the fed to handle the money supply, why are they allowed to charge interest on the money that is created, when the value of the money created is taken from the existing money supply.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by logician magician
When you watch crap like this movie, you're effectively viewing a situation from some one else's perspective. When you watch crap like this movie, you are merely presented with an allegory for reality centered around the creator's perception of things.

And we are supposed to take your word for it? This is your reality centred around your perception of it. One persons perception, and a very biased one at that.

You can believe what you want to believe. If that belief is based on a solid backing of facts, then the interpretation of reality is much closer to actuality. If your belief is based on disinfo, fear mongering, and emotion, then well, you're not seeing the world with your smart-hat on.

And who is to say you are right? You are believing what you want to believe.

Obviously the people here who believe Zeitgeist presents an accurate portrayal of what is happening don't have the appropriate hat on and were/are too lazy or unable to really look into this garbage, so they take it at face value.

Once again, based upon your perception.

Welcome to America. Enjoy your stay. Enjoy our overweight population, low average IQ, low average education, disease ridden culture, which happens to blame it all on the government, cops, chemtrails, broken education, fast food, and anything else you can imagine... because apparently, they want to live in a perfect world.

And you seem to conveniently close your eyes to the actual reality that is occurring outside your perfect little fantasy realm in order to justify your claims.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by badmedia

Originally posted by logician magician
When you watch crap like this movie, you're effectively viewing a situation from some one else's perspective.

Are you seriously suggesting that looking at things from as many perspectives as possible is a bad thing?

No, I'm suggesting the opposite. I'm suggesting that you not get all your information about this from the same type of sources (i.e. conspiracy-centric sources)

Are you afraid to buy a book about how the federal reserve works, or go to their website and read all about it? I'm sure you go there with the attitude that everything you are reading is a lie... some perspective you have.

Are you too scared to read a bunch of papers that are concerned with debunking the myth? If all you read and believe is the conspiracy garage that's all you'll believe.

If we have given permission for the fed to handle the money supply, why are they allowed to charge interest on the money that is created, when the value of the money created is taken from the existing money supply.

I don't understand what you're asking there. Can you rephrase it please?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

And we are supposed to take your word for it? This is your reality centred around your perception of it. One persons perception, and a very biased one at that.

No you're supposed to get your head out of where the sun don't shine and get educated from real sources.

And who is to say you are right? You are believing what you want to believe.

Myself, the Federal Reserve, economics professors, economic textbooks, the Federal Government, most members of congress, the board of directors, the board of governors, the chairman of the fed, the president, the vice president, various other government officials. We all agree on the operation on the fed.

Who is to say you are right? ATS, Alex Jones, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Zeitgeist, webpages entitled "The fed is a scam"... yeah, you definitely got me there!

Once again, based upon your perception.

Myself, the Federal Reserve, economics professors, economic textbooks, the Federal Government, most mem-

And you seem to conveniently close your eyes to the actual reality that is occurring outside your perfect little fantasy realm in order to justify your claims.

And you seem to conveniently close your eyes to the actual reality that is occurring outside your perfect little fantasy realm in order to justify your claims.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:14 AM
The new Zeitgeits: Addendum does paint a slightly oversimplistic picture. For sure interest and inflation is used as a tax, they even have a fancy name for it :

The video talks about big corporations, but most of the profit from big corporations goes to the shareholders.

One of the first things they teach you on any financial course is the 'Time Value of Money'.

This idea is pretty simple: It is better to get money now rather than later.

If someone offeres me either 100 dollars today or 100 dollars next year, I should take the 100 dollars now, because I can put it in a bank for a year and get interest.
So for somone to provide a offer in the future that I will take over the 100 dollars now, it would have to be greater than or equal to 100dollars + 1yrs interest.

The problem comes when any business draws up a contract. The first thing they do is find out how much the service they provide costs them, then they add a profit margin. Now lets say the contract is for delivery of a service in 1 month. They add that month of interest on. So who pays the interest, WE DO the consumer, it all gets passed onto us. Inflation is impossible to stop because everyone wants to charge everyone else the interest.

Everyone has heard the figures of 5% inflation that the media always quote. Well that is calculated from the Consumer Price Index. Basically its like an average measure of all prices.

The thing which is so bull# about this figure is that it has no real bearing to You and I. Families spend probably like 40% of their income on Utilities and Food. These little buggers have gone up by like 40-50%. WTF we are spending 40-50% more on 40% of what we buy. Now that should come in at about 20% inflation. No wonder everything is going tits up, while the average person doesnt even have a clue.....

[edit on 7-10-2008 by spoonbeater]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by logician magician

No you're supposed to get your head out of where the sun don't shine and get educated from real sources.

If you are the source of this so-called 'information' then I would rather scrape a cheesegrater over my forehead repeatedly than listen to a word you have to say and take it seriously.

Myself, the Federal Reserve, economics professors, economic textbooks, the Federal Government, most members of congress, the board of directors, the board of governors, the chairman of the fed, the president, the vice president, various other government officials. We all agree on the operation on the fed. are suggesting that we listen to the very people we are accusing of being corrupt? [sarcasm] Yeah, theres a good plan! [/sarcasm]

Who is to say you are right? ATS, Alex Jones, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Zeitgeist, webpages entitled "The fed is a scam"... yeah, you definitely got me there!

So exactly why are you here on ATS then? You obviously do not believe a word of what is said so you quite obviously must be nothing more than a troll in it for the giggles.

Myself, the Federal Reserve, economics professors, economic textbooks, the Federal Government, most mem-

Refer to my above post regarding those same corrupt people. Oh and you allusion that 'most mem-' is quite obviously your attempt to try to say that most members of ATS agree with you. A blatent lie if ever I saw one.

And you seem to conveniently close your eyes to the actual reality that is occurring outside your perfect little fantasy realm in order to justify your claims.

Children have a little game that they play where they copy the exact words of the person previous to them in order to annoy people. Same as what you have done here.

I will say this once and once only....


[edit on 7/10/2008 by Kryties]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
If you are the source of this so-called 'information' then I would rather scrape a cheesegrater over my forehead repeatedly than listen to a word you have to say and take it seriously.

Of course you think relevant and real information is all lies. You're paranoid. You probably never went to college because you think they just brainwash you, right? are suggesting that we listen to the very people we are accusing of being corrupt? [sarcasm] Yeah, theres a good plan! [/sarcasm]

Yes, for another perspective. You're viewing the world with blinders on and one eye closed if you only look at one side of the coin because you don't like the way the other looks. Just because the system contains corruption doesn't mean it was built for those purposes.

So exactly why are you here on ATS then? You obviously do not believe a word of what is said so you quite obviously must be nothing more than a troll in it for the giggles.

There you go again you little goblin! I'm going to cast spells on you!

Refer to my above post regarding those same corrupt people. Oh and you allusion that 'most mem-' is quite obviously your attempt to try to say that most members of ATS agree with you. A blatent lie if ever I saw one.

Actually it was supposed to show that I was using the exact same list as before. Again, I suppose you didn't go to college because the professors and textbooks are corrupt, huh? It's a big lie to brainwash you, right?

I will say this once and once only....


If you can't live with other people not agreeing with you, then you should go away. Alternatively you could just keep responding to my posts and I'll disagree with you some more.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:23 AM
Originally posted by logician magician

Alternatively you could just keep responding to my posts and I'll disagree with you some more.

Thankyou for proving my point.

Mods? Troll ahoy!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by badmedia

I haven't seen the movie, but the OP is right based on what he said.

The OP is right, based on what he said, LOL. Well, what else have you got to base it on, you haven't even bothered to watch a movie with ideas you just tried to write off. It is a movie, its up to you to watch it, then take any Ideas and truth it offers, reasearch them, discuss them and decide if they have truth and/or merit. Like the way you should treat all info! Including the OP who is right based on what he
The NWO must be loving all the dumb people.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by atlasastro]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:29 AM
I love to read threads like this and watch the americans get into a real twist.

Problem is there are still americans on this site who think that we can go back to 'Ron Paul'
old republic times. Everybody has a farm or land, no govt, lots of guns.... it's a total crock

The american dream is flawed therefore no system that we currently understand as capitalism can work. 300 million people can't all have private jets, drive Bentleys and own McMansions with 5 plasma TVs... it's not possible. The american dream holds up the very instigators of this current crisis (the leeching greedy money peedlers) as gods who don't lift a finger to make any real goods or produce anything. These people have to live of the back of other peoples endevour at the expense of their well being and basic needs.

Soembody has got to clean your pool folks, supply and demand doesn't follow the rules of logic.... imagine 300 million mansions swimming pools... the pool cleaner becomes the Bill Gates in supply side economic models.

Free energy and technology is another false hope..... still got to grow the food folks and as far as I can see science hasn't provided a solution to soil errosion and drying out water tables yet.

Too many people have been living outside reality for too long.... captialist finance has failed us, Peak oil is here and natural resources are about to expire in the next couple of decades like Copper, Tin, wood and so on.... our short sightedness and greed mean we've past the point of no return. Entropy has caught up with us and it's time to pay the piper. Things will only get worse in my view, science isn't going to save us. It's best efforts, Terminator Seeds
and the Iphone... does that fill you full of confidence...? Hell we can't even get back to the Moon for god sakes and that's the fault of the Capitlaist system and inflation! Too costly
they say

Too many Americans still fear 'Commies', but you don't hear much about their alternative proposals... just more of the same please... that folks doesn't even bear thinking about

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
Originally posted by logician magician

Alternatively you could just keep responding to my posts and I'll disagree with you some more.

Thankyou for proving my point.

Mods? Troll ahoy!

Do you consider everyone who disagrees with you a troll? I wouldn't expect the mods to do anything about people who disagree with me, as that would be about 80% of the members on this site.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by logician magician

It is not the fact that you are disagreeing with me, it is the way you are going about it and the fact that you have now resorted to calling me names in THIS post and the fact that you have stated in THIS post that no matter what I say, you will disagree with me. Hence you are the dictionary definition of a troll.

[edit on 7/10/2008 by Kryties]

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