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Originally posted by admriker444
I've said it before and I'll say it again, money has got to go. Its the power of money and its scarcity principles that enable suffering on a world-wide scale.
Unfortunately our society today can not fathom a world without money. There are numerous reasons...
an education system corrupted by the elite's monetary system - They teach my son about how to be a good worker, how to be more productive, how to get and maintain a good credit score....what they dont teach him is how to be a thinker. As Rockefeller said after he founded the General Education Board "i want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers"
The education system simply exists to continue the system of a slave work force.
lower intelligence due to toxic wastes such as flouride, pestisides, and genetically modified foods with purposely designed lower nutrition levels.
Scarcity - We begin our existence only knowing scarcity. Shortages of food, water, clothing, etc forced humanity to covet hoarding. This led to today's system of profit. We know nothing else and the powers at the top of the pyramid dont wish us to know. It would end their power. However with today's technology there is no need to force scarity on us. Its artificial.
The solution is obvious, abundance of resources. We have plenty to go around. We could give every human being on this planet an acre of land and it wouldnt fill up the country of Australia. We've been lied too, there is plenty to go around.
Abundance would mean the end of money. This in turn would lead to the end of power, slavery, and control by the global elite. It would end wars and poverty. It would make crime signifigantly decline as there's no need to steal and rob to survive anymore. Drugs would practically disappear as there's no more profit in it and the users will have no need to escape their pain.
So how do we achieve this abundance....through technology. Technology can free us from mundane tasks. It can give us more leisure time. It can end hunger. It can end inefficiency and waste. We have the knowledge today to end dependance on fossil fuels and the solution is abundant in nature.
I urge you all to visit The Venus Project to see how we can achieve a totally new way to live.
They go into some detail on how this utopia can happen if we only allow it.
Taken from their website here
"Money is only important in a society when certain resources for survival must be rationed and the people accept money as an exchange medium for the scarce resources. Money is a social convention, an agreement if you will. It is neither a natural resource nor does it represent one. It is not necessary for survival unless we have been conditioned to accept it as such."
If you havent seem it, the zeitgeist folks have made a new movie that references The Venus Project numerous times. It goes into great detail about the monetary system being inherently corrupt and unsustainable.
If you wont watch the whole video, at least tune into the 1 hr and 7 minute mark area. It talks about scarcity and how it controls us.
There is hope folks but time is running out. We must realize that no elected official is going to save us. There is no law thats going to make us safe and well fed. We need a total change and getting rid of money is the means.
Originally posted by mike dangerously
reply to post by admriker444
Wow,admriker444! they are more opened to listen to the ideas of the Venus Project and Zeitgeist I would have thought there would be a more knee jerk reaction to it then there was.
Originally posted by LowLevelMason
There is no proof or evidence that "greed" is holding back advances in technology. In fact, the proof is just the opposite: greed drives advances in technology. If there was a shadowy cabal of bankers attempting to keep us from advancing for profit, please tell me why we have computers, the internet, cell phones, or any of the other technological advances of the past 40 years?
The auto industry is a excellent example of why greed is good. I don't want any company pushing some electric car on me that I don't want. I'm not going to buy into environmental fascism to have people force me into what type of vehicle I choose to drive. I love my gas driving SUV and when it dies, I'll buy another one. If you want to drive a matchbox on wheels that's your choice and you can do so - don't force me to do it.
The truth of the matter is Z:A is propaganda. There is no free energy solution, and if there was oil companies would jump at it - all of the methods Z:A talks about can still be owned and sold to consumers. Unfortunately none of them are viable alternatives: wind energy is a LULU item, solar panels are not efficient enough compared to traditional electric power, tidal current power is in its infancy, and geothermal is extraordinarily expensive to operate.
Greed is good. Its what drives innovation, and it is what has brought us all of our technological innovations today. There is a reason why you can't name one technological innovation that was created without someone making a profit of it: without that greedy urge to make a profit, no one would bother.
The whole "you vs the elite" is a illusion drawn to make your life easier. People want to believe in some evil elite group hell bent to control their lives because it makes it easy to explain their life circumstances and blame someone else when life doesn't go as they like it. Its fear mongering, and its not based in reality.
Originally posted by LowLevelMason
Originally posted by admriker444
The only people who will really freak out are those who stand to lose a lot of power and control.
for everyone else in a money-free society we stand to gain a lot.
Populist propaganda. You stand to lose all your technology and innovations. But you'll be happy, because you got to stick it to the rich!!
Originally posted by LowLevelMason
Originally posted by caballero
The fact is LowlevelMason that the way the world is run is outdated.
Outdated? Well, its the best thing tried so far. Could be a better system, but I have not yet seen one.
Originally posted by caballero
Before in human history it was necessary to have money to expand. The only things that could collect resources and expand society were the worker classes, but now we have machines.
Its still necessary because we need someone to create, maintain, and upgrade those machines. Work still exists which is necessary to survive, its just that the type of work has shifted from a industrial society to a knowledge society.
Work keeps getting more efficient and effective because efficient and effective work drives profit. Remove the profit, remove the incentive to bother.
There is nothing wrong with people having more than other people. Being rich is not wrong. Remove the incentive to be successful and you will have anything but peace and abundance.
Originally posted by seize
It is Greed that is the root of all evil. Not money. It is greed that will never go away. It is innate in human nature to be greedy. Greed is what drives us to work and 'move up' in the ranks. It's to make more money and 'better our lives.' I'm not saying we don't stare at propaganda all day long, because we do. I also believe money is an easy way of obtaining a view of wealthy. The easier it is to be wealthy to less productive things we do. This is why the 'elites' push so hard for money to retain its value. For easy wealth. It's a lot easier to have a piece of plastic and a bank statement along with any recreational possessions to prove my overall wealth versus a mansion, several million gold coins, an abundance of cattle, food, clean water... etc. So there is reason why people in power remain in power. Because they own and control the flow of money. I see both sides in their own respects. "Bartering" can never not occur. Therefore exchange always exists. Money is so widely accepted because of its portability. It's a lot easier to 'lose' its value; however, when it is so widely spread to only so few. People eventually will abandon money if this continues to go on and go back to the old days of bartering. Money thrives on that greed, corrupting more people than simple bartering would. Not to say crime wouldn't exist. But certainly the people would 'take care of the problem' if need be. I don't have the answer but I certainly don't mind sharing my opinion. I hope to hear others as well.
Originally posted by Syndular
Originally posted by admriker444
...... We have plenty to go around. We could give every human being on this planet an acre of land and it wouldnt fill up the country of Australia. We've been lied too, there is plenty to go around.....
As of October 2008, the world's population is estimated to be about 6.7 billion (6,700,000,000).
From :
and then this ....
The land mass is- 7,686,850[sq. km]
From :
Now I think much of what you said is true but one problem that would need to be solved is earths population. I don't mean kill people but something has to be done to reduce it. Maybe in the form of better birth control or limits on how many kids a family could have. I DON'T have THE answer but am just throing things out there that are better then killing people off.
Sure would have enough land to hold oll our current population, just not in one little country though. However what you have to think about isn't just the land for the pop. but the other things that come with that... rescources, waste,etc. Right now with our current pop. and it is always on the rise... just waste alone is a BIG issue. So having a better controlled pop. would in some ways help reduce the waste issue alone with the other ones as well.
Anyways just my thoughts on that.