posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:59 PM
As a jew and a bit of a scholar of my people... I must admit and say for a fact...
What we call jews, and the semetic blend of dna people associate with judaism has nothing at all to do with the makeup of the 12 Tribes...
Judaism has indeed and those who remained and ethnically usurped the religion entirely as it's own mixed with semetic blood lines, the racial
tendency has nothing to do with who the Jews were from the time of exodous
The pharohs of Egypt were indeed Red haired and some Blond Haired people
Jacob had 12 sons by Two Wives and 2 Slave wives given to him by the sisters
The slaves would have been cannanite which I believe to be a darkerskined more semetic tribe of people, so there was a mix of ethnicity for before
enslavement in Egypt
Joseph who was first improsoned in Egypt is said to have blended in with the Egyptians who we know had red blond hair, so... the liniage of Isreal was
Initiallt Caucasian then mixed with semetic Cananites
Later when all of The isrealites were enslaved all 1 other brothers had taken various and mostly multiple wives from the region, the purests being
Caucasian but slave wives could have been of any ethnicity in the region
That's 12 Borthers with different wives... if an average of 2 wives, one slave, one caucasian... you have 24 ethnic liniages
This is prior to enetering into Egypt where they were mixed with Egyptian slaves, which included Ethiopians, Very Likely Natives from South America as
there is alot of evidence that The Pharohs had access to Coffee, Cocaine and Chocolate...
so what we have is 12 direct tribes that held together, but with sub groups rangeing from African to South American Indian and European slave genes in
the mix
It is likely that, the 12 tribes represent, 12 different Ethnic populations when we consider all of this together
Looking at the Modern world we have only a few major Ethnic strains
Middle Eastern
Native American
It is likely the 12 tribes given Egypts range of trade and modern knowledge had ethnic similarities in some of the tribes to any of the above listed
Modern Racial archtypes
Various tribes given the population leanings could have disseminated anywhere in the world
As an American jew I can assure when we wander, mostly we choose to intigrate
I am jewish, I barely practice my religion, my beliefs are influneced by Christianity, Paganism, Buddhism, Hinduism among others
I am Caucasian, Brown hair Blue Eyes
My children are pure Blond, Aryan by the Hitler physical description.
And within a generation there will be hardly any recognition of that in thier lives...that they are jewish, almost certainly they will not Marry jews,
my wife takes them to church
They speak English, with no traces of any hebrew words in thier vocabularies... where as I can spoeak Hebrew comfortably
I married initially a Lutheran Woman and will almost certainly remary somoen else now that divorced and in tradition of my people lol, have children
from... more than one ethnic group
You simply cannot assume anything in regards to genetics and the 12 Tribes
What you are really looking at is 12 racial variations here, each brother had different wives...
it is 100% possible and from my studies I am quite sure, the Tribe of Dan played a major role in the history of the Isles
[edit on 7-10-2008 by mopusvindictus]