posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by mystiq
mystique: i sent this to NotUrUseual in response to u2u she sent me.
thanks again
from: bluewaterservant
sent: 6-10-2008 at 02:59
dearearst noturtypical:
mine eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the lord!
i was crying not because of fear but joy. my parents had always taken us to church and my dad literitly scraped up money to put us through church
school. i had put my arm through a window when i was in kindergarten and pierced the artery in my wrist. my ma and grandma were freaking out and i was
calm because i heard (that)small voice say "command it to stop till it does". i was rushed to the hospital all the while doing what the voice had
said and watching it come to a slow trickle. when i got into the hospital a dr. dropped everything in his hands and ran to help me. he was saying that
everything was going to be alright and i said i know and passed out in his arms. i have had so many instances of the devil comming to take me out!(if
you want to u2u me i will tell more) but 44 years later and so many dreams having come true, some good some seemingly bad at the time but god always
for the best for them that love him and do his will,as you know i can feel christs love in your message and i'm crying right now but tears of joy and
i still stand. stand in the face of adversity!and when you have done all you can to stand,stand.
i sat and talked with my son today about the possible effects which might happen because of this bailout. i hadn't told him of my dreams. he goes on
utube and pull up this elvis tune>
in the middle of the song he sings if i can dream of a mothers son where hope keeps shinning on everyone.....
i love to sing also and often sing "who am i"
well in closing i posted why i posted my dream and said don't belive my dream unless confirmed by other sources. first the bible code i posted.then i
went to sing kareoke i walked in and angel with a broken wing was being sung and a friend named angel walks up and grabs me to dance, while were
dancing i caught a glimps of the detroit tigers game on tv vs the Angels. then several songs later the last song was sung by the "the three
angies"(2 instances of three angels,maybe it was the sixth angel letting me know something was true here) i came back online and i stumbled across
"chamalot" thread and was completly overwellmed when i heard bill deagles phone conv. i then revealed more of my dream in series of posts.original
post was 09-29-08 in a different threadand the rest is history.
i am sincere in my actions and not sent for fear purposes
though some have taken it that way. prayer will change thing if its the lords will, i posted out of complete love for the people here and also across
the river in canada.
i don"t know if this bomb is on a train, in the tunnel already or comming by airmail!
ps. 107 says "i cried unto the lord and he delivered me from my distress" he has and i know he will! even if i am toasted! if this happens i know
the christ will avenge for the all innocent blood shed!!!!!!
peace, love and joy i send in return for your love sent via u2u.
i am
and still remain