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Zeitgeist Addendum Released

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posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by CuriousFinger
Demons are behind everything. Trust no one...

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:04 PM
i have to admit that i was previously skeptical about this zeitgeist movie -- i only watched a little bit of the original -- but am i glad i did!! it explains the money issue so clearly! i had trouble convincing people over the past few weeks that the entire monetary system is corrupt and needs to fall down (i.e. no bailouts). the responses i received were all over the board, but the toughest comments went like this: "yeah, so? what else is there out there for us besides capitalism?"

this movie encapsulates a successful approach to answering that question. thanks for sharing this!! i will pass it along!

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:10 PM
This is quite possibly the most eye opening film ever made.I am in awe of how cerebral yet approachable the content is.This film will scare the crap out of any establishment that is aware of it's existence.It offers true hope for the future of mankind.I am still worried that it may be too late,as the powers that be do seem to be entrenched and overwhelming.I do have hope that something like this will be our future.If not,we are doomed.

I loved the first film,I think that this one way outperforms.I know that this will be a hard pill to swallow,especially for the religious types.Most will reject this film on the basis of attacking their belief system.I am not sure that many will be able to shake this off even in one hundred years.Unless something cataclysmic happens.This film has given me hope,and new worries as well,some of witch I have stated above.I feel enlightened like never before.I hope this movement swells like a massive tsunami,washing over human perception and affecting real change.This will be fought against.I wish perseverance to those who will carry this message of a new hope.Oh yeah,One more thing,

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:20 PM
hmmm, the web-bot guys predict a 2.2million or a 22million person "calamity(??)" coming shortly also. Connected maybe?

hard to say

I like Terrence McKenna's and his TimewaveZero take on it all. We're reaching a level of exponential "novelty". We seem to be approaching a nexus point. Everything changes. The change is so great it's mind-blowing. Sounds cool to me

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Jacque Fresco has the vision of the future that can/will work, this is the only way humanity will truely know peace. This video is truth.

P.S I just e-mailed this video link to my Representative.. lets see if he responds to this.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Sailor1]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Terry_Dactyl
hmmm, the web-bot guys predict a 2.2million or a 22million person "calamity(??)" coming shortly also. Connected maybe?

hard to say

I like Terrence McKenna's and his TimewaveZero take on it all. We're reaching a level of exponential "novelty". We seem to be approaching a nexus point. Everything changes. The change is so great it's mind-blowing. Sounds cool to me

I (heart) Terrence McKenna! Too bad all the great people get dead

Change is already here, it's just moving so fast we can't see it.. lol

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Terry_Dactyl

Not just the web bot, now Dr. Deagles new phone interview on the Project Camelot site is for Oct. 7th, onwards. He says that will be the start. But he says probably LA will be nuked unless we change the timeline.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by daeoeste
This film will scare the crap out of any establishment that is aware of it's existence.

No it won't.

They know most will not watch it.

And the ones that do, only half will believe it.

And of that half only one or two will act on it.

And those two will die in a plane crash

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
Haven't watched it yet, but from what I'm hearing so far, it sounds like the way they've been describing the bailout bill, a marshmallow in the middle of a cow pie. It may have a few good points in the vid, but it's probably cluttered with tremedous mounds of crap, like the first video.

How about you go and actually watch the second film before you come here and spout off with a sanctimonious attitude.

Oh and you are totally wrong about communism to. As I put in my post on the second page, which you obviously didn't bother to read....


Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general.

Communism, in theory, is actually a workable solution when it is not abused or misinterpreted.

The communist movement has attempted to produce a communist society by setting up political parties, which in some cases have become governments. These attempts have never produced a communist society, and have frequently led to totalitarian states.

This is why Communism is seen as an enemy to freedom and the people. Greed and corruption and a misunderstanding of the premise of Communism has altered public perception of what Communism is.

If anything, Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum are advocating a government free society, one free from the monetary system and based solely on the betterment of humankind as a symbiotic whole. By focusing on the betterment of our standard of living, and the progression of humankind as a whole, inspiration and incentive to continue this becomes more and more prevalent as people begin to realise that the world they left behind was antiquated and could only serve to hold or even backtrack our existance.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:50 PM
That was one of the best spent two hours of my life.

Let's pass this on to everyone.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:07 PM
describing a paper trail

it was there b4 comps

film sets up with a 9 bil example taken from a text book couting a 9k ammount.

There was never any money to start with. where would money come from and how would things appreciate if money was actually tangable?

so far all i see is the books balance and there was always 100% nothing and everytthing.

omg please, linking tottaly unrelated facts 1 after the other

ok i get the point, money doesnt matter, money doesnt exist.

it all goes back to the point, there was never any money

debt free only when we dont have money or it doesnt exist

cant take any more, please if i missed a big point tell me

and those are my notes i took before i could take no more. We are ruled by a system and the system involves money.

if you dont already realise this then you are done.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Maya00a
Thanks for posting. The end suggestions for fighting the banking elite were well thought out. They name the main banking institutions which have benefited greatly from fraud. Here are their suggestions: people tear up credit cards from those banks, refinance mortgages so that those banks do not benefit from good debt,and do not encourage or allow your kids to go into the military. I think we are in for a long fight with the greedy men and women who benefited by this theft. Patience will need to be used in place of anger and violence.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by eradown]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:17 PM

No it won't.

They know most will not watch it.

And the ones that do, only half will believe it.

And of that half only one or two will act on it.

And those two will die in a plane crash

Then I will not be flying anytime soon.
I thought about this as well.For some reason,I do not think that this future depends on who sees this video.Many of these concepts transcend this video,and it really just ties these thoughts together.

[edit on 113131p://0717 by daeoeste]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by spitefulgod

Yea the movie its well done, and idea behind projectvenus to, but when i visited projectvenus web the first thing i see is "buy the DVD", how could you talk about a world with money and keep doing the same thing

[edit on 4-10-2008 by blackrain]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Oooohhh,I screwed that quote up and could not fix it.the above reply was directed at lucid lunacy.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by ioweagle
describing a paper trail

it was there b4 comps

film sets up with a 9 bil example taken from a text book couting a 9k ammount.

So? The maths are the same, just the amount has been raised to better illustrate the example in terms of countries rather than individuals.

There was never any money to start with. where would money come from and how would things appreciate if money was actually tangable?

That is the whole point of the film. If money has no actual backing, like the old Greenback did, then how could it be used as a currency when it has nothing to give it value?

omg please, linking tottaly unrelated facts 1 after the other

ok i get the point, money doesnt matter, money doesnt exist.

it all goes back to the point, there was never any money

It is not saying money does not exist, it is saying that without something to back it up (ie. a gold standard) that therefore the money is essentially useless and worth nothing.

debt free only when we dont have money or it doesnt exist

cant take any more, please if i missed a big point tell me

Oh boy oh boy did you miss the point COMPLETELY. How about watching the entire documentary before you start to make things up hey?

and those are my notes i took before i could take no more. We are ruled by a system and the system involves money.

Aaaaand your point is? If you had have actually watched the rest of the film it quite adequately explains all these things, so therefore I will not bother wasting my time.

I ABHORE it when people spout off so sanctimoniously about a subject and yet they refuse to complete the actual research when in fact it's completion will generally answer the questions. That is the whole point. Introduction. Body. Conclusion. It sounds as if you didn't even make it to the end of the Introduction.

My god man, if you wish not to look so ignorant from now on how about you sit down and watch the entire documentary THEN come on here and discuss it. Until then I throw my hands up in disbelief at the complete and utter ignorance.

[edit on 4/10/2008 by Kryties]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by undo

you will never be a DRONE and will ALWAYS have to compete, compete against ignorance and tyranny,... using your mind instead of sweat labor doesnt mean drone to me.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:29 PM
I have forwarded a link to this movie to all of my friends with a recommendation for them to do the same. I urge everyone on here to do the same.

How timely with the economic mess going on these past few weeks. Too bad this wasn't released 2 weeks ago, before the bailout.

Maybe thats why they were in such a hurry to get it passed?

Just food for thought

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:34 PM
Before we go on, I feel this needs to be said. If you are going to come into this thread and participate PLEASE OH PLEASE....


There have been some posting here who have watched the first few minutes then come in here spouting off that this or that doesn't make sense or is out of context. For the love of god, cast your minds back to your schooling years and remember the basics of an argument....




Some of you are watching the Introduction and drawing all of your conclusions based upon that. Please OH PLEASE remember the motto of this site...



posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Kryties

im happy you took the time to reply to my short observation of the film. Although i find the use of "spout off so sanctimoniously " a little harsh.

If, as you obviously did follow my flimsy note taking then you would certainly conclude that my opinion of this film was taken from a very small (1/12th) peice of the film.

At this moment i still think what i think and if that is upsetting to you i apppologise, i will however whatch the film in its entirety tomorrow and see if my opinion changes.

My opinion at the moment is that it is a very simple fact that will be overstated and taken far to far.

I would appreciate if you could also supply me with an idea of how the world would work or exist without money either in the past future or maybe even tomorrow?

i maybe indeed be ignorant but for you to call me so is extremely presumptuos on your part and laughable.

(not editing for spelling or punctuation)

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