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ATS and Robbie Williams UFO Investigation: Round Two of Gilliand Videos

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posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I have e-mailed Frank and Dorothy to get their take on the video/audio recordings that Johnny did. Will report later.


posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

Awesome, thanks Dave. I will be interested to get her take, particularly on that SOUND. If she recognizes it right off the bat, I will be VERY excited...

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 12:03 AM
Antar said:

"Looks like so much activity happening from the mountain, explained, not yet... BUT I would not rule out some sort of UFO activity question is why are some mountains famous for this type of activity? Think of the massive reports of sightings from the Himalayas and other high altitude areas.

lots of ancient cultures believed gods lived on mountains and it has been passed down in some cultures and some still believe so to this day, so they worship the mountains, some sacrifice animals to the mountain etc etc.

im not mentioning this as an answer but as a research area and something to look into and consider. what stories do these ancient cultures tell of the mountains? are there any old stories about the mountain in question? why do they believe gods live in certain mountain chains? etc etc. did they believe gods lived there due to seeing things that escaped a logical explaination?
do they mention simular things to what was experienced at the ranch?

im off to research this, if i come up with no results, no matter, im sure i learn something in the process.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by lifeform]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Wow... I really need to rewatch my copy of Capturing the Light. They already know eachother?! I really shouldn't be surprised I guess.

And thanks Dave for sending the info. off.

The pieces seem to be coming together.


P.S. I wish I had some money to send to Dorothy to help with the transfer of footage from reel to DVD.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 12:45 AM

heres a few links to something that seems to fit the first run of videos that were done in the first thread. the lights on the mountain.

im not sure if the mountain in the links is the same mountain as the one in question in this thread. but it does seem like another lead to follow up to find the answers if it is a different place with the same kind of activity.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:01 AM
Nohup wrote:

""So I guess we're talking about needing three cameras to get better data. Two for a stereo video setup, and another to see if the thing is visible across the spectrum.""

Ok, if we are hunting ufos we need the best possible equipment.

Here is fast-shutter camera system. I think he is Jose Escamilla. From google-video "Ufo greatest story ever denied". I think he is shooting rods.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by lifeform

Originally posted by lifeform

lots of ancient cultures believed gods lived on mountains and it has been passed down in some cultures and some still believe so to this day, so they worship the mountains, some sacrifice animals to the mountain etc etc.

like this post of yours...
Mount Adams Wiki One of the "three smoking mountains" (sound very "Indian") also called "Paddo", "Klickitat" and "Pahto" contains, if the source is correct, this legend :

Mount Adams (12,307), the second highest peak in Washington, stands in the southwestern part of the state. The Yakamas called it Pahto. They claim it as their mountain. On a clear day Pahto (Mt. Adams), the sacred mountain of the Yakamas, towers above the Lower Valley. The great white mountain represents the ways of the past – the pursuit of game on the foothills, the gathering of wild plant foods on
the lower slopes and the snows which give life to everything. Most of all, Mt. Adams symbolizes the strength of the People, who in spite of years of adversity, forged a truly strong and great Nation. This is a legend told by Jobe Charley . . . .

Legend of Mount Adams

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Since a few have posted their query and a few have emailed concerning the same thing, I've taken the Infrared camera and placed it into a closet to get another control sound. Of course with the door closed and in a small enclosed shelve, the noise of the tape transport is very apparent. You'll also hear about 2/3rd in a very faint car going by and at the end of the tape you can hear the air conditioner kick in (hence my ending the control test).

But just to let you know I later repeated the experiment and let the camcorder roll for a full 2 hours. The noise from the camcorder was consistent and ever-present and I found no need to supply a boring two hour rendition of minor camcorder noise. So I submit a just under 2 minute version.

Keep in mind that while recording in the field the ambient sounds generally mask the sound or are louder than the noise from the the tape-transport and the spinning heads.

Here's the 128k mp3 link...
2 minute long MP3 Control Sound from inside a sealed closet

[edit on 10/4/2008 by JohnnyAnonymous]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Springer

You know I don.t see anything in your footage that says UFOs Sum Bugs insects.

There's nothing in the sounds as well what a wast of time a well maybe you will get something decent to watch at some point.

I have filmed more UFOs than anyone in the world today there's nobody out there that I know that's making contact and continues to make contact on a regular bases.


posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 07:47 AM
I'm with Roddie's sound engineer, it sounds familiar but it didn't remind me of a feedback loop. It more reminded me of the sound high-voltage motors would make but that would be out of place and very noticeable. They seem more electrical then mechanical to me and then I compared them to some of the sounds from space sent back by Voyager and Cassini.

Voyager sounds from Jupiter.

How Earth sounds from space.

More sounds from space.

Most of the signals have been compressed yet some are within the audible frequency level and all have been transferred from radio signals to audible sound.

* The ELF, SLF, ULF, and VLF bands overlap the AF (audio frequency) spectrum, which is approximately 20–20,000 Hz. However, sounds are transmitted by atmospheric compression and expansion, and not by electromagnetic energy.

I find it interesting that some radio waves that propagate at the speed of light share the same frequency as audible sound waves.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Hi Johnny ! Only today I can watch the new vides from Gilliland Ranch. I've no questions because for me now it's important watch and listen.
Especially listen, the sounds are absolutely amazing !
I found very interesting the opinion of Rob's friend about that weird sounds, he's very helpful and nice.
Thanks again for sharing with us this great experience.
Cheers Beagle.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 11:59 AM
At about 3.15 to 3.30 in the second video, when Johnny is walking towards the tree, there is 2 or 3 people moving from right to left? Are those crew members?

EDIT: To include, they are walking in the BG seemingly over by the tree already.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by StefanO]

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Springer
Wow, how fast do you suppose that east to west object / disk was traveling?

Man that puppy looks fast, was the camcorder speeded up or was that a normal run?

Some of this footage is simply amazing.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by hande
Here is fast-shutter camera system. I think he is Jose Escamilla. From google-video "Ufo greatest story ever denied". I think he is shooting rods.


I hesitated mentioning Jose Escamilla, even though when I first saw the video images one of the first things that came to my mind was, "Uh-oh. Looks a lot like possibly better footage of Escamilla's 'rods.'"

That whole rods thing has been a bone of contention on this board for quite a while, and now here we go with some other folks coming up with the same kind of stuff. The only difference here is that the camera is perhaps different/better so the appearance is less rod-like and maybe more accurate.

Some kind of vindication for Escamilla? It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Abducciones extraterrestres: una construcción mental

Según un estudio, quienes dicen haber sido secuestrados por marcianos tienen un perfil psicológico concreto, con tendencia a alucinar, a creer en todo lo paranormal y a disociar la realidad, lo que puede conducir a padecer una alteración de los estados de consciencia.

(EFE) - Las abducciones extraterrestres que algunas personas aseguran haber experimentado son una construcción mental propia de individuos susceptibles a los "falsos recuerdos", según un estudio difundido esta semana en Londres.

Según el profesor Chris French, director de la Unidad de investigación de psicología de lo anómalo del londinense Goldsmiths College, quienes dicen haber sido secuestrados por marcianos tienen un perfil psicológico concreto, con tendencia a alucinar, a creer en todo lo paranormal y a disociar la realidad, lo que puede conducir a padecer una alteración de los estados de consciencia.

French, experto en la relación psicológica con lo paranormal, comparó el estado psicológico, que ha sido presentado en el Museo de la Ciencia de Londres, de 19 supuestos "abducidos" y 19 voluntarios elegidos al azar.

Descubrió que los que alegaban haber entrado en contacto con alienígenas tenían también el hábito de quedarse "absortos" en los quehaceres cotidianos, fantaseaban y algunos padecían "parálisis del sueño".

En este último estado la persona se despierta y siente que no puede moverse, aunque es consciente de lo que le rodea. A menudo sufre alucinaciones auditivas y visuales.

"A finales del siglo XX, un número creciente de personas de todo el mundo empezó a tener experiencias extrañas", explica French.

"Lo más corriente es que digan que los alienígenas los sacaron de la cama o el coche y, comúnmente, les describen como seres de menos de un metro, con brazos y piernas largos y cabezas enormes", afirma el profesor.

Los "abducidos" suelen explicar que los extraterrestres tienen "grandes ojos negros a través de los cuales se comunican telepáticamente", añade.

"Suelen contar cómo de repente se encontraron a bordo de una nave espacial donde se les sometió a un examen médico, a menudo doloroso, para extraerles esperma u óvulos", relata el experto.

Según French, decenas de miles de personas en todo el mundo podrían experimentar recuerdos falsos de este tipo.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
I have e-mailed Frank and Dorothy to get their take on the video/audio recordings that Johnny did. Will report

Dave-I wouldn't hold hope for that, as Frank told me awhile back that there's some serious issues going on that are limiting contact with her.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Nohup

That's exactly what i thought with the first video.
Looked like the "rods" from a few years ago.

I always quite liked the whole rods thing... this is quite interesting.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:15 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by ufosbri

You know I don.t see anything in your footage that says UFOs Sum Bugs insects.

There's nothing in the sounds as well what a wast of time a well maybe you will get something decent to watch at some point.

I have filmed more UFOs than anyone in the world today there's nobody out there that I know that's making contact and continues to make contact on a regular bases.


I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have such an honored and well informed post such as yours to help us summarize our preliminary investigation presentation. The way you backed your post up intelligently and then categorically pointed out each and every nuance as to why these could be nothing more than bugs was exhilarating. Scotland is indeed fortunate to have you in their country to document these worlds greatest captures. You sir may well be on your way to following in the footsteps of Edison, Galileo, and Sir Issac Newton.

Again, on behalf of the entire site I say humbly, "Thank you so much" from the bottom of my heart.

Originally posted by Devino
I'm with Roddie's sound engineer, it sounds familiar but it didn't remind me of a feedback loop. It more reminded me of the sound high-voltage motors would make but that would be out of place and very noticeable. They seem more electrical then mechanical to me and then I compared them to some of the sounds from space sent back by Voyager and Cassini.

I find it interesting that some radio waves that propagate at the speed of light share the same frequency as audible sound waves.

When after first hearing the sounds at Gillilands, the first thing I did was to search for perhaps electrical wiring or some type of RF signal in that particular area of the field. To me it sounded like some type of discharge that was perhaps rolling by. Then I searched to find out what instruments/devices the Paranormal State crew were using and had the Producer, a cameraperson and a intern (at different times) come talk to me near the camcorder. And of course eventually they were on their wireless at various times communicating with one another. Unknowingly, they were part of the experiment as I had not shared the captures with them.

I also wondered about perhaps microwave spectrum/frequencies, but I was not able to do any testing as Gillilands Ranch doesn't allow Microwaves on the premise, and the A&E people said they were not transmitting in that range either.

So the only other thoughts I had while there (the ranch) was that perhaps it was geological in nature. such as tectonic plates shifting or a geological vibration of some sort. But I think the sounds are too mechanical in nature to be such.

The videos you presented in your post were fascinating to listen to. An interesting concept ran through my head while listening to them, but it would of course be nothing short of conjecture on my part and so will wait to see if anyone else propose or submits this thought I have.. Thansk for the post.. !

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Wow, how fast do you suppose that east to west object / disk was traveling?
Man that puppy looks fast, was the camcorder speeded up or was that a normal run?

Some of this footage is simply amazing.

I have to admit right here and now that there is quite a bit of footage that has not been presented (for various reasons). I agree with you that the objects in question do appear to move rapidly. But we have to keep in mind that an object that may be close to the lense will give the impression of moving much faster than it will from 20, 50, 100, 1000 feet further from the camera.

Even though it's barely visible in it's compressed form, the one video in our presentation that appears to have an object move towards the mountain, and again appears to go behind the mountain is very intriguing to me. If what we see is actually happening, then that means that this "something" traveled approximately 13.5 miles to the other side of the mountain in a matter of mere seconds.

Originally posted by Nohup
I hesitated mentioning Jose Escamilla, even though when I first saw the video images one of the first things that came to my mind was, "Uh-oh. Looks a lot like possibly better footage of Escamilla's 'rods.'"

That whole rods thing has been a bone of contention on this board for quite a while, and now here we go with some other folks coming up with the same kind of stuff. The only difference here is that the camera is perhaps different/better so the appearance is less rod-like and maybe more accurate.

The post I've been dreading has surfaced...!
Please people... No Rods post. As a videographer/photographer I've been able to duplicate this so-called phenomena and I assure you and everyone here that the captures in this presentation from our preliminary investigation has nothing to do with the supposed Rod phenomena.

These were shot at 1/5000 of a second during the daytime, there is no way these could be attributed to a slower shutter-speed phenomena such as RODS. So please don't try and associate the ATS captures with that type of alleged phenomena.

So please cease and desist with any further comments of such.

Originally posted by Flor_26
Abducciones extraterrestres: una construcción mental

Según un estudio, quienes dicen haber sido secuestrados por marcianos tienen un perfil psicológico concreto, con tendencia a alucinar, a creer en todo lo paranormal y a disociar la realidad, lo que puede conducir a padecer una alteración de los estados de consciencia.

(EFE) - Las abducciones extraterrestres que algunas personas aseguran haber experimentado son una construcción mental propia de individuos susceptibles a los "falsos recuerdos", según un estudio difundido esta semana en Londres.

Si, es possible, pero en esta caso nos tenemos solamente un camera de video. Nadie estaba alrededor de la cámara mientras que estaba por sí mismo.

Entonces, no es el mismo cosa...

Let me semi translate what our Spanish friend has posted:

According to a study, those claiming to be abducted by Martians have a psychological profile with tendencies to hallucinate, to believe in all the paranormal things and to dissociate reality, which can lead to a suffering alteration of the conscience states. (EFE) - the extraterrestrial abductions that some people claim to have had experienced are their own mental construction of what are known as " false memories".

And I basically responded by saying that this doesn't have anything to do with abductions as it was solely a camera recording, so it wasn't the same thing. (ARGH... my Spanish is terrible)

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 05:10 PM


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