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Energy suppliers make some of their biggest profits from their poorest customers, a watchdog has said.
UK Lehman Brothers staff winding up European operations at the failed investment bank will get annual bonuses despite it being in administration.
(24 June 1948 – 11 May 1949) was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post-World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the three Western powers' railroad and street access to the western sectors of Berlin that they had been controlling. Their aim was to force the western powers to allow the Soviet controlled regions to start supplying Berlin with food and fuel, thereby giving them nominal control over the entire city.
In response, the Western Allies formed the Berlin Airlift to supply the city over pre-arranged air corridors.
In 1993 Darleen Druyun was investigated for her involvement in a plan to speed up payments by the Air Force to McDonnell Douglas [1]. Although several other people involved were discharged, Druyun kept her position. In 2000 Druyun sent the resumes of her daughter, a recent college graduate, and her daughter's fiancé, a published PhD Aeronautical Engineer, to Boeing and both were hired.[2] Although this was a conflict of interest, it was not illegal. The investigation into her illegal activities was spearheaded by Senator John McCain
November 09 2008 09:27
Last Corporation Out Of America..
Please Turn The Lights Out.
What Will General Motors Global Offshoring..
Mean For Your Wallet?
The King Knows History.
And The King Knows The Peasants Will Actually Pay..
For Their Own Job Replacement.
And, Strange At It May Seem..
They Will Train Their Own Job Replacement As Well.
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 10 2008 12:45
A Wise Investor Would Take Note..
Of How Silent UAW “Leadership”..
.. always remains on auto-industry outsourcing?
..seems there is a fox guarding every henhouse.
hey ish
check link
sorta funny?
got your email..
it is hard work ain’t it?
A Wise Investor..
Would Pay Less Attention To The.
“Secret Order”..
.. And More Attention To WHEN The “Secret Order” Was “Ordered”.
Do u know wut i mean?
Note: I have been busy..
I am going to start to respond to..
all of those kind folks who..
have taken the time to email me.
There are 2 world views an investor can accept.
The wrong one..
or the profitable one:
Once A Thief..
Always A Thief.
That Is How The King Remains King
The unprofitable world view..
is the belief, or notion or assumption that..
voting matters.
Don’t read anything into it..
but this is interesting today.
November 09 2008 09:27
Let The History Revision Begin
Boy.. Are Those “Chinese Hackers”..
In For A Financial Surprise.
“strategic plan”?
cannot stop laughing
What Did Jeff Immelt Say About History Again?
Pearl Harbor Comes To Mind
Gay Marriage?
A Wise Investor Would Recognize A..
Morality Play When He Or She Sees One.
Follow The Money..
Avoid The Morality Play
Last Corporation Out Of America..
Please Turn Out The Lights.
This must be the “sacrifice” or the “call to action” Obama is referring to?
Or Maybe GM and Ford are just “giving back” or “making the world a better place”?
What Will General Motors Global Offshoring..
Mean For Your Wallet?
The King Knows History.
And The King Knows The Peasants Will Actually Pay..
For Their Own Job Replacement.
And, Strange At It May Seem..
They Will Train Their Own Job Replacement As Well.
Tough Choices..
For The..
New President Elect
Which Industry Are The “Protectionists”..
Nationalizing Next?
Lehman Is A Global Thing
They Used To Call It “Contagion”
Somebody Call General Motors And Tell Them..
A Wise Investor Would Call This What It Is.
A Wise Investor Would Accurately Lable It..
The Primary Function Of Government Is To Pretend To Fail
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 11 2008 12:58
Lame-Duck Sessions Can Be Wacky
The Following Is NOT Work-Safe
With All Due Respect To Morality Plays..
I Never Said Sex Didn’t Sell
Two Can Play That Game
Even The Monkey Doesn’t Fall For..
Morality Plays
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 11 2008 12:58
And The Award Goes To…
Thanks Jeff!!!
So that’s where the outside shareholders..
money went.
It is not gonna get any better…
you knew it was comin
Wise Investors Know Gender-Plays..
When They See’em
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
u can visit us chatters on
November 11 2008 12:58
Roads Have Had A Tendency To Get A Lot..
Of Wars Built..
errr.. sumthin’ like that.
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
Sound Familiar?
In Other Countries..
They Call It..
Over Here They Call It “Democracy”.
Kill The B*****d..
along with the other..
100,000+ financial thieves in China..
just like him.
And then move the trend to the Homeland.
November 12 2008 08:30
The Following May Be Offensive To Some Folks
A Wise Investor..
Recognizes People For What They Are.
The C**t On The Right..
Is A Prime Example Of The Mindset..
Of A Politician..
With Medical Issues
Wise Investors..
Take Note
One more investor tip..
reinhardt’s site isn’t very “professional”..
“Well.. I was thinkin’ “change we need”..
“I went with “redhead” and the “purple lip-gloss”?
“She seemed sorta young..”
“Yeah, but did you see that rack?”
alright.. enough fun..
this is a “professional” site
Governor of Michigan
(they make cars and stuff there i think.)
This “chick” is up for energy secretary folks.
November 11 2008 12:58
Here is a “divide” that will be “bridged”.
I’m not riddlin’ ya either.
Now.. as wise investors..
you do know “the question” right?
history is repeating itself.. almost to the day.
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 14 2008
What Would A Wise Investor Think?
As The G20 Spends The Weekend Discussing..
Completion Date?
Safe Return!!!
No Surprises.. Please
At Scrushy’s Companies..
The Corruption Never Ends
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 15 2008
The Important & Optimistic..
Essay I Mentioned A Few Days Ago..
Ain’t Gonna Happen Today.
G20 Laundry = (G)ee150
“Change We Need?”
“Need We Change?”
Rules Are Made To Be “Overturned”.
And In March 2009 When These “Rules”..
Are “Quietly” Overturned..
Unwise Investors Will Be Watching This:
Because All The King’s Horses..
All The King’s Men..
Know The Peasants..
Are Suckers..
For A Good Puppy Distraction
Yes.. The Market Should Go Up..
This Week..
(Except For Those Pesky PBMs)
Beware When The Kings’s Summit..
Is Gone From The Peasants’ Memories
I Am Sticking With..
Because The Only Thing I Am “Confident” In..
Is That..
“The Primary Function Of Government Is To Pretend To Fail”
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 15 2008
Maybe That Whole “Freedom Of Information” Thingy..
Wasn’t Such A Courageous Idea After All?
The Peasants Weren’t Ever Supposed To Have..
Freedom Of Speech..
The King Knew Better Than That
Well.. The Horse Is Out Of The Barn
What was that about South Korea?
The Banks Will Offer Better Advice As..
They Hand Out South Korean Military Enlistment Forms:
“The Greedy American Middle-Class Worker..
Is To Blame
For Your Financial Woes!
A Wise Investor..
Would Watch The Contagion..
And Invest Accordingly..
As TSW Likely HTF “Over-There”..
Before It “Hits It” Here.
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 15 2008
Why Do I Have A Feeling..
These Parts..
..Are Going To Be Shipped.. On-board This?
And, Why Does “Berlin-Airlift”
“Darleen Drunyun” Come To Mind?
“Just Don’t Post It On utube Captain!”
Wellcare Shareholders You Have Yourselves A Winning Lawsuit
reinhardt’s journal (week of nov 09 2008)
November 15 2008
This Will Be Trotted Out As “The Excuse”.
Sounds Like Hi-Quality “Failure” To Me.
Why Do I Have A Feeling..
These Parts..
..Are Going To Be Shipped.. On-board This?
And, Why Does “Berlin-Airlift”
“Darleen Drunyun” Come To Mind?
“Just Don’t Post It On utube Captain!”
Maybe That Whole “Freedom Of Information” Thingy..
Wasn’t Such A Courageous Idea After All?
The Peasants Weren’t Ever Supposed To Have..
Freedom Of Speech..
The King Knew Better Than That
Well.. The Horse Is Out Of The Barn
What was that about South Korea?
The Banks Will Offer Better Advice As..
They Hand Out South Korean Military Enlistment Forms:
“The Greedy American Middle-Class Worker..
Is To Blame
For Your Financial Woes!
A Wise Investor..
Would Watch The Contagion..
And Invest Accordingly..
As TSW Likely HTF “Over-There”..
Before It “Hits It” Here.
The cost of living in the U.S. probably fell in October by the most in almost sixty years, while manufacturing and homebuilding sank deeper into a recession, economists said before reports this week.
U.S. automobile manufacturers need to reorganize to ensure their viability, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, as the head of the United Auto Workers called for government aid before President-elect Barack Obama takes office.
Listen carefully for these words and phrases as politicians get to work on an overhaul of U.S. financial regulation in the months ahead: ``duplicative,'' ``balkanized,'' and the twin ``quilts'' -- ``patchwork quilt'' and ``crazy quilt.''
If you hear lawmakers and pundits repeating these like mantras, you can be sure that the financial regulation facelift is off to a bad start.
November 16 2008
I am interested in which “keywords” got..
someone here?×292718#292736
i forgot i wrote this
this is unrelated to the above.. but
hey “investor”..
lighten up a little.. ehh?
i appreciate your content contribution!
The British and the German and the U.S. markets began to crash (again) in the Spring of 1921
The object of speculation at the time was the foreign exchange; the German Mark in Germany, the post-war boom, securities, ships, commodities and inventory along with existing and merged companies in Britain and merged companies in the U.S.
The "great U.S. Steel strike," the Centralia massacre and the "Palmer Raids" didn't help much, but the hair tonic business was going pretty well.
At this time the House of Windsor was still speaking German
Actually the crash started on Nov 03 1919, lasting 660 days with the beginning DJIA at 119.82 and ending at 63.90.. a total loss of 46.6%
Senator George Norris of Nebraska observed: "...the early 20s brought the American people to their knees in worship at the shrine of private business and industry.." which may account for why some consider it to be the greatest generation.
A "boom" period (roaring 20s) began in 1922
It is noteworthy that a boom period is usually a period of systemic book-cooking allowed by a "lack of regulation" (Teapot Dome) ala "the Animal House theory"
In the summer of 1923 President Harding "journeyed westward with him the Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. "If you knew of a great scandal in our administration" ... he asked Hoover.. "would you for the good of the country and the party expose it publicly, or would you bury it?"
Hoover's response: "Have you ever heard of the Chicago White Sox?"
Harding's reply: "I heard Britney was getting married."
Between 1924 and 1926 the object of speculation was the Franc and foreign bonds in NY
In April of 1924 Hitler entered Landsberg Prison as the last of the witness of the "Teapot Dome oil lease scandal" appeared in the hearings.
Hitler got out early - published Mein Kampf and F. Donald Coster, Phd bought McKesson (yeah - that McKesson) & Robbins with his bootlegged profits
During prohibition, milk of magnesia, cough syrup, and quinine were hot commodities
Ford outsourced automobile manufacturing to Germany in 1925 and Germany's economic system collapsed two years later (Germany's Black Friday)
The socialists and the Nazi's weren't too thrilled about this.
Then Brazil's economy collapsed (something about coffee?)
In 1928, the object of speculation in the U.S. was "private companies going public" (now known as IPOs)
Not a bad time to buy Motorola stock and Sam Insul's MiddleWest Utilities because by August of 1929 it is at $529 per share, GE is at $403 and AT&T is at $310
Jose Maria Escriva founded Opus Dei to prepare for the upcoming market debasement
Nowadays Legatus has taken over this responsibility and it is called a "Pilgrimage to Rome" which is a latin phrase for "money laundering"
"The" crash (which contrary to popular history was not the "big one" it was the 4th biggest one of the 20th century and it started on the third of September, 1929
Total days: 71
Starting DJIA: 381.17
Ending DJIA: 198.69
Total loss: 47.9%
By 1932 AT&T fell to $69.75 and GE fell to $8.50
Why does this sound familiar?
To cover up the market fraud, Arab terrorists murdered 60 Jews in Hebron and killed 45 Jews in Safed and a few dozen more in Palestine
History really does repeat itself
The 17th of April, 1930 was the start of the worst market crash of the 20th century lasting 813 days
Starting DJIA: 294.07
Ending DJIA: 41.22
Total loss: 86.0%
And the rest of the world's markets crashed within a year
Roosevelt and Senator Robert Wagner rigged the 3rd branch with a Judge named Crater and a few others to prepare for the upcoming phony corporate executive trials
Then Judge Crater disappeared and where he went.. only the Shadow Knows
7. Reagan and the 100th congress legalized kickbacks and bribery in the health care industry..
..not that that is a a bad thing.
But, as an investor it is worth thinking about.
Of course, the essence of control is fear. The fnords produced a whole population walking around in chronic low-grade emergency, tormented by ulcers, dizzy spells, nightmares, heart palpitations and all the other symptoms of too much adrenalin. All my left-wing arrogance and contempt for my countrymen melted, and I felt genuine pity. No wonder the poor bastards believe anything they're told, walk through pollution and overcrowding without complaining, watch their sons hauled off to endless wars and butchered, never protest, never fight back, never show much happiness or eroticism or curiosity or normal human emotion, live with perpetual tunnel vision, walk past a slum without seeing either the human misery it contains or the potential threat it poses to their security . . . Then I got a hunch, and turned quickly to the advertisements. It was as I expected: no fnords. That was part of the gimmick, too: only in consumption, endless consumption, could they escape the amorphous threat of the invisible fnords
Many regarded him as a saint, but Pope Stephen always tried to discourage that view. He ended every conversation with "I am a sinner, also," which became a habit with Stephenites: Father Starhawk, for instance, ended all his conversations that way, and also used it for the tag line of all his theological articles and his private correspondence.
It must be admitted, however, that the first Irish Pope did have his own brand of arrogance: He believed he was the best Latin stylist since Cicero, and was rather vain about his command of English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Danish, and Hebrew, also. He was also convinced that he was a greater psychologist than James or Jung, and it was only when their names were mentioned that a tinge of uncharitable sarcasm would enter his speech.
Pope Stephen, in fact, had a habit of listening far more than he spoke, which led many to regard him as a bit aloof. Actually, he spoke little because he was so busy observing. This passion for studying other human beings had gradually turned him from a disputatious young intellectual into an almost pathologically sensitive middle-aged man, because the more he observed people, the more he liked them, and the more he liked them, the less able he was to bear seeing or hearing of injustice to anyone anywhere.
On one occasion a learned and erudite French Cardinal said to the Pope, referring to the steady parade of visitors to the Vatican, "You must find most of these nonentities profoundly boring." He was making the usual mistake of interpreting the Pope's long silence as a sign of ennui.
"But-there are no bores," Stephen said, shocked.
"You are being paradoxical," the Cardinal chided.
"Not at all," the Pope said dogmatically. "I have never met a boring human being."
It was the only time anybody ever heard him pontificate.
"The history of consciousness is a history of words," Joyce said immediately. "Shelley was justified in his bloody unbearable arrogance, when he wrote that poets were the unacknowledged legislators of the world. Those whose words make new metaphors that sink into the public consciousness, create new ways of knowing ourselves and others."
"I know what you're thinking," Babcock said. "As soon as Jones spoke it occurred to me, also. I had been so shocked by the seeming dematerialization, and so intimidated by the Baron's arrogant manner, that my mind had virtually ceased functioning for a while there. But, of course, if there were trickery involved, the Baron would have to be an accomplice."
i can do better:-)