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Reinhardt Thread - "Suggestions and Predictions"

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by nikki6278

well, you can get really lost in that lot but here's an interesting one..

tyco via christopher coughlin via interpublic group of companies inc

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:34 AM
This article kind of speaks for itself - NWO mentioned by name more often now. Are they preparing us for the inevitable?

I think I owe some people a little ency-wency apology for calling them NWO nut jobs earlier in the year

G20: Shaping a New World Order

Some European leaders are hailing the summit as the next Bretton Woods - a reference to the historic talks in the latter days of WWII that in effect made the dollar the world's dominant currency and laid the foundation for the economic order of the past 60 years.

Interesting article perhaps referenced to today's R events maybe!!


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:44 AM
Wellcare dives on reports of higher medical costs

NEW YORK (Associated Press) - Shares of WellCare Health Plans Inc. plunged to all-time lows Thursday after the health insurer, already the target of multiple state and federal investigations, said it is in default on some debt covenants and is being hurt by higher Medicare costs. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commissions, WellCare said it is in default on a loan facility with a balance of $153.2 million.

So tha'ts the housing bubble, the 'car' bubble and health care bubble burst. Anything left?

WellCare had $1.2 billion in cash on Sept. 30, compared to $1.5 billion in cash on June 30, 2007, the last period for which it filed financial statements with the SEC. The company told the SEC it is in default on a number of covenants contained in a senior secured credit facility with Wachovia Bank and that it has hired Goldman Sachs & Co. to pursue financing alternatives so that it can repay the credit facility when it becomes due in May 2009.


Same players - same results. Why use anyone else to clear up messes?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Breifne

bush snr told of the new world order years ago in a speech he made. call it or them what you will, the names don't matter but their intentions do.

meanwhile, the russians want their presidents in for 6 years instead of 4...story

eurozone is officially in recession - link, though france has kept it's head above water.. just

serbia gets a $516m loan from the imf - link

goldman sach's real estate guru is leaving for

this day is going to drag out lol

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:48 AM
Still trying to figure out how or if this would have an impact on the Wellcare debasement, (need to quit green tea and honey for the good ol' coffee and start smoking again).

Obama health plans would carry $1trillion price tag

President-elect Barack Obama’s universal health insurance plans would look a lot like the program being tried in Massachusetts. It would cost $75 billion a year and $1 trillion over the next decade, according to a new analysis. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute placed those price tags on Obama’s plans in a report released Wednesday. Obama wants to expand some government health programs and mandate and subsidize coverage in other areas to provide insurance for the 46 million uninsured in the U.S.

Interesting date of issue here and the Gov. are doing their best to help out whenever they can
insert sarcasm)

Also - someone now knows they are being sold short -wait for Gov. announcement on that market's condition (above) and sell.

However, if I have learned anything, it is to ''follow the money''. Is this Wellcare debasement a step too far - is the King getting too greedy and has he been caught selling short? Well, R has caught him in the act to the day again!

''They will reform the tort if the peasants find out if the King sold short'' - interesting times. (Will the Lame Duck session play it's part)?

P.s. as for the NWO thingy - I live in la la land with that. I am a John Lennon (Imagine) type NWO person. C'est la vie.

P.p.s. Thes e boys are hungry (excuse the pun)

Note: so its growth followed by fraud claim, gov. (appearance of) help, and then debasement?? The exec's win big time. The King is fed and watered!

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Breifne]

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Breifne]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:57 AM
new stuff on the site

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:06 AM
one last thing im proberly way off ...but anyhting to do with this??

he says:
"kill the king asap"

or prince charles birthday today - 60

Any ideas?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by forshow

don't worry - charles will never be king. old queen lizzi will outlive him.

besides, try not to think of the king as a singular person.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:13 AM

King pharmaceuticals???

5 and a half year case??

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by forshow

well the lawyers did very nicely with that case.

In fact, it was hard to name any losers among the flock of elite, dark-suited attorneys from cities across the country who gathered in chancery court Thursday to finish the 5½-year-old litigation.

At the end of the hearing, attorneys for the shareholder plaintiffs – who brought the suit in 2003 to recoup losses allegedly caused by current and former directors – walked out with $13.5 million. The attorneys for the defendants maintained their clients’ innocence and will presumably be compensated by the company. King has implemented a host of governance controls and will add a few additional measures that, both sides argued, have improved its operations and value.

And the millions paid to the plaintiffs’ attorneys? King’s insurance is picking up the tab – mostly.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:36 AM
yer tell me about it.....

One thing, sorry this has really started to interest me... but what is the out come of everything that he/she is saying??

i know he predicated the dow down and other things. But what does it all mean..why are they all connected?

thank you justyc

[edit on 14-11-2008 by forshow]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by forshow

wars have to be paid for and technology has to move on for them to stay in control. war is coming.

the u.s. (and with it, the rest of the westernised world) has been sold out and is now being hollowed out as they're shipping all the industry to where it's cheaper. third world countries need to have infrastructures built to cope with it so they'll screw the investors of the large scale bridge-building projects over to pay for it (and their next project). they'll make a new enemy for you to hate and you'll be distracted by them and so the wheel turns round again.

reading through last nights log, (wish i'd been awake) r has got some very interesting things to say so i'll leave it to him to fill in on what happened yesterday.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:03 AM
like little oliver, freddie mac asks - can we have some $13.8 billion please? story
unlike oliver, they'll get it

meanwhile, the americanisation of china continues...175 more happy meal 'restaurants' to open in china. don't think riceburgers will catch on in the u.s. though.

this guy forgot to add 'of the u.s.' on the end of his statement...

Investor Wilbur Ross, who made billions turning around distressed steel and textile companies, said a Chapter 11 filing by General Motors Corp. or another U.S. automaker wouldn't work and might devastate the economy.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Who is the new enemy?

What kind of war?

Is the enemy us as in will North America have a war on its soil?

Are we going to have war on our soil with Obama as the leader or will it be in Africa???

Is this why Obama is POTUS? A move to bring Africa into the American fold???

They, Africa, refer to Obama as thier very own President.....

I am still somewhat in the dark over what is next...besides war.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:08 AM
New stuff on Enterprise Corruption...
Nothing ground breaking though.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Opening Statement of Chairman Bart Stupak Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee “Predatory Sales Practices in the Medicare Advantage Program” June 26, 2007

Opening Statement of Chairman Bart Stupak Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee “Predatory Sales Practices in the Medicare Advantage Program” June 26, 2007 Our hearing will examine the program known as “Medicare Advantage” which provides insurance options for Medicare beneficiaries. One of its primary objectives was to provide Medicare beneficiaries a wide array of managed care choices. However, the proliferation of private Medicare insurance plans has come at a price. Investigators forthis Committee have verified countless stories of deceptive sales practices by insurance agents who prey upon the elderly and disabled to sell them expensive and inappropriate private Medicare plans. These shameful marketing practices, targeting our most fragile and vulnerable citizens, are the subject of today’s hearing. As often happens in the process of our investigation - usually just before this Subcommittee holds a hearing - those being investigated make a changes in their practices to appear as though they are addressing the problems at hand. On June 15th, seven major health insurance companies – two of which are represented here today – voluntarily agreed to stop marketing one type of Medicare Advantage plan, Private Fee for Service Plans, in response to complaints about deceptive sales practices, includingforged signatures and the enrollment of dead people. Today we will explore how CMS and the insurance industry reached the pointwhere they had to call a moratorium on marketing the Private Fee for Service Medicare Advantage Plans. We will also hear about the real life consequences of fraudulent marketing practices. Unfortunately, many seniors are coaxed into plans that don’t adequately meet their health care needs. They don’t understand that if they sign up for aMedicare Advantage plan, they no longer have the benefits of traditional Medicare coverage. In some instances, the private fee for service plans being sold to these individuals result in reduced coverage and higher out-of-pocket expenses that seniors on a fixed income can not afford. What most people know about the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (“MMA”), is that it created “Part D” of Medicare and launched Prescription Drug Plans run by insurance companies. But what MMA also did was boost the payments to the insurance companies operating managed care alternatives to traditional Medicare, and call the private plans “Medicare Advantage.” Before MMA, the government was paying these private plans 95% of the cost of traditional Medicare. Now, we are paying them 112% to 119% more. “Medicare Advantage” is aptly named — it is richly funded to out-compete traditional Medicare. 1
Page 2
The launching of “Part D,” in combination with the boost in payments to “Medicare Advantage” plans has resulted in a dizzying array of choices for seniors and disabled persons. In Houghton, Michigan, one of the small towns in my district in the Upper Peninsula, Medicare beneficiaries have 54 Prescription Drug Plans to choose from plus 14 Medicare Advantage plans. And that is nothing compared to other parts of the country. For instance, in Miami, there are at least 57 Prescription Drug Plans and 55 Medicare Advantage plans available. A May 2006 report by AARP documented the problems faced by seniors sorting through this maze, showing widespread confusion and even anxiety over the new Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans. At what point does consumer “choice” become meaningless? When seniors and their families sit down at the kitchen table to figure out what health care insurance grandma and grandpa need, they should not have to hire an accountant to help them make the right decision Now we have a glut of private plans that end up dispatching fleets of sales agentsracing each other to get to the local retirement community, assisted living facility, or senior center first. We have telemarketers and insurance agents competing for commissions, prizes, and trips to Las Vegas based on who sold the most policies in theshortest time. These abusive sales practices under Medicare Advantage are very similarto the rampant sales problems witnessed with the launch of Medigap insurance in the1980s. The regulatory model which eliminated Medigap sales fraud should be applied to Medicare Advantage. As with the Medigap plans, plans should be standardized, statesshould be able to regulate Medicare Advantage companies and agents, and insurers should be held accountable for their agents’ actions. Our first panel will explore the extent of the problem and the consequences of deceptive sales. We will hear first from David Lipschutz, a staff attorney for CaliforniaHealth Advocates. California has had a lengthy experience with government managed care programs, and has often served the role of “canary in the coal mine.” We are especially grateful today for the testimony of three victims of predatory sales practices. Ms. Barbara Clegg-Boodram, a resident of Judiciary House in Washington, DC, home to a large number of seniors and disabled persons a few blocks from here, will testify on behalf of her fellow residents, Edith Williams, Mary Royal, and Grady Hammonds. Ms. Williams, Ms. Royal, and Mr. Hammonds were victimized by an agent who failed to properly explain the consequences of their enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans. Next we will hear from Kathleen Healey, the Director of the Alabama State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). SHIP is a national program in each state that offers one-on-one free counseling and assistance to people on Medicare. Also on this first panel is Mr. Lee Harrell, Deputy Commissioner of the Mississippi Insurance Department. Mr. Harrell will share with us some of the practical problems state regulators face when they investigate deceptive practices under the current structure.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

it is dated 2007 though so i don't think it is what he was going to announce though it may help explain it. have to wait and see.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:24 AM
Reinhardt says he has money, and he's all about making money, while still being "for the little guy" ...Yet his site is password protected, and he's jerking the world around on a chain.

Anyway, last night I couldn't watch the Patriots game, and do you know why? Because the damn NFL network is making football into elite entertainment only and is not broadcasting some games except on the elite "NFL Network" --Which goes against everything I posted earlier!

So from my perspective, last night I couldn't watch the Pats game and I also couldn't make sense of, or get into, Reinhardt's password protected page.

Locked out on so many levels I guess...

Maybe Reinhardt believes poor people ARE stupid. Certainly he himself will never be poor, with his Midas Touch? So is he really someone who has anything to offer the common man? What would he have done at his "meetups" except mock everyone for how stupid they are?

[edit on 14-11-2008 by smallpeeps]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by whiteraven

Who is the new enemy?

What kind of war?

Is the enemy us as in will North America have a war on its soil?

Are we going to have war on our soil with Obama as the leader or will it be in Africa???

Is this why Obama is POTUS? A move to bring Africa into the American fold???

They, Africa, refer to Obama as thier very own President.....

I am still somewhat in the dark over what is next...besides war.

R has just added one of his earlier journal pages on EC so we should be seeing some movement shortly. Otherwise, no one knows the answers - we can just speculate.

As for the new enemy and the war issue - I suppose R summed it up nicely when he once said, ''leaders of nations don't go to war with each other, their workers do''.

Therefore, with this, It makes no difference to anyone who the war is with - it will be bloody, people with die and the paperwork will be shredded. When the 'war' is over, the destroyed nation will be offered a handsome ''loan'' which they will not receive and will actually pay for US (et al) contractors to rebuild (and I suppose bridge) the infrastructure via public works programmes.

The rich get richer and poor get dead. What changes?

Countries currently getting assistance from IMF are based in Africa / South America and Eastern Europe. The focus will be in one of these regions with the West and East vying for attention.

As for Obama - he is not even in the ballpark in relation to the whole ''follow the money'' ethos. Africa may well serve as a huge morality play with aids / hunger etc covering what needs to be covered in the Middle East. Obama may be used to drive this play as a distraction.

The vehicle outsourcing may also pave the way for clean technologies and the parting of Americans and their gas-guzzling vehicles - someone not pay their protection money lately, I don't know.

Maybe the Vatican is forcing the money-issuing class to bridge the East and West - the only outcome of this surely is conflict on a massive scale - both need their skeletons buried anyway. The workers loosing their jobs to the East are future soldiers - any which way one looks at this, something has to give.

I'll post an interesting article later about the Vatican's ties in all this - something I have struggled to understand to date. I hope this makes sense to you - God knows, it makes little sense to me!!

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

get used to it - the password pages appear often when he does updates or removes things from the site or has a cooling down period.

hardly anyone has pw access that i know of, possibly ish or his tech guys but that's it. don't take it personally.

everything that has been on his site (with the exception of a few days worth of pages which i have copies of) is available on this thread and elsewhere if you look for it

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