reply to post by cheeser
I hear you. I would really like to
this thread but I won't beacuse it will not lead anywhere.
But let me add; you say, and the video says over and over; "the time of talk is over, now is the time to act". So, let's say I would like to act,
what do I do? Except turn off the TV that is. Where I live, public service is about the only thing worth watching and maybe that shows that the
society I live in is somewhat healthy. Does that mean that we have no problems with the alledged NWO up here in central Scandinavia?
What should we do next? Where to go, what to burn and who to kill? I say the time to talk about this has come to stay beacuse there is nothing more to
do about a hollow threat like the NWO.
I think that some time ago the idea about the NWO got screwed up; the idea that it is a certain group of people that are the NWO is false, fake and
unreal. The NWO is just a concept word for capitalism gone out of hand- utter greed and disrespect for the citizen, major corporations overshadowning
human rights and so forth.
To say that NWO has some sort of core of "elite" families is just to escape the truth- fear for what is really happening, lack of understanding the
corrupt systems that "rule" the world. It's a concept created by and used by the weak-minded masses who think that it is always possilble to point
a finger towards one fixed point or person. Well, it's not possible to do that. There are a wide range of people worldwide, all with their own agenda
and maybe that is why everything is so messed up- they can't co-operate, it's all a contest of who can own the most and control the most.
The problem is, and this is what all the NWO-mongers can't realize, that everyone is a part of it. Without consumers- that means YOU- there can be no
corporate dictatorship. As long as you keep buying stuff you furthur fule the flames of our eventual demise. Fighting some made up enemy just drives
us farther and farther away from the real problems. This is something like what the nazis did to the jews and what the conservatives are doing to the
muslims- turn your internal enemy towards a (mock) external one.
I think that if there was to be such a "world goverment" there would most likely be more oppression but also more order on this planet. No one-world
"communist" (stupid to use that word in this context) can ever benefit from this global chaos we are now living through.
And whoever said "now that they have all the trillions of dollars, what use do they have for the worker bees?" Are you sereious? That, I
won't go there, let's just say that I think you haven't really thought that post through. What the hell should they do with all that money then?
Eat it? My GOD that was a...not so good post!
So, you turned off the TV. Great. Now what? Stop eating food? Great idea. At no point in this video it is mentioned much about this "secret family"
part from that the queen of England and the Bush family are vaugely related. That would be the one defining fact that would make me rise at least one
eye brow... The video just gently caresses the issue but presents
not one single bit of hard fact. I can't believe how anyone can swallow this
crap. The only part that talks to me is the final one- that love and respect is the code of cunduct to be adopded by all. But it doesn't have much to
do with the rest of the video- which is also a trademark for bad productions, they can't even end it with a proper consensus.
And one other thing...hey, wait, I said I wouldn't flame this thread, now that is exacltly what I am doing. Better stop now or I'll go on forever
until this entire site runs out of space...