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Global Non Compliance! Fight the NWO! (VIDEO)

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posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 12:08 PM
I agree that this is very interesting, but i must say that this is very POORLY made and almost impossible to follow. for instance, the speaker does not leave even one second between thoughts for us to contemplate before moving on to another point. and the music is so annoying!!. so although i strongly believe in the content contained i must disagree that it is an "extremely well made" film. no offense intended.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by conwaylemmon]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 12:11 PM
[edit on 29-9-2008 by conwaylemmon]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 12:20 PM
I think many of you are missing the point. In fact, it seems, like you're choosing to miss the point. Listen carefully to what is being said. Do not hear what you want to hear. Hear what is being said.

The argument that the world is NOT overpopulated is a sound one. He used an example, not a suggestion. Why take it as that? He is saying, that despite claims of world overpopulation, EVERYONE on the world can fit on Australia comfortably in their space, AND it leaves the rest of the Earth unoccupied by man. Think about that for a second. He's not saying we should all pack up and move to Australia. He's saying, the human population can well be accommodated in this area and still retain our comfort zone. This means, that we have the rest of the world uninhabited. This means, that it is not the world that is overpopulated, it is the cities and towns.

And some of the arguments put forward by some of you are more rediculous than some of the things in the video you deem rediculous. I know for a fact, that the world's water supply is not low. Unless it's remarkably expensive to purify sea water, as well as water on the poles. Yet, many people in some parts of the world are starving for water. As a source of food...think about it...if the entire population can live on Australia, how much of the world is left for food? Think people. Now, let's try a different approach. Put the entire world population on 1 half of the planet and use the next half solely to cultivate, farm and breed animals. Still looks overpopulated? What about sea food? The sea is abundant with animal life...and I know very well it can more than feed the populace of this world.

Cloning animals is no longer science fiction either...that's another way of replenishing animal and food.
He is giving you an idea to think about. He doesn't mean to literally visualize what he says as the answer. It's to give you an idea of how the situation can easily be worked around.
The only real issue is power for vehicles. We all know what's happening with oil, but I'm sure there are other means supplying fuel for most vehicles.

You can choose deny things as much as you want, but to deny that the world is indeed run by a minute few is to live in ignorance, especially when the evidence and proof is out there. Don't take the guy's word for it...browse the internet. In fact, browse ATS. There are many topics on ATS that deal with this very thing, and many knowledgeable posters supply you with the links and sources that you need so you don't have to try very hard to find the info.

Money rules the world, and this is because we let it. Money by itself has no power...we give it power. You don't even have to look very hard to see what's going on. It's well known who owns the Federal Reserve of America...and that same identity owns Central Banks in many, many, many countries. Now, ask yourself...if it is one powerhouse that basically owns the finances of the world...what can they control?

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 12:30 PM
Non compliance would only work given special circumstances.. Non compliance, as we've seen Ghandi incite was perfect because the occupying force depended on the people of India produce goods for them. There was mass non compliance and the British couldn't afford the manpower or the upkeep of their occupational force and had to withdraw. They still had an incredible amount of influence after the withdrawal, but the people stopped from the Gestapo like behaviors of the British Empire by non compliance.

In Nazi Germany, imagine the result of those six million people that died, fighting tooth and nail for their freedoms and the freedom of one another. Germany would have been fighting a war in three fronts if those idiots had the balls to stand and fight. The handful of revolutionary resistance in occupied territories were fairly successful, while six million people went silently into the night.

If they come to you and say "Jump!" you'll say "how high?"
If they come to me and say "Jump!" they better get ready for the fight of their life.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by DeadFlagBlues]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 01:35 PM
I actually liked the videos. I think if your awake, then this just rings true to you more. If you want to, it's actually easy to look past the way the videos are edited, produced etc, and just listen to the points, and facts being made. It's easy to pick apart anything that we may not like, and by doing this i think we are starting to miss the point here.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by dodgygeeza


to save Humanity we must defeat the illuminati/nwo

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 02:16 PM
it looks like the "end game" is in full swing

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 03:40 PM

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 05:57 PM

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:06 PM
A good suggestion to get the word out without being so abbrasive and "in your face" about it is maybe to make little buisiness cards that say something simple like "Wanna Wake up?" and then have right under it....thats all. Make some cards and leave them wherever you go, trust me- The community here WILL grow.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:04 PM
I really like these videos, and the other videos he has on youtube..

I especially like that he is clear to point out that in each layer of the 'onion' there are people that are well intentioned and just as duped as everyone else.

edit to add:
their ideas on this "allies of humanity" is a little over the top for me tho..reminds me a lot of David Ike, the connections he makes are great and I think mostly right on..but imo the root of the 'evil' falls entirely on the human population, without any 'alien' influence.

[edit on 9/29/2008 by toepick]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 08:07 PM
ahhh great song to start off the video...sheep by pink floyd...awesome

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

on pt 2 at around 3:50 when it shows the nebula it says we could see clearly if regain our understanding of to universe and basically regain our connection with it. THAT is something i've been sayin for YEARS. long before I ever discovered this site I've said that the human civilization would be better off if we had thought more about our place in the universe and how really insignificant we really are but nooooooo we developed pop culture and we went straight downhill from there. I have always wondered if the Mayans, Incans, Aztecs, and the Greeks had that connection since they were astronomers of their times.
Anyway the NWO. I have a hard time believing it because of how far back it supposedly started, It is weird and if there really was an NWO how would they take over totally? Cause a nuclear war, go underground, come out when safe, and rule the ashes? srsly how can an NWO possibly take over the world any more than they have already, they control it behind the scenes but how will they do it if they try to bring it out of the back room

oh jeez they do plan to start a nuclear war! i missed that part about reducing world population by 80% OH NOEZ. that makes me wanna cry... I need to stop watching tv... I hate the news but family guy and colbert report are JUST TOO AWESOME.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by MoothyKnight]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
dbl post removed!

[edit on 29-9-2008 by MoothyKnight]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

It means that you wont have a choice when buying foods. For instance Milk - Now - You have choices such as Organic, With or Without Growth Hormones, Non-GMO, Vitamin D added etc... Once Codex is in place you will get Genetically modified with Growth Hormone and possibly mad cow disease.

Your Produce will all be sprayed chemicaly as well as genetically modified then radiated killing not only insects but all vitamins within making all foods you eat dead. So basically you will be fat from all this food but starving do to lack of nutrients.

If I could suggest one thing to everyone out there it would be to grow a garden - if everyone took this advice there woudln't be any starvation.

Best of luck to you all in the coming new year as for me im leaving the country.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:34 PM
S&F from me. While I learned nothing I didn't know already, it was nice to see it in such a concise, tight package. Excellent for spreading the word.

The Codex Alimentarius is something I have been trying to educate people on for a while. We MUST ensure that DSHEA, the law that says supplements are ours to decide whether we need, stays in effect. If Congress repeals DSHEA, we become "Codex compliant" and we cannot go back.

And if we become "Codex compliant," we will only be able to buy supplements that have 1/100th of an amount that shows any effect, because nutrients will be classified as "toxins!" We will be able to get suppliments by prescription, supplied by - yep, you guessed it! - the pharmaceutical companies! And at greatly inflated prices. What costs today $10 a bottle will cost $100 or more if we become "Codex compliant."

But truly, there was nothing in that presentation that was not truth.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by MoothyKnight
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Anyway the NWO. I have a hard time believing it because of how far back it supposedly started,

Read a book called The Gods of Eden. It is available in PDF on the web. Awesome description and research into the history of the families behind the NWO. Then you will understand the whole and see how it all started - and actually, it goes back even further - to Sumeria, and likely even before that.

It is weird and if there really was an NWO how would they take over totally? Cause a nuclear war, go underground, come out when safe, and rule the ashes?

No... Damage the surface, go underground, rule underground, and eventually, when the planet has cleansed itself, bring forth the controlled slaves from underground to repopulate - to a max of 500 million (see The Georgia Guidestones). There are huge underground facilities, and tunnels and caverns and on and on. They have patience, obviously. And they have what it takes to survive.

srsly how can an NWO possibly take over the world any more than they have already, they control it behind the scenes but how will they do it if they try to bring it out of the back room

Oh, lessee... How about a cashless society? How about deciding if, when and what you will become pregnant with (if you are a woman)? How about chipping every slave? How about being able to kill any slave one feels like with no repercussions? How about deciding what job any slave will do? How about being able to see what any given slave is doing at any given time?

I can think of a few things, and there's likely more.

oh jeez they do plan to start a nuclear war! i missed that part about reducing world population by 80% OH NOEZ. that makes me wanna cry... I need to stop watching tv... I hate the news but family guy and colbert report are JUST TOO AWESOME.

Maybe nukewar, maybe weaponized Avian Flu (or its ilk), maybe HAARP-induced quakes and severe weather, maybe robbing our food of nutrients so that eat as we may we die of malnutrition... Maybe all of the above.

They have plans, and they aim to kill us.

As for television... I was luckily raised without it (my parents could afford it, but didn't believe it was good for my developing mind), and now live entirely without it. Sure a few shows are entertaining, but I am better entertained reading threads on ATS.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:59 PM
One thing that stood out to me in towards the end of the third part was

It is far easier to fight for principles than it is to live up to them

to me that is profound despite its simplicity

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Actually, I think that the programs on tv are made to keep the people brainwashed as you say but not only that. The programs on tv are made so people make in their heads an image of a world wich is going worst than it really is, Maybe so they can use that as an excuse to explain the NWO. For a long time men have used the image of a problem that they have to fight together , like the global warming problem. people only talk about that, in the streets, tv , everywhere and when I ask my friends if they know about the iluminati, the bankers, even 9/11.... they just don't know anything but when i ask them if they've seen a movie they answer.... yea I've seen it like 3 or 4 times... thats maybe a vague idea of what tv does but its what i think.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by toepick
I really like these videos, and the other videos he has on youtube..

I especially like that he is clear to point out that in each layer of the 'onion' there are people that are well intentioned and just as duped as everyone else.

edit to add:
their ideas on this "allies of humanity" is a little over the top for me tho..reminds me a lot of David Ike, the connections he makes are great and I think mostly right on..but imo the root of the 'evil' falls entirely on the human population, without any 'alien' influence.

[edit on 9/29/2008 by toepick]

You're thinking one dimensionally, my friend. You're thinking through the process of civilized thought. Problem with civilized thought is... that it has been tamed. The very essence of all the information we think we know has been conveyed to us through a tamed medium in the form of limited symbolic and vocal cues known as language... I suspect that the very basis of all informational media becomes flawed because of this, and it in turn inhibits our ability to perceive all that we are able to.

I personally am aware in a somewhat general way at the moment that there ARE non-human influences at work here (examples are aliens, interdimensionals, demons, angels, djinns, whathaveyou...possibly all of similar origin, or possibly not). We can be skeptical all we want because it seems so ridiculous through our mode of civilized thought process, but I've gone over how exactly we could be allowed by the harmony of Earth nature to get to this point of threatening the very existence of this planet with our influence, and it's obvious to me that our behavior and our way of obtaining knowledge of existence is very controlled and viral in nature. The virus is a foreign pathogen that infects a living body and in turn uses its own components against it in order to propagate and sustain itself. I believe "civilization" is a macrocosmic manifestation of that same concept, just grander in scale. There is no other creature that we know of who has evolved here naturally that is out of balance with maintaining the natural rhythm of life. The world is a living organism in itself, and the lifespan of the world and the life on its surface is not at all that old. It is prematurely dying as a cause of infection from the "outside", in my humble opinion.

Think about our very un-harmonious behavior since civilization has arisen seemingly out of nowhere, when for thousands and thousands of years prior to the first known civilization, we were quite successful living with what we were given by nature alone... and we gave back in proportion.

We're the only ones so arrogant as to think that we are above nature, that it is justified that things we view as not us must be tamed in order to fit our concept of "right" and "wrong", through the eyes of civility. We're the only ones who see each other as completely separate and independent beings, which I believe is a notion completely indoctrinated on us from birth.

I've heard that, in some remote tribes concealed from civilization for ages in the forests and jungles of the world until relatively recent times, the peoples actually could not for the life of them understand the concept of "I". They viewed themselves as the same thing, and separation was something they had a great bit of difficulty comprehending. It was "alien" to their nature.

These are human beings, same as you and me... but untouched by what we call " human civilization".

I must ask the question... what did we know before we were taught what we should know? How did we perceive things before the concept of man Vs. nature arose?

Isn't everything we're taught exactly that? If we look around us and see the very shaky foundation on which all known information rests, why should we trust in our logic or our education on what is real when we're living completely out of touch with the logical and the real in the first place? How dare you (generally speaking) say you know anything?!

Food for thought...


When we create a vaccine to defeat a viral infection, we often use the same virus that created the disease, just in a weaker form... so the white blood cells of the body can learn and teach the rest of the organism how to make the appropriate T-cells in order to kill the pathogen.

I would suspect...since I strongly prescribe to the philosophy of "as above, so below"... that the solution lies in a grander interpretation of that analogy. Gently using the tools of civilization against itself in order to create the immunity needed to overcome the disease.


[edit on 30-9-2008 by dunwichwitch]

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