Hi Mates
Part of my 2 bob on these issues, not directly aimed at those here most so a vent towards those that make up these unkind of statistics the article
Australia is the ‘lucky country’, we have a damn good setup here - Socio-economically speaking its all taken care of for us.
You can be whomever you want to be – Schools, Unis, tafes, Colleges, Traineeships and Apprenticeships and the high cash resources sector
something for all minds.
Start a business - there are local small business development corporations nation wide that offer free seminars, support etc
Our healthcare system is exceptional on comparison to other countries, early childhood dental plans, medicare, PBS.
You have no reason to be homeless unless you are under 15 (and you don’t want to be a ward of the state, in foster care) or you choose to be
homeless due to your own vices – the Social Security system is too good,
We have space to breath, our Sunday newspaper is completely social, not like the US fear mongering media,
Sporting facilities in communities and towns
Sense of community in the rural areas etc etc
– actually please feel free to add more things….
The point being the majority of the populous really doesn’t have a lot to complain about.
Things might be a little ‘tough’ here and there, but it’s just not comparable with countries like Sth Africa/ Zim, Afghanistan, Iraq, US, UK etc
for government ruled oppression and social breakdown.
We have that many government sponsored community service campaigns, ads and announcements. WE are wrapped in cottonwool ffs.
Speeding Warnings
Drink Drug driving
Drugs/Alcohol use/abuse
Crimewatch / Neighbourhoodwatch /Eyes on the street
Keep Oz Beautiful Litterbug
QuitSmoking/Anti Smoking
Wear your seatbelt Truancy Watch
Cover your mouth when you cough with flu in public'!ffs common sense!?
Papsmears/Prostate/Breast check
Driver Reviver coffee break
Report TV ads we are offended by
Domestic Abuse - etc etc.
The caliber of some of these ads says a lot about our society’s err issues or lack of. Which brings me to the punch…
To those whom live in Australia.....
What do we REALLY have to be whining about?
Society is just a game we play until survival becomes struggle.
All we have to do is start thinking for ourselves and be who we want to be as honourable individuals. Instead 40% at least (according to article) are
missing the actual
'vibe' of what it is to live here.
It’s a unique place where worldwide cultures can live next door to each other and no one has the right to be prejudice/racist or any ‘ist’ about
another as we cannot say its OURS. It’s not like the convicts dumped here 200 yrs ago set about to create a history worthy culture with ‘ancient
traditions’ worthy of carrying on…No they didn’t, your chosen Way is as flexible as your imagination.
(For the PC record - Indigenous Australians believe this too – traditionally the oldest nomadic tribes in the world, to live symbiotically their
moves were determined by the cycles of the earth. We're all guests of the Lands seasons.)
Its sanctuary to all, who move here and all people have the right to live a good life.
I’m positive there IS more Goodies than badies here.
‘Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being’. - Johann Wolfgang von
*jumps off soapbox*
They all need to get over issues regarding what is not in their control and start influencing what is. AND lighten up!
Ahh I needed that vent, sometimes things get to me enough to get verbal.
[edit on 28/9/2008 by themuse]