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Rapture = FEMA Death Camps?

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posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:43 PM
I've read a lot of the posts on this forum about the Death Camps, the Collapse of the US Economy by 2008, etc.

What I'm wondering is if the "Redlist" Roundup of "Terrorists" aka Patriots IS the rapture talked about in the bible.

I'm trying to think outside the box here, you really have to do that when thinking about the NWO and the bible....

What do you guys think?

FEMA is gonna take millions of people, never give a reason etc.
So is the rapture.
They are obviously gonna take all/most of the Christians, and isn't that what the rapture is gonna do?
The bible says it will happen in the blink of an eye....
But the bible loves symbolism, it could mean a day or two.

I'm not a biblical expert or nothing, but I mean, it could make sense!


posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:57 PM
I think it's really a stretch, assuming that the Rapture is even going to happen at all.

I would think that they wouldn't even bother with most Christians. Although they like to think that they will all be pivitol in the "final battle," if you look around, most of them are so docile that there'd be no reason to persecute them all indivicualy. It was by and large the Christian voting block that put GWB in power and pushed us into the culmination of this mess that we're in.

They are obviously gonna take all/most of the Christians, and isn't that what the rapture is gonna do?

And why should this be obvious?

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:11 PM
Yeah that is true a lot of Christians will be docile, I won't be hahaha

Yeah I'm Christian, but I won't surrender until I am D-E-A-D. Unfortunately for me, I could get into A LOT of trouble for that, but ehh.... I'm a bit of a radical, I will admit.

I'd rather die of a bulletwound then being tortured for days/weeks before a extremely painful death.

One thing about this whole FEMA camp thing is... are they really gonna be able to get that many soldiers to round people up?

Don't you think a lot of them will see what's going on and refuse?

[edit on 23-9-2008 by NeverSurrender]

And another thought, the bible says it will happen "in the blink of an eye"
aka the President Declaring Martial Law...........

God, that thought made me GAG.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by NeverSurrender]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by NeverSurrender
Yeah that is true a lot of Christians will be docile, I won't be hahaha

Yeah I'm Christian, but I won't surrender until I am D-E-A-D. Unfortunately for me, I could get into A LOT of trouble for that, but ehh.... I'm a bit of a radical, I will admit.

I'd rather die of a bulletwound then being tortured for days/weeks before a extremely painful death.

One thing about this whole FEMA camp thing is... are they really gonna be able to get that many soldiers to round people up?

Don't you think a lot of them will see what's going on and refuse?

[edit on 23-9-2008 by NeverSurrender]

Honestly I'm a bit insulted by the idea you expressed in the OP that all the Christians are going to be the freedom fighters and I assume all the nonbeleivers will be going right along with TPTB.

It is sooo much grayer than that.

There are plenty of people who happen to be Christians but also see our liberties and human rights eroding and have sworn to fight the good fright regardless of the faith. They are carrying their banners alongside of people of every faith--even people with no faith.

The "battle" if you must think of it in that way isn't one to establish or eradicate one particular religion--though some may try to make it appear that way in order to expand or retain their own power.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 12:00 AM
I'm sorry if I used the wrong words, I didn't imply that all Christians would be freedom fighters - just that I knew I will be, either that, or a runaway XD

We aren't suppose to use violence to rebel. Tho I probably won't I WILL NOT hesitate for a moment to defend MYSELF.

I highly highly DOUBT a militia of any type will form, the NWO is just too powerful.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by NeverSurrender

Jesus describes the rapture in Matthew chapter 24 as 2 women being in a field and one vanishes, etc. That is at an instance. One moment they're working and there and the next moment they have vanished. I think the rapture will be explained away as a mass alien abduction. By the time of the rapture, Christians will be so strongly hated that the rest of the world will say, "Good ridance" when they notice they're gone.

You can already get a sense of that hatred if you open your ears to it. It's already there, it just needs to be stronger to do something about "us." "These rediculous Christians - they want to insist that they know the only way and the only truth and we just can't have that. Throw them in prison or, better yet, just kill them and be done with them. They're useless." I can already hear it playing out.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 12:50 AM
Yeah I am aware of what the "Mainstream Rapture" is gonna be.

But again, I stress that I prefer to look at things like this from every single angle, even the ones that don't completely add up.

Anyone else?

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:16 AM
I found this on youtube which fits in to what you are saying.
I dont know if anyone has already posted it....but anyway:

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 07:29 PM
"Christian" is a big word to be throwing around here. There are people who claim to be Christians, and there are people who actually are Christians.

Those who claim to be Christians are the ones who worship the image of Jesus. They won't be going anywhere. And then there are those who actually follow the path of Jesus. Those are the Christians in question here.

I mean, you don't seriously believe GWB is a Christian do ya?

As for being rounded up and killed etc. That is supposed to happen after the rapture. I think believe the closest thing would be where they try to make Christians denounce it and "join" them or face death.

[edit on 24-9-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
I mean, you don't seriously believe GWB is a Christian do ya?

As for being rounded up and killed etc. That is supposed to happen after the rapture. I think believe the closest thing would be where they try to make Christians denounce it and "join" them or face death.

No I know for a fact GWB is not a Christian.

And yeah well, I guess the rapture should be on the news any day now :\

Of course people have been saying that for years and years, but honestly, we the people of today have A LOT more to bitch about then the people back in the fifties did. I look at the situations they were in and laugh and say "YOU THOUGHT THE WORLD WAS GONNA END BACK THEN HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

The RFID chip wasn't even around and they thought the government was gonna spy on them with..... tatoos?


posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by NeverSurrender

The people saw it happening back in those days because it was working towards it. Giving people a social security number for example is the first step toward giving everyone a unique number to be tracked by. So when people saw themselves being numbered, they could see what was happening. Which btw, the SSN was optional when it was introduced, unlike today when you have no choice.

Then you have the bar codes. Which is the next step where the people could see their numbers being tracked. While the barcode itself is "crude" in today's terms, there was still a system being built in the background to track and do things based on these numbers. Which is another step. This allowed centralization of the number. Where they could actually turn off people who didn't go along, and if all sales were done based on that then you could make it so nobody who didn't have it couldn't buy and sell. However tatoo's themselves often fade and would be problematic.

Next comes credit cards, which gets people to move towards a cashless society. This is part of the previous step really, as they come about the same time, but this part actually happened.

Now we can see a way for it to all come together with RFID.

It is called the Great Deception. So you couldn't do this stuff overnight. You have to take baby steps. If they tried to introduce all the stuff 50 years ago, we would have had a revolution for sure. But people are slowly being moved towards it. It's like boiling a frog, put him in hot water and he jumps out. Heat the water up gradually and he sits there.

What the whole mark of the beast stuff is really talking about is economic slavery. Which is one of the biggest sins of the bible. And over the past 100 years we have been pretty much economic slaves, but it's come very slowly. Just like these government programs. 100 years ago they would have had a fit. But slowly we have been conditioned for it, and we have people now who actively praise it like it's all good.

Those people were merely on top of things much like a good bit of us are today. They understood the philosophy of it, and could see the temperature of the water heating up.

The bible talks about it happening on a global scale. The same principles can and have been happening for awhile.

But what gets me is that this kind of technology wasn't even remotely thought of back when this was written. Imagine trying to explain a TV to people 2000 years ago. Or cell phones. Even 200 years ago they would have thought you were nuts or talking about magic.

They say the Antichrist tries to become and take the role of god. That is exactly what government is trying to do. They speak all languages, and want to know all that you do. All powerful to the point where nobody can touch them etc.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by NeverSurrender

" FEMA Death Camps"? Can you link to some info on this, this is the first I've ever heard of this.

The OP takes the assumption that everyone is familiar with all the conspiracies talked about in this forum and doesn't link to further info on anything.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:08 AM
I am leaning more towards the rapture happening (and that faithful remnant will go and be with the Lord) and then those who didnt go will be picked up for camps (Those who just say they are but are not ) Which would be a good cover for the Rapture ....the bible says they will need to be tried and purified and that some would go to prison etc .....these are those who just say they believe with words only (Their hearts are far from him )
I am pretty sure that those camps would wake a few people up ....

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:30 AM
I watched this video on FEMA and it seems to me you people are all fearmongers. Naturally, a civilization that grows at an alarming rate, has an alarmingly increasing crime rate and would naturally need to house said criminals.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:57 AM
Marie how many of the real criminals have they rounded up ?
It seems to be the other way around ...gang members etc are all out in the streets doing their thing with a rap list 50 pages long .......while check writers and pot smokers are in jail for 20 years ...

I do not believe they want criminals anywhere but on the streets because they will help provoke chaos (which is what they want in order to justify a martial law situation) remember PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION works pretty darn well for TPTB >

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
Marie how many of the real criminals have they rounded up ?
It seems to be the other way around ...gang members etc are all out in the streets doing their thing with a rap list 50 pages long .......while check writers and pot smokers are in jail for 20 years ...

The system isn't perfect, I know that, but that's because human beings are running it. News flash, the "government" is made up of these same imperfect human beings, even the ones at the top.

We're all pitted against each other on this planet but that's because we all see it as we're all pitted against each see the redundancy? If fearmongers would just let go of their fear for a couple of minutes and gather more information than what they have and try and accept more perspectives than just their own, they'd see the actual truth of the matter.

Those "prisons" being built will come in handy if there ever IS a crisis like the "bird-flu virus", AND when large groups of organized criminals are rounded up, where else are they going to put them? You don't think these large groups exist? The larger the population, the more tares grow with the wheat. You know the mortgage problems we're facing? There are people who went back to the homes they could no longer afford only to find it stripped down to the boards on the inside by criminals. When it happens in your neighborhood, you'll be happy to see the criminals rounded up and hauled away to the prisons, they need to spend some time in reflecting.

You people need to relax. No one is coming after you just because you believe in Jesus. That's a fear tactic used to purge the earth of the mentally ill.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Marie I guess you do not read the bible then do you ?

Because it is pretty clear that many will be arrested etc ..
Luk 21:12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute [you], delivering [you] up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
Also it says this
Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, [saying],
Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

I agree we should not have a spirit of fear fact I am just the opposite ..I am pretty much ready for whatever takes place ..I am ready for it all to just come down and get over with makes me nervous but I am not afraid .

[edit on 25-9-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by mmariebored

lol classic. In 1 minute you are telling us that people are crazy, it's just people being imperfect.

And then the next minute you are telling us that there are a large amount of criminals out there who need to be locked up.


I don't even really know about the FEMA stuff. This is just speculation, and talking about how the things in the bible COULD come true. It could be completely wrong. If I am wrong though, then I have nothing to worry about, nothing will happen and it will be all good.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
Marie I guess you do not read the bible then do you ?

Because it is pretty clear that many will be arrested etc ..
Luk 21:12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute [you], delivering [you] up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
Also it says this
Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, [saying],
Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

I agree we should not have a spirit of fear fact I am just the opposite ..I am pretty much ready for whatever takes place ..I am ready for it all to just come down and get over with makes me nervous but I am not afraid .

[edit on 25-9-2008 by Simplynoone]

I've read the Bible my whole life. It's not a matter of reading the Bible, it's a matter of believing every word is true or not. I do not believe every word in the Bible is true. I believe half of it is lies.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
reply to post by mmariebored

lol classic. In 1 minute you are telling us that people are crazy, it's just people being imperfect.

And then the next minute you are telling us that there are a large amount of criminals out there who need to be locked up.


I don't even really know about the FEMA stuff. This is just speculation, and talking about how the things in the bible COULD come true. It could be completely wrong. If I am wrong though, then I have nothing to worry about, nothing will happen and it will be all good.

You read what you wanted to read. Let me try to put it MORE clearly: with the increasing problems in our economy and the increasing number of people living in our country, naturally, the number of criminals would increase, don't you agree? That is common sense. Not to mention the other reasons I already mentioned. To add to that, there ARE a fastly increasing number of people trying to get into our country illegally. It's like too many people trying to climb into one lifeboat, the lifeboat's going to sink, is it not?

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