posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 05:00 PM
Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
Though from what I understand their love of milk is quite real as it used to be said to leave a bowl of milk or cream out to curry good favor.
Hey, that made me think of the Indian statues phenomena drinking milk, oops
See, the first picture Jayvis, I really don't know what to make of it. Where I see what you're saying, and yes, it does look like how you describe
if you really concentrate, I also don't concentrate and see either a desk or chair in the dark with what could be a hat sitting on it?
I'm a little on the fence with this, however if it were me in your position I'd be crapping a brick. The whole idea of some froggy being with a
menacing tune doesn't exactly have me wanting to be going to bed lol
But also, while on the subject, I am swerving to agree with those who, for example, are saying it probably is Paranormal phenomena, but by sounds of
things it is stemming from a Psychological source.
It does seem like you're avoiding speaking about any bad 'times', and I don't expect you to, but have you? Any life changing experiences? I have
no idea, I'm not as clued up as a lot of people her asking you q's!
or what about an imaginary friend, have one of them as a kid? Just a
Whatever it is, I hope you sort the problem out
take care!