posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 04:11 PM
After writing this post, I know it's long but please just take a few minutes to read it before seeing the pic and judging for yourself... thanks.
I've been reading these boards for about a month or so now I KNOW THERE ARE EXPERTS HERE THAT CAN HELP MY PROBLEM.
Brief back-story about me: I'm a 20 year old atheist, evidence-loving skeptical who is going to law school because I love solving problems in a
rational way.
So, lately things haven't been going so well in my life. I'm very stressed out with school, and I have lots of anxiety and nervousness usually
around midnight, or a little bit before, and it only lasts for a few hours. I am a night person, so 11 PM-2 AM is usually my favorite time of a
24-hour day. I do a lot of things during this time. A week and a half ago, I chose to go out into my backyard and drink tea. It was about 11 PM. I
have an herb garden that I'm nurturing and the like for cooking. It was one of those darker nights out, although not a very cold night. I remember
wondering why it was colder in my house than outside. I sat on the porch steps, sipping my warm, hot tea, and as I did, I was shocked to find that my
inner thoughts started to become increasingly loud and uncontrolled, as if ten of me were talking loudly in my head at once, the volume increasing,
pain in my head becoming violently apparent. At that point, a weight fell upon me of anxiety and fear. I don't recall so much of what I did in
specific, but I ran inside and fell onto my couch in my living room. I have burns from spilt tea on my arm and fingers, and it hurts to type (but I'm
a nerd, so I puts up wiff it).
I held my eyes closed, face dug into the couch pillows. The clammer began to stop slowly, and I started being able to understand my thoughts again.
This image underneith my eyes, in my head. It's white, not terribly vivid, but the shape was very well burned in and defined. It looked like a
floating mask, almost shaped like a frog's face, with a long, tall, white body that had arms that extended down probably two times longer than a
human's. It's legs? It had no legs... it was... like a torso that extended down the legth of a normal body, as if it grew out of the ground. I
focused on the image for awhile, not immediately making notice that it was anything more than just a shape. I opened my eyes, and like as if you
stared into a light-source for a minute or two, the image, burned, still floated in my view. However, unlike a normal light-burn, it almost seemed to
attach itself to the ground when I looked at the ground, or sat on a chair when I looked at a chair. It went away after a few minutes. That night was
a terrible night. I was seriously so scared, I didn't sleep a wink, and didn't want to. I had work the next day; nothing seemed right. Every hour or
so, I'd catch a quick glimpse of that burned-in figure. I tried not to think about it.
I came home from work and tried to study. No concentration. I thought maybe it was because I was hungry and tired... I just felt so drained, but I
guess that's natural when you don't sleep a night with the work load I face every day. I walked to the kitchen, which is two rooms away from where I
study. It passes through the living room where the sliding-glass door to my backyard is. I gave it a brief passing glance, the thought of what food to
make for myself providing me a brief distraction from the events that transpired a night ago. What? My eyes caught a figure. Out on the porch steps,
from side view... The mask! The frog mask! It floated there, like a mirrage, wavering and not staying the same shape. No #ing way that's real. I
dejected it. I killed it with pure mind power. It blurred out of existence. I successfully forced myself into a state of denial. The image in my head
of what I saw seemed like a bad UFO sighting... it could be anything... but I didn't want to go to any length to see what it was. I passed out
shortly after. I slept for 11 hours. It was... awesom
[edit on 23-9-2008 by jayvis]
[edit on 28-9-2008 by alien]