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Reporter Warns Staged Financial Crisis Part Of Fascist Coup

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posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I'll ask this about any president in office - what can the president do without the backing of Congress?

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Originally posted by The Revealer

The source says it all as far as I am concerned. Alex Jones takes issue with every last breathing thing. He could find a conspiracy in a 3 Year Old charging him 50 Cents for a Lemonade, when the "Market only calls for a glass at 35 Cents".

Why do you bash Alex Jones?!?! Are you some sort of Zionist (NWO) troll? He has predicted a lot of things on his program, such as 911 and the currently stagged financial meltdown. You are more than welcome to call in to his show if you disagree with any subject he is discussing, in fact if you disagree your call will go to the front of the line.

He has had many experts on his show over the past few weeks such as Bob Chapman of This man knows his stuff when he talks about the market. He was a stock broker from 1960 to 1988, owned a brokerage firm for eighteen years (and was probably the biggest gold and silver dealer in the world at that time) he belonged to the traders association for twenty five years, from 1962 to 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares, and many other respectable achievements concerning the financial world. This is just one example of the many fine, patriotic individuals who appear on his show.

You might want to actually sit down and listen to the Alex Jones show, instead of making childish and arrogant comments such as the snide little quip about the glass of lemonade. He has a show streaming 24/7 on Have a nice day...:@

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 07:21 PM

AS PER NORMAL,,, SIT AND WAIT, AND DO NOTHING...except open another can of BUD??.

HAS ANYBODY EVER WONDERED, WHAT BANK HOLDS THE Bush fortune, ???, The Rockerfellars???The Rothschilds??? What makes their money so safe and the average JOE's so UNSAFE?????

After all, it's only money, daddy, (Elvis Presley to his dad Vernon when buying a car for a woman fan he had just met)....(as long as you got it and it's worth somethin, right?

Capitalism has proven that the system does not work..for the average hard working citizen... The reason the bail out is needed is to test the waters of just how afraid the American public is.and whether they've actually had enough of CAPITAL IS ....MM..........

BUSH has decimated the USA, using 9/11 as his first excuse..the most stupid stooge president ever and he was voted in again and may want to go down in history as THE LAST PRESIDENT!!!!!!!

We may not survive him as a nation, if elections are suspended....

Evil thrives when good men do nothing... (or women in this case)...

God Bless America..

Regards from Hayden, from Missouri, presently in London, England..

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

The true responsibility for the mess we have today does not lie with regulators, (like we need more of that), nor lenders, (They are just doing their jobs the same as you or I), but with all the people who bought houses they couldn't afford, with money they didn't have. Once again, the ultimate problem with Americans in general is the notion of entitlement, and a complete lack of personal accountability. They should have read the paper that says their ARM rates could go up. But they didn't. The man that sells you the gun you use to shoot yourself in the face is not responsible for the act you commit. What I keep seeing on this website is a lot of people who are so afraid of gov't and conspiricies (sp)? and control, most importantly, but they blame regulators and businesspeople for the problems we face. And then they want more or better or some regulation or control. None of it makes any sense. Let the companies bail theirselves out. They are the ones that got greedy and got caught out. At the same time, let all these forecloseures go through. It's the homeowners fault they can't pay the rent.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by AGENT_T

Have any of you thought about asking for your share certificates in all these bail out companies,since it's your own tax money that is being used?

The problem with that little solution, besides the chuckle from the international banksters behind the curtain, is they would only find a way to dilute the shares to subpar rate while shorting the stock all the way down the financial death spiral and cover those shares with a carefully timed press release.
Look, I've been involved in the finance industry for some time now and the system is run the way it is because 'that is the way they want it'.

It is up to the people to CHECK their politicians (aka. your Congressmen and Senate) and to examine whos pulling whos strings here.

These international banksters (people here on ATS seem to have learned this) are the master at the helm.

Not only do they own most of the gold on the worlds central banks and set the price of gold, (till recently, Rothschild suddenly put down those reins cause hes buying all he can now), they also control the worlds supply of currencies in all G8 nations.

They also own majority share ownership of most of the worlds gold mines, diamond mines, oil companies, and every other important commodity in the world today!

They also own majority share ownership in the worlds largest defense industries and intelligence software/hardware companies.

So now they own the worlds business/economic infrastructure. They have realized their NWO and one world govt. All they have to do now is create the Amero currency, then combine the Euro and Amero currencies for a ONE WORD currency and there you have it....World domination. They own the worlds resources and supply the worlds currencies.

Lets see was Rothschild that once said:
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, quotes about Rothschild:
Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.

Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, quotes about Rothschild:
I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.

When one controls the SUPPLY of a product be it gold, money, diamonds, oil etc., due to having an monopolized interest in these industries, they control the world.

Most of the world is unaware of this.
Someone needs to wake em up before they end up in surfdom with BIG brother watching and virtually watching your every move.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:07 PM
One final note here.

The way these international banksters hide there investments (names) are by wrapping their family trusts into shell corporations in order to hide their true identities. They then further protect their investments (monopolies) by stashing them in offshore bank accounts with 'quasi-legal' confidentiality clauses protecting the revelation of the true owner.

It should not come to a surprise that they are going to so much trouble here is it?

They hide their identity to control an entity from behind the curtain. The fall guy has always been the executives who usually pay a small fine, admits no guilt, serves probationary period and then gets off scot free to repeat the same financial crimes again and again.

Their paid off or owned legal firms/justices see to this at once.

There powers to date have become so enormous its beginning to eat them from within. As always they got too greedy and aggressive and now 'their' empire is in jeopardy.

Why? I honestly don't believe the American people will put up with this scheme once they realize the full extent of what I'm talking about here today. They can always create a Revolution. Many ways to do that nonviolently or violently if necessary.

You may have to fight for your rights here fellows.
If this 700 Billion bailout bill passes, your rights pass as well because you all will now be in financial servitude in perpetude.

Ron Paul? where's that Revolution we hear about?

Someones got to stand up and fight for there rights.

Not everyone could be so sheepish now could they.

We'll see one way or another.

Sorry fellow Americans, I bailed out in Central America where I have discovered some new found freedoms and not too many 'statutory' laws either.

In the meantime I'll be a fly on this wall, pulling for the American folk, not folklore but good ole Americans from the heartland who know what this country was/is all about.

Just say NO to fascism.

I can't stand by and watch my neighbors battling each other in a police state under constant patrols tossing undesirables in REX-84 camps.

I can't imagine the American people will put up with this much longer once they are AWARE of what the hell is actually going down here.

If there is a Revolution, I'll bring my musket and lots of powder too!

[edit on 25-9-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:09 PM
Because Alex Jones is a BIG MOUTH idito who does nothing but spread fear and lies and paranoia. He is the little mans version of Bush but on a different levelt and in a different arena.

Dont believe ANYTHING that guy spouts. He is true DIARRHEA of the mouth!! Especially with the bull horn LOL. What an idiot. He has to be one of the biggest spreaders of fear thats out there.

Why do you bash Alex Jones?!?! Are you some sort of Zionist (NWO) troll? He has predicted a lot of things on his program, such as 911 and the currently stagged financial meltdown. You are more than welcome to call in to his show if you disagree with any subject he is discussing, in fact if you disagree your call will go to the front of the line.

He has had many experts on his show over the past few weeks such as Bob Chapman of This man knows his stuff when he talks about the market. He was a stock broker from 1960 to 1988, owned a brokerage firm for eighteen years (and was probably the biggest gold and silver dealer in the world at that time) he belonged to the traders association for twenty five years, from 1962 to 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares, and many other respectable achievements concerning the financial world. This is just one example of the many fine, patriotic individuals who appear on his show.

You might want to actually sit down and listen to the Alex Jones show, instead of making childish and arrogant comments such as the snide little quip about the glass of lemonade. He has a show streaming 24/7 on Have a nice day...:@

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by candide
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Despite Clinton strengthening CRA, it originally came into effect in 1977. Over half of modern sub-prime loans come from mortgage companies beyond the reach of CRA. In fact, you may notice that lenders have not pointed a finger at CRA because there has not been a significant default rate for this class of loan.

Geee, thanks for pointing this out...The ins-n-outs of financing was all pretty new to me until I started reading this thread. I've been doing some research lately, but not finding much that really led to anything practical on a personal level. When you mentioned the CRA, I started doing some digging & found a bit of real practical information that would apply to me personally: I understood pretty much all that's been posted here so far & I wound up finding Monthly List of Banks Examined for CRA Compliance & I now know which bank I'm switching to in my local area!

Originally posted by sos37
I'll ask this about any president in office - what can the president do without the backing of Congress?

If there's any faith at all left in the Constitution (of which it seems exists in very small proportions in the government), just a read through Article 2 will describe what the Executive Branch can do and, even more importantly, what it cannot do.

Each Article (specifically Articles 1-3) delegates & describes what each delegated Powers each Branch of the government is allowed...Under expressed, specified restrictions. The rest of the Constitution also describes overall government Powers and limitations & is capped off with the Bill of Rights to express an incomplete list of the government to defend & uphold above all else. The Bill of Rights is worded expressly to deny government Power over any of those Amendments & the whole document is still a living document that has been expanding...For example, numerous times in American history, the US Supreme Court has been adding expressed Rights that never appeared as part of an Amendment, such as the Right to Travel Freely, the Right to engage in a Lawful Occupation to earn a living...And one that I consider to be very important, that the citizens' exercising of their Rights can never be converted to a crime! In fact, the only real limitation on the exercise of any/all Rights is that no one is allowed to violate the equal Rights of others in the doing!

BTW, I'm starting to see too much political bashing over Alex Jones & it's beginning to derail this thread. It's also on the verge of spilling over into other violations of ATS policies...Tone it down or the perpetrators could easily wind up banned. I'm no Mod, but this is just a friendly warning of the potential consequences here...

[edit on 25-9-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:27 AM
Does anyone remember the S & L scandal ?

Who but John McCain was right in the middle of it.
And it only cost the tax payers 2.6 Billion dollars.

Read up on the info about this outrage or refresh
your memory at...

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Wall Street's Man in Washington

By Harold Meyerson
September 25, 2008

This past winter, when American banks were already scrambling for capital, foreign investors came to their rescue. Last November, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority put $7.5 billion into Citigroup. One month later, Merrill Lynch sold $4.4 billion worth of new stock to Temasek Holdings of Singapore, and Morgan Stanley sold a $5 billion stake to China Investment Corp. In January, Merrill Lynch issued $6.6 billion of preferred stock to Korea Investment Corp. and the Kuwait Investment Authority, among others.

These far-flung buyers had one thing in common: They aren't private concerns. Each is a sovereign wealth fund, investing its national treasury's money -- its citizens' money -- in an effort to help out the hemorrhaging banks of Wall Street.

But these were not charitable outlays. The citizens of Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China, Korea and Kuwait got something in return for their treasuries' aid packages to American finance. They got stock. They got an equity interest in those banks.

These may not, just now, seem like the shrewdest investments ever made. Still, all those East Asian and petro-state citizens will probably reap some long-term profits if their treasuries hang on to those shares in Bank of America-Merrill, or Citigroup, or Morgan Stanley and Whomever It Merges With.

Which, sadly, is more than can be said for American citizens in the deal that Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson brought down from his Mount Sinai penthouse over the weekend. In Paulson's plan, the American public pours at least $700 billion of its money into purchasing the bad loans on Wall Street's books and gets -- well, it gets the thanks of a grateful Wall Street. It does not get any equity in return. To receive a return for their investment, Americans would have to become Chinese or Kuwaiti or Abu Dhabian; they would have to move to some country that accords a little more respect to the public's claim over its money.

During past financial crises, Americans did get something in return for the assistance their government proffered to Wall Street. As my American Prospect colleague Robert Kuttner has noted, when the Depression-era Reconstruction Finance Corp. (a bipartisan creation -- Herbert Hoover started it and Franklin Roosevelt continued it) poured $35 billion into American banks and corporations, it often became a preferred shareholder in those concerns and appointed members to those companies' boards to oversee their operations. Other quids offset the quos of the Resolution Trust Corp., which handled the savings and loan meltdown in the 1980s.

In Paulson's original proposal, by contrast, the Treasury secretary would write plenty of checks, unconstrained by any balances. Not surprisingly, Democrats in Congress have countered with a set of proposals to subject Treasury to stricter oversight and congressional accountability, to provide more direct relief to beleaguered homeowners, to restrict the pay of executives at companies that dump their bad deals on the Treasury, and to provide the public with an equity interest in the companies that taxpayers bail out. Paulson has reportedly acceded to more oversight and some more help for homeowners but is still defending the rights of CEOs to pay themselves astronomical sums and opposing efforts to give Americans a share of the companies whose bad loans they are assuming.

On one Sunday talk show, Paulson dismissed the idea of reining in top executives' pay. "If we design [the bailout] so it's punitive and so institutions aren't going to participate," he said, "this won't work the way we need it to work."

That depends on your definition of "we," does it not? In recent years, Wall Street salaries and bonuses have soared as investment banks peddled ever more profitable schemes that enabled Americans to take on debt -- an activity of no discernable social utility and, in fact, of some peril

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:11 AM

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:39 PM
I'm just curious as to why isnt anyone noticing that the DEMOCRATS got us into this mess years ago during Clinton's term, by forcing banks to give mortgage loans to anyone that can stand and breathe, without checking their credit or even knowing if they would be able to pay off the loan! And lets not forget the numerous times McCain AND BUSH wanted to reform Fannie Mae and AIG and Lehman brothers but were BLOCKED by DEMOCRATS in Congress from doing so. Bush said we were heading into trouble in 2003. McCain said we are heading into BIG trouble in 2005, and no one listened. Now here we are, and the democrats still refuse to acknowledge the fact that its their fault.
By the way, another fun fact. Did you know that three former CEOs of Fannie Mae are advisers to Obama? Be sure to check the campaign donations from Fannie Mae and to who they all went to and how much.

And lets be honest. You all know that if there was a single Republican involved in this, that person would have been tarred and feathered and destroyed by the Obama News Networks and by every Democrat in DC. But as we see, silence. Democrats got us into this, now we want them to get us out?

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

The Democratic and Republican parties are both owned and operated by the international banking cartel. They have their own agents strategically placed within both parties to achieve their ends. Their lobbyists (AIPAC being the most powerful and influential) further achieve these ends. The lobbyists are the source of cash flow to ensure these ends are met.

Both parties need to be abolished so one may vote for another based on the other's clear plan for the future of their jurisdiction. Never put faith in parties. They are merely tools in the trade designed to divide and conquer a country politically thereby stonewalling any 'progress' while the banksters achieve their end of NWO.

Everyone go Independent without any party affiliation and you regain much of what has been hijacked within our Constitution, Bill of Rights and perhaps allow Americans to join together to ABOLISH the unconstitutional Fed. Reserve run by the same banking cartel.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:18 PM
Yes, this is a coup. Its being drawn out bits here and bits there...for instance, the debates will take place, but i dont have much faith in this.
I still say that there will not be any elections.
Within 2 weeks i'd say we will know where we really stand.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Yes, this is a coup. Its being drawn out bits here and bits there...for instance, the debates will take place, but i dont have much faith in this.
I still say that there will not be any elections.
Within 2 weeks i'd say we will know where we really stand.

Another one of your Predictions?

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 02:26 AM
HEY...Hello Americans...the Writing on the Constitution was saying " Government of the people, for the people and by the People" has been changed as "Government of the Banks, Wall Street and the rich people, for the latter and by the latter".

Nice aaaah ?

Plinius the Younger

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Because Alex Jones is a BIG MOUTH idito who does nothing but spread fear and lies and paranoia.

1. He does have a very big mouth
2. Your not paranoid if their really after you and if that realisation doesn't leave you at lease somewhat afraid your probably the idiot.

He is the little mans version of Bush but on a different levelt and in a different arena.

So basically his different? Well done genius.

Dont believe ANYTHING that guy spouts. He is true DIARRHEA of the mouth!!

Actually i do believe a whole lot he says as i figured it out from other sources. He could certainly say less and make his points but i wont let his personal failings prevent me from listening to what he has to say.

Especially with the bull horn LOL. What an idiot. He has to be one of the biggest spreaders of fear thats out there.

The biggest spreaders of fear , unlike Alex Jones, have access to the MSM and Alex isn't and could never be in their league however paranoid and irrational he may get. At least we can agree that the Bullhorn really, REALLY has to go.


[edit on 28-9-2008 by StellarX]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by StellarX

Stellar, great to see you back ......

keep up your good posts, they are badly needed on this forum , which is so full of ignorant and arrogant americans

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