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No time needs to be wasted on hearings as we already now have in writing, formally as presented to Congress, the intentions of this administration to nullify Congressional powers permanently, to alter Judicial powers permanently, and to openly steal public funds using as blackmail the total collapse of the US economy if these powers are not handed over. You do see how this is blackmail, do you not? You do see how this is a manufactured crisis precisely designed to be used as blackmail, do you not?
The other option, the one I have long prayed we would never need to even consider, is a total revolution. But, If Congress won't act in its own self-defense, in the defense of democracy, in defense of us - the people who have elected them to protect us from this very danger - then what is left for us to do? I don't want to see it come down to this, but I fear that it will. Put your party politics aside right now. We are in a crisis so dangerous that should these people succeed in their coup, your party affiliation will no longer matter, your American flag will be a nice collectible item of something that once was, and your version of God will be worshiped in secrecy because your freedoms will be owned by the few.
You are no longer Republicans, Democrats, or any shade of voter. You do not live in a swing state or a solid colored state. You are simply this: an American. That is the only side that matters. So call your members of Congress and demand, no, declare that unless they do their duty to the Constitution and to us, we will move to the streets - not because we want to, but because our founding fathers demanded this duty of each and every citizen in the face of such a domestic enemy. Demand - as is your right - that this bill be voted against and demand - as is your right - that the people plotting this treachery be held to account. We are either a nation of laws or we are no longer a democracy. Pick a side, because there won't be another time, another moment, another chance to be a patriot.
Originally posted by jackinthebox
Starred and flagge, but this isn't really news to me. The financial crisises (sp?) have always been staged. At least as far back as Napoleon and the Rothschild takeover of England's bank.
Originally posted by ninthaxis
What I find very mysterious about this whole banking crisis, is how all the banks had problems at the same exact time? That is ludicrous! There is no one that this many MAJOR organizations all HAPPEN to run out of money at the same exact time. No way, no how. And for this to make major headlines only now smells of an official cover-up. We were not hearing for months in advance how these companies were losing billions and could be bankrupt if something is not done. We did not find out until it was too late. These people had a responsiblity to their share holders and their clients and they got away with going under without informing those it mattered most too.
Originally posted by imd12c4funn
I hear the Treasury Secretary will aslo have the power to sell these bailed properties as he sees fit.
Most likely, right back to those who lost their a**.
Frineds in control of frineds losses, and friends repurchasing the same for pennies on the dollar.
If congress allows this kind of power to be controled by one man, the Treasury Secretary, then we are doomed.
These are exceedingly perilous times people.
Originally posted by CaptGizmo
Welcome to the next stage of the NWO's plan.....the "LAND GRAB"...because that's what this boils down to. And as I am righting this I am listening to the talking monkey GB at the UN talk about his favorite topic...terrorism With the global financial meltdown happening....he is talking about terrorism! ...when will the American people wake up and realize this is the biggest con game in history. It is nothing more than larceny....they should all be rounded up and hung in front of the capitol building in DC. Then of course have the Beach Boy's play a concert.